Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1922, p. 13

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THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1023. ; : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | TO SCATTER HIS ASHES Kate, at home ,and Mrs, Keil, West- | {and Thomas Tobin and sister, Syra- Western Man Who Witnessed |cuse, N.Y., called on friends last Sa'. T! checked. Was it engineered in || i order that some people could | | ders This In Will. ARE OFF HUNTING. for a big boom? We belleve so. i Saskatoon, Sask Nov. 8.--The hy - : Ay ap SURG, Ov ° | Thanksgiving Visitors Were Very TECK HUGHES Af INGER, body of William Francis Walsn, Numerous. Sell at very much higher prices. || gina recently, will be cremated. The |poy nr R. p, McKay, Toronto, will Buy - them. ashes will be buried at sea along |... uc: tne anniversary services in oh ohacont. decline Sive You 4 Io fala effect are contained in hls |yup..n io attending the Provincial goo adns York * ralsh Christian Endeavor Convention in market. Jaen 3 Young man, W wi saw Kingston. Many car loads of hunters v5 RUBBER, NEW HAVEN, graves beifig opened io perm © |passed through here towards the mgher stocks should go much He took a vow that the same fate [wy and brother . Arthur, want Vate wires to New York, ||Would never overtake his remains. |, =o... part. Miss Helen Sergeant, PHONE 821, way as Sromtiod ad valsh Jive Las returned to her home. up his will. His own ashes and those | Mary McCullough left on Campbeliford, has a visitor at the Corner Brock and King Streets, home of his uncle, William Miller. KINGSTON r brook. ON WATERS OF PACIFICO Mr. and Mrs. John Tobin, Chicago, | 'he recent decline has been Cemetery Excavation Or- |urday. acoumulate good mining stocks ahd many others are. expéoted-t |aged 67, killed by a train near Re- McDonald's Corners, Nov . 7. -- NEW YORK STOCKS with those of his wife. Instructions Knox church on Dec. 3rd. Miss Edna in the New W. PFD. construction of a canal in Ontar'o. week-end. Clifford McDonald, John Montrea] and Toronto. When his wife died last July theo)" hon ine summer {n the west : of his wife are to be taken on board Thursday to spend = few weeks in A McKINNON & C0 ship at Seattle and strewn on the Montreal. Mrs Hilton Beatty y waters of the Pacific. : The NEWS FROM ODESSA. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cle- | ment and daughter, Kathleen, visit- {Burial of Mrs. J. D. Thompson--A [eq Mr. and Mrs. Ally McDonald dur- Hallowe'en Party. Ing Thafksgiving. Other Thanksgiv- NOW la Odessa, Nov. Sav, and Nw; ing visitors were: Miss Iva Duncan, {Ryckman, Tottenham, are guests cf |Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawden, Is the Time to Get Your | pr jk. Mabeo and Mrs. Madee. Miss (Kingston, and Miss Sarah Sergeant, Watch or Clock Btella Graham, Sydenham, spent Sun- | Branktown. cow) -- Ss REPAIRED day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| pDayiq Geddes and a party of hun- : - ) Thomas Graham; Mr. and Mrs. Craw- | ters whom he was driving to Plevna, ford, Kingston, were recent guests hag a narrow escape from injury on Er : Rs h 3 of Mr. and Mrs. James Young. The |gaturday. The steer tt ° . . oe L. C. HEMSLEY [fs ma sm xem | oe) truer "he socrng sero Just outside your kitchen door a » an | | | days at their home. Max Kenyon, |q . For te- Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger Kingston, spent the weekend and a Sowa 22 ombus Kent Toriuse . 149 8ydenham 8t. | Thankegiving at his home. Just off Princess {| The Hallowe'en party in the town- At Sharbot Lake. : fly wa) Yes: Tuowday muti had a| Sharbot Lake, Nov. 2.--The wea- Your milk supply couldn't be any sweeter, an © fancy cos- [ther for the last few days is ideal : tumes afforded a great deal of amuse- | tor this séason of the yo although purer, or more rich and healthful than : ment. The music was furnished by |the hunters who have left for the St. Charles Milk "with the cream left in". nr Joolt's orthosis, Napauss. north will be wishing for a fall of f €CIpes Aire. Roy Graham returned Satur- |"the beautiful." H. Smith is busy at In fact i 4 i : ow day trom spending a week with her |nis new house. Mrs. H. McLean, En- act it wouldn't be as rich, because mest worl, savin, parents in Sydenham. W. J. Clark |glehardt, was a caller at Mrs. Mei- of the natural moisture is removed from : g and Thomas Stuart have gone on a (ghen"s and A. Hartman's Wednes- St. Charles Milk, which reduces it to the deer-hunting trip. They were accom- day. Mrs. Martin, Tichborne, at A. : OYSTER FRITTERS: -- panied by Iny Simmons and Mr. |Hartman's. Mrs. H. Martin is stay- consistency of cream. Drain twenty-five oysters Stuart, Wilton. Mrs. Albert Baker is ing with her daughter, Mrs. McNabb, ' : and chop fine. Beat two Visluiug fiend a Partatt's Bay. Mr. | Union hotel, here. W. Davis and And the supply wouldn't be as convenient, eggs; when light add one- a rs. es Wallace Stover and | daughter Nina, returned Tuesday af. | 3 in "a ei fourt It your sight is at fault, place your family spent Sunday a: Lewis Hart- ter spending a week at Trenton and | for St Charles put upia a Size for syeY er Cin caso in our hands and permit us to man's, Camden East. Charles Con- [walter Deline's, Newcastle. Mr. and need". Never too much or too little. water; then stir in a scant examine your eyes. Way is spending the week-end and (Mrs. Kimberly and Master Everest . : pint of sifted Sour: beat Thankeglving with his parents, Mr. [Davis went to Smith's Falls Satur- | A few tins on your pantry shelf ensure an ook. ult and We are competent and dependable in and Mrs. Conway, Sydenham, who day, returning Monday. W. Weir an always availabl suppl of fi h ilk fi sm at pepper Optical Science, and will help you to (are planning to leave shortly to spend |pride, Wolfe Island, are visiting at ay. t e supply resi milk irom is ne : uF in syne mew sight and visual comfort. the winter in New York. his mother's, Mrs. W. Kimberly's, choicest dairy cows. Your grocer always has lightly, adding one-hal The funeral of Mrs. James D.|Doranville. St. Charles Milk--give him rder fod teaspoonful baking pow- Trust Us With Your Eyes. {Thompson was held from her late . --HWv yourorder foday. der. Combine well, and : ¢ fry by dropping table- | ho last Wed day af o y » n : 8. pg Dixon A DEY 2 3eTcas. Rov. Adolphustown Briefs. : You'll find the Borden Cook-book a great spoonfuls into smoking R. ARTHEY, R0. [were piaced in cataraqui vauit to be | _Adolphustown, Nov. 7.--All the help. Send for a copy. It's FREE. Address lsd farmers who have not completed interred later in the family plot Mb mi VISION SPECIALIST the side of her husband, who ET their fall plowing are rushing while The Borden Company, Limited, Montreal. the fine weather lasts. Miss Edna Al- 148 PRINCESS STREET ceased nearly five years. To mourn the loss of a loving mother are Chris- lison who has spent the summer with her father, J. B. Allison, left topher and the Misses F WRC Pp anule 'and for the south last week. Mr. and i Mrs. George Hawley, formerly of CREAM FOR CATARRH Be ao 0 ay uusslay | ST CH AR LES M | LK : "OPENS UPHOSTRILS {| rer omen roe (oo iale NT + . : 3 : ~ s Splendid! Mrs. A. Baldwin, a daughter. Hawley's mother. Born, to Mr. ana ; Tells How To Get Quick Relief Mrs. F. Loyst, a son, and to Mr. and Pure Country Milk With The Cream Left In k from Head-Colds. y : tet tnt tcmcmettpinetietn Bom onsen A masquerade ball was held In 1 1 : " : In one minute your clogged nostrils ine parish hall Friday night. Wilkie ; x ; Will open, the alr passages of your |p anda returned on Wednesday head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, from Picton hospital, where he has eo blowing, headache, dryness. No |been for some weeks, taking treat. struggling for breath at night, your [ment for his broken leg. . cold or catarrh will be gone. The W.M.S. met at the home of FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL FUND en pie supper at the parsonsge on Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Mrs. W. Magee last Wednesday ai- Saturday evening. A large number 290-305 Q Street FROS I i) HON Balm from your druggist now. Apply |terncon. There were no services inlA Very Happy Evening in Mountain [attended and a nice sum was realiz- i THN Ne The Vacuum Cleaner 4.2 Die MOTOR OAR REPAINTING & little of this fragrant, antiseptic, [the Methodist church Sunday on ac- Grove. ed. Jeong oan In Jour nossa, It lcount of the anniversary services| Mountain Grove, Nov. 7.--The W. Hill has resumed his duties at The 8ame Superfine Lasting Finish N . Das conducted at Conway by Rev. A. |bunters have all departed for 'the [the station again after his serious Best . eapest--The Lustre The Mis-Can-Ada 18 8g aiiaks end. southes the inflamed J. Wilson, of St. Andrew's chure), |happy hunting grounds.' Hallowe'en illness. G. Coulter is assisting him The Is the Gh Lasts Napanee. Dr. Duffet is busy this {passed off very quietly. One of the [for a time. Mrs. Ernest Godfrey Is | rn mm. the last thing in Vacuum | iief comes instantly. i y . It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up | week gathering in the taxes. principal events being a soelal even- ili. Mr. and Mrs. Vanluven, Collin's Cleaners. with a cold or pasty catarrh--Relief ing at A. W. Thompson's. A large|Bay, are at J. French's. a Call { x ? comes so quickly. Al: Bunker's Hill. crowd gathered and a very pleasant B. Johnston, Elgin, is at Mms."M. CAKES AND ASTRY B 4t The Burke. Electric Co Bunker's Hill, Nov. 8. -- The [evening was spent in music and|W. Price's. A. Cronk at D. J. 343 30 Sus Dn Be a be ther has been fi h f es. Mr. and M Th C: k Miss Ethyl C t R. H WO! . t to our store. weather nm fine here for sev- |games. r. Is. ompson | Cronk's. 8 yl Cox al . Haw- . eral days. The cheese factory will|proved very excellent hostesses and {ley's. H. Price has secured a post- For something good try our CAKES and ¥ Burke Electric Co. Vaseline soon be closed. Mr. Maguire, of [a dainty luncheon was served and tion on the C.P.R. special gang. PASTRY. . ' Portsmouth, is in this city, purchas- [the proceeds therefrom was added to J. Hawley at J. Price's. Misses Snid- § CAMPHOR ICE ing some lambs. He killed some |the Sunday school"fund. er, Tamworth at«J. Card's. HOME-MADE BREAD A SP. ECIALTY, beet for Sanford Leeman, Mr. Crow-| The stork flew through this vicin- * oi der preached at Deyo's Corners last {ity on Friday leaving baby boys at| The Toronto Presbytery sustains F C H AMBROOK Sunday and delivered a fine dis: [the homes of P. Barr and C. Lock-|the call to Rev. George Parker, . . course. i a faint wood. The Ladies' Aid gave a chick-|M.A., Glasgow, to become minister | 15 BROCK STREET i at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, King street, Toronto. | Druggists of Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat relieved of selling liquor; Government dis-| soft. Its invaluable for Br Y - AE peasaries to Ali prescriptions. ell 0 WHIPPING CREAM Fresh every morning from Wil- lowdale Farm--the 'we can buy--at GLOVER'S ton, spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mrs. A. Plerce and small her Fi a : Sa oliutl {on lett) and | gt Horace Negus, who are truhdlin across the continent from the Atlentio | | |lo the Pacific. The men have taken 81 days to reach Toron- i {to from Amherst, Nova Scotia; they must complete the whole 3 ee nix months, Vegus went to France =s a bugler

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