Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1922, p. 11

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THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1922 SUFFERED SO From Heart and Nerves LIFE WAS A BURDEN st Mr. A. H. Lee, Beamsville, Ont, writes: --"I am delighted to let you know what I have to say regarding the good Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills did me. A short time ago I suffered with heart and nerve trouble, and was so bad I could not sleep, only about two hours each night. My heart was so bad I had spells when driving on the road and would faint away, and neighbors would carry me in from my wagon. I also took these spells In the night and during my daily work on the farm. My nerves were 80 bad I would jump out of bed, and was then compelled to walk the floor before I could settle down again, but ter taking a few boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I can honestly say I am a relieved man. I now feel in the best of health, In fact, the best I've been in for three ° years, and can do any class of work with pleasure where before life was & burden to me." Price 60¢c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by Phe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, or BURNS FOR SCALDS., CUTS AND BRUISES, FOR COLDS. COUGHS AND BRONe OMIAL AFFLICTIONS, FOR STIFF MUSCLES, SPRAINS AND STRAINS 0 MAN AND BEAST, THERE #8 NOTHING SUPERIOR TO THAT OLD SVRIED AND RELIABLE REMEDY/ D® THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL "Oh Mercy!" "How My Feet Burn and Callouses, Bunions and | pour out a cup of tea. GREY- THE INDIA ' NECKED CROW The gladness of everything?' "Sunrise and the bugles blowing In the morn so swee: and fair, 'Tig time to be up and going,' Caw the crows, who are everywhere," "I think I told you, Teddy," said Uncle Frank, "that the Colombo crow picks up the big liners far out at sea." iI was coming up from Singapore one {time and I had just asked the cap- tain how many miles we were [rom Ceylon, for we could just see the coastline in the dim distance, when and old crow fluttered into the rig- ging. 'Rather an early arrival," I satd, but the captain only laughed, |and a young lady standing near smii- |ingly remarked that the crow had probably called early to avoid tha |rush. There were plenty of the black |imps around before we anchored. Having met one at sea, the crow con- tinues the acquaintance and there are | very few places where he is not to be | met pulling off some piece of rascal- lity or other. I will never forget the Colombo crows and my carlier recol- {lections of them. I can still hear | them cawing as they used to caw |shortly after sunrise just about gun- fire and with everyone else asleep in the hotel, the crows were an unend- ing source of interest to me as they went about their rascally work. Di- rectly some servant opened a window the black rascals were on the look- lout for the chance of committing a | burglarly, Come On, Boys, Breakfast's Ready. Shortly after the daybreak the {room boy in the hotel used to come {into the bedroom and open the shut- iters, He would then place a tray by the bedside with tea, toast, butter and bananas, and before retiring he would say that it was eix o'clock. Naturally enough one would often doze off for a few minutes unaware that a pair of black sparkling eyes were carefully noting the fact from a roof on the opposite side of "he street. Finally one would begin thinking about the pleasure of a cold bath and with another yawn .turn to It would then THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. be discovered that someone had al- iready had breakfast. The toast would ibe gone, the butter showing beak [J marks, while the bananas would be |c on the floor and jhe milk upset. Mr. |} G. N. Crow had pulled off another burgulary successfully in those few extra nap that had been |f taken. It was impossible to fool him by pretending to be asleep. The flicker of an eye-lid was enough for |(t those wicked eyes to see. often seen them on minutes ters, and I once or twice saw a crow going away with a slice of toast, but I never actually caught them in the act of thieving. 1 believe that one crow calls the gang to breakfast, as very often they will get away with even the lumps of sugar in the sugar bowl. Thieving Everywhere and Full of Mischief. Not only around the hotels but everywhere are they thieving. The old woman, who sells '"appahs'" 'in the bazaars has to watch that Mr Crow does not drop on her basket of rice flour muffins or i' means no sales is food and no watchman, there is Mr, Crow quicker than it takes to tell A baby chick or a duckling are not despised as a bite by the way, and unless Mrs, Bulbul is on the watch she soon finds her eggs or young family missing. The crows are full of mischief too, and as Mr, Crow satls over the lake he will make a sudden swoop just for the deviltry of scaring On the seashore they collect in hun- dreds to diecuss crabs, prawns, and legitimate food, and the worms in the rice fields also taste good to them at times, but that sort of food is not as t sweet as the food that requires brain- work § get. Mr. Crow has as a high- flown name, of course, and it is "Co- rone splendens." The natives call him "Caca," which is an onomatopo- sic word. I will tell you what that |; means some other time. The Crow Has Many Enemies. "All the other birds hate the crow and they will chase him on sight if they are in sufficient numbers, but he has one small enemy that he is really ~~ oh Ea BILLY SUNDAY a the other day. AND MA SUNDAY. Photographed after they had called on President Harding Rubbers --Protect your health --Save your shoes --Keep your feet dry It's sound economy to wear, -- DOMINION RUBBERS for Fall and Winter. They are made in such a variety of styles and sizes that you can get the exact shape to perfectly fit every shoe. You might not get these good DOMINION RUBBERS if you ask 'merely for "a pair of rubbers". Always ask for them scared off. is a fighter from the word go and he verandah or on the top of the shut- |crow. kinds and in this respect he helps to keep disease away, which I think, Teddy, is about his only good point." It is the king-bird, who ust loves to get into a mix-up with a row. ' Mr. Crow is no fighter when t comes to a show-down and he puts on all the steam he knows how when a king-bird gets after him. he gun and dodge in time. He is great on garbage of all Uncle Frank tells a tale about devils tomorrow. Bavaria Now Has Fascisti Organization Berlin, Nov. 8.--Mobilization in Bavaria of "Fascist" similar to the Itallan order, was reported in des- patches from Munich today. Fascist] have adopted the grey shirt with white and red arm bands, and a Bwastika cross as their uniform. that morning for her. Wherever there [It was generally believed here that reports of a "Puasch' 'to be led by General Lud- endorfft were highly exaggerated, and that the Fascisti mobilization was responsible for the rumors. Bachelor Farmer Killed The planned Bavarian While Blasting Stumps Casselman, Nov. 8.--Adolphus Racette, aged 56, a bachel r the Htle grebo and making hor dive. | yet vont gouth * radian war re was in- stantly killed by the premature ex- plosion of a stick of dynamite while blasting tree stumps. A verdict of accidental death was returned by he inquest jury presided over by Coroner Dr. Boyle, of Caaselman. The opening of parliament has been postponed from November 20th to November 23rd. The King will ake part insthe customany state cere- mony. 10 DEVELOPMENT BY LIEUT JOHN R. Inwin U. S. AIR SERVICE. ( RESERVE) The | armers do not like the crow and he | is often shot although he is frequent- | Iy quick enough to see the flash from | Manning Doherty quite shares tha When he | 1 have |is dead he is buried, as even the low- 'he rail of the |est ot low will not eat the flesh of the |LoRD BEAVERBROOK GIVES THE OREDIT TO DOHERTY | | For Educating British Public, in Regard to Canadian Cattle Embargo. Dresden, Ont., Nov. recently expressed opinion of his col- league, Hon. Peter Smith, that to the former belongs the '"'whole cre- dit" for bringing the British people to a proper framé of mind in con- nection with the embargo on Canad- ian cattle. At a meeting in the new agricultural building here last night, attended by about 800 farmers, the minister of agriculture produced a cablegram from Lord Beaverbrock stating that Mr. Doherty it was who was mainly responsible for educat- ing the British people up to the pitch of action in the matter. The meeting was also addressed by Premier Drury, who dealt more briefly with the administration of the government and defended its expenditures stating that the outlay was not more than that of the last year under the Hearst administra- tion. > No Ground for Charges. London, Ont., Nov. 8.--"I believe Westminster hospital to be an ex- ceptionally well managed institi- tion," Dr. Belang said after his in- vestigation yesterday afternoon. .l2 also stated that he believed that there was absolutely no foundation to the charges. Mrs. Oscar Hammerstein, widow of the famous operatic impresario, has disappeared from her New York home after iliness and despondency. The Earl of Warwick is seriously fll. Lord Ludlow is in grave condl- tion following a fall off his horse. Between 600,000 and 1,000,000 immigrants were kept out of the Un- ited States this gear as a result of the three per cent. restriction law. me USE OF D. C. AND A. C. MOTORS It has already been pointed out that an electric motor is almost identical with a generator In structure, but its function is re- versed: it coaverts electrical power into mechanical power. It is important to have the motor suited to the kind of circuit on which it is to be used: ac. or dec, the right voltage, &c. Common voltages are 110 to 120; 220 to 240: 500 to $50: also for a.c. 440. Lower voltages may be used on battery circuits. A.c. motors, like generators, may be single phase, two phase, three phase, &c.; how- ever, in radio single phase is the rule, especially with small units. Dc. motors may have series, shunt, or compound excitation. D.C. SHUNT MOTOR~--If a shunt generator is used for charging a storage battery and the engine is cut off, the generator will continue to run provided the battery is large enough, but an ammeter in .electro-magnet. If the wires + the circuit shows that the current has reversed. The battery is dis- + A Herald-Sun Feature, Commie charging and the generator fis running as a motor. The actior is explained by the fact that when a current is sent through a con- ductor in a magnetic fleld there is a force that tends to push the conductor across the fleld. The left hand rule, already explained, gives the directions. Consider the simple loop in Fig. 1, between the poles NS of an apd -- are connected to a source of direct current the iron will be magnetized. At the same time current flowing in the direction of the arrows in the loop causes a force toward the front In the con. ductor near the N pole and . force toward the tack in the conductor near the S pole. The loop turns. The effect of the commutator is to make the rotation continuous by making the proper connection to the conductors as they come into place. ! (Continued in next issue.) Principle of Shunt Motor APPARATUS DEVICES By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER HONEYCOMB THREE COIL MOUNTING The illustration shows an excel- lent mounting for honeycomb or duo lateral inductance coils. The control handles is the feature of this type, permitting & very delicate system of idjust- ment not usually found In coll mountings. This feature keeps the |back of the panel.' 3 . A Herald-Sun Feature, operator's hand away from the coils and prevents uny body ca- pacity effect. It is finished in pol- isbed bakelite and ma es a -hand- some appearance. The coll ter- minals are connected direct to six standard binding posts on the, = Oy name -- 485 meters wavelength, bo § p.m.--Produce and stock market | 12.45 p.m. -- Weather forecast on 8 --Hon. | OUR FULL RANGE OF SKILL CRAFT FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS AND OVEROCOAT- ING8 are now here and comprise all the Latest Patterns and Oolors The overcoatings are par- ticularly nice, apd with the new 1-4 lining of fan silk or Skinnoe satin, Hore Kimono or set-in sleeves, Fancy military buckles and buttons or the plain ivory buttons, and made easy-fit- ting, are 'Gar- ments that it is a pleasure to wear, A wide range of Scotch Home- Spun are shown this season, and is very popular ---with particu- lar people. An Skira pair of ants with eve Br ry We will be pleased to have you call and look over this display FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nov. 10-11 COLLIERS vir Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing 214 Princess Street JOHNSTON ~=WARD MEMBERS MONTREAL STOCK BXCHANGE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Bibby Block, Kingston Toronto Moncton, N. B. i Sydney, N. 8. St. John's, Nfid. DIRECT WIRE CONNECTIONS, London Halifax, N.S, Sherbrooke Prepared Bitinumous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and Ranges $15.00 PER TON SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 1656. UP-TOWN OFFICE: Mc¢GALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811. We are now fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Clasg Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 6545. QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office} Car Washing, any type .. Gasoline and Oils for Sale. Distilled water always on hand. 91.00 "THE SHELL THAT HIT GERMANY HARDEST" "SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT" The last word in gasoline. It is an established fact that of every dollar spent in Low Grade Gasoline 30 cents never turns a wheel. Low grade gasoline is sluggish. It vaporizes slowly and' incompletely--Your motor coughs and spits in starting. Raw fuel blows out of the exhaust and never does a stroke of work- Raw fuel trickles past the piston rings, cuts the lubrication film and thins out the crankcase oil. Carbon forms on the pis- ton heads and valves. With "Shell" your car starts with a zp. Shell enters the cylinders in an atomized mist which explodes completely--This means clean . carbonless combustion---This means full power, and snappy pickup. stained power | This .means extra mileage on the lean

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