THURSDAY, NOV. 2, 1022. THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG. ee ------ v ee -------------------------- | | The Servant Questio LAYS WORRY ASIDE ("Uncle Jim" Unaffected by Cares ! of the Day. | "8quatter" in New York City Has Permanent Home and All His Modest Needs Supplied. In New York, where the high-cost- of-living spectér haunts the millions and some millionaires, possession by & penniless man of health, happiness and a home on Riverside drive, with acres of front lawn, is perhaps an ac- complishment without precedent. Yet, 'for 22 years, "Uncle Jim" Miller, Man- hattan's oldest, if not only real I"squatter," has enjoyed these things &8 a result of: | "Just bellevin' In God." | Uncle Jim is a negro who, on Feb- Jruary 10, entered upon his seventy- third year, and is today smilingly con- dent that he will live beyond the century mark without the loss of his health or physical activity. His theory is that Cod will take care of anyone who trusts Him, although he does not quite carry this belief to the point of a lily-of-the-field existence, and admits that his health has been and will be maintained by his physical efforts in "gathering, cutting and sawing wood for his winter fires, doing his own washing and cooking and otherwise keeping his house in order. In 1900, when what is now his front lawn was marsh land almost on a level with the Hudson river, "Uncle Jim" was employed by a contractor Damed Conway as one of a number of laborers who were to fill In the marshes lying along the Hudson's east bank. He was provided with 'boards for a little "shack" which he built with its back against a huge boulder.' Then he aided in filling in what 1s now his front yard. When _ the work was completed and the con- 'tractor and his men moved, "Uncle Jim," having staked his claim, as he says, decided to "squat" there in- ~ | definitely. | Conway sald it was all right with him, and since then various owners of the property have given tacit consent to his remaining. As his lawn Is filled-in-land, hardly suitable for the foundations of houses, the old "squat ter" feels secure in his possession. The oneroom shack {is now strengthened on the river side by sheets of tin which resist the winter blasts. Within is a stove, some cook- Ing and eating utensils and a cot, but *Uncle Jim" spends mst of his time outdoors. From the Hudson he obtains efbs and fish for his meals, and an ©0dd job now and then brings sufficient 7 with which to buy bread, cof- fée and tobacco. "When I came here," said "Uncle - Jim," "this was all a wilderness. I always liked to rough it, and I never In my life worried about anything. I'ne Sappy and never was sick a day. I get all I need, and this is the kind of life 1 like~so why shouldn't I be thankful? 3 "I don't want any better home than this, and I don't need any more mon- . € live as. 1 do here. I want to be , outdoors all the time. At night I 'read 'a little by lamplight. I never Wore glasses, and lately I think I am getting my second sight--I 'ean see better than 1 did a short while back." As he talked "Uncle Jim" sat in front of his shack smoking a pipe that appeared to be althost as old as its owner, and quite as strong, and smiling broadly, a perfect outpictur- Ing of his pecullarly serene mental make-up. ) ------ Bologna and Sausage Alike. When is a sausage not a sausage? When it's a bologna. : This puzzling question was decided, and then.again it was not, recently by the Holpoken (N. Y.) zoning comimls- sion. Just when it looked as if there was much difference between a saus- age and a bologna it. was decided that, both of them wearing tights, ' they were the same thing. It was an Important question in | Hoboken. It arose over the applica- . tion of George E. Herold, 85-87 Jack- Bon street, for a permit to erect a plant for the manufacture of smoked The Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. { i | | indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to - THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. | | i re restricted to thelr oper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 tents. | Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash | day . Sieren vr 4 3 4 | Births, Engagements, Marraiges, Deaths--One insertion, charged, 1.60; cash, $1.00, ard of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00, eacn insertion. Advertising ordered for Irregular insertions takes the vne-time Inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line, Charged ads. will be received by tele oo and if paid at The Brit- ish hig office within 6 days from the first day of Insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the nuraber of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rute per llne for white space is the same a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon requ Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Index to Classifications The following classification headings Appear in this newspaper in the numer- ical order here given, closely allied classifications being grou together. The individual advertisements Aare arranged under these headings In alphabetical order for quick reference. BUSINESS SERVICE. Engagements. Marriages. Deaths, 2--In Memoriam. 3--Card of Thanks. 4--~Funera] Directors. f--~--Funeral Flowers. §--Cemetery' Lots, Monuments. 7--Lodge Notites. 8--Com!ng Events. 9--Personals, 10--Lost and Found. AUTOMOBILES A --Automobile Agencies. l1l--Autsmobiles For Sale. 12---Auto Trucks For Sale. 18--Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 16--Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--Service Stations. 17--Wanted--Automoblles. 18--Business Services Offered. 19--Bulilding--Contracting. 20--Cleaning--Dyeing--Renovating. 21--Dressmaking--MIillinery. 23--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 23--Insurance. 24---Laundering. 26--Moving, Trucking, Storage, 26--Painting, Papering, Decorating. 27--Printing--Engraving. 28--Professional Services. 28a--Accountants. 28b--Architects. 28c---Chiropractie, 28d--Dental 28e--Legal. 28f--Medicals 28g--Osteopathy. 28h--Osteopathic Physicians. 29-~Repairing. 30--Talloring and Pressing. 31---Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT 32--Help Wanted--Female. 32-----Help Wanted--Male. 34--Help--Male or Female. $5--Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents. 35a--Teachers Wanted. 36--Situations Wanted--Female. §7--Situations Wanted--Male. FINANCJAL 38--Business Opportunities. 8p--Investments, Stocks, Bonds. 40--Money to Loan. 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42--Correspondence Courses. 43--Local instruction Classes. 44--NMusical, Dancing, Dramatie. 46~--Private Instruction, 46--Wanted---lnstruction. 49--Poultry and Supplies, 50---~Wanted--Llve Stock. MERCHANDISE bl--Articles For Sale. fla--Barter and Exchange. 2---Business and Office Equipment. §--Boats and Accessories. --Buildings and Bullding Materials. ~-Farm and Dairy Products, Feed. Fertilizers. Things to Eat. Homemade Things. H aséhold Auods. 5 )--Jewelry an atches, om AR and Tools. 3--Musical Instruments. a---Radio Equipment, 63--Seeds, Plants and Flowers. o jals at the Stores. §5--Wearing Apparel. ¢6--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT A Real cash--a neat sum ing the coming months. The ads in which you'll well. day. There's Some Credit To Your Account In the Whig's Classified Section! would ord.narily spend on necessities and luxuries dur- It's every bit as good as credit at any store in the city--and all you have to do to get it is simply to watch for the unusual opportunities that are appearing from day to day ian the Classified columns. because all those of any particular kind are gathered to- gether and listed alphabetically. fication is alphabetically placed among the others, as When It's as easy as this to save money and get more for the money you do spend--why "% Turn to the Classified Section-- 0-day and every saved out of the money you be interested are easy to find Each separate classi- Announcements Personals ° SKIN BLEMISHES--HAaIlr, Moles, Warts Le Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanently. Satisfac- fitted and furnished after failed. QGoitre cured with- ion. 38 years' experience. D: er J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. 258 Bagot Street. Phone 801w. House 1135J. WOULD---You write & wealthy, pretty girl? Stamped envelope please. Lil lian Sproul, Cleveland, Ohio. Lost and Found ~~ 10 BELT--Found, lady's leather, on Sature day afternoon. Apply phone 2224F. CARRIER PIGEON--Fqund, No. 8538, icked up. C with 276 Eniversity Avenye. = TAP--Found, gentleman's, grey, in ard. Owner may have same at 374 ing Street East, CHAIN-- Child's gold, picked up on street by Constable Lesile Armstrong Owner apply at the Police Station, CUSHION--Found, yellow, near the Lib rary. Owner may have same by ap- viyin 'hig Ufige. - " nd, pair of lady's white, on William Street. Owner may have same at 68 Johnson street. Cal HANDBAG-- Found, Black Hand Bag, containing small sum of money dur- ing Kingston Fair. Owner may have same by applying to Mrs. Bruce Rob- ertson, Napanee, R. M. D. 2. =~ = MONEY--Found, corner Princess Street and Bath Road. Owner may have same at Palace Schooul Concession St PURSE ound, small, on Johnson St, containing 8 small sum of money Owner may have samo by applying to 429 Johnson Street. . Se PARCEL --Found, on Saturday night, In store. ing property at J. H. Jarvis, 619 Prin- cess Street. Tora SUM OF MONEY---Found, on Saturday. Owner may have same by proving _property, at 70 Nelson Street. WALLET--Containing large sum of money was found on stool in New York Candy Store on Friday night. Owner may have same by proving owner- ship. Apply personally to Peter Daf- nas, manager, New York Candy Store. Automobiles Automobiles Fi § Sale 11 FORD--Coupe, in excellent condition, practically as good as new. May be seen at Davis Dry Dock Co, East End Wellington Street. be n at 117 Brock Street or 519 Albert Bt. Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 re ---- -------- THOUSANDS OF USED PARTS AS GOOD AS NEW FOR ANY MAKE OR MODEL. G. A. PALMER USED CAR & SALVAGE CO, COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN STS. 67--Rooms With Board. 68§--Rooms Without Board. 69--Roomg For Housekeeping. i0----Vacation Places. Eat. 72--Where To Shop In Town. 73--Wanted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT --Apartments and Flats. j--Business Places For Rent - 'or Rent or Rent. --Office and Desk Room. }--Suburban For Rent. 8 f i fife LH 0000 Mod Fmd od ay Places For Rent. ~--~Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Baki Ren : H £ the coming brye-election county. A young woman suspected of be- ing Patricia O'Connell, who has been vietimizing people in getting money by posi Automobiles --_-- Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 BTAG ily Service, Ki Toit, adv 5 th 8 am. standard h aves Kingston m. stan- dard tim From. i rear of Kin, Bawa Theatre. Pas. sy 3 at reasonable rates. Henry Carver Proprietor. ILE P, G--And ishing. Aoerde og EL shop n street, rear of Al t : t, ar of Abernethy's Shos ed wife, 1s under arrest at Corn- 5 £ - Pa 0 A Mt aE Owner may have same by prov Business Service Business Services Offered 18 BUREAU--Business Service, 14 Market Street. Advertising, Auditing, Pub- lic Stenography, Verbatim Reporting, ete. Efficient service; reasonable Shasges. A. Murray, manager. Phone 1). CARPENTERING--James Selby, tractor, 53 Livingston Avenue. Phone 1180J CARPENTERING--AnNd cement work by contract or dey. First-class work at reasonable prices. F. W. Smith, 37 York Street. a MOTOR BOAT TO HIRE--Parties to bunting and fishing grounds. Apply BE. W. Sparling. Phone 1150F, WHY---Not be a member of the Autg- mobile Legal Assécia*ton, and have the services of the best lawyers in any city of Canada or the United States for less than 2%c. a day. Offices: Palmer's Garage, corner Bagot and Queen Street. Tel 410J. con Dressmaking--Millinery 21 HING--Picot Bdging Pleat: Mrs. B.A. Card, 368 Barrie St. HATs--Mrs. McLaughlin, 112 Lower William Street, will take orders for making trimming and remodeling. Hours 9 to 6. Insurance 28 FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insuf- ance. Mrs. H. S. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Phone 1782M. * ur Sickness and Acci- dent policy protects your salary. Fire Insurance at low rates. Phone or en- _Quire E. Willlams, 2 Couper Street. INSURANCE--OQuly the most ble companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Claren réet, opi posite Post Office. t--All branches, Excelsior Life, Royal Exchange Fire, Casualty and Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. G. Hunter Ogilvie, 151 Wellington St. Phones 759w and 1087. Moving, Trucking, Storage 26 * STORAGE--For furniture, | STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. light, dry and airy. Apply Mrs. W. G. Alnslie, 356 Johnson sireet. Painting, Fapering, Decorating 26 PAINTING--Paperhanging, Decoratin Glazing, Storm Windows put on. Stoc, of Wall Paper at store. Prices right. fe Augeraon; 156 Bagot street. Phone PAINTING--And Paperhunging; work manship guaranteed; prices right. our choice selection of Wail Paper, R. Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. Phone w. PAINTING --Paperhanging, Decorating, Glazing, Hardwood J'loor Finishing, etc, nrst class work, reasonabie prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred _Street. Phone 856m. Professiona Services 28 ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington, Business Service MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, PhC, ner Princess and Barrie Streets. floor, Barrie St. entrance, Ont. Consultation free. _8322J. Hours 9 to 12am. 1to 6 LUCY--Dr. Uecrge F., T. Lucy, Chiropractic Speciall Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot St tween Princesa and Brock, Te 943w. Hours 9 to 12 am. 1 to , and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal analysis and con- sultation free. Residential calls by appointment. get ind ngston, Teleph Dental id. 28d. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentis 159 Wellington street, corner of tone Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. / Office: 2568 Princess Street. Phone $52W. ---- 28e. INGHAM -& SMITH -- Barristers and Sohicitory, a % Clarence ie Kingston, unningham, 3 5 M. Smith. s ~--Ambrose, B.A., rrister Solicitor. Law off corner of ver. Royal Bank. one 1999. King Money o | ORCHESTRA--McCormack's -- entirely n Doesn't Bother the Housewife Who Uses --~r { ( | Business Service | | Tailoring and Pressing 30 | SUITS--Try my Cheviot Serge Suits, | | &ood value, tallored on the spot, not; | at factory, prices; reasonable for lad-| | les' and gents' ning, pressing and] alterations. Youur own materials made! up. Frank Owles, 198 Colborne St. near McDonald School a0 | TAILORING-- Repaiging, -cleaning and | pressing; alteration¥ neatly and care- done. R. Alexander, 116 Brock ___ Employment "Help Wanted--r emale 4 | CHAMBERMATD-- Middle-aged prefer- Apply Anglo American Hotel, MAID--For general housework. Apply to Mrs. L. C. Lockett, 23 Sydenham St. MAID--For general housework. Apply Mrs. John Macglilivray, 96 Lower Al- bert Street. Help Wanted--Male --At once. Apply to W. 1 Frontenat St. north R--At once. Apply to Lackie's 302 King §treet Burns WORK--Good wages. We need you to make sucks on the fast, easily- learned Auto Knitter; experience un- necessary; distance immaterial; posi- tively no canvassing; yarn supplied, Particulars, 3c. stamp. Dept. 78-C, JAuto Knitter Co, Toronto, MAN WHO CAN---See a future ahead of "him and is willing to work. See me. Mr. Mitchell, Royal Bank Chambers, LOD NOOK: ei ing In sausage department; one who thoroughly unders.ands the business. Apply Anderson Bros. MINE AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHS MUST BE ABLE TO HANDLE DULL STEEL, GENERAL RE- PAIRS AND PIPE LINES GOOD MUCKERS-- EXPERIENCED IN FELDSPAR WORK PREFERRED. APPLY W. G. TREADWELL, HARTING- TON, ONT. TELEPHONE HAR- ROWSMITH. SHOW CARD WRITING--F or us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 pald week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No canvassing. We in- struct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid oronto. Help-->Male or Female 34 SALESMAN--For fresh meat or provi- sion department for week-end trade. Apply Box W-31,, Whis. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 LIVE AGENT--At Kingston, for Wat- kins quality products. Big profits 100% repeat orders. Write to-day. The J. K. Watkins Company, Hamil- ion. NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a reliable nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city. We grow and sel] the best aly, and want reliable, energetic agents for unrepre- sented terr'tories. Write now. ham Nursery Co. Toronto. el- Situations Wanted--Female 86 NUKSE--Practical Good references. These Ads. Merchandise Articles For Sale 51 FURNITURE -- We nave for sale all kinds of good, second-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w MATTRESSES For sale, or made to your order, any size, any quantity, lowest factory prices. Also renwoat- Ing. Frontenac Mattress Company, 377 King street Phone 1981]. SCALES -- Canadian Toledo, hones: welght, no springs, also number of second-hand Dayton and Bramford Scales. L A. Sterling, 209 Princess St. ~ Phone 1228 WOOD--And lumber. » Place your or- ders now with W. C. Talbot for hard or soft wood. Orders taken at 8 St Catharines Street, or at the yard, Con Cession street, near Division. . WILTON RUG--In good condiion. Size 3 1-3 yards by 4% yards. Apply 153 University Avenue. Barter and Exchange Sia HAVE--You an automobile you would like to trade for an 5% investment Apply Box 1-19, Whig Office. Radio Equipment 62a Em eieseas voce rmmmepe png mn RADIO--The latest amusement -- just the thing for an evening's entertain- ment. Call at The Canada Stores and hear our get. Canada Radio Stores. eT reer STC ee Rooms For Rent Rooms For Rent 67 BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, with all conveniences; table board separate- ly if desired; rate reasonable. 298 Ufiiver 877 EARL ST.--Single ouble fur- nished bedroom-- comfortable, well heated, (wo blocks from University. Meals if desired. 377 Earl Street, two doors above Frontenac. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First cl rooms and board; dll improve- centrally located. ee ae Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENTS --Two, 6-rooms each-- electric light, 3-plece bath, one up- Stairs and one down. Apply to H. F. man, 69 Patrick St. RTMENT--No. 2,7 ground floor, Winston Apartments, 56 karl Street. Heated and supplied with hot water. Immediate possession FLAT--Kurnished, for rent, all Gonvenlis central; rent moderate oN /. Mullin, real estate, 278 Johnson street. JOHNSON STREET, 116--Unfurnished flat, hardwood floors and hot water jeatme. Immediate possession. Phone 128 Business Piaces t LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street --formerly occupied by the LO.0.F, Apply to Cunningham and Smith. x Houses For Rent 77 HOUBES--Nos. 41, 46, 47 Concession St, 5 room each. 267 Rideau St, modern improvements. Single garages, 69 Queen street. All rent reasonable. Ap- ply M. Susman, Phone 988w. Real Estate For Sale Fa nd Land For Sale 83 40 ACRES--Farm, four miles from Kingston on Sydenham Road, machin- ery and stock. Land suitable for gar- dening. Apply Geo. L. Hillier, R. R. No. 1, Cataraqui, Ont, _ 100 ACRES--Eouth half lot 20, cession, 8. Fredericksburgh; all deep land; good state of cultivation; well wadered and fenced; first class build- - ings; 6 miles south of Napanee on provincial highway; convenient to school and chiurch. Apply on premiseg or phone 153 r 24, Napanee. Farms and Land For Sale con- Apply to Box T-27, Whig Office. Ee -- -- i Financial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Soclety, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston. Instruction Correspondence Courses 42 CIVIL BENGINBBRING--Take up veying and mapping. Our civil gineering course is very complete. ternational Correspondence Schools, 130 Clarence Street. Tel 1002w. Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 ORCHESTRA--Book Treneers Novelty Orchestra, Kingston's Premier Dance combination, for your engagements. Write or pnone Ted Treneer, 261 King Street. Phone 978w. or 1164F. ORCHESTRA Harmony ° Bix, dances, social evenings, banquets or ts. For engagements Art Christmas, 263 Queen St. Tel. Ii 22m. PIANO--Karrinne A. Madden, teacher of Plano. Studio: 50 Earl Street. Phone 1838. Instruction Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 for reorganized--now Known as laire Smith «nd His Orchestra--the best ever. Percy Otten, cor. Clergy W. and Division. Pione 973w for engage- ments. PIANO---Miss Carrie Shepheard, teacher of Music. Special attenton to begn- iners. Pupils prepared for examina- t uns. Address 447, Alfred St. VIOLIN -- Dalsy Johnson, A.T.CM, teacher of Violin and Plano. Studio: 307 Collingwood Street, near Johnson. Phone 2229%w. Live Book orses, Cattle, mpl 48 SR RII OR Rap ness; one five- ~0! re, suit- able for delivery 'rig or saddie h orse. Apply Muller's Bicyele Works, 371-3 ROBINGON-Z K. M.D, 365 Barrie 5 10.30-12 &m.; i-¢ pam; 7 hin. a " NTL TY N 3] Sia street. Phone 1961w. E To the full benefit get al ben 170 ACRES--Of good land, bordering west side of Knowlton Lake, in Lough- boro township, concession 9, lot 1, at Holleford, 3 miles east of Hartington. Bank barn 42x70, 8ilo 14x30. Drive . Shed 24x36. nine room frame house, cistern, telephone, wind- mill forcing water to house and barn, large sugar bush, 800d, pasture sup- plied with lake water, 14 mile from Cheese factory, school and church. Pos- Session any time, Apply to owner, Wesley Vanluven on premises.- Ad- - dress Hartington, Ont, R. R. No. 1. 199 ACRES--Valuable farm land, lot 3, Con. 7, township of Storrington, close to school, cheese factory, store, black- smith Shop and church. Stone and brick dwelling arranged for two fami- lies; good barn and outbuildings. This is one of the best dairy farms in the township, Apply to H. and T. Shannon, Sunbury, Ont. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 66 BROCK ST. $5,000--40 acres, all workable, 2 wells and good spring, 4 miles from King- ston, stone house, § rooms, with good cellar, barn, drive shed, hen house, 00 = hiete with implements and stock. . REAL FARM---In the Township of Ern- esttown, 197 acres; 120 acres workable, 3 wells and never-frailing spring in pasture, also creek, 77 acres good PAS- ture and wood land, containing about $4,000 worth of lumber, House of 10 rooms with H.W. floors; 2 double harns, hog pen, drive house, garage, etc. Water in house. Price $10,000.00. Cash payment of $4,000 wil] handle, Office Phone 68. House Phone after six p.m. 2260J and 2240M. Houses For Sale 84 ALBERT STREET Solid brick (hollow brick tile in centre), 10 rooms, § bedrooms, elec- tric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, far- nace, nardwood floors on first and 800d cellar (front cel- , newly decorated and large fireplace in the liv- ng room, attractive surrounding hen house in rear and lot contains fruit trees and berry bushes. Two © blocks off car line. "Terms to re- sponsible parties. on P in reasonable time. M. B. Trumpour, 237 Street. Tel So fgpe Bree Telopning Troms pou ber is used. - he a' hax MERCHANDISE ____ Real Estate For Sale Houses For Sale [ CLERGY STREET WEST-- 7 rooms, hardwood rs, solid brick, large porch in nt, south- ern exposure, outside light all round, hot water heating, electric lights, gas for cooking, well deco= rated, plumbing modern in every respect, splendid large cellar. Roof in Al shape; extra deep lot, den spot) away from car line exe clusive and quiee locality. Owner leaving city. This property is sell- ing at a very low figure, and $1.- 200 cash buys it. Balance atraight 5 year mortgage. M. B. Trumpour, 237 Bagot Street. Tel 704 or $48J. MULLIN & SON EW. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers 53%w. Phone See Display Advt. on Page Twe. ---- LTT. 00 Tage Twe f BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE fy FARMS FOR SALE: $1,950--Frame Bungalow, and C, electric lights, tracks. Easy terms. $2.600--Bungalow, § rooms, bath, eectric lights, good i. heal of way. $3,700--Frame, 7 m stable, Westend. Co s lmprevement 4 rooms, BR close to caf $3,600--Brick V., 7 rooms 3 plece bat electric lights, la y . henhouse, Ee Jo, Sule aw $3,500--Brick, semi-detached, 10 Soma all improvements. HOUSES--To rent, $22.50, $20.00, $15.00. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 159 Wellington Street ee eses---- HOUSES--Two or three, south of Prine cess Street, in residential sec! trally located, each having six rooms and bath rooms, large double parlors, fire Erates, hot water heats ing, good yards and basement. Foi Tice, esc., apply lett, Bos -1, Whig Office. y or to HOUSES--Farms and lots for sale and rent in all Tts of the city and sur+ rounding district; too numeroug te mention. For.particulars apply H. B _Wiison, Real Estate, Uptown P. O. WEST-END Seven roome: veneer, hot air ae brie an Joprerements, Price $3,900. A, y Jooke, over nk in. Ba of Toromte ee -------- HOTELS Densmere House Large, comfortable rooms. All conveniences. First class meals. Special attention to transients, Phone 791m. 72.74 Sydenham St MRS. EP. DENISON." J rr NOTICE P. M. DRISCOLL, Grimason Hotel, aounce that he late of the olg Wishes to an- has taken over the Lakeview House Corner of Queen ang Ontarlo Sta Firat class meals, 50c. Good yards and stables, Your patronage is solicited. Antique Furniture One Upright So. ood Eng- lish Plaho." 113 Resyw We carry a stock of modern furmd- ture. LESSES ANTIQUES 507 Princess rnd IO bw. Bank of Commerce Buildin Broek and King Stréets. Phone 701 'or om Genera! Insurance necy. Writing: --Automobile, Fir Acel- dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burtlars ste. Representing enly reliable com- Pp es. I Veterinary DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.8c. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 2193J. 680 Princess. Street, Kingston. Sven ~ AUTOMOBILES TRUCKING 'When you require the services a truck for heavy hauling, mo ho furniture, coal or bulky articles, will pay you to e e our truck of large capacity. rge at small prices per load or ton. Tele- #hone Davig at 420 or 113. 'Davis Dry Dock Co. East End Wellington Street. MERCHANDISE Dressing Tables From 60 to 76 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price. Here is a chance! J: Turk PHONE 7085. Zz Kentucky Cannel Coal HARD AND SOFT SLABS 1 HRACITE and BITUMINOUS COALS James Swift & Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street