Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1922, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1923. lish Dally and Semi-Weekly by me iT WHIG PUBLISHING C€0,, LIMITED J. G. Billott .... Leman A. Guild TELEPHONE Private Exchange, connecting all departments 0 ear not paild vse ears 0 United States OUT-OK-TOWN REFRESENTATIVEY: ¥. Calder, 23 St. John ¥. W. Thompson .,..100 King St. W. 'Voronto, Letters to the Nditor are published euiy over the Actual mame of the writer, te -- ome of the beat job Atmached io printing offices in Canada, The circulation of THE BRITIsH WHIG is authenticated by the 'ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations we Looks as if Lloyd George started his memoirs too soon. _ . A beautiful woman is just a set of good teeth with necessary accessories, Caste in India'is & mabter of birth; over here it is a matter of cylinders. A man may bow to the in®witable, | but he is seldom courteous about it. These fine October days would be great for walks, if anybody took them now, . Masculine ooncedt was invented when the first man saw his reflection (Just afer shaving. A man's succers is not measured by the number who cheer him, but by the number who envy him. Nothing else is so conducive to contentment as a contemplation of the other fellow's troubles. The beginning of a perfect evening is a decision "0 iet the supper dishes wait until morning. An emergency is something whick a4 person is likely to meet almost any place along the road. The most annoying thing about a bad cold is $s habit of making the victim describe his symptoms, Nine pars of righteousness consist in an intimate relationship between one's nose and the grindstone, | There must be many movie fans Who often wonder what a slowdown on a movie kiss Would look like. ---------------------- The greatest service that gould be rendered the Christian peoples would be to convert them to Christianity. Correct this sentemce: "After ten Experience Is the only commodity that cannot be purchased these days ra dollar down and a dollar a week. 'Some of your automobile tools are #0 saldom useful that the garage me- ghanic doesn" feel justified in keep- an" GIVE HER CREDIT. That Pennsylvania man who 1s seeking damages for injury to busi- ness and health and for disappoint- ment by his former flancee apnarent- ly doesn't realize what he missed. If his affianced could do all that to him in courtship, what wouldn't she have done after marriage? To the average man it will seem that she is emtitled to credit for hav- ing declined to go ahead with a mar- | age that inferentially would have completed the wreckage so induspic- fously begun in the aflanced stage-- according to the complainant's peti- tion. Tbe details mentioned by the plaintiff in enumerating his injuries suggest that the engagement was really a battle against sure destruc- on. In recounting his losses, he should, in fairness to the defendant, count in, as credits, the losses that he might have sustained had his court- rector | "DCD gone through to the usual end- ing. THE WORLD UNIVERSITY. It once was the exceptional thing for boys and girls to go to college at all. At the present time, they no: only go to school at home in great numbers but go across the seas to 3 the universities- of other countries. Scholarships are to-day provided for Canadian and American students in France and England, while many stu- dents from the continent are enroll- ed in American colleges. The Rhodes scholarship plan has drawn large numbers of exceptionally clever Young men to England from every corner of the British Empire, It #s difficult to find a university or college in the dominion which has not its quota of Japanese or Chinese students, as well as those from other "| distant countries. A less pronqune- ed meefidg of east and west, but an important one also, is the attendance at Queen's university of students from Bermuda, Jamaica and other British possessions in the western hemisphere. The effect of this varied attendance on all members of a school is not to be estimated. The result must in- evitably be a unifying of the ideals and traditions of all the peoples of the eanth, Under such circumstances War must eventually .become an dm- Possibility, for 4wo countmies with the same point of view cannot fight each other. Zk SAVING HUMAN LIVES, The death rate in registration areas of the United States. last year dropped from 13.1 to 11,7 per 1,009 of population. In other words, seven lives in each 5,000 in the areas where records are kept were saved. If the decrease in deaths is general throughout nonregistration areas "he differesice etween 1920 and 1921 would be approximately 150,000. Comparison with previous years is interesting, In 1900 the death rate was 17.6 per 1,000 of pcpulation and there was a gradual reduction until 1909 when the rate was 14.4. A new record was made in 1914 and 1915 when the rate was 13.6 but in the two following years it went up again to 14 and 14.3. In 1918, the year 0 many lives were lost because of influenza, the rate was 18.1 deaths per 1,000 population, Statistics make dry reading but these live when the rate per thousand is multiplied by 110,000 to give the number of deaths they represent. The remarkable improvement then becomes impressive, Much credit for the decreased death rate must be given the science of health engineering, which seeks to prevent rather than cure diseases. Bach community has its health auth onities, who are charged with safe- guarding the lives of residents. Pro- tecting the water supply from cone tamination, destroying mosquitoes and flies, and enforcing quarantines are some of the duties of these auth orities, and their k §s undoubted- ly reflected in mgitaltty statistics. Another ca of the improved condition is a 'growing appreciation of the value of health and respect fof things that make it possible, In ree cent years people have begun to re alise the importance of keeping thema selves fit. Physical culture schools {end pubmcattons, systems of exercise ing and dieting, admission of weight to the subjects available for polite conversation--these are signs of the times. There will never come a tims when Shere will be no deaths, but humeaity is learning to lve the full - Span of years permitted by nature. ? EE -------- THE "FALL" OF MAN. _ A Babylontan version of the "Fall Of Man" bas been discovered on tabs #|1e 'wrivton in the Sumerian lane guage, and uneanthed at the site of the tample' of Nippur by the fourth The- transiation has made by Dr. Edward Chdera, assistant 'expedition of the University toylvania. : versily of 'Pennsylvania, and o | Places the date of the tablet at of the Hebrew story of the garden of Eden, or at all events the idea ex- pressed in the story; and interest now centres on the question as to whether it oniginated with the Babylonians or with the Hebrews. The same ques- tion exists regarding the story of creation, the Babylonians attributing inan's knowledge and rational state to kis having heen formed "from the earth mixed with the blood of a god," whereas in the Hebrew he was form- ed from the earth and God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of ilfe, and man became a living soul." Dr. Chiera gives priority to the Babylonian account, for Babylonian civilizaddon existed long before the Hebrew tribe reached anything lke an organized state, according to the chronology of the Bible, which places parvicular emphasis upon th: accur- acy of the historical narratives. But it was the spiritua®y of the Hebrew writers that placed the Bibla far above the reMgious writings of other countries, and that makes i: to-day the highest existing work on the- ciogy. 5 THE HARD-SHELL HABIT. "Too frequently," sald the presi- dent of a large industrial estabitsh- ment in a recent interview, 'I have witnessed business men making wrong decisions that are based on anilquated facts." He foMowed up his statement by asserting that the increase in sales made by any busi- ness corporation was usually due to some deviation from normél custom, or to some depamture from -habit based on facts accepted, in all prob- ability, so long ago that they have become out-of-date. This habit roes itself to business many peoplé base their de- cisions on opinions formed and held long after the basis for their existence has become obsolete. These hard-shelled conservatives wonder why success always passes them by, when those whom they consider rash and even unbalanced grow increas- ingly prosperous. The company president's remedy for this weakness is simple, It con- sists merely in getling into touch With people. Once & month it is his custom to set out in his roadster for Some nearby destination, with the ostensible purpose of getting into conversation with chance people along the way. He finds out what a hotel owner, who also carries the agency for Ford cars, thinks about the surrounding market for farm equipment. He falls into converes- tion with two druggists who can tell him of the demand for retasl mater- lals. Even the man at the ges station can tell him much of the automobile situation in his county. The way to keep out of the rut is to keep in touch with live men and women, to get thelr point of view, and to keep alive the growing point of opinion. confine firms. Ton not A FRESH CHAPTER. A fresh chapter has been written in the history of a nation's tragedy. The Turk has swept back into Eur- ope, and in'his wake lie merder, mig ery and mutilation. Distinct fram the international complications, and independent of political diplomacy, there comes a swift and simple cry to the hujnanity of the world. "It is the cry of Armenia. It has sounded be- fore, through long years of 'horror. It sounds now, with the.voice of Nttle children, more agonized, more des- perate, than ever before, The facts are these. In 1915, the Turk began the systematic murder of a milion Armendams, He deter- mined to murder them because they were Christians--+the oldest Christian nation in the world--and a Christian who will not renounce his faith is an enemy of the Turk. The Turk succeeded. He murder- ed scientifically, from long practice. His Armenian wiotkins were shot in squads, and thrown into a common burying pit. For a month, the bodies of dead Armenians floated down the Euphrates to the Persian Guif. They were locked in wooden bufldings and burned. And so the million were murdered. ; Peace has come to the ravaged Plains of France and Im, but not to Asia Minor. The burning hell of Smyrna, whose tale is not yet fully told, is merely one incident in a new Series of murder, madness, rape and horror," Armenia's men are murder- Professor of Aseyriology of the Unie |p BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY SHALL WANT NO GOOD THING: --For the Lord God is a sun and a shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.--Psalm 84:11. the Lord Mayors Fund, and is to care for twenty thousand hopeless Armen- fan ohfldren. Canada has its oppor- tunity in the Armenian Relief Fund of Canada, wiose headquarters are in Toronto. Cooperating with the Lord Mayor's Fund. 'Canada should take care of at Teast two thousand ohil- dren of Armenia. Their only cry is for a chance to escape from horror; @'chance 10 live, Their only hope is You, and it is to your ears, as you Wnople, and from the wretchednoss of Armenia's blood-soaked viilages, and from the ghores of the Bosphorus where thousands of these distressed children are floating about in boats. BY SAM HILL | ALONG LIFES DETOUR | She's No Flapper, Dame Nature now is at her best, Her autumn colors I adore, Because I know that she, at least, Did not get them at a drugstore. Observations of Oldest Inhabitant. I kin remember when throwing in the clutch meant saying: "Get up, Betsey." Neighbor's Idea of Thrift. "Are they stingy?" "I should say they are. They never buy a thing they can't afford. ---- : We Can't Think of a Good Head For This One. (Worley Cor. McCreary County Record) Oble Stout and Floyd Hollers left Friday for West Virginia. Drat This Pest! He'll never Msten to My troubles, but, gee, whiz! It's funny how he Hkes To tell me all of his. Fool Questions. F. U. L. asks: "Does a surgeon ever perform a major operation on a miner?" We suppose he does, but he never cuts out his strikes, we have noticed. Can't Be Measured. Swedish wolentist, a person's will power can be measured," remarked Mrs. Grouch, looking up from her pa- per. "Huh!" growled her husband, like to see an invention that measure & wioman's won't power." "rq could so ---- This Sounds Catty, Doesnt It? Girl who took brown felt hat from Girl Reserve party Wednesday even- Ing is known and better Y. W. and get her old Tam and avcid arrest, New Ome on Him. Jonathan Bwift's 'Tale of a Tub," Lowbrow: a tub had a tail" Cruelties. The tender-hearted Dolly Dream Sald: "Have a heart, I beg; Oh, mother, do not whip that cream, And please don't beat that egs. ~Cincinnat! Enquirer. "Oh, mother, dear, hand," Cried gentle Sarah Glugg; 'The sight is more than I can stand, Pray do not beat that rug!™ bar, . Called ifttle Johnnie Spratt; "My tender conscience it will mar To see you skin the cat!" ~Cleveland Plain Dealer. From up there on the wooden stage The speaker I would pull Because it puts me in a rage To eee him "shoot the bull" ~<Youngstown Telegram. "8 it, speaker, it now, ey Joy ont do i: "In sorrow my head I bow "To see you murder English" 3 ~~Warren (Ohio) Tribune. Dally Semtence Sermon. It is better to know What's What than to be in Who's Who. -- News of the Names Club, T. N. T. says Mr. and Mra H. Wind, of St. Louls, who bave & new son, will have to raise the wind in order (to raise the Wind. We suppose they are blowing about what a fine baby he is, too. » read these faots, that their cry comes ; from the crowded wharf at Constan- | "With an apparatus invented by a | Personal ad. in Warren (Ohjo) Tribune. return to Highbrow: "I just have been reading "First. time I ever knew ee BIBBY"S Ready-to-Wear and Made-to-Measure Clothing PER SUIT Suit Special Men's and Young Men's Tweed Suits -- neat patterns, smart styles. Sizes 34 to 44. $21.00 Dandy Overcoats Exceptionally well trimmed; warm, comfy Overcoatings; pure Irish Dublin City Woolens. Beauties for $35.00, $40.00, $45.00, $47.50, $52.50 tailored, beautifully Neat patterns. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS . Sizes 14 to 17. Full sizes; well made Shirts. SEE OUR $25.00 ENGLISH ULSTERS THE MONITOR Three-quarter Polo Linings, three-way belt, two-way collar. STORM ULSTERS $18.00, $22.50 and $25.00 95¢ each patterns, made. Sizes 14 to 17%. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Many with separate Soft Collars--all new » 800d quality Shirtings; splendidly $1.45 each BOYS' SUITS With 2 Pairs Knickers BOYS' OVERCOATS $5.50, $7.50, $9.50, $11.50 and $13.50 BIBBY"S ARE YOU READY FOR HALLOWE'EN 1 f We are and have a choice line of False Faces, Masks, Party Favors and Lan- terns, Priced at-- 5¢., 10c. and 15¢. each. Moore's Toyland withhold your ~--Akron Times, "Come down from oft that turning om McCLARY'S "TECUMSEH RANGE" The Finest Range McClary's Ever Made, Come and see it. BUNT'S HARDWARE King St. the law of the Republic, and the law-breaking; and (2) liquor has been carried into the shop and dam- age has resulted from its use. One workman died from drinking some of the vile stuff, and "a truck driver who became intoxicated caused a series of traffic accidents. And so hereafter if a man has liquor on him or in him he will be liable to dis- missal. No doubt our Moderation League friends will raise quite a ery against this infringement upon per- sonal Itberty, but the men who don't drink will be the safer, and the com- munity generally will be the safer it all the 85,000 men leave liquor absolutely alone. ° Mountain of Marble. Marble has been found at Ban- croft, Ont. It is stated that it is of the finest known to architects, and promises to take place in the front ranks of Canada's wealth-producinz assets. The marke is there in large shown. A party of London profes- sional and business men recently Ford Company will not countenanse " Farms For Sale A choice farm of $5 acres about five miles from Kingston; a splendid brick dwelling for two famdlies; good outbulldings; about fifteen acres in garden and smal] fruit; the garden land is especially adapted for celery, cauliffower, asparagus, onions d berries and is tlle drained. There is about one and one half acres under Skinner Irrigation System; well watered; well fenc- ga; large cellar and root houses or with plenty of land for jiopenty, y and grain to support stock. soon will rent or work If not so on shares. We have at present a Splendid list of farm properties for sale of all sizes and prices. T. J. _Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone 1 * 38 BROCK SRERT in more varieties | HICKORY NUTS | Jas. "The House of Satisfaction" & Co. [I -- IN HEALTH You only think of the drug store as the place where you make your purchases of Tollet Requisites, Btationery or dainty gifts, but--e IN BICKNESS the drug store comes next in importance to the doctor and nurse. You realise this when you have & prescription to be filled. We are here to serve you in sickness or health, SICK ROOM SUPPLIES is one of our spealalties, as is also the fllMng of prescriptions. Try us for prompt and effi- cient service. Dr. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 843 Two Cars BITUMINOUS: Egg and Stove Size Air Furnaces aad Quebec . Heaters. Price '15.00 I | Crawford CO/ AL Phone 9. Foot of Queen SL

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