TUESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1923. -- ne DR HICKEY'S SPEEDY MIXTURE WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, Etc, Get Your Roof Re- paired Now With our Slatex Roofing and Slatex Shingles W.H. Cockburn Co. Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets Phone 216. | We have just rece ed an import ship #l ment of French Brilliant Bar Pins These are most beautifully i made, and are sct, some with ll briltants alone, others with /ff imitation sapphires and pearis. They are excellent reproduc- Ji tions of the finest Platinum | Bars, and are priced from $1.00--$5.00 SMITH BROS. LIMITED ESTABLISHED 18460 KING STREET, KINGSTON THE aac. 5. ITHE KIWANIANS HOLD =" HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Zapt. John Donnelly Tells About the Release of the Rapids Prince. The weekly Kiwanis dinner held at the Frontenac Hotel on Monday even- ll} vent, and drew a very large attend- i ance, 107 members being present. l Many of them were in disguise wear- f |'mg masks and gaily colored cos- il | tumes, representing different charac- ll iters, some circus clowns, hobos, col- flicred minstrels, American Indian, | Little Boy Blue, King Solomon, Me- |/histopheles, Ol Man, Lady, The | Minister, Soldier, Victorian Gentle- fl i man, Yankee, and many others. It | was a gala sight when in procession {thé members entered the dining |rcom, decorated with cats and {witches and with lamps converted | into lanterns. The tables were ail | | su iably decorated also, and the hotel manager, Mr. Highes, had a special | menu, while the service was excel- i lent. 'Capt. John Donnelly 'was the ll | special speaker of the evening. | Garnet Lockott, song leader, had lf |2 splendid programme with Treneer's I orchestra, and everything went off if with a bang from the start. The f | programme included a recitation by ll George Smith, whose reputation as ll lan entertainer is well known, a song i |by the Kiwanis quartette composed ll lof Harry Newman, Allan Lemmon, il | Fred. Wilson, W, McCallum, and a | | spectal number by Mat, Hanson, Jack i | McGall, R. Somerville and Harry il | Newman. The Kiwanis choruses were ll |all heartily rendered. The roll call proved most amusing as the president, Noble Steacy, under- took to name the members and the fi | disguises proved too much for him in ll | many cases. "Wattle" Macnee was the booster and he provided many prizes, one of | them being a $500 fire insurance ll policy won by W. J. Keeley. The ll |other winners were: Jean Denee, T. fh |A. Kidd, I. Cohen, F. Evans, W. R. Givens, A. Lemmon, J. M. Campbell, 8. Driver, H. T. Sargent, A. McGowan. } He whose pride oppresses the ~ humble may, perhaps, be humbled, Put will never be humble. Enjoy your present pleasures so @s not to Injure those that are to follow. [= DR. H. C. MABEE 79 WILLIAM STREET { Phone 286 Rev. R. J. Wilson moved that the proceeds of the annual charity ball, {up to the amount donated last year to the Y.M.C.A., be this year donat- ed to the Hotel Dieu. W. Craig seconded the motfon and it was unanimously carried. The dance will Quality, Accuracy* Moderate Price We wish to bring to your notice our fine _ line of Happy Thought Cooking Stoves and Quebec eaters. in Atkins Saws, Stanley mers. Some Specials for Your Attention Smart's Steel Claw Hammer Atkins Im These are fi perial Hand Saws for home use. We will gladly show you our complete line of Tools. At this time of the year you need Glass and Putty. We deliver to any part of the city. || McKelvey ig Flumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' a & Bi , Limited take place between Jan. 15th and 31st. 2 Frank Hoag stated that a request was received from the district gover- nor for speakers to address Kiwanis clubs in Quebec, and he called for volunteers, -- Captain 's Address, Captain John Donelly, of the Don- nelly Salvage and Wrecking OCom- pany, was the special speaker of the evening and hé gave an excellent ad- dress on the "Release of the Rapids Prince," illustrated with lantern pictures of the steamer stranded on a rocky ledge in the Lachine Rapids, and of different parts of the site. Captain Donnelly released the steam- er under conditions never before me: with in merine engineering in Am- erica, or in any other country in the world, and his achievement was a noteworthy one owing to the hazards of the undertaking. | The first pioture showed the Rapids Prince in her dangerous position on a shelf of rock at the edge of the channel with the water rushing past at the rate of forty miles per hour. He described the extreme danger in- volved in going to and leaving the vessel, one man being drowned in rescuing the passengers just after the stranding of the ship. He was notified by telegram on the day of the occurrence and asked to visit the scene and submit a tender which was accepted. He then de- scribed in detail the assembling of his plant and the necessary equip- ment for the job. He located a rock above the surface of the water, fifteen feet by thirty feet, and about 1,200 vards up stream from the steamer. On this rock he placed a bolllr and steam winch, and after overcoming great difficulties fastened a cable to coverings. blend with these HOOVER vACUUMS, PIANOS, 'VICTROLAS, McLAGAN L ¥ i 4 the steamer and pulled her off, The utmost vigilance and concerted ac- tion on the part of the crew om the steamer and the workmen at the winch was required and # was ow- ing to the Ingenuity in planning and executing the task that ft was sue- | [ 7= 0 jo ing was a most successful Hallowe'en | Sale Price ............3 yards $1.00 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. PROBS: --Wednesday, East winds, showery. STARTING NOVEMBER "WITHA GREAT "DOLLAR DAY" To start November with a spurt we are offering a splendid list of bargain attractions as the means to the end. Don't miss the many rare economies of this great One Day Sale event. $1.00 GIVEN AWAY FREE!! With every $10.00 purchase made on regular priced merchandise, we will re- fund $1.00 IN CASH. This special incentive coupled with the many extraordinary bargain opportunities of this splendid sale should crowd our store to capacity to- IMOrrow. LADIES' WOOL SWEATERS 6 only, Ladies' All-wool Tuxedo Coat Sweaters. Sizes 38, 40, 42. Regular $8.50 to $12.50 Sale Price $1.00 KNITTING WOOL 200 lbs. Steacy's 4-ply Scotch Fingering--Camel, Seal, Black, White, Scarlet, etc. Regular $1.25alb : Sale Price $1.00 OLORED CHIFFON C 100 yards only, Black and White, 40 inch Chiffon; regular $1.00 to $1.50 a yard Sale Price, 3 yds. $1.00 HABUTAI SILK 1.000 yards of 36 inch Habutai Silk--42different colors to choose from. Regu- lar $1.25 a yard Sale Price $1.00 yard WHITE FLANNELETTE 1,000 yards of soft, fleecy, White Flannelette--25 ins. wide. v Sale Price, 5 yards $1.00 . FLANNELETTE COLORE ol, of fancy, striped, colored Flannelette--27 inches wide. Sale Price 5 yards $1.00 TTON WHITE Lo of 36 inch White Cotton; fine, even weave. Sale Price 8 yds. $1.00 RAP ETTE wv 300 yim: of American Wrapperette--27 inches wide--stripes and floral pat- terns Sale Price, 5 yards $1.00 BASEMENT SPECIALS ! LADIES' UNDERWEAR . . 300 Ladies' Natural and White fleece 200 yards of heavy quality Floor Oil- lined Vets, Reguls Soe cloth. Sale Price . . 2 for $1.00 200 Children's winter weight Vests and Drawers; all sizes: White and Natu- ral; regular 60c. to $1.00. . 2 for $1.00 10 dozen Ladies.O. S. Vests --button Fone long sleeve, winter weight; regular Sale Price : $1.00 200 pairs Penman's Heavy, Fleece- lined Bloomers--White, Flesh, Grey. Sale Price 100 yards of Linoleum. y $1.00 sq. yard 1,200 yards of White, Cream and Beige Curtain Scrim.: : 600 yards Novelty Cretonnes -- all colors--36 inches wide. LS. HUCK, TOWEL tton Huck Towels--size 18x34; hemmed ends. Sale Price 4 for $1.00 CRAS WELLING-- 0 ad pure Linen Crash TFowelling, red border. . . Sale Price 4 yards $1.00 'TERRY TOWELS-- 1 White Terry Towels--heavy quality--pink or blue ends. 10doz, large, "vere ou Sale Price 2 for $1.00 CASHMERETTE HOSE 300 pairs Black Cashmerette Hose--9, 94 and 10. : 3 pairs $1.00 BOYS' HOSE TIN 250 yards of 2 yards wide Bleached Sale Price .+...2 yards $1.00 PILLOW COTTON 200 yards of Circular Pillow Cotton, 40 in Black. Sizes 7 to 8}. 10 dozen Dents Wool Gloves--6, 64, 7, in Grey, Natural, Heather. Sale Price 90 only, Men's English Percale Negligee Shirts--full cut sizes--all colors = sizes 14 to. 18--soft cuffs--regular $1.50. Sale Price A TH $1.00 BOYS' SWEATER COATS 20 only, Boys' Brown Heather Sweater Coats--all lar $1.50. i il Price ............. 2for $1.00, | SalePrice.................. $1.00 TABLE DAMASK 260. yards Bleached. Satin Finished Table Damask; 64 inches wide. Sale Price ............ 1 yard $1.00 CORSETS 500 pairs D. & A. Corsets; low and med- ium tops. Sizes 20 to 26. Sale Price ........... $e aa'ay 4 $1.00 eed 50 pairs Boys' Heavy Rib Wool Hose