Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1922, p. 15

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1029. An a-b-c A The Britis KINGSTON, h Hhig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. indexed, standardized and popular. ized according to THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG. . ---- rt ee eae ---------------- mime ot an Expense Real Estate For Sale gs Houses For Sale ALBERT STREET-- Solid brick (hollow brick tile ia centre), 10 rooms, 6 bédrooms, elec tric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, fur- naee, h wood floors on first and d. on This Page is an Investment N 2 Index to Classifications - | | A-B-C and 1-2-3 Are Merchandise ____ Ardcles For Bale 51 NO--Bell, Upright. A bargain. Ap- ply Box V hig Office. anadlan Toledo, hones: also number of Bramford Employment | Help Wanted--Male DRIVER--At once. Apply to Lackia's! [onkery, 308 Ring Street." { BHOW CARD WRITING--For us Make| SCALES | money at home, §15 to $60 paid week- weight, no springs, ly for your spare time writing show | second-hand Dayton and cards for us. No canvassing. We in-| Scales. ear in newspaper in the numer- aon A a a Spar: closely allied classificatfons being Srouped together. The individual advertisements are arranged under these headings in alphabetical order for quick reference. THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All 'ads. are restricted to proper classification, and to Tegular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge. Cash § days 3 3 Par. 4 "Birt en Marraiges, $ el Sage isertion, charged, 4] of Thanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.60; cash, $1.00, each insertion. irregular Advertising ordered for insertions takes the one-time inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the e. ine ed ads. will be received by telopnoae and if paid at The Brit- ish Whig office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads, ordered for more than one day Ang stopped before expiration will only be charged for the nuraber of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ~ ment made at the 1ate ejrned. Rate per line for white space is the seme as a line of type. 1 rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising ¥. * Toaphone 243, ask for a want ad. taken EVIDENCE BEING TAKEN 10 DECIDE AN HEIRSHIP To Half Million Dollar Chicago Estate--Wolfe Island Wo- man Involved. thelr the An important Chicago legal case has been brought to Kingston and 'Was opened on Tuesday before J. DB. Walkem, K.C., as commissioner ap- pointed by the Chicago court, to take evidence required in the settlement of an estate of $600,000 left by the late Charles Fred. Swigart. Gordon Ramsay, public administrator, Cook county, Ill, is represented by Joseph Kelg, attorney-dt-law. The estais was first probated in 1916, and waa about to' be settldd when the ques- tio of the heirship of the daughter of Sarah Saunders arose. Her name was Ena, It was alcimed that sho was the daughter of Thomas J Davis, Wolfe Island, who was killed in & brawl at Cape Vincent, N.Y, in 1865, and also that she was the nat- ural daughter of Charles Fred. Swig- "Arh. ; Rroot.of heirship was wanted ~ by A: A. Worsley, representing 'Emims Swigart, insane heir-at-law of Charles. F. "Swigart. Mr. Wor sley "appeared as conservator for Emma Swigart. A petition was filed by Chanles J. Trainor setting up that Charles Fred. Swigart had a daugh- ter named Ena, by Sarah Saunders, formerly of Cape Vincent, N.Y., and who married Thomas J. Davis in 1865, moving, ft is alleged to the Davis home op Wolfe Island. Thom- as J. Davis was killed at Cape Vin- "cent, N.Y., on' Dec. 7th, 18685. It ts contended by Mr. Trainor' client; Ena Walsh, that she is the daughter of Charles Fred Swigart, who wis ~ afterwards married to 'her mother, It is claimed on the other hand that 'she is the daughter of Dawis, and that when Swigart married her moe question at issue is whether she is the natural daughter of Swigart or of Davis, and evidence 'is being take en before J. B. Walkem, in order to determine the point. Tuesday morning a number of witnesses from Wolfe Island were heard in the law offices of King and . Smythe, Francis King, K.C. acting - for Mr. Worsley, The case was not concluded at' the time of going to 'press, but much contradictory evid- ence was given two Staley brothers giving diametrically opposite evid- ence. Banqueted Before Leaving. On Saturday evening the Latonla hotel, Tweed, was the scene of bril- y, the occasion being in the 5 of a farewell banquet to Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Dunn, a family who after nearly twenty-three years of in Tweed, are moving to , Ont. agency of tas C.P.R. The village turned out en ! to do honor and say good-bys 0 one who had served them so loag | become one of them. The 'made, consisted of a huge and elaborately leather upholstered ) - 43d v Oct. 24th in St. Denis Athens, the marriage was od by Rev, Father Cullinane Margaret, daughter of t James Keyes, and of Mrs. BUSINESS SERVICE. Engagements. Marriages. Deaths. 2--I1n Memoriam. 2--Card of Thanks> 4--Funeral Directors. b--Funeral Flowers. 6--Cemetery Lots, Monuments. 7--lodge Notices. $--~Coming Events. $--Personals. 10--Lost and Found. AUTOMOBILES A --Automoblie Agencies. 11----Automobiles For Sale. 12--Auto Trucks For Sale. A 13---Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts. 14--Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 16--Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16--Repairing--Service Stations. 17--Wanted--A utomoblles. 18--Busineas Services Offered. 19--Bullding--Contracting. 20--Cleaning--Dye¢ing---Renovating. 21--Dressmaking--Miliinery. 22--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 23--Insurance. 24---Laundering. 25--Moving, Trucking, Storage. 26--Painting, Papering, Decorating. 27--Printing--Engraving. 28--Professional Services. 28a--Accountants. 28b--Architects. 28c--Chiropractie, 28d--Dental. 28e--Legal 2§f--Medical. 28g---Osteopathy. 28h--Osteopathic Physicians. 29--Repalring. 30--Talloring and Pressing. $1--Wanted--Business Service, EMPLOYMENT 32--Help Wanted--Female. Help Wanied nMale i el -Male or Female. ott oTtore Canvassers, Agents. a--Teachers Wanted. 36--Situations Wanted--Female. 37--Situations Wanted--Male. FINANCJAL 8--Business Opportunities. A BL Stocks, Bonds, 40---Money to an, 41--Wanted--To Borrow. INSTRUCTION 42--Correspondence Courses. 43-Local Instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic, 45--Private Instruction. 46--Wanted----Instruction. . LIVE STOCK 47--Dogs, §ats, Pets. 48--Horses, Cattle, Implements, 49--Poultry and Supplies, 50--Wanted--Live Stock. MERCHANDISE 51--Articles For Sale. bla---Barter and Exchange. b2--Business and Oftice Equipment. b3--Boats and Accessories. b5~--Farm and Dalry Products. 66--Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. 67---Good Things to kat. b8--Homemade. Things. 59---Household Goods. 60--Jewelry and Watcher, 61--Machinery and Tools. 63--Musical Instruments, 62a~~Radio Equipment, 63--8Seeds, Plants and Flowers. 64---8pecials at the Stores. 66--Wearing Apparel 66--Wanted--To Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT 67--Rooms With Board. 68--Rooms Without Board. 69--Roomg For Housekeeping. 70--Vacation Places. 71--Where To Eat. 72---~Where To Shop in Town. 73--Wanted--Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 74--Apartments and Flats. 75----Business Places For Rent. 76--Farms For Rent. 7i--Houses For Ment. 78--Office and Desk Room. 79--Suburban For Rent. 80--Summer Places For Rent. 81--Wanted--To Rent. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE R Brokers in Real Estate. 82--Business Property. 83----Farms and Sale. 86--Resort Property For Sale. $7--Suburban For Hale ¥8~--Real te For Exchange. Esta. $9--Wanted--Real Estate. 54--Bulldings and Building Materials. - that nobody ever heard of. the alphabet. fled Section. simple enough to let minute's time. Ads regularly! Built For Service! You can sit down now and begin to write out all the words you ever heard of, and then all the words that anybody ever heard of, and then make up a lot of others And you'll be able to do it all with the 26 letters of You can start in to count, "1-2-3--" you' can keep on counting for the rest of your life-- and you won't run out of numbers. And all the opportunities that ever could happen can and arranged for your use in th It's expansive enough to fill all sorts of wants--and you find whatever you want in a Get the sensible habit of reading the If You Know What You Want-- Then You Know Where It Is-- When You Turn To The A-B-C- Classified Ads. and so on, and to save and make money be neatly accommodated e A-B-C and 1-2-3 Classi- A-B-C Classified | Announcements Lost and Found 10 CH OF KEYS -- Found, on a ring, BN road. Owner may have same by calling at 66 Upper Charles Street. BELT--Found, lady's leather, on Satur- gay sttormoot, Apply phond Stem. CARRIER PIGEON--Found, No. 8535, CARE up. Communicate with 276 Iniversity Avenue. . CAP--Foun entleman's, grey, n Aa St. gH have same at 374 King Btreet East. '| CHAIN-- Child's gold, picked up on street by Constable Leslie Armstrong. Owner apply at the Police Station. ORSE--Lost, on October 27th, Anyone finding same please phone 2365 r 24, or write Walter Clogs, R. R. No. 2, Elginburg. | Elginburg. i--Found, small, on Johnson St, | | i containing a /emall sum of money, Owner may have samc by applying to 429 Johnson Street. === PARCEL--Found, on Saturday night, in store. Owner may have same by prov- ing property at J. H. Jarvis, 619 Prin- cess Street. La SUM OF MONEY--Found, on Saturday. Owner may have same by proving property, at 70 Nelson Street. WALLET--Containing large sum _ of money. was found on stool in New York Candy Store on Friday night. Owner may hhave same bY abr me Swhef- shi Apply personally to Peter Da ¢ N k Candy S FORD---Roadster, late model, in good condition. Owner buying Sedan. Ap- ply Wm. McGlade, 237 Bagot Street. Phone 704. Mis FORD--Coupe, in excellent condition, practically as good as new. May be seen at Davis Dry Dock C East End Wellington Street. FORD-- COUPE, NEARLY NEW. CHEAP. APPLY 70 COLBORNE ST. McLAUGHLIN--H44, Master Six Road- ster; perfect condition. Can be seen 1 ock Street or 519 Albert St, Auto Accessories--Tires-- Parts 18 THOUSANDS OF USED PARTS AS GOOD AS NEW FOR ANY MAKE OR MODEL. G. A. PALMER USED CAR & SALVAGE CoO, COR. BAGOT AND QUEEN 978. Announcements Goitre r J. Lake, e, Ear, No n. 258 Sasol tras Phone use 1138J. STOLE BIG SUN OF MONE: GOT LIGHT SENTENCE Previous Good Character Save ed John McDermott From Heavier Sentence. z S-- John McDermott, who pleaded the canteen funds at Mowat Hospital Was on Tuesday morning sentenced by Magistrate Farrell to not less than three months and not more than one year, in the Burwash re- formatory. McDermott was employ ed in the canteen. After taking the money skipped out of the city, and three weeks ago was taken in charge at Toronto, and brought back to Kingston by Constable Thomas Mullinger. : An elderly man was charged with vagrancy, and the punishment meted out t6 him was that he must retarn at once to his home in Belleville. The old fellow jumped to his feet, {88 SDI¥ as 8 man twenty years his | Junior, -and saluted the magistrata, | when his name was called. ~~ = | 1 was here," "It's two years since accused Moat said the hs "Yes, and you don't guilty to stealing about $800 from | Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 BATH BTAG Dally Service, Kingston --Bath. Leaves Bath § am. standard time. Leaves Kingston 3 p.m. stane dard time. From. Montreal Street, rear of King Edward Theatre. Pas. Ssengers and freight at reasonable rates. Henry Caiver, P oprietor. GARAGE--For sale, upts-date, fully equipped; at a bargain if taken at onoe. Apply Newburgh Insurance Of< fice, Newburgh, Ont. Repairing---Service Stations 36 AUTOMOBILE PAINTING--ARd finishe ing a specialty. Also Piano and Pure niture Polishing. Gordon Young, shop Queen street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or phone 1875w. TIRE REPAIRING--Have your tires and tubes vulcanized by experts. Our equipment for this work is fully mod- ern, and our work is guaranteed. Sud- daby Bros, corner and Queen Streets. ellington Street. Advertisfug. "Auditing Pubs He Stenography, erbatim oor ete. lclent service; reaso en £68. A. Murray, manager. Phone NG---~James Selby, or, 53 Livingston Ven Phene 11300. cement First-cla as _____ Business Service Insurance 28 FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insuf- ance. Mrs. H. 8. Crumley, 430 Earl Street, Phone 1783M. S INSURANCE--Our Sickness and Accl- dent policy protects your salary. Fire Insurance at low rates. Phone or en- uire E. Willia: 2 Couper Street. INSURANCE--Only thé most le companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--AIl branch E Life, Royal Exchange F and Automobile, Plate Gl Burglary. G. Hunter Ogilvie, 151 Wellington St. Phones 789w and 1087. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 for furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and Key. Frost's City Storage, 299- _306 Queen St one 526. Res. $89w. BTORAGE--For furniture, light, dry and airy. 'Apply Mrs. W. G. Ainslie, 356 Joh treet. mm rhs Es Painting, Papering, Decorating 20 PAINTING--Paperhanging, Decorating, Glazing, Storm Windows put on. Stock of Wall Paper at store. Prices right. Ai" deraon, 155 Bagot street. Phone PAINTING--And Paperhanging; work- manship guaranteed; prices right. See our choice selection of Wall Paper, 8. R. Lyons, 314 Barrie Street. Phone 358w. PAINTING--Paperhanging, Decorating, Hardwood i'loor Finishing, nrst class work, reasonable prices. Wallpaper samples. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, 208 Alfred _Street. hone 856m. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington. Chiropractic 28c. MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, PhC., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie St. enirance, Kingston, 0: Consultation free. Telephone 822). Hours 9tol2am. 1to 6 p.m. LUCY--Dr. George F. Dr. Lucy, Chiropractic Speci 8 an Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone #43w. Hours 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 7 to 9 p.m. Spinal lysis and con- Sultation free. Residential calls by appointment. Dental 28d. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentisia 150 Wellington street, corner of Brock. Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr. A, E, Deatist. Office: 268 Sw. Princess Street, Phone 6 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solleltors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; C M. Smith. EA---Ambrose, B.A, rrister and leitor. Law office, corner of King Bank. M Bo and Brock, over Royal to loan. Phone 1999. Poy Medical ROBINBON--C. K., M.D, Hours 10.30-12 am.; 3-4 vn. Phone 1646. ER et ato psa fami ETHERINGTON--Dr. Frederick, wishes to Mgnouncy that he has r d the ractice o surgery in Kingston. Tactice limited to surgery and radium treatment. Office: 142 Wellington St. Hours 2-4, and by appointment. Repairing. 29 CAB! TT ING--AIl kinds of wood turning, furniture repairing and re- modelling done. "Our Iepalring is fully guaranteed, and our prices are mode- ato. Phone, call or drop a card, ai Cook, 312 Montreal Street. 281. 365 Barrie St. pm; 7-530 to F. W. Hersid, eon-| . at, Ta 0 A SER ; m, RE VINISHING--OZ ail kinds, see W. Driscoll, 23 John hone 296F. eo f al nas repsired by ex- A. Laseriing, 208 -- Ceoverl order all vier sha 3 bolindring Univers! . 3 vel one Jan raity SCALE rt mechanics. L. incess Btreet. Phone 'H Avenue. Ph tu a rk An ood. ai A ; Wo te a card W. 9 0a t aires Avine, 216 NG-~AR sens re) ing. Leave craers at or bapa 4 134 &Y Street. Tadloeinz oud Prossing 30 my Cheviot Serge Bul good Vaile, tatiored on the ¥, Drices; reasonable ot alterations. Your own materials a Frank a dos. 196 lborne St, £ | =| SALESMEN-- Experienced Phone 2229w. ting ueen Streets. = toes Y CARRIA: Wick, Apply in evenings to 441 Tie Strevt. struct and supply you with work. | West-Angus Show Card Service, C \ MEN AND WOMEN---§5 Private Christ-| mas Greeting Cards; sample book free; men and women already making $5 up daily In spare time. Qarretson| Compan Brantford, Ont. For fresh meat or provi- tment for week-end trade. | x W-31, Whig. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS --As there will be much re- Joicing in prosperous Canada this Christmas, there is the greatest imag- inable demand for our exclusive, low- priced Personal Greeting Cards: rep- resent Canada's old established house with the celebrated Royal Series; easy to make ten to twenty dollars daf yi magnificent sampie book free to work- ers; experience or capital unnecessary. Bradley-Garretson, Brantford, Ont. LIVE AGENT--At Kingston, for Wat- kins. quality products. Big profits. 100% repeat orders. Write to-day. Th . R. Watkins Company, Hamil- ton. NURSERY STOCK--An agency for a reliable nursery firm is profitable. You can sell in country, town or city, We 8row and sell the best only, and want reliable, energetic agents for unre re- sented terr'tories. Write now. el- ham Narsery Co. Toronto. in selling bonds, real estate or insurance, for cogporation established fifteen years. Permanent position, advancement, Immediate results and bright future. Merrill System, Queen an Victoria Street. oronto. Teachers Wanted 8a PALMERSTON B. 8. No. 1 -- Teacher wanted at once, Salary $600 per an- num. Apply to M. L. Hermer, Ompah P.O, Ont. ee Situations W NURSE--Practical. Good Apply to Box T-27, Whig ES ta Financial "Sones to Lown 86 references. Oftice. 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Soclety, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county 'debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- poalts received and interest allowed. . C. @frtwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston, Instruction Correspondence Courses 42 RADIO--Listen-In Operator's course, complete, through individual instruc- tion; study at home in spare time. Write for free information. Interna. tional Correspondence Schools. 130 Clarence Street. Tel. 1003w. Y Instruction Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 ORCHESTRA--Book Treneers Novelty Orchestra, Kingston's Premier Dance combination, for your engagements. Write or phone Ted Treneer, 261 King Street. Phone 979w. or 1164F. ORCHESTRA ~-- Harmony Six, dances, social evenings, banquets or concerts. For engagements apply Art Christmys, 263 Queen x 1022m ORCHE, tA--McCormack's -- entirely re0racs « <u--now known as Claire Smit \ His Orchestra--the best ever. 1% ten, cor. Clergy W. and Division, engage- ments. PIANO--Miss Carrie Shepheard, teacher of Music. Special attenton to begn- iners. Pupils prepared for examina- _tung. Address 447, Alfred St. PIANO--Karrinne A. Madden, teacher of Plano. Studio: 50 Earl Street. Phone 1538. VIOLIN -- Daisy Johnson, AT.C.M., teacher of Violin and Plano. Studio: 307 Collingwood Street, near Johnson. ve 973w for Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets , 7 COW DOGS8--Trained, $10.00 each. Well trained fox and deer hounds, $25.00 each. Apply to David Cartwright, Mallorytown, Horses, Cattle, Impl 48 PONY--One Hackney, buggy and har- ness; one five-year-old bay mare, suit- able for delivery rig or saddle horse. Apply Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-8 King street. Phone 1961w. Poultry and Supplies 49 LEGHORN PULLETS--A few white, &00d laying strain. Apply 10 Thomas Wanted--Live Stock 50 HENS Wanied, alive, 20 cents a pound, 6 pounds each or over. Eggs wanted, 40 cents, F.0.B. your station in 30 dozen cases. Dairy prints, 28 cents, Honey wanted in § und pails. Albert 1owis, 666 Dundas Street West, Toron- 0. Pe Eo tn eR ------ __ Articles For Sale 51 ASHES FREB-- Also heavy clinkers. Especially suited for road work, To. for Jawing Apply to. Angrove's Foundry, ng and W---Five rooms, brick veneer =--one quarter cut oak dining room set, one Colurabia Vi uipped wih Supima stop, wne combination 15a and coal range. Avply to William Brace, $7 Victoria Street. R. ~Quantity of hard and soft. Ap- 4 KE. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. one 618 or phone 1391J. : T---Persian mb, rice $25.00. Owner going south. Apply 76 Division Street. CLOCKS --Mahogan 8 aa cathedral a fe x left. "From to $10.00. . 267 Prin BONGZ the ~ oa! e iron dressing table with triple mir- y , rocker, table, cuk ught Range. A | HAVE--You an_ automobile you would L. A. Sterling, 209 Princeas St Ph 1228 WOOD---And lumbe Place your or- ders now with W. C. Talbot for hard or soft wood. Orders taken at 8 St Catharines Street, or at the yard, Con- Cession street, near Division. Barter and Exchange second flat, good cellar (front cele 2 lar divided), newly decorated and painted, large fireplace in the lve ing room, attractive surroundi hen house in rear fruit trees and berry bushes. Two = blicks off car line, Bla sponsible parties. reasonable time. 237 Bagot Street. or S48J. M. B. Trumpou! lke to trade for an' §% Investment Telephone 704 Apply Box 1-18, Whig Office. ee eR Radio Equipment Sa 62a. RADIO--Kingston's first and only ex- clusive radio supply house Radio equipment of 'quality at ' reasonable prices. Write or call. Open evenings, Canada Radio Stores, 269% Princess Street. CLERGY STREET WEST-- 1 room hardwood floors, solid brick, large porch in front, souths ern exposure, outside light all round, hot water heasng, electria lights, gas for cooking, well decos rated, plumbing modern in every respeet, splendid large cellar. ft in Al sh ; extra deep lot, garden n exe Owner 377 EARL ST.-----Single and doub r- nished bedroom--- comfortable, well heated, "wo blocks from University. Meals if desired. 377 Earl Street, two aboye Fronten DEAU STREET _tnfurnished rooms at $10 a month. UNIVERSITY AVENUE, 243 -- First class rooms and board; all improve. ments; centrall d. Spot; away from car line clusive and quies locality. $ leaving city. This property 11 vi 200 cash buys it. Balance i $1 5 year mortgage, # pou 237 Bagot Sireet. Tel. 704 or 8487, HOUSE--Good, two storey brick. Price $900.00. Apply Newbur, h Ins Office, Newburgh, 9 urangy ing at a very low figure, a M. B. Trum eee om m---------- Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENTS 0, 6-rooms each-- oF electric light, 3-piece bath, one up- ¥ Stairs and one down. Apply to H. F. i 3 _Norman, §9 Patrick St. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATA APARTMENT-- Four rooms, heated, | FARMS FOR SALE: 1 suitable for light Rtousekeeping, elec- tric lights, gas for cooking. Apply | $1,950--Frame Bungalow, ms, 313 University Avenue or phone 862w.t and C, electric lghta, : So al APARTMENT--No. 2, ground floor.| tracks, Easy terms. Winston Apartments, 56 Earl Street. A Heated and supplied with hot water. _Immedt possession, = FLAT--Furnished, for rent, all conveni- ences; very central; rent moderate. Apply E. W. Mullin, real estate, 278 giohagon street, TU oY JOHNSON "STREET, 116--Unfurnished fla and hot water Immediate possession. Phone $2,600--Bungalow, 8 rooms, 3 plesd bath, eectric lights, ood oe of way. 5 5 i, $3,700--Frame, 7 rooms, im ents stable, west-end, i Provem $3,500--Brick V., 7 rooms, 3 plece electric lights, lar; y s henhouse, 8s 101, Mable § $3,500--Brick, semi all improvements. HOUSES--To rent, $22.50, $20.00, $15.00. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE 169 Wellington Street. -detached, 10 rooms LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street --~formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F, _Apply to Cunningham and Smith. oi STORE--Centrally located, solid stone, with plate glass front; newly decorat- ed. Apply Newburgh insurance Office, Newburgh, Ont. 1 Houses Fo HOUSE--Furnished, near M one 1256J , 46, 47 Cc St, 7 Rideau St.,, modern Single garages, 69 All rent reasonable. Ap- 4 Phone 988w. ST. 26---Nice, comfortable room. Gentleman preferred. Apply te 25 King street west. Phone 15Y7m. STUART ST. 163--8ix rooms and attic. electric lights,' gas for cooking, sep- arate bath and toilet. Good repair, Possession November 1st. Apply 144 Upper Union Street. : Rent acdonald mmm HOTELS improvements. Queen street. Densmere House Large, comfortable rooms, ___ Real Estate For Sal Business Property BUMBING Solid atone, 95 x 65 It; 2% Special attention to transients, storey an asement; suitable for a - nem small manufacturing and first class| | PPOne 791m. 72.74 Sydenham St. 'w, paint shop. A snap for $2,000.00. Ap- RS. E. P. DENISON, ly to Newburgh Insurance Office, ewburgh, Ont. Farms and d For Sale 88 40 ACRES--Farm, four miles from Kingston on Sydenham Road, machin- ery and stock. Land suitable for gar- dening. Apply Geo, L. Hillier, R. R. No. 1, Cataraqu, Ont. 70 ACRBS--In first class location: frame house and barn; wired for Hy- dro and beautifully situated; oon- venient to village, Apply to Newburgh Insurance Office, Newburgh, Ont. 150 ACRES--WIith stone house' &oud All conveniences. First class meals. NOTICE P. M. DRISCOLL, lat Grimason Hotel, aounce that he has e of the ol4 wishes to an. taken over the Lakevi eview House Corner of Queen ana Ontario Sta, First class meals, Boe. Good. yards and stables. Your patronage is solelted. 60 ACRES--W good location, on high- Y Apply to Newburgh Insurance ce, Ni urgh, Ont. 450 ACRES--Consisting of lot No, 3, Concession 7, 100 acres, ead. half lot No. 4, Concession 7, 50 acres; west half of lot No. 5, Concession 6, 100 acres; lot NoNJ0, Concession 8, 215 acres of ranch land; two underground barns, one 30x42 ft; one 45x48 ft. Frame : house, hog house 15x30 ft. Garage 12x18 ft. For prices and terms apply to B. J. Snyder, Parham. frame barn; . . Antique Furniture One Upright i lish. Palo § Splid Rosewoog Eng We carry a stock of modern furni- ture, LESSES ANTIQUE 8 io 507 Princess StroatS "Phone Noibw, W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bulldin Bi and King Streets. Phone 701 or one : General Insurance A necy, Writing: --Automobile, re, Acél. dent, Sickness, Plate (Jlass Burglary ete. Representing caly rellable come panies. saree Veterinary DR. H. MURPHY, B.V.80, Veterinary Surgeon Phone 2193J, 680 Princess Btreet, Kingston, | \ THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. 56 BROCK ST. $5,000--40 acres, all workable, 2 wells and good spring, 4 miles from King- ston, stone house, 8 rooms, cellar, barn, drive shed, ete. Complete with impiements stock, REAL FARM~--In the Township of Ern- esttown, 197 acres; 120 acres workable, | 8 wells and never-failing spring in pasture, also creek, 77 acres good pas. ture and wood land, comtaining about $4,000 worth of lumber, House of 16 rooms with H.W. floors; 2 double barns, hog pen, drive house, garage, ete. Water in house. Price $10,000.00, Cash payment of $4,000 will handle. Office Phone 68. House Phone after six p.m, 2260J and 2240M. AUTOMOBILES TRUCKING When you require the services of a truck for heavy haulin Houses For Sale 84 | | furniture, coal or Die articles : "E. W. MULLIN & SON | | wilt t y Pose ous tru Real Estate and Insurance Brakers :, rices per load or ton, 533w, phone Davis at 420 or 113. ¢ Phone See Display Advi. on Page Two. OUSE--Frame, with one acre of land . a and stable. Apply to Newburgh In- Davis Dry Dock Co. 4 surance Office, Newburgh. Fest End Wellington Btreot. HOUSE-~First class brick dwelling, all modern conveniences and one acre of land, with good le and garage. §4,- 500.00. Apply Newburgh Insurance Office, Newburgh. HOUSES Farms and lots for sais and rent in all parts of the city and sur- rounding district; too NUmMeroius to mention. For particulars apply H. B. Wlison, Real Estate, Uptown P. O, pn 1... WEBT-END -- brie] veneer, hot ale 4, ~mod-¥ ern vements. ice $3,900. A ly 8) Cooke, over Bank' of Toronie MERCHANDISE - Kentucky Cannel Coal | CHAN B® 3¥ Dressing Tables From 50 to 75 per cent. be- low manufacturer's price, Here is a chance! : "1. Tak' | PHONE 1706. 'furnace, ~

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