ALLEN [| € | il1 pm it Ei > ALLEN mie QYC LANNY BEUSH WHLY | ieee LAST EDITION. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922. - ' EM ---------------- : Tr-- wo --- -- rer ---------------- - : | jtion declared last night where a FIRES AT SQUI BERNHARDT AGAIN | TT. ; THE LLOYD GEORGE re se aie eusva companion WOMEN ENT ER, ro'sreean on svace LET CONVICTS YEAR 89; No. 244. feats both the Labor and Liberal can- TE iH Seas in didates. The seat had been previously | Young Woodlands Man In- Her Plays for The on | nea by a coalition Liberal and while stantly Killed When T ' Paris Include Severa CABINET RESIGNS ss: erm | ME BAILY ees | bined Liberal and Labor poles exceed Ne 1 I --a Pars, Oct. 19.--Sarah Bernhardt, the Tory by over 6,000. However, rawall, Oat. 19.--ArnoM Brown, Th : . | whose health caused some anxiety J J M * on's Idea With ey -Want a Place in Old + J. Hors [the Tory managers doubtless calou- A) air ane Yeu, 200 of Ried during the summer yesterday proved them many seats at the general el nouncing a programme of plans for late that similar conditions will yield killed while out hunting mear his Political Parties. bow comple'e is her recovery by an- Regard to Northern Ontario. S---- home. 'The unfortundie young man the coming season which is so full it e ~ Je A ection, - was with three other companions, After Having Been Repudiated f d Outlastod Jem ALL Curtis Hartle, B. Empey and George | | fie be 1] ae 1 any Younger fan THE BURNING OF TIMBER ! : °e eo London, Oct. 19.--Lloyd George |PDonnelly. He saw a equirrel in a ARE PUTTING QUESTIONS ing it, She 1a 77 years of age. f Unionist Members outlasted all statesmen who guided [tree and was just aiming at + when Not content with planning the ore- ye -- alCus 0 ! . the great nations through the world Busey stov'epiod , 1548 1évelied ys ation of DY rm "he writ- h d D : gun an . o "Jolt: S U de ; ha - Ua allowed tn cont he Rep sun i brown taimaen the siou To All Candidates For Pare ms of » nov vl cxiod sou Should Be Done Under Pro- tn . . . ha his seat at the steering wheel white - blades, oi ol to the ground, lam t S X Antagon- entitled "Advice to Actors," in which per Government duper- emier Has udience it f Gow NION" | others joo fheiz leudershiy Three oh Belg 4s ii feos: + Woo ent----J€ 1 she Intends to embody much of her . H D la men with whom he sat at Paris as 4 taken = 3 ; v visio 'e . : the Big Four of the peace confer- (lands, where medical aid was sum- sm Is Growing. Jat a ~ he a a, n, : Crclaes. ists Decide or enera ection Sa ence were toppled over. Premier Or-|moned, but i® was of no avail. The he sea din 2 ai in |} Sot Dey 3. Norvisey lando of Italy was forced to resign | Coroner at Cornwall, Dr. C. J. Ham- | London, Oct. 19.--The women fired give 2 senies of po Ty ences on has been up through the fire district "Uni d I P in June 1919, "Clemenceau" French (ton, was notified, but considered an [their first gun in the campaign for |I:aly and then proceed to the Uni the last few.days and has two ideas nite nservative arty. Tiger was cust asidé In the follow- |InQuest unnecessary. the general parliamentary elections |States. Sa: + of ory Jractical value, The futiet . ing January, and two months Yesterday "by armouncing a-ligtsof| Interviewed, eho ghid: "at po fof the U.F.0. suggests first that the the senate of the United State jhirtees qypestions which they pave end of Otiver | am Tevivine Mat- |ides of the Burwash pat) Term be es 3 PO - on Bj |submitted. to the candidates for|rice Rostand's 'La Glore' at my own [tended still farther to include sende fused for the second ttme to ratify parliament in the bye-electlon be- [theatre "in which I appear in the part |ing prisoners to Northern Ontario to the peace treaty. Not long after- ? ing held -et Newport. This list of | created. Phen I shall create several. (clear the land, particularly in burned wards the party of Woodrow Wilson ; | | questions was prepared by the Na-|Pew roles. First I will play in @ [over sections where fallen timber met defeat "at the polls. After the| : | | tional Union of Societies for Equal |three-act piece with Lucien Gultry at | will make fire traps in a few years. cthers had been put aside. in their ! Citizenship. the Theatre Edouard. VII. which {His second idea {s to change the proe countries, Lloyd George became the , The intention of the union is to Sacha Guitry has written for us both. | vincial system of fire ranging to & -| most prominent figure among all the 5 | | force every candidate to go on record | This will be followed by 'The Sphinx,' {system where government men teach Jnea ot te world engaged in public | i | [before the elections. Ome of the|a new play by Maurice Rostand, in and supervise the burning of timben . Ss rise was an adventure in 4 } | foremost questions on thé list de-|which I will take the title role. Then by the farmers, politics and filled with much ro- go | | mands an equal moral standard, the [I will play a 'man' in a piece partly | Mr. Morrison sees that {t is quite ime mance. "lH B oR abolishing of the present solicitation (in verse amd partly in prose written possible to keep the new settler from nS : | 2 laws and the insuring of equality in [by my granddaughter, Mme. Ver- trying to clear his land by burning, NO WHIMPERING HEARD i Xe | [the divorce laws. Equal pay for |neudi." He suggests that when this cannog i E equal work, equal property rights, Le stopped that it be kept within Eg and equal franchise also are listed proper channels, either being done AMONG THE REFUGEES ; in the demands. The women claim PAR-MUTUEL TAX at a time of year when the fire is | k co that if the same franchise rights as not likely to spread, or burned une Sin | 5 HF "| those of men were extended to wo- der proper supervision in the fall, Who Accept Their Plight With %. men, the number of women voters MAY STOP RACING There is no doubt that the disase the Fatalism of the ! . ould total 11,000,000. Tue num- trous fire this fall was entirely due | 3 er of men voters to-day reaches but to the settlers who took advanta, East. 12,000,000. Province Gets $2,212,220 for ot the dry weather to burn somé ot Constantinople, Oot. 19.--Another fl = Sex A Growi Year, But Tracks Operate Sue veh wy ep 2aiTis Sud there ly ACAI Wa baaitod gp HON. WINSTO CHURCHILL X Antagonism Growing. at Loss. also doubt at under present rege 400,000 Greoks and Armenians flod Hon. Winston T yrohdl, Colonial Sec- rs. P. W. Hubback, parliaments] - ulations there will be a similarly dise id Thier tr ky uals lisa Sry iio 18 | me In dons ary secretary of the Society for 19 Ontane b astrous fire in the great, region north ' Equal Citizenship, said: "The poli- oronto, Oct. ' nlanig horse. .s Cochrans when the settlers begin ' not to be serious. Q victorious Turk. In the exodus, re- ticlans appear to be puzzled on how [racing has completed its firet' year of to open farms there. Fire is one of operation under the five per cent. im- fugees were separated from children, x the women will vote in the next sisters from brothers and husbands AN ENQUIRY DEMANDED elections. These questions furnish |POst upon wagers, and it is now pos- he Zroaies! A een Jamar 384 from wives. Panic had stricken them them a partfal 'answer. When the |Sible to ecmpile figures showing the practically Impossible to ly him lest 'the Kemalists violate their Al MIDDLESEX JA Women voted in 1918, they voted in|dual effect of this revenue resort of using fire, 50 the logical thing seems pledge to the Allies which prohibts regular parties to end the war and |the Hon. Peter Smith. So far as the | > 1& to follow Mr. Morrison's sug- Sel Jol epievuE Phrase Tih -- to secure a quick peace. Now, they a sonsemned, he an gestion and have. this burning under er a final Near son are free to back those candidates or|0 1212, has accrued from e ton, & LLOYD GEORGE, Bastern peace conference. The re- Alleged prin on Worked on panties which show intelligence, levy, while the usual daily license |° "P&F sUPeTVIERe, Roatan : . : fugees accepted any means of gett- ate arms. tho "1 am afraid that sex antagonism [fee of $7,600 has also been exacted To Care For Live Stock. or London, Oct. 49.--David Lioyd, George resigned as Prime {ing out of the country and back into Returns Being Made. Is growing. The cold industrial fact |from khe operations of each course. | giice the fire of nearly two weeks minister of Great Britain this afternoon.' He presented his| Greece. Some of the more fortunate = is that more and 'more women are|This total, which is so substantial, ago one of the big problems has been resignation to King. George at Buckingham Palace after the |#9t rail accommodation, but these London, Oct. 19.--Serious allega-| obliged to earn a living and do withi-|howeyer, has not been yielded by the | pe care of the live stock. Hon. Ben~ Unionist caucus, which met at the Carlton Club, had repudi™ gy orc". Others jogged along 1n (ons have been made against the|out husbands. This fabtor will cer. | tracks without severe labors, and ian Bowman, who fs busy with wes A y WHIC) mel al AlUDg Pp ox carts while the majority trudged administration of the Middlesdx tainly influence elections later, if [when one turns to consider the show- lief work in the district at present, ated his' ministry. along the middle roads. Refugees County Jail. Formulated changes | not now. ing which they have achieved . for suggested that central feeding de- ned This marks the end of the coalilion government, composed | Were drenched to the skin. as they |win be laid before Crown Attorney| "If we had a women's party, ft [themselves ft 4s not surprising to tf tile 'ad other stock: This wee t er fe eis + 3 had no shelter from the downpour . C. Eliott, which he, in t will| would place us in opposition to the find #hat it is a notably sorry ome, |; y of the Liberal and Unionist parties, which came into being], rain. Most of them were hungry 3 requested. to place 18 tach, wii men at. once, whereas now, we are (the wagers by the public during the oy fiitle uy oihse sick. his Wik during the world war, In spite of the frantic efforts of, re- ney-General Raney, that steps may [Only endeavoring to create places for | year having decreased by the sum of mittee, who have a plan which is be- After a brief audience with King George this afternoon, Jet Seseaigauions to plleviate 'the be taken for an investigation. In-. Sh uelven > the Labor, Liberal and 312000400 from Tie 10% of 356 {n put in force of rationing each H i iv suffering. cluded in the allegations is one that | Other parties." 000,000 wi was lev Uring | farmer with feed for his stock up (0 Lloyd George returned to Dowling street, where he received This plight was accepted by the |jail officials while: ty Jos or the year 1921, and the pari-mutuel [nye animals. The watior Hoek bla & miners' delegation, but, according to Frank Hodges, who |resignation and fatalism of the east. municipality worked on a nrivate : profits having been consequently Te- |o¢ hay and one ton of straw for cach headed. the delegation, Lloyd George said he could not consult |The refugees did not whimper, They farm and that certain jail prisoners| INSPECTOR-GENERAL duced to a corresponding degree. The animal, which will allow the farme them as prime minister, since he had resigned. Members of |°!ieved their pileht was preordain- (were similarly employed and that WILL 80ON MAKE TOUR Ontario Jockey Club, in fact, in the | urs to carry his stock over the wine : : i yh ed and they accepted such, no return was made to the munici- ---- returns filed for its fall meet, admdtt- ter. In the spring, in needy cases, the miners' delegation said Lloyd George had told them the| The Aiea high commission to-|pality of such employment, nor was Ordnance Branch of Militia cd 2 oss of $17,000 on that session's [gore plan may be developed for ise King had accepted his resignation. : day, in a communication, set forth |the remuneration for the work dope will operations, suing seed to the farmers for earty that one battalion of Fremch were paid into the municipality coffers. Be Abolished and In view of the losses admittedly | pasture such as sweet clover seed. proceeding to Kirkilisse and Lure There have been several resigna- Work Divided. sustained also by a number of other Any way the relief committee ras CABINET HOLDS CONFERENCE. Burgas. This is in keeping with the |tions recently from the staff of the : leading tracks in Ontario, it 8 un- |{jons will tide the farmers over the The premier went to the palace from 10 Dowling street, | armistice pact, agreed by the Alles jail. ; Ottawa, Oct. 19.--The work of ze- | derstood that if the Ontano goverd- [winter months. where he had been in conference with his ministers on the ud Tutke bien srovides hat a y meee organizing both the mdlitary and the | ment aap pte to levy Dest year the Cas 'us + e over race as the civil by hi same tax as impose @ year, the political crisis, The conference was called following the Greeks and Armenfans depart, Then ADMIRAL SIMS 10 VISIT ty he i the Seperinon a matter will be carried to the courts NO EARLY SESSION Unionist caucus, which voted 186 to 87 in favor of appealing the territory fs to be turned over to than was originally. anticipated, and [On the ground that the sanctioning OF MANITOBA HOUSE to the country as a Conservative party, which was a breaking | the Turkish gendarmerie, 0D PORT HOPE HOME tion. George P. Graham, the minis. (Of racing in Canada is a matter for ry party, g | ter, stated after a conference with [the federal government, and that the | Bracken Government. Has Lit« away from the Lloyd George coalition government. Germans Make Honorable Mr. Si ¢ the Civil joe | Ontario government has no right to : Several of the Unionist junior members resigned from the Mention of British Ships And Also McGill University-- Commteton that the new act hii inipose a prohibitory impost on any Ye Leglsfation ta Put immediately af Gort ing: in. dating the various branches of de. |URdertaking that has the sanction of Through. cabinet immediately after the Unionist meeting. Those in as To Attend Montreal Armis= |, 06% TiTions promulsa'ed be. |the Dominion government, ¢ludad Stanley Baldwin, president of the Board of Trade; Sir| Hamburg, Oct. 19.--The maritime ti . TAY X ce Day Ball s fore Janu 1st next. This S -------------- Winnipeg, Oct. 19.--According to Arthur Griffith-Boscawen, minister of agriculture and fish-|c°urt Which has been conducting an y : : present plans. of the Bracken governe ) gr 3 pe ; s 3 . investigation into the founderi oo |pomement of the date on which the ] eries; Lieut.-Col. L. C. M. S. Amery, parliamentary and finan- | tne hams steamer Haomoute: on montreal, Oct. 19.--Admiral Wil-|new act comes into force will give OFFERE THE PREMIERSHIP gh a > it i. i + Si Hi in- | Vigo, Spain, 'I . lam Sowden Sims, G.C.M.G., and|those dn charge of the task ample sion - By 1} 88 Ge cial secretary to the admiralty; Sir Philip Lloyd Greame, min- | Vigo, Spain, 'last month, yesterday rs. Sims, will visit Admiral Sims |time to complete it. nounced at the parliament buildings. ; .Q: i exonerated the ship's m by . i ister of overseas trade; Sir John Baird, undersecretary of state uy DS Balaer, old home at Port Hope on Sunday, | Under the scheme of reorganiza-| The King has offered Andrew | It is not considered Likely that she : for the home office, and Col. Leslie Wilson, joint parliamentary 1, nis power to save the vessel Ln NOY. 12th. The admiral and his [tion the onda branch will be (Bonar Law the British premiership, [assembly will be Su zoned to Jos secrelary to the treasurer and chief Unionist whip. Capt. H.|the findings, honorable «sii: spend 180 sdulversary of Sytend sud the York tormerly Abo Fora Tied a we Te ould be i hi armistice in Montreal as the gues vided among Falty o D. King, another of the Unionist whips, and Col. Alberta Buck- hil made ni ee iy of General Sir Arthur Currie, prin-|others. The adjutant-general wi] Quebec, Oct. 19.--The Provincia] | members getting back to thelr worlk ' ley, assistant Unionist whip, also resigned. ish rh & vy . cipal of McGill University, and Lady | assume some of its duties and the | Cabinet yesterday afternoon an- (on the land, it was pointed ou, so : : Currie, at "Rockeby," Sherbrooke |quartermaster-general will take | NOUnced that the royalty on ashestos that the first session of the present The Unionist Caucus. hooted and jeered on the sidewalk street. Admiral Sims fs coming to others, while the chief of the gen- (had been cut in half. In future it |'egislature is mot expected to be a London, Oct. 19, -- The Unionist | 38 Austen Chamberlain's hand- Montreal Friday, November 10th, to | eral staff, Major-General J. H. Mac- | Will be only $2.50 a ton at shipping | Jong one. The new government has points, instead of five dollars, very little in the way of platform gaucus meeting at the Carlton Club | Picked unionist caucus met inside receive a degree from McGill, which | Brien, will assume the largest share ; today voted 186 to 87 in favor of | the exclusive Carlton Club at 11 a.m. STRONG APPEAL FOR will be conferred on him. He will [of its duties. Major-General Mac- legislation ¢o put through and thers * The Kemal contingent is at Con- |réemains omly the legislation which : a today. The "Die Hards," members ' e88 n. | B over A was reached he last session . appealing to the country at a gen- ' addr the students at conventio ren 1s also taking r the d . eral election as a united Conserva-|°f the unionist party, who are op NORTHERN SUFFERERS He will also speak before the Can-|of the inspector-general and he will |Stantinople. The Allies announce Sot ot owing to the defeat of "he Norris tive party. The vote carried with |Posed to continuation of support of adian Club and the Women's Canad- | shortly commence his of inspec- |that the Turks' gendarmerie must it the party's announced intention of | the coalition government, of which ian Club and in the evening will be | tion throughout ghe country. He wil] [leave at once. - [Feverament, and routine matters baving a Conservative premier if! Lloyd George Is head, gathered in| The cold weather here gives peo- the guest of honor at dinner at the also have charge of the administra. | Premier Drury favors a "sti# [which have arisen in the meantime. "successful at the polls. Thuis) front of the Ultra Respectable club ple an idea of what it must be up in United Services' club at the Ritz|tion of the air force, and when the |tax" on unoccupied lands, ~ -------------- 'amounts to a repudiation of the co-| 8nd staged a AemonstaAtion against | Northern Ontario where the temper- [Opriton, after which he will, in uni-{naval eervice is "incorporated under Prince of Wales Supports alition and of Lloyd George, unless Chamberlain and Sir Robert Horns, | gture is lower and where there have form, attend the armistice ball, the Department Proposed Cornflower Da 'the prime minister will definitely 2owel pr of 185 prime win been real smowfalls. Warm cloth rm ror " : > y "announce himself as a Conservative. | I5ter, when they entered. ucas' |ing, underwear, boots and rubbers | i oe al po At present, although the head of the | Was the cry that went up when Lord | are urgently needed. The Whig ac- DEMAND ---------- : i wim, Oot. 19. ae Drapes 'coalition government, Lloyd George Birkenhead alighted from his ear|gnowiedges subseri tions, and : : ich /e the o Th a { the 4s considered a Liberal. and hurried to the shelter of the| makes another appeal to the people OF HON. I A CRERAR Announces Candidacy | 3 bi Le hu ey he a ivSrsary 2 a : lub 0 : ; This creates a situation of the club. ; to give what they can to help re- - Ha 1 For Federal House ' é {greatest political confusion and un- roa 8 meting at the Welonlss. lieve the distress existing in the fire- --a-- ----ie i 4 a. in Buses fo why nite . eertafnty the countryslias known for rvative, party was brought | stricken area of our northland. The Stony Plains. District Smith's Falls, Oct. 19--B. Wilso, - ; ort! : A many years. The next move certain [about as the result of the political Previously acknowledged .§ 906.25 ay og of McCue, a Smith's Falls barrister 3m ; a wer: Tina rotelved Wari _b8 made will be resignation of [Crisis caused by the policles of the |, Sympathizer .. ....... A J, Farmers Pass a nounces himsel? as a Conservative] | ; The movement 1s being organized by / Austen Chamberlain and his associ- Georsian goyerament Join at heme ARrienk... .. .. i. 4 : candidate in Lanark county for the : | |the Ypres League. All money ra'sed : { Lord Balfour and Lord Birken- {and in the Ne - jonar Law,!y Campbell Strange . mm federal house. Mr. McCue has long| I 4 by the sale of cornflowers will bs / 08d, from the cabinet. ¥* fa ex-|One of the "dlp hards," belleved un-|) priend .. ., .. ...... Edmonton, Alta. Oct. 19.--As-| been active in Conservative ranks in| | : perm oted that Lloya Geotme wii Then [favorable to continued support of | ie Ialrd .. .. ........ -00 {serting that Hon. T. A. Crerar, lead- | this constituency. Others Mun ; Jot or Cithiun % at ana: da Bt his resignation and Jadvise | LI0¥d George, but who had made no x Friend, .... ......... to want the Conservative nomina-| | | |rendezvous for all British pilgrims } Majesty to choose a Conserva- Statement to that effect, was cheer-|y ioc Charity Bridge tion, and the convention, when held, | | visiting the graves and battlefields, . leader to form a government. |°1 83 be was recognized at the door! Club, per Mrs. T. G. i : f seeking to de- | will probably require to vote on sev-| | Be eee 'This course would be taken because | Of the Carlton Club. Tockhart .. .. ,. 0; : y Proj ve | eral aspirants. | Wood-Cutting Venture, the Conservatives have the largest Rs R. 3: sana line snee 5.00 the Stony : | The Progressives are ain cer-| | St. John, N.B., Oct. 19.--¥Five number of members in the House of Demonstration of Strength. ' |Mrs. Wm. McLeod Thomp- 4 F s of Alberta | tain to bring out a candid, 1 but no | | : * | hundred cords of wood cut last wine The Conservative leader London, Oct. 19.--The Unfonist{ BOB .. 4. 0 ov v.ions 2.00] . : ' his Lmention of any Dames as yet has| |i ter at a camp established by the city | » ted to be picked for the task is |majorfty is substantial and its see MAH... .. .. ...... 2.00 fre The reso n 'been ma : : " to give work to the unemployed will er. Andrew Bonar Law or the |is a demonstration of the gth [R. H. Fair .., .... .. .. 5.00 | 'Mr. Cre | refu » 'Tt 1s thought that there will be a| | 18 be sold by public tender, the city of Derby. ti-Lioyd . . | the Prog ves ! triangular contest, ss Dr. B. H.| '== " n ** |coumcll decided yesterday. It had 8 -- Tory rank Total to date .. .. ....$1,069.25 party. | be; 'Wickware, Smith's Falls, has been | - ; ' heen found impossible to secure Hooted and Jeered. > : r eg. f | With a mentioned as'a desirable candidate satisfactory sale for it ot! ' Oct 19.--S8everal hund-' 6 | is been | 'The Irish army chief is given pow- at he t in fa ] should the Liberals contest the oy { the result 1 y ors to impose the death sentence. " [m J oard. copnty, E