: THE DAILY BRITISH WHICGC -- St com | GRAND TRON aa 3 maa -- --< 4 Y FOR A V | as ACENC Kingston and icity a) Anthracite Coal " OCEAN STEAMSHIP po BR Genuine Scranton Hard Coal. We hope 3 al forts in the interests of the Protest- | School Club held a successful meet- | aEhectel atteution Hives your {amily ant cause, during his many years re- ing in Central School, Tusaday eves: ! Yo be abl k £ 1d Or frien sidcnce in Lanark county, the ing, Oct. 10th. President H. E. | 0 be able to take care of our o / the Old Country. Passports arranged rarer of 26 Galsior ive jie occtipiod the chair, . Vadloms are o nt customers farewell benguet to thee past county (business matters. wire discussed. [Il to the extent of their jllotfient. master, the Rev. J. W. 8. Lowry, in | Preparations were made for holding | ' \ .. \ a S. ANGLIN' & CO. | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and. Weillusios Streets, KINGS10N, Ont. Office Phone 06. Phone 1418. f ae For Russian Relief, On Sunday a pastoral letter from Archbishop Spratt, is to he read In {all Roman Catholic churches in the Diocese of Kingston eppealing for i for Russian relief. I had trgatment from three doctors, costing $50 in all 1 continued to suffer intetaely ith Te ation av el | We have received all our fall and ou » + until one 9 a friend told me about Bond Se Sonuating OLB au Zam-Buk and persuaded me to use it | f right away. 1 felt the benefit of the first | suits, also a large range of cloth for application. Zam-Buk relieved the irr- | suits made to measure at reason- itation and cooled and soothed my skin |ghle prices. Prevost, Brock street. wonderfully. Gradually the sores began to heal and, with perseverance, Zam-Buk completely rid me of the disease. wish all other sufferers could only realize the futility of experimenting with ordinary ointments 'in troubles like eczema. Zam-Buk used. in the first i would save lots of needless suffering and expense." Every home needs Zam- Buk for rooting= out skin troubles like boils, "1 suffered with eczema for over a year," writes Mr. Z, D'Muro of 722, For information and rates apply to Papineau Avenue, Montreal. * Though . J. P. HANLEY, C. P. and T.A.G.T. Ry., Kingston, Ont. . Office: C.N.-G.T. Station, 'Johnson and Ontario Streets, ston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. . "PHONE 99. the Orange Hall, at Smith's Falls, on |a tea and sale in the near future. October 9th. In additionsto the social | Miss Bessie McTear was appointed part of the programme there was secretary. After the business was | music and addresses fitting the occas- | Gaapased of, Miss E. Hoppin address- | fon. ed the meeting. She gave a most en- |} hu joyable~ and interesting talk on Much Coal Reaching Oswego, "Kingston at the time of the French According to reports received from | Regime in Canada. Oswego, N.Y., hard coal ds arriving by rail at a rapid rate although not . quite so fast as during the past weeks _Canadian Pacific. when the handling facilities were 180 Wellington street report the taxed to the utmost capacity. "Coal ; following arrivals of their steam; Ci, I ONE OF THE BEST is coming now at the normal. rate! f Britain, from Quebec, y of previous years eaid a visitor to| Impress o ; . ce Oswego who returned to the oity on due Cherbourg, Southampton and § Men's Box Calf, fall weight, Goodyear Welt, Blucher Cut Shoes, rubber middle 'soles to corner For Fall and Winter, King- To Build a Hotel. A syndicate composed of Water- |town, Toronto, Rochester and other | cities' capitalists arp at the present: time just completing and signing {contracts for the erection of a $100,- 000 hotel at Sacket's Harbor, N.Y. DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 368 Wednesday, and Canada 1s assured | Hamburg, Oct 13th, of a plentiful supply, but all we need | ; For moving of FREIGHT, ¥UMNMTURE, SAFES, Empress of France, from Quebec, | VERY DESCRIPTION on Transfer Co. PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF » Jimples, abscesses, poisoned wounds and ulcers. For cuts, burns, scalds, sprains, it is alsg indispensable. 50c. box, all dealess, & a, rt we S77. hvenihgs 2231. 188 1 WELLINGTON STREET | - PIANO TUNING Plane Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. PETER D. BROWN Dr. Waugh i 12 Markiand St. Phone 2307m, ' 108 Welliagion St. Phone 256 "THOMAS COFLEY anything dene In the earpen. Estimates given on all kinds and mew work: alse hard. of all kinda. All receiv: prompt attention. Shep 28 Qreen Street. Bell's Vanilla HIGH GRADE 350. A BOTTLE 'Cheapest in the long run. Made in Kingston by-- @ oe THOMAS DR. BELL WONDER MEDICINE CO, WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. i BUILDING | Dpavib scott | 3 REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son ? Main Street. © Phone 1670. ~ Pivtmber Plumbing and Gas Work a specs lalty, All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. - Phone 1277. - -- WR Mckae & Co GOLDEN: LION BLOCK. . PEA COAL and COKE HARD AND SOFT WOOD Out in stove lengths. BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 Within 5 Minutes of Everything Worth While Hotel Breslin Broadway at 29 St, New Pork An High Class Hotel with Moderate Rates Popular priced Club Breakfasts A Cafeteria--the last word in up-to-dateness--just opened RATES Single Room with bath « $3.00 SEES. The Telgmanx School of . Music Plano, violin and other stringed in- struments. Alida V. Telgmann, LE., teacher of Elocution and Delsarte sys- tem of Physical Culture. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on applica- on, 484 BROCK ST. Phone 2217). SS A-- -d INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS W. H. GODWIN & SON 80 Brock Street Phone 424 Now Is the Time to Get Your Watch or Clock REPAIRED L. C. HEMSLEY Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger 149 8ydenham St. Just off Princess GUNNS MAPLE LEAF - COOKED HAM from Pork Sausage, 4 Sa Sai 13 one pound net tins, x --= the flavor is ngly different to what one thing the thing for holiday trips and Selected The Apples. Leslie Smith, Wellington, has sent six boxes of apples for the Imperial Fruit Show in London, England. P. W. Hodgetts of the fruit branch de- partment of Agriculture, Toronto, selected the apples for the great show. . - Watch Your Step. A glance at the calendar shows that to-day (Friday) is the 13th. With Friday and the 13th, it will be in order for citizens to watch thelr step, as it will be a truly superstit- fous day for those who believe in these things. Engagement Announced. Mrs. James Keyes, Sheatown, an- nounces 'the engagement of her daughter, Margaret Anna, to Dermott Roger Cauley, Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cauley, Toledo, the mar- riage to take place the last of the month, Died Very Suddenly. Lorenzo W<! Herrick, Chaumont, a prominent Mason, a retired farmer Friday. He fell while on the street and dled soon after. Mr. Herrick was born in Cape Vincent, N.Y., and was fifty-nine years old last June. He was the son of George E. and Sarah C. Wells Herrick. Buys Graham Farm. William Rose, Belleville, has pur- chased the farm of R. J. Graham at the front of Sidney with buildings except Montrose, the large residence of Mr. Graham and the buildings in the immediate vicinity, which .are reserved by the latter. Mr. Rose ex- pects to take over the property about the first of November. Sheffleld-Galway Wedding. At the Methodist parsonage, Lans- towne, Ernest Sheffield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sheffield, Lynd- hurst, and Miss Sarah M. Galway, daughter of the late Joseph and Mrs. Galway, Sweet's Corners, were unit- od in marriage by Rev, Geo. W. Dus- tin, B.D., on Oct. 4th. They were at- 'ended by J. Galway, brother of the bride, and Miss Helen Sheflield, sis- ter of the groom, Barns and Crop Lost. The barns on the farm belonging to Harold Jakes, adjoining Merrick- ville, were destroyed by fire early on a recent morning. Mr. Jakes had gone to the barns where he left a Mghted lantern, while he went to the pasture for the cattle. During his absence the fire broke out and completely destroyed the buflding and contents, which inchvded the season's crop, some pigs and fowl. Don't Re-tire! " Get a new lease on life in a won- derful home. It is the kind that "mother made" and fis an exceptional bargain; there is half an acre of level ground beautifully laid out with trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetable garden; also a spacious garage, The house has plemty of rooms, is well » |[planned, and very attractive.- You can find it in our classified columns To Buy a Motor Pumper, By a good vote the ratepawers of Alexandria Bay, N.Y ., supported the purchase of a motor pumper for the village fire department not a single opposing vote was cast. The elec- tion authorises the village authorities to spend $15,000 for a motor pump- in the country. It will be equipped with ¥buble chemical tanks and have a pumping capacity of 1,000 gallons a minute. 145d Rural School Fair. The Wellington Consolidated Dis- trict Rural School Fair was held in the old schoolhouse on Tuesday un- '| der the auspices of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture. The child-|' ren brought in a number of exhibits, and cash prizes were given to success- ful competitors. Owing to the rain 1the programme had to be curtailed. {The Women's Institute served re- freshments. and hay buyer, died very suddenly. er. The machine will be equal to any | greatest number of trips while the season is open." Didn't Your Hear? First Commuter:--"I understand Sort-of-Slow has gone abroad. What happened, did someone leave him a fortune?" Second Commuter: --*No. He is sure in luck. Found a man who wanted a well educated travelling companion. They are going around the world. It's a three-year trip. Pretty fine, I'll gay." First Commuter:--'*Some opport- unity and Sort-of-Slow is just the chap to fill the bill, Dut how m thunder did anyone find nim?" Second Commuter:--*"Didn't you hear? It was through the classified ads." Are on Furlough, Dr. Charles M. Scott and wife, re- cently from Dhar, India, are on fur- lough. They afe Queen's graduates. Mrs. Scott is at Perth. She is a daughter of Rev. R. McNabb, a re- tired minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, Central Africa wae the scene of their activities for seven years. Dr, Scott and wife were associated with Dr. Margaret O'Hara in the work of Dhar. Mrs. Scott and '| her two children arrived in Canada in the spring and her husband has been spending the first portion of his fur- lough among the medical institutions in the British Isles. Home and School Club. In spite of the unfavorable condi- tion of the weather, the Home and is a period of favorable weather tnat | will permit our vessels to make the | due Cherbourg and Southampton, | Oct. 10th. Metagama, from Glasgow and Gel- | fast, due Quebec, 'Oct. 14th. Montcalm, from Liverpool, Quebec, Oct. 13th. | Tunisian, from Montreal, i Glasgow, Oct. 15th. . Empress of Russia, from Hong: | | | due | due kong, due Vancouver, Oct. 23rd. Empress of Asla, from Vancouver, | due Yokohama, Oct. 16th, and Hong- | kong, Oct. 26th) | Others Heard Shots, Still more people are vouching that they heard shots on Tuesday morning. Referring to the account in Tuesday's Whig about three shots being heard by a citizen residing on University avenue between Clergy and Earl streets at an early hour on Tuesday morning a local barber stat- ed on Thursday that he too had heard shots. It was at, half past two in the morning and, as he had been suffering from toothache, he was quite awake when the shots were fir- ed. However, it was not in the same vicinity. He declared that it sound- ed as though a revolver had been fired in the neighborhood of the fair grounds three times. At that time he made no investigation but made a note of the time in case something unusual was heard the next morn- ing. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years QUEEN'S STUDENTS STATIONERY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS, REFILLS, ETC. DANCE INVITATIONS AND PROGRAMM SCRIBBLING PAPER--500 SHEETS "BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING PHONE 243. Always bears ETT the Signature of A SPECIALTY. = 25c¢. CO., Limited mm Kingston's Most 331 KING STREET. KINGSTON, ONT, CAN. Visitors in Kingston will find at The New Eng- land Cafe pleasant, quiet surroundings, home-like cooking, a menu to please those of the most criminating taste and service which is unexcelled: The New England Cafe Up-to-date Cafe dis Private Phone 6535, Public Phone 527 In the Old the Back- Different Sorts » ¢ When Touring Cars Opened at The Accessories Consisted Mainly of a Large Horn, a Spare Tire and a Pump, But Today--Wihen So Many Equipment Are in Favor-- Furnishing Your Car is a Different Matter. You Can't Afford to Miss the Unusual Op- 'portunities to Save Money Offered Under "Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts" in the Al. (Copyright, 1922, by Basil L. Smith) Days, ~ keep out the damp. Our special price . ..$6.50 Rémember! We handle the best guaranteed Rubber Footwear made in Canada. Try a pair 4 Ames Holden Rubbers and be con- 'vinced. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street er Your Wrap For Next Fall and Winter It is not too early to decide what is to be done about 8 warm Wrap for the Fall and Winter. A There are just two things to do. Either have the present Fur Coat remodelled or fixed up. or else see what can be done about a new Fur Coat. It will be a pleasure to advise you whichever the case may be, Gourdier's | BROCK STREET; . TWEDDELL SUITS _ are so designed that dura- bility, style plus individual- ity, are the leading features --Styles becoming to those of the most discriminating taste are the ones to be found at:-- TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. I - of Motor Car eg 0 (One door below Randolph Hotel) For Saturday Vests, Drawers and Bloomers, Combi- nations, Sleeping Suits, Penman's, Turn- bull's} Lennard's, Knit-To-Fit and other : good makes; in'all the wanted styles at low- est possible prices. Blankets and Comforters for the cold weather. ('Wool Blankets at and $10.00 a pair. Comforters at $2.75, $3.50, $4., $5. Flannelette Blokets at mill prices. W.N. Linton & Co. $4.75, $5.50, $7.00