TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1922, l ) OUTSTANDING 4 SELLERSFOR FALL eases By A. 8. M. Hutchinson (Author of The Shelk.) THE GLIMPSES OF THE MOON ....c..... +. Edith Wharton THE VAN ROOM Hemmesessvnesonss J. C. Snaith FOUR BQUARE secsmsveaca Grace Richmond THREE MEN AND A MAID .. ....P. G. Wodehouse | CHARLES REX Ethel M. Dell . Sinclair Lewis . (Xuthor of Main Street) VEHEMENT FLAME «esos. Margaret Deland THE COUNTRY BEYOND ..... Some ee .James Oliver Curwood CAPPY RICKS RETIRES ......... teases «+++ Peter B. Kyne TEEL ENGLAND ,. + Ernest Raymond R. Uglow & Co. |! EXAMINED GLASSES MADE To assure satisfaction. That's all we do, but we do it properly. CONSULT: Wy for Waterman Fountain Pens $2.50 up to $8.00 LJ. EVERSHARP PENCILS 70¢c. up to $7.50 We can repair your Pen or Pencil. Registered Optometrist 240 Wellington 8t. Opp. Post Now Is The Time Oemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from, . Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston PPP PPP PPP Ppppoig Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. SE tuntiniB Pltm Plumbing and Gas Work a spec laity, All work guaranteed. Ad. dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. Dr. Nash's DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON THE DAILY BRITISH WH ------ LOUGHBORO- SCHOOL FAIR 'The Banner for Attendance Goes to the Separate 8chool No. 10. | | | List of prize winners at the Lough- | boro school fair held at Sydenham om | Wednesday, Sept. 13th: | Wheat, four quants--Ogle Young. | Wheat, half bushel--Ogle Young. | Wheat. sheaf--Roswsll Lees, Ogle Young, Bernard McAuley. | Oats, four quarts--Cyril McAuley, | Ogle Young. . » Oats, half bushel Ogle Young. Oats, sheaf--Ogle Young; Dorothy | Marta, Arthur Harker, Cyril Mec- | Audey. > { Barley, four quamts--Leo McAuley, | Roswell Lees, Ogle Young. Barley, belt bushel--Ogle Young. Barley, sheaf--Ogle Young, Leo McAuley, Rupert Blake, Arthur Har- er, FieM peas, two quarts--Evelyn Hingey, Leo McAuley, Field peas, three loaded vines-- Leo McAuley. 'Sweet corn, six ears--Rugene Pat- fereon, Geraldine Roberts, Charles Spattard, Edward Foxton, Melville Wilson, Earl Smith, . Sweet corn, single ear--Leo Koen, Fdward Foxton, Alma Barrett, Bertha McAuley, Clarence Stoness, Bernard Foxton, Earl Smith, Sweet corn, sheaf--Charles Spaf- ford, Ogle Young. Fld corn, six ears--Evelyn Hin- Field corn, singles ear--Evelyn Hingey. Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes--Iva Clarke, Alwyn Campbell, Vivian Free- man, Melville Wilson, Violet Harris, Earl Darling. Peck Irish Cobbler potatoes--Al- wyn Campbell, John Brawley, Alfred Gough, Charlie Spafford, Mary Hin- pay, Clifford Brown. Single Irish Cobbler potato--Al- wyn Campbell, Clifford Brown, Reta Freeman, Melville Wilson, Violet Harris, Edith Young. Twelve Green Mountain potatoes-- Phyllds Harris, Leo Babcock, Willie Raymond, Peter McLellan, Bernard Foxton, Bdmund Fitzgerald. Peck Green Mountain potatoes-- Deter McLellan, Bernard Foxton, Al- fred Gough, Honor Wilson. Single Green Mountain poteto-- Bernard Foxton, Leo Babcock, Pe MeLellan, Honor Wilson. 3 Peck Irish Cobbler potatoes from old seed--George Young, Bernard Foxton, Five Mangels-- Wilfred Koen, Clarence Wilson, Mary McAuley. Single mangel--Wiktred Koen, Clarence Wilson, Dorothy Marks, Bertha McAuley. Six beets--Jack Spafford, Vera Freeman, WHilie Kebbe, Mildred Slack, Faye Snider, Ruth Marks. Single beet--Evelyn Cook, Clar- ence Wilson, Six carrots--Dorothy Foxton, Ogle Young, Wille Kebbe, Viplet Harris, Marjon Barrett, Clarence Martin, Maggie Wilson. Single carrot--Dorothy Foxton, INDIAN TREE PATTERN COALPORT CHINA We have received a full line of this popular pattern and would be pleased to have our many customers call and make their selection, while the stock is complete, 4 _ 'Phone orders given prompt atten- tion. ; Gum Metal Hluchers and Recede Toe Bals, ! ogany rown Shoes, on broad and Men's Black and Brown Sample Boots Allan M. Reid | Bernard Foxton, Leo Keon, Efleen McAuley, Jack Spafford, Marion Bar- rett. Five turnips--Mary Hingey, Rup- ert Blake, Phyllis Harris, Arthur Bab- oock. S'ngle turnip--Mary Hingey, Rup- ert Blake, Willie Stoness, Percy Sni- der, Phyllis Harris, Bix onione--LiHlan Harris, Gertie Amey, Wilfred Koen, Merile Wilson, (Reta Freeman, Monica Grooms. i Single onjon--ILilHan Harris, Reta Freeman, Rose Kelly, Verna Guthrie, Rernard Foxton, Reta Botting. Bouquet asters--Rubena Sargent, Helen Spafford, Dorothy Foxton, Clit- ford Brown, Luella Slack, Helen Mo- | Aulay. Bouquet sweet peas--Katie Charl- ton, Vivian Freemam, Bessie Phip- pen. % Bouguet mixed flowers--Minnde Silver, Helen McAuley, Marion Bar- Edgar Leeman, Fidelis Fitzgerald, | Chante Spafford. | Collection weed eeeds--Halen | | Spafford, Alphonse MeAuley, Ellen | Koen, Arthur Harker, | Collection woed plants--Leo Koen, | Helen Spafford, Arthur Harker, Collection of 1 " ford, Spencer Storm Wiktri Koen, i Arthur Harker, | Essay "Val Mildred Slack, Auley. Essay "Stary of a Grain of Wheat" --Mildred Slack, VIoTa Barrett, Reta | Dotting, Freda Smith, May Vanluven, | Dorothy Marks. | Writing "Mary had a Little Lamd" --Jessie Snider, Helen McAuley. Writing "God Save the King"-- Luella Slack, Rdse Kelly, Maggie Marke, Phyllis Harris, Beatrice Grooms. Writing "Maple Leaf"--Reta Bot- ting, Gertie Amey, Barl Veley, Harry Davy, Geraldine Roberts, Hilda Thompson. Writing "0 Canada™--Ethel Rut- ledge, Mildred Slack, Wille Kebbe, Verna Guthrie, Freda Smith, Roland Brawley, Crayon drawing--Rubena Sargent, M.{Mred Slack, Leon Brawley, Roland Prawley, Beatrice Grooms, Evelyn 'Scales. Painting--Verna Guthrie, May Vanluven, Wilfred Koen, Leon Braw- ley, Alma Barrett, Roland Brawley. Five minute address--Florence Walaworth, Bar! Darling. Boys' hitching and driving contest --Wilile Raymond, Otto Davey, Jas. Muollroy. Girls' hftching and driving contest -- Wilhelmina Raymond. Nail driving contest--Wilhelmina Raymond, Violet Harris, Lillian Ston- ess, Alma Baird. Bchool parade--8.8. No. 3, S.8. No, 5, 8.8. No. 4. Girl and boy winning highest num- ber points--Mildred Slack, Ogle Young. The banner, which was donated by the Sydenham Women's Institute, to the school winning the highest num- Ler of points in proportion to attend- ance, and holding it for three years, has been awarded to Separate 8.8. No, 10, Loughboro. This school had an average of twenty-one poinis to each pupil, micah Have Installed (1 Burners, A few of the citizens of Kingston bave had oil-burning apparatus in- stalled in their furnaces for the win- ter"s supply of heat, and a great many more would probably do eo if they were sure of the heating qual- ties of the new invention. It ds un- | derstood that if the present experi- ment 48 a success, there will be a number of people who will be won over to the Innovation next year. EE ------------ . Improvements to Street Oars. It is noticeable that the closed street cars have been newly painted. Workmen throughout the summer renovating the cars for the winter trafic, and they are now in first class condition. IL Is not every city that can boast freshly painted cars for each season. ------ Helen Spatf- 1G. "COLLEGE" SHOES Men's heavy Black Scotch Grain Oxfords--good, heavy soles -- roomy last -- solid comfort in every pair. THE REAL SHOE FOR FALL THE BEST VALUE IN KINGSTON AT $6.00. ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE buters in Canada offer you the mewest and best that you can get in Canadas, I ------ te Old and New--the oldest tea distri- DALY'S GOOD TEA Get your share of it from MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE JUST ARRIVED The Choicest Lot of Hardwood Cut 12 in. stove length. $4.00 per load CANNEL COAL, WELSH COAL and COKE W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. hi Simmons Mattresses for the Relaxation and Sleep You Need > . We feature Simmons Mattresses because they con- ! form exactly to our ideals of purity, sanitation, comfort and satisfaction. They are made of pure, clean, mew Cotton enly, Old, "renovated" materials are never tolerated. They are pure, sweet and panitary through and through--just such mar tresses as you want to sleep upon--yet their cost is no greater than you would be obliged to pay for inferior grades that nobody can conscientiously vouch for. Come in and let us show you all the different styles and qualities, To-day's Radio Programme. } Company, Schenectady, N.Y. Quotations, have been engaged |. 485 meters wavelength, quotations, news bulletins, James Reid, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. Tuesday, Oct. 10th, Station WGY, General Electric 12.30 p.m.--Noon stock market 12.40 p.m.--Music. 12.45 p.m.--Weather forecast on 2 p.m.._Music. 6 p.m.--Produce and stock market 7.46 p.m.--Concert programme, Mrs. Cynthia Yates, Athens, has twelve selections. about recovered from her injuries received from a bad fall and is able to be out. What pleases you in others wi, Tn | general, please them in you. | make arrangements by Baturday noon BUS SERVICE KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE DAILY "SUNDAY The Sunday trip will not be run with less than six people. Please Jor Sunday, « TELEPHON 11. RATES: One Way, §1.00. Return, $1.75. Susday, $3.00 Return. ---- For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver 4 The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Billousness, Indigestion, or morning, and you will feel splendid "They work while you sleep." Cason rets never stir you up or gripe like "Prepared Bituminous Coal for use in Furnaces, Quebec Heaters and anges $15.00 PER TON .SOWARDS COAL CO PHONE 166. UP-TOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE PHONE 811, Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like | Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they "Cascarets." One or two to«night will empty your bowels completely by cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. i £ 8 =i =n jo hie Stomach and the assimilation of The Children's her's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALwars Food; natural sleep. Se & de Use For LL LLL IL TT LL IIIT TTT Smiaseasiansnnanns ALLL LULL ULL TITTY re SALE OF PHONOGRAPHS INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS COLUMBIA "A" COLUMBIA "B" Usual price $37.50. | Usual price $45, slightly . Blightly used, but in ex- | used, but in perfect con~ cellent condition. dition, $88.00 $15.00 VICTOR VL EMPIRE A well-known make which | Beautiful Cabinet me~ we have thoroughly over- | chine, mahogany. A bar- gain, hauled. TL LL LLL Bole ts in Kingston for Weber Pianos 231 PRINCESS § TRENT, BrGoney «