THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. & MONDAY, OCTOBER 0, 10322. PUBLIC MEETING CALLED THE FUR OF FURS IN'FASHION'S ESTIMATION, Every modish woman wants a 7 beautiful, fluffy, Silkey, full furred FOX SCARF Your choice in Jet Black Fox. which they say suits every woman, Or-- Cinnamon Lucille 33 The double-furred skins so soft to clasp bout the neck, and the open skins with their linings of Orepe de Chene. Brown Taupe We invite your comparison. No obligation to buy. Manshicturers Importers Fine Fars Johs McKay (Limited KINGSTON, CANADA 10 AD FIRE SUFFERERS Mayor Corbett to Preside at Gathering In Memorial Hall Tuesday Evening. Mayor Corbett has called & public meeting In the memorial hall, city buildings, for Tuesday evening at eight o'clock dn response to appeals from Toronto for help for the Nor- thern Ontardo' fire sufferers. The need is urgent, particulariy for cloth~ ing, bedding, ete. Already organisa- tions throughout che province are at work on pellef. Kingston's Red Cross society and women's church organizations have responded to the call, and collections have already been given by warious churches. What is required is to organize all the looal workers. This is largely what the meeting in the memorial hall 48 for. Mayor Corbett will pre- side, and the needs of the stricken people of our own morthland will be latd before the gathering. Everyone interested is asked 00 attend this meeting. WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS IT TO- MORROW ? Everybody has a birthday--from Grandpa to Baby, and they all love OH HENRY ! Don't forget OH MABEL! "Oh Henry's Little Sister™ Ask your dealer to assort a box of OH HENRY and OH MABEL and see for your- HON. J. A. STEWART Minister of Railways and Canal the Melighen cabinet, who died on unday in a Montreal hospital REV. J. 0. WATTS SUFFERED The Members of Chalmers Church Have Sent Him Financial Assistance. in | | Rev. J. Q Watts, a former mem- | ber of Queen's University staff, who | Congregational church for some time {and taught a men's bible class at {Chalmers ¢hurch, has been mindster Is conducted services in the First self what. an appropriate git it will make. lof St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, | Halleybury, for some time, and ac- cording to reports from that place, his church was bummed in the big fire and although mothing official has been received, it is beleved that ithe parsonage was also destroyed. { Prot. Watts and his family had a ; | Fresh Belleville Batter ..87c. Cream Assorted Jelly Powders $1550 each--Bagot St, BE, 3 brick veneer, 6 rooms, electric light. T0 LET Livingston Avenue--7 rooms, electrie light, hardwood floors, hot air furnace. $30.00 per month. Gore Street--9 rooms, elec- tric light, gas, hot water fur nace. $35.00 per month. Portsmouth---8tone Cottage, 6 rooms, electric light. Ground Floor Office space to rent. Victory Bonds bought and sold. : RH. Waddell 80 Breck St Select Seadless Raisins .. .20c, Baking Powder . ...23c, 8 for 24c, aisha dd dd dd hhh 4 Ahad ota id ddd hahahah ahd ahhh dua dua close call, some of the members of the family having to stay in the wat- er of the lake all night. At Chalmers church on Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson re ferred to the sad plight of Prof. Watts and his family, and his sug- gestion that a collection be taken up on his behalf met with a liberal re- sponse, and as a result ea goodly sum will be despatahed to Mr. Watts, as it és understood that he and the members of his family lost every- thing they possessed in the catastro- phe. "You may be sure that if Prof. Watts does mot need the money, it will be used to a good purpose In 're- lieving the suffering," said Dr. Wil- son, who also paid a warm tribute 10 the work of Prof. Watis at the First Congregational church, and aloo at Chalmers church, stating that it was his love to preach the gospel had caused him to leave his college work and take up the work of the ministry. EE -------------------------- * Moving to Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Throop, Brock- > ville, take up at 93 Centre . I The Right Hat on The Right Man Our Fall Hats are creating a lot of favorable comment. Take a look at our window display, then come inside and take advantage of our hat service. All prices from . ..$2.50 to $7.50 + And every Hat good value at this price. CAMPBELL BROS. street, which Mr. Throop recemtiy purchased. Mr. Throop and family have resided in Brockville for the past seventeen years. Two of the children are at Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. Throop and their daughter, who are members of Florence Nightingale chapter, Order of Eastern Star, were recently honored by the members of Lo, the Poor Freshettes ! A newly-initiated erowd of put in an appearance at Queen's Uni- versity on Monday morning. strawberry boxes tied dy green rid- bon at & rakish angle on their heads and huge club bags decked with wide green ribbon they could not be mis- taken for other than freshettes. Thay drew considerable ' attention and provided much amusement for the senior years in college. Attended Oshawa Ceremony. 'Major the Rev. W. BE. Kidd, George's cathedral, spent the week- end in Oshawa, where he was pres- ont at the laying of the cornerstone of the new Anglican church to WOMAN TIRED OF LIFE SUICIDES WITH POISON Self-Inflicted Cuts Indicate Doubly Sure. attempted to sever the jugular apd a wrist antery after taking the poison. At this time, Mrs. Johnson i» alleged to have sadd, "I am tired of life." Dr. H. 8. Stilwell was immediately summoned by the woman's husband, but from the beginning there was no "| distributing an eight hope of saving her life. It % underevood that Mrs. Johnson came here some years ago from Kingston, Ont. METHODISTS GIVE AID: Many Churches and Parsonages Wiped Out in Big Fire, The Methodist church is making a quick response to the call for assist- ance from Northern Ontario. Al- though no offictal dnformation fs at hand, it is beldeved that a large num- ber of the Methodist churches and parsonages were wiped out in the big fire, and the people of the church are being esked to assist, Already the sum of $5,000 has been despatich- ed by the general conference at Tor- onto, and collections are being taken up in all the churches in Ontarw, Quebec and Manitoba. Canadian Pacific; Hunters, This year the Canadian Pacific is page folder, containing the information a hunt. er wants: Game laws, baggage regu lations, special and regular train services, besides a large scale map of the district along the line of the Canadian Pacific in Northern On- tario--the places where the big fel- lows roam. Get your copy now; get the bunch together and choose your location. Canadian Pacific agents will be glad to assist you in planning your journey and making any ar- rangements necessary to your com- fort and convenience; or you may write, 'phone or call, city ticket of- fice, 180 Wellington street. Phone 1197. ; + Cantata Rendered at Cooke's. The cantata, "The Rolling Sea- son" (Simper), was beautifully rend- ered at Cooke's Presbyterian church on Sunday evening ,and under the direction of Miss Bessié Rogers, or- ganist and choir director, was well balanced respecting the different parts and the chorus work was very fine, The soloists, all artists, did perfect work. They were Mrs Tren- eer, Miss Diack snd Mrs. Easson, so- pranos; Mr. Lemmon Mr. Kerr, Mr. Donnelly, Mr, Filson and J. F. Eld. er. Miss Jean Douglas, violinist played throughout. There was & large congregation and the highest praise was expressed for Miss Rog- ers, the organist, and the members of the choir. Has Gone to New York. Miss Kathleen Freeman, R.N., El- gin, who is a graduate nurse of the Hotel' Dieu hospital, Kingston, ac- companied Mrs. R. C. Christopher ta New York city on the 4th inst. She fas been on duty caring for Mrs. Onristopher's small grandson for some time at her summer home, #Pine Tree Lodge," at Sand Laka, She will continue her duties in that capacity in New York. a She Wished to Make Death | CR ---- prices, PHONE 919, Latest editions of Text Boo Science and Medicine. Drawing sets of the best English manufacture at lowest THE CO Queen's University Text Books and Supplies LLEGE BOOK STORE ks authorized'for use in Arts, -- OPEN NIGHTS re Ny SEA ~~ Linoleum Rugs. ed colorings. Kingston's Big TR MASS MEETING TONIGHT In Memorial Hall, Addressed by Rev. Dr. . Pidgeon. A mass meeting js being held to- night in Memorial Hall, which will be addressed by the Rev. Dr, Pidgeon, president of the Ontario Council and pastor of Bloor Street Presbyterian church, Toronto. Dr. Pidgeon enjoys a wide reputa- tion as a speaker end will be heard this evening on one of his favorite themes. The Social Service Council's work covers & wide range. * Its ac- tivities include: Ohild Weifare, Com- munity Organization, Motion Picture V , Better Condi- Window Blin Newm Brighten Up the Home Visit our house furnishings department and we will show you how to make your home cheerful, attractive and comfort- able at a small expense. i IN OUR HOUSE FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT -- pou will find a complete range of Linoleums, | to 4 yards wide; oor Qilcloths | to 24 yards wide; Stair Oilcloth all widths. All makes and sizes of Floor Rugs, including Wilton, Ax- minster, Brussels and Tapestry, Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, : Eiderdown and Cotton-filled Comforters, Pillows, Cush- ion Forms; the newest in Curtain materials and ready - made Curtains, Tapestry and other furniture covering in all the want- de, all sizes; Curtain Rods and Window fix- tures; all styles, in fact everything that is new in House Furn- ishings will be found here, marked at the new, low prices. | Dry Goods 1 House F urnishings Store FOR SALE $3,200--8olid brick Bungalow, § rooms, all modern, furnace, good yard and driveway, Bar- gain for quick sale. 3,600--Brock Street. opposite } Viotoria Park, brick awallin , electric gas. Insurance of every kind Money to Loan REAL ESTATE FOR RENT No. 4 Clow's Block, Chatham Mt, 6 ro and toilet. No. 101 ng St. West, and toilet, gas No. 45 James St. § rooms and tollet, newly decora Ad low rentals to desirable ten EW.Maling Son rooms Johnson and Division Streets Distincively Styled Dress Footwear Soveral smart, new, dressy styles just to hand and pleasingly MARIE LLOYD IS DEAD. Was Well Kndwn as Singer of Coster Songs. London, Oct. 9~The death of Marie Lloyd, widely known music all artist, was announced Saturday. he was a prime favorite for years he music haMs of London, where and dash made » and pumbers of ber wide popularity. In ~--Also a large variety of lower heel mc is, at popular 1917 he made'a tour of Canada and visited the Dominiod again in 1913. She was born in London ia 1870, mond Schneider, aged 21, were dos tained by the county authorities to« day ss material witnesses in conne« tion with the murder of ths Rev. Bd- ward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. James Mills, choir singer, , Eb A