Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1922, p. 2

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$ THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1922. ee -------- ee ------------ | went to an old mill, and left our | ON TRIAL Hhree parcels there. We went dowa | {street again and walked around. We ! | ON MURDER CHARGE | wee. wore wo wae ste oor we OCTOBER COSMOPOLITAN | parcels and stayed there till about i (Continued from Page 1.) {11.30, when we left again. I . Ts : ' exanfined by Mr. Riguey, and said | changed my cap. I do not know if | Commencing a New Serial by the Author of the "Sheik," E. M. Hull, me time prior to the shooting, the others did. We went to the lane- | Ihe ad been acting as a constable in | way at the rear of Smith's jewelry | 4 THE DESERT HEALER" Napanee. Witness said when he first t store. We stood there for a time, all | [three of us." Three Best Serials--Ten Best Short Stories of the Month {see anything, "What was your purpose in stay- | Raccoon fou 20 nt susan, wan doch TOY Selioq uy Stentitey a Dom ra | "We were looking in a rear win- he aa tamu of fie Javewsy where |, CTV CONTRIBUTORS: LATEST MAGAZINES RECEIVED {the body was found, co |. "For what object?" pressed Mr. | Harrison Fisher, Edgar A. Guest, George Ade, Radio News, Radio World, Radio Broadcast, oats Benjamin Lufimian's Story. | Herrington. - E. M. Hull, 0. 0. McIntyre, Irvin S. Cobb, Ar. Popular Radio, Radio Instructor, Q. S. T., Wire- Benjam'n Lutfman, who keeps the! 'To see if we could get in thur Train, Rupert Hughes, Frank R. Adams, less Age, Science and Invention, Popular Science, Royal Hotel, on Dundas street,| "How long did you "stay in the | Kathleen Norris, H. C Witwer Cynthia Stocke Radio Digest, Ladies' Home Journal, Pictorial That combine splendid style Napanee opposite Smith's jewelry laneway?" 1 ples, Toy : Review, Pictorial Review Quarterly, MeCall's Naj y 3 J ley, Ring w. Lardner, P. G, Wodehouse Mon- | elev 10re wi [ w i think." a Quarterly, Fashionable Dress Royal, Modern and rare comfort. This clever bs Lota sworn. Je was in front of) "About fifteen minutes, 1. hunk tague Glass ard others. Priscilla, Elite, Bon Ton, Red Book, ete. Coat {8 made of fine, natural, his hotel early on the morfiing of the | And were you disturbed? Bllver Raccoon--every skin so- tragedy. Witness recalled Bova not- | "Yes, by two people on the street." "lected Tor evenness and beauty, Hying Constable Beard about the| «what did you leave in the lanc- | with excellent dark stripes and Hise Jes fu the JANSWRY smita's| "5 : vag." THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE a on 00T 4 "A military kit bag." Made extremely ru » the store, when he heard a shot. He - Witness pid not il who carried PHONE 919, : OPEN NIGHTS 3 stripe border an ripe then went around on John street, but {the bag. cuffs. .The deep Shawl Collar returned to his hotel, and after-| Further questioned, witness said | assures the utmost protection wards went back to the laneway . i hey were disturbed when Dear | ------------ in stormy weather, Witness saw three men gomg east (gith's window. wares on Dundas stree. He could not tell -- . how the men were dressed, but th We have your size. : 5 Bryant Had the Rifle. " appeared to be of meditm hegght . and slightly buflt At this time which one had the Why not come in and * rifle?" Witness then told about going in- "pg t had it." try them on? You are to the laneway at the rear of Smith's Met tei a e 1ife was ity" 8 : . store. He found Constable Beard's | . at o 9fs is r atin under no obligation body lying on the ground. Witness Ron poe A Te Fepemting thought he was the first to discover gi . . to buy. [the.body. Witness picked up the Witness was near Smith's win- Lo . : dow, his brother was "next to him, {Constable's flashlight which was ly- Ing about six feet from the body. 334 Dyan Sutreel she Geel. oo * Manulacturers Congtable Beard was lying on nis " : > ' ors' Importers face. Witness turned the rs 1 noticed 2 fash of light a 2 Queen s! Queen S, Queen s Flac Fars and with the light rom the officer's ay san, What ete: you doing Oil thi h B. : hi | flashlight, which was still burmimg Vitnous and Bla iws companisns i thugh na Banrighim gu-brath | when he found it, could see that : . . . John McKay Limited {Constable Beard wis dead. After juss bi Jarther flo te allay way. Cha gheil! Cha gheil! Cha gheil! KINGSTON, CANADA {making this discovery witneas noti- Ppe . | A and ay brother were ahead of me. {fled Chief of Police F. W. Barrett, |. d d and Mr. Exley, license inspector They cutran me. It was ark and ---- Questioned b Mr. Nicki . it I could not see." ness oy Ew Aothine = -- Witness was asked to look at fhe) | plans and was asked where Bryant ' had occurred in the laneway before was when he (the witness) heard a | Students of Queen S== the shot was fired. The Coustable's |, | flashlight was about seven or eight Witness showed Mr. Heritnptog: ( * {inches in length. au Mr. Nickle the spot on the plans) We welcome you to Kingston, E. A. Exley, the next witness sald | DID YOU SEE hs was a provincial officer. Te pri TR Ee gest vans wis one | the city beautiful, and also to of seeing Constatle Beard's body in | "Who h t ime?" the laneway. Witness noticed the | ho Bad the Fifle ut thai Hime? I "Ho ed #." (meaning Bryant.) our busy store, where the ladies Oh Henry! TE. wal and After the shooting the three went On a later examination, witness | | 8 . Tani be pot iaation, wi Ry eee | . will find a magnificient array of | the, window of Bova's store. rom | "I acked them why they made a : | the position of the ballet, witness |... et. Oh Mabel! me oa met arom | our 10 yo eng 1 he] Smart, Snappy Wearables at the new low prices. {handed over the bullet to Chief | AT KINGSTON'S BIG FAIR > Barrett. has Dd. 'What in he:! did you do . : - | Witness was also present when Dis Lp 5 " They were The Biggest Hit at the Fair. Provinelal Constable Wand peskoy a Dic _snyone answer yu? | a rv them to-da . |8 rifle shell. . Witn sy said he and his comphn- T y y |, To Mr. Rigney,. witness said be (ions went back to the river. where | § Newman & Shaw N { thought, Constable Beard must have |tpoy nag lott a suitcase. Witness \ 2 {had his revolver-in his hand at the left a kit bag in the lan way / CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold KINGSTON {time he met death, Mr, nim about The Always Busy Store LJ | | Established 1869, Also On Scene further trrangemen | Wiliam O'Neill was at the scene| VO Went lo tas old mill, 2 te abooting about 1.30. Wiknes 414 (9 Witnews "and _attormards {about 9.30 in the morning of the Shi : Wa n i {shooting, found a jacket of a rifle + ©, Wu! Into & garage ahd got a oe in some sawdust or shavings "Was iL your ear?" yyy ying T0 LET advingstone Avenue -- ce- ment block, 7 rooms, electric light, hardwood floors, hot air furnace, $35.00 per month, Possession at once. Stone Cottage, Portsmouth-- 5 rooms, electric light, $12.00 per month. [ _ Gure Street--brick, 9 rooms, electric light, gas, hot air fur- nace. $35.00 per month. Pos- session October 1st. Victory Bonds bought and sold. L i. hd on the windowsill of Bovae's store. "Ko. He handed the jacket over to Chief ip Fresh Made s i horny : Witoees said they broge into the by removing a pane of glass, 1 Edward Ming, undertaker, of |83rage Belleville Creamery 3c p p Witness removed the pans of glass, Napanee, said he was at the scene The door was opened, and the car | of the shooting, and viewed the body | .o taken out. of the dead constable. Witness re- "Where aid you go?"- [ We receive this Butter every § [moved the body to his undertaking | «wo went west a shor: distance [Jf | day and when fresh cannot be J | parlors. Later on Dr. James Miller, [and then returned to Kingston aug! y equalled for quality. [of Kingston, performed an autopsy |left the car in a woods near King- | Mr ---- _---- ps Ny -- . | A AadiuAuduhuhrhdrhah Ah A & on the body. gion. | "I had it part of the time." Dr. James Miller, Kingston, told 'Whacre did you get Lac rifle you | "And who else?" pressed Mr. Her. of conducting a post mortem examin- | had?" rington. WN ation on the body of the late con- "We olcle it from Dalton's store." "Bryant," sald the witness: ~ Oo YOUR HOME stable. He found a small wound is you take more than one: "Do you remember an occasion a 2 place that's Feally 21d uly your own--bullt in accordance over the heart, also a wound in the "We took two of ferent - call-{ when Detective James Cotter wag with your own ideas an eals. i bre." " Think of the pleasure of living in such a place, of improving chest. So far as witness could recall, o sald to have been shot and beautifying it! And instead of paying high rents, that money there was a wound 1 to th When did you first Bet possession | «yes eald witness, who also re- ' wou close to e on 2 can be applied on such a home. spine of the rifle you had on Aug. 28th?" {called the scene of the shooting. The 14 18 Fight 7 Bb inet +35 Let us talk the yo "About a year before that time." ow tn e time is rig or such an investment now. Let u The wound was such as woula "Who oar i are Sok yur Is vat) Bryant." matter over with you and show how easily it can be accomplished. by ' . be made by a bullet entering the "1 did, I suppose it does not mat-| «Who handled the rifle on that oe A FEW FROM OUR LIST: -- ehest? ter about the others." casion?" $7,600.00--Frontenac Street, detached. brick, 10 rooms, including Yon," / "Yes, it does." Mr. Rigney objected to this ques- sun parlor, 2 open fireplaces, oak floor, hot water heating, elec- Witness said all the other organs Witness then said Bryant was with tion. tric light, gas, garage 66x132. This is a bargain. of the deceased were in good ordes | him when the rifie was stolen. $3,500.00--Livingston Avenue, detached cement, 2 storey, hardwood Witness gave the cause of death "Who kept the rifie?" Used Same Rifle. floors, furnace and all improvements; 33x132. Wren ni, LARD 4 Most people are particular. We [ sell only the pure ....18c. Ib. BAKING POWDER Cullen's Pure Cream Baking Powder--we are going to hand 'these out Tuesday with your or- der 19c. tin #eeteseccns.s. 10 Ibs. 25¢, R. H. Waddell {} Cullen's hhh ddd LULL CASH AND CARRY 86 Breck St ALFRED and PRINCESS STs. i $4,100.00--Ellerbeck Avenup--detached brick bungalow, furnace, 1 due to hemorrhage, brought on trom "~~~ Mr. Herrington sald he wished to electric light, 3-plece bath, 7 rooms and garage. Ibddisiridrabbidrsdniinidsin ini -- hh the wound over the heart. establish thit the same rifle figured $10,000.00--Row of 4 brick dwellings, Bagot street, each contains Mr. Rigney questioned the witness in the two shootings. electric light and bathroom, good yard; will pay 10% on invest- about the wounds. Could he tell "The Hat Store" . | Witness admitted that the same ment. Furnished and unfurnished flats to let, Central whether the course of entrance was jrifie had figured in the two cases. HOUSES FOR RENT straight through the body, or dia- . ] His lordship stated that the ques- $25.00--25 Pine Street, 6 rooms, toilet and bath. gonally? N= 2 | tion was as to who had possession of $25.00--260 Queen Street, 7 rooms, electric light and gas : / = [the rifle. $23.00--102 Toronto Street, § rooms, From memory, without his report Z I "Who handled the rifle on the oc- # to review, witness thought the bul- { easton of the shooting in Napanee?" Phone 539w. let entered the body in a straight "Bryant had it." . course. Death would be instantan- XB Waa became of the rifle even- Fire Insurance EW Mullin& So eous. . | tually 2" . Il Mr. Exley was recalled and askea ; A | "The police got possession of it." Lowest Rates Real E -d about the finding of the bullet in \ | 'Someone gave it to the police. Insurance Brokers Bova's windowsill. The height or J iI did not give it to the police." Johnson and Division Streets. the bullet from the ground was de- ! J | Witness said the last time he saw Money fo Loan Wig {scribed as being even with Con- | the rifle it was concealed in the back [stable Barrett's shoulder. The bul- {yard at the home of the witness. rr ---- let was in the windowsill about fi | The rifle in question was then pro- ------------ iin New Fall | duced by Mr. Herrington, who ask- |ed, "What was done with the rifle?" f ° - eggs "It was used." Brwood Upion Tesi. Millinery | : Dain Dress F ootwear Erwood Upton, now serving 2 ; He was anything done with the four-year term in the penitentiary Your new Fall Hat is here. In §/ Witness said that the numbers on for theft, was the next witness. He both trimmed and tailored Hats the rifle were filed off by himself. Some of the new, up-to-the-minute ; Appeared in-a {Peat sult of grey if} op ure showing an enormous Mi This was the same rifie used in the styles, in dainty, dress footwear-- tweed. { variety. Our Hats are all J]| Beard and Cotter shooting. pleasingly priced at -$.500 HIGH-GRADE. I know Bryant," said the witness. We in "How was the ammunition carried . 3 moderately priced. ° "I was in Napanee on August 28th. a comparison. y to Napanee?" (1) Patent One Strap, Louls Heels. z . I went to Napanee by train with my ; "In a suit case or club bag." ' : HUDSON SEAL COATS [fii vevss niin wll" pee fe oo ue fal Oren tanan, Lows the afternoon of Saturday, August.) . court adjourned for luncheon, to re- ll iiily abel frat 27th. We took with us a club bag, a Can be made on short natice, Risyme at 2 vielen. . (3) Heant One Strap Sandal, Louts Made furred, beau matched, grade skins, / : rifle and some clothes. The rifle was Before the court adjourned, his | with deep Shawl Collars, trimmed and untrimmed. in two parts, and was wrapped up in SPORT HATS lordship warned the members of the (4) Patent Two Straps, Louis Heels. We are confident that you cannot match our qualities at A canvass sack. On arrival in Na- Our big sale of these that has Wl! jury that they must not speak about (5) Piaek Satin One Strap, Louts the prices we offer. panee we first went to the main | the Site » any person. je. fnailed Heels. : x eo fa at at a recent a n . "EARLY BUYING IS. BEST BUYING street to a restaurant, I do not know ' Owen Sound 4 juryman was found hese styles aivo in Black Kid Loa- x which one. It was a Chinese restan- r. 8s weil as an endless variety rant. We left our stuff in the res- talking to some person, and as a re- ' in the lower heel models--all at sult the trial wa set, and a new popular prices. taurant. We had something to eat trial 'was Beceacers P His lordship and then walked around the town pe SUG | stated that any person endeavoring a | we left our stuff in the restaurant Sai RAY BRIER to tax with the jurymen would be ' ftor about three hours (until after otal ' iseverely dealt with. : ' © é dark). We then went back to tha | Bryant's mother was present dur- | y , y dubia hd Ad Aa & a os |teet from the ground. i restaurant and got our stuff and' ' {ing the morning session of the took it close to the river. We then ; on court. Sn ¢ : 8

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