Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1922, p. 3

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Ee ---- | Ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Peck Irish Cobblers from old seed | ' | --Gordon Pillar, Arthur Robb, No | | > | Name, Millicent Burt, | | i MADE A FINE SHOWING Five Mangels--Monica Shortall | [ SN. Edward Baker, Edwin Combes, Al- |, eo eo | -- bert Hendrie, | escriptions! in Tose Exh at the King" Boss moss sor stort Fairmu¥he Prien [EIVor) Puke, Alber Hontsis, Bd. P winners. Six beets--Hilda Pearson, Dorothy Bring all your Prescriptions {fTughes, Meryl Simpkin, Arthur Bab- to Us for Potency, Accuracy, We are splendidly | The Kingston Fair is a thing of the [cock. Safety and Results. All (Mast, and only memories remain, bu' Single beet--Carl Mosier, Mildred [1 these cost no more with us equipped with a most these indeed are happy ones.for clear {Slack, Evelyn Cook, Norman Ryan. but do protect YOU. | skys, gentle breezes and happy | Six carrots--Gordon Baker, Harry | i complete range of crowds all combined in making the |Hitchcock, Kathleen Dunlop, Ella | We fill all doctor's pre- even: a success gratifying to the most | Watis. | scriptions right. choice pieces in high- anxious of hearts, Single carrot--Dorothy Foxton, { Nemo Corset Demonstration i . { Perchance no hearts in all Frontc- {Thelma Morley, Kathleen Dunlop, | | Phone 89. . . . . Phones. [|| est quality nac county were more anxiously [Edith Hunt. All * | jawaiting the week of September the | Turnips--Borden Edwards, Albert | | 1S Week 18th than those of several hundred Hendrie, Willle Stoness, Audrey | i : We send anything, anywhere. i . | i woes > lesen | : | rural school ¢ rem, or having |Cochrane, il !Just telephone to i SI VER {participated in a series of echool fairs | Single turnip--Borden Edwards, | { MISS FITZGERALD, OF NEW YORK, IN CHARGE v [#ince Sep'ember the 5th, like Ceasar |Audrey Cochrane, Albert Hendrie, | an [of old, they were looking for "new |Loufs Liston. { { Bri : : | L. T BEST EIR worlds to conquer," opportunity pre-| Six onions--Albert Hendrie, Kath. ring your Corset problems to Miss Fitzgerald-- she | | senting itself in the form of a cham- |leen Dunlop, Mary Bolton, We { 1 1 . at { . | Dionship school fair, at which all | Baker, 4 siey i will give you at first hand expert information. il Prescription Druggist | | first, second and third prize-winners Single onlon__Albert Hendrie, Lik | I ey : l | |of the school fairs were permitted <o [lian Harris, Lloyd Babcock, Kathleen rE. = --_-- may A = = |exhibit, Dunlop, | The Interest the children manifest- | Bouquet Asters--Alice Shortall, lea, and the excellence of their work |Evelyn Pearson, Nora Fearn, Gladys oe o Dominion The prices are very |i was a source of Hever failing won- | Day. : > {der to all who visited this exhibi*, Bouquet Sweet Peas -- Monica Th M d Fall Meat Store moderate, such asi-- | Banners, blooming plants, bouquets. |Shortall g e oO © in |sheaves of grain, and fruit combined Bouquet mixed flowers--Evelyn 1 dS . o v I Plerced Sandwich Plates $4.50 (With the patriotic colors In making |Connors, Nora Fearn, Nellie Carroll, : Eveivn Beaman an inter PP. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1208. Teapot Stands .........8$2.00 [ll (iq seene of beauty while the "Grand {old Flag" hung looming over all, Potted house plant -- Fern | = y Collections of noxious weed seeds, [Coombes Alice Shortall Hayward | 0 2 Dishes ........811. i . : : ! Entree Dishes $11.00 Iplants, insects and soils, showed the Turnham, Evelyn Day, | Barred Rock cockerel -- Flora | ' . 1 Tomorrow s Specials [fil and many others, all carrying {knowledge of their environment these | © {jl our guarantee of satisfactory [|| lehildren had acquired, while models |Clark, Minobell Germaine, Hayward | . service. lof sheep feeding crates, mail boxes |Turnham, Nile Conners. | land sewing showed clever fingers Pullet--Norman Cochrane, Evelyn | 7 | {among hoys and girls alike, Cakes, |Conners, Minobell Germaine, Eunice | [ples, tarts and bread caused many {Heaton. | prognostications of happy homes in | Pen, three birds--Norman Coch- | 4 \ , [the future, reigned over by 'hese [rane Clarence Stoness, Evelyn Con- | 3 ® [promising young cooks. |ners, Jim Coombes. | GL S \ : Cock and hen from home flook-- | 5 . A wonderful range of deep-piled All- Corn, potatoes, carrots, beets and { wool Coatings that insure health and lart of gardening was not being ne- {Dexter Fairbanks, Mabel] Murray, . [a and "Tommy" had his hoe [Nora Fearn, J warmth during the bleak, cold days sO 1 n . a 7 |going in the garden while "Janey" Five fall apples--Margaret Eller- A BARE DEAL EVERY | KING STREBT, KINGSTON [had her hands in the dough. Nor beck, Mabel Murray, Nora Fearn. | near at hand. {were the intellectual arts forgo'ten. Sponge cake__qMargaret Arthur, | PROMPT DELIVERY | | Essays, writing and art were exhibit- | Lizzie Maloney, Evélyn Conners, Au- | i ren fed, which reflected credit on teachers |drey Cochrane, i Pr ee ee jena pupils alike, Twelve drop cookies -- Audrey ; : | The collections of vegetables, can- Cochrane, Carmel Cochrane, Minobell Too many women seem to have an DR H C MABEE {ned from their home gardens, by 'he Germaine, Margaret Ellerbeck. 4 Oo . . . C ti $ 1 oa ing 98 Idea that it isn't proper to shake {boys and girls, completed the exhibit, Twelve jelly tarts---Flovence Mas. | This heavy, All-wool Coating is devel- Compotes ..... .......84.25 LIMITED imany other vegetables too numerous [Ross Donaldson. to mention, showed that 'he gentle Five winter apples--Floyd en ESTABLISHED 18460 Bands with BpYons hs i you meant it. 79 WILLIAM STREET [and were the cause of endless ques- (Row, Evelyn Conners, Irene Weir, a servant girl knows her [tions on methods because, to quota [Thelma Cochrane, Place it is a hard matter to get Bee | Phone 286 [the visitor, 'Mine did not look as| Loaf white bread--Alberta Donald- ta keep it. {nice as that: The corn on the cob [ova Phoebe Weir, Mildred Wartman, I --------tp-- {was certainly a 'prize winner for Minobell Germaine, larousing interest. Lemon pie--Evelyn Conners, Al- | Befors passing on to a list of prize \berta Donaldson, Mildred Slack, Pearl {winners, a word of appreciation is in Dunlop. . + oped in the season's smartest shades, order for the teachers, who by their Collection six kinds of small cakes [hearty co-operation, made such an [or cookies--Evelyn Conners, Alberta ' . : 0d or age {exhibit possible. These young ladies {Donaldson, Evelyn Day, Mildred + and is full 54 inches wide--a material were responsible for the beautiful Wartman, s that combines smartness with durabil- banners which were a decoration in Fancy white apron--May Truedell, themselves. Two teachers, Mrs, Saun- Ethel Rutledge, Thelma Morley, . ders and Miss Babcock, are to be [pear] Dunlop. ity. WILL CREATE A DEMAND FOR especially praised, for the strings of | othe pin bag--Helen Merriman, |crabapples and fancy wreathing they Eunice Heaton, Net'le Chrissley, manufactured with the children's (giaing McAllister. help, and contributed toward the de- Pillow case--Myrtle Hitcheock, / IRE Pl corating: Their work will not soon Florencs Sproule, Thelma Cochrane, . . be forgotten, and we trust more Evelyn Conners, $ d C] ; teachers will feel able to follow their Model mail box--Howard Watts, 00 ur e y next year make the [mage Stoliker, Bert Young, ° up example, and championship school fair like 'he Model feed hopper--Walter Don- FIX R S Kingston Industrial "Bigger, Bright- aldson, Arthur Pearson, Richard Bed- | ( er, Better than Ever." dows, Eugene Sands. 1 : . , E Credit "is given to the following | Medel sheop feding rack__ Verna English Heather and Plaid Back Coatings are the season's . teachers, who have greatly assisted in Cranston, Geo. Hull, Harold Stover, - the fair: Misses Vera Chalmers, Lens [ors youne most pronounced vogue--a full range of the fashionable shades Davis, Ferguson, E. Lake, Penwar- | inaction different types of sofl-- viet, . . i : Evelyn Conners, Monma Shertall, is included in this special showing. See our values at $2.50, Basket Grates Fire Sets den, M. L. MeKsover, M. B. raves, M. Carson, Henderson, R. Babcook, [rae Truedell, Mossalyn Burt. Coal Hods J. O'Meara, Elsa Craig, M. 8igsworth, | ;j1ection weed seods--Helen Spat- $2.90, $2.95, $3.50 and $3.75 a yard. ¥ Suid, Ee 1eathotiang, 3 er ford, Hattle Ellerbeck, Evelyn Con- 0 ouse, Margare air, . C- Ethel T send, Fenders Spark Guards Tear, L. M. Phillips, G. A. Wattam, aller OSE plants-Yiolen H. Brown, Mildred Orser, Jessie Wil- Spafford, Evelyn Day, Vernon Burn- lard, M: Cochrane, and Mrs. Young Fhe a 1) : MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW pol Saunders, also the teachers of 3 ae! Towanend Scion Spaf- $ $ Portland, 13 and 15 Kingston. ford, Eugene Tarrant, Helen Bradley, : cIring one 0d . é 9. e oo The following is a list of the prize [penal Townsend, C e Ve IC winners in the various classes in Essay "Value of a Good Road" -- 9 . Be Ee Clits 5 Helen Bradley, Alice Shortall, Rich- Wheat, 4 g's. iffor pence, *Beddows, Verna Cranston. . . Flambors, Sabie of Plumbers oa Geetpre ay Mosier, Geo, Tuiubam, re "Story of a Grain of Wheat" For the smart, mannish Coat with its slashed pockets, rak- Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' and Gas-Fittery --Thelma Morley, Alberta Donald- : . . Waott ball bus--Ogle Young. . - [---Tudllly Morley, Alberta Donald: ish belt and leather buttons. No material is better adapted for a Wheat, sheaf--Joseph Kerr, Ray o - " Mosier, Lorn Shepherd, Wilbur Price. ring Mary Had a Lit'le Lamb - --Marie Black, Beatrice Young, Nel- Date, JOUr _gte--Cordon Pillar, fe Carroll, Autres Costa Ogle Young, Writing "God Save the King"-- Oats, half bus.--Ogle Young. Burton Grass, Walter Donaldson, y| Oats, sheat--Geo. Turnham, En- Thelma Murray, Minobell Germaine. Sexe Tarrant, Ethel Townsend, John Writizg "Maple Leat"--Mae Tru. * $ a v dell, Verdun Burnett, Reta Botting, Barley, four qts.--Norman Coch- Willie MacRow. Tene Orman e { @® rane, Clifford Sly, Ogle Young. Writing * " 'ing "0 Canada" -- Monica Barley, sheaf--Clifford Sly, How- Shortall, Patience Swaine, Mildred ard Watts, Joseph Koen, Norman flack, Helen Trudell. Cochrane, ! in, le: dell : ' . Field meas, two ats --Clare Med. | CTIYOD draving._Helen Trader, A soft, lustrous fabric--one of the season s choicest novelty lister, Percy Hitchcock, Charhe |p aldvon. . . ; Brown, Ourmel Cochrane. ' on Atoarts Donaleon. cloths--to be seen in the new Wood tones and blues so fashion- eld peas, three vines-- dson, Alice tal . Carmel Cochrane, Walter Donaldson. Waller ua son Shortal], able this season, Six ears sweet corn__Minobell Ger- Collection vegetables from home maine, Ferdinand Wallace, David t lots--Evel Con- 3 Cand val Sardopcontest Forel 3 Sou Other cloths in favor are Duvetyn, Velour, French Nubby Stogle ear, sweet corn--Minobell Hunt: Le Germaine, Edward Foxton, John TS cHion. casual reuetubicee Cloth, Tweed-ponge, Vel-Nap, Wool Bolivia and Novelty pile ark, (era ¥'en, H rd Turnham, Evelyn Conne: . . Sheat sweet corn--Russell Clark, | Tnatms Oochrens Ales BosoRuers, fabrics. You will find our assortments most complete and our Oo Hoe. core Pigone Sang ollection from school best banner . ising] ] I --FEugene Sands, |__§5 No, 1 Storrington, 8.8. No. 7 rices surprisi ow fs concentrated upon the production Hattie Ellerbeck, George Warman, Kingston, 8.8. No. 9 Bedford, S.8. No. P Tprisingly of the Nordheimer Piano. Floyd Mosler. 14 Storrington, 8.8. No. 10 Pittsburg. ier eons nar "aieials sad SIRES er Ja eorn--Bugene THE NEW McCALL PATTERNS show many attractive magn P Sands, Floyd Mosier, George Wart- a Blace o Permanent prominence S-- honographs man, Lawrence Horne. A Home at Last. . : i est Canadian Homes and Sheaf field corn--Clifford Sly, First Cousin: "Dearest, have you new coat models that should prove of interest to all those with 'Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes-- [heard the latest? Cousin Paul has : b George Tu + Adelaide Holden, [bought a home." . e 1 ; Kenneth , Ross Donaldson. Second Cousin: "My dear, I refuse new coatings to uy. Peck I. C. potatoes--Alice Shortall, | to beHeve it. Paul has always claim- | | Aired Baker, George Turnham, Ross [ed that the . he wanted Donaldson, : isn't nable." : | Single I: C. potato--George Turn- First Cousin: "My dear, I know it, Ester Oneirle 8 Largest and Most P opu- {ham, Alwyn Campbell, Leslie Harpell, | but he began to study thé real estate : use urni 1 | Florence Ledsair, ads in our newspaper. Sounds ab- | Tito F ishing Store. Twelve Green Mountain potatoes-- surd, doesn't it, but he found exact- Ferdinand Wallace, George Wart- |ly what he wanted." man, Mabel Robb, Albert Dunlop. Peck G. M. potatoes--George Wart- Don't forget Wolfe Island Fair, ma, Leute Harpell, Clifford Spence, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 26th " { on. 3 ° |and 27th. Dance to be held Wednes- | "Ginie 6 2. potato._Etnet Baker, S54 NN Danae | Agents for the new McCall Pattern. { Weslay Baker, Clifford Spence, Bern- Andirons utility garment. -

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