TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1922. M-- TOPMENT) t By L1EUT JOHN R. IRWIN . | ~~ a -- / There 18 a peculiar phenomena about a current of electricity pass- ing along a wire called "magnetic effect" or the "magnetic field." * by this effect it is possible by certain well known rules to determine the direction of the flow of 'current. Perhaps the simplest method is as follows: If a wire ©Arrying a current of electricity is placed parallel to, but above, a small compass needle the needle will turn at a right angle to the wire. If the current is broken the needle will return to its parallel position. If the current is flow- ing toward the north the deflegtion of the needle will be with its north pole to the left, or west, if the com- pass is placed under the wire. On the other hand, if the compass is placed over the wire and the cur- rent is flowing north the compass needle will point its north pole to the right, or east. If the current is reversed in the wire the oppo- site effect would be observed in sach respective case. However, the direction of flow of electric current is in any event Pa U. 8. Air SERVICE ( Rane | MAGNETIC EFFECT OF CURRENT. a matter of arbitrary definition, and 'in practice the student will usually determine the direction by means of an instrument, but these simple rules are useful to a student in assisting to a better understand- ing. Another simple rule is one that determines the direction of the magnetic field and is called the "right Land rule." Grasp the wire with the right hand, with the thumb extended along the wire in the direction of the current. The curved fing tips will then indicate the direction of the magnetic effect. Another method is: Imagine a wood screw being advanced iato a block in the direction of the cur- rent. The direction of its retation then indicates the directicn of the magnetic field around the wire or conductor. The student would do well to familiarize himself with one of these simple rules by practice wita a small compass and a simple elec~ tric clirenit. (Continued in next issue). | APRRATUS DEVICES | By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER . A DETECTOR AND ONE-STEP AMPLIFIER. The amplifier control box shown In the illustration contains vacuum tube detector and amplifier cir- cuits and their controls. A switch permits the use of either the de- tector or the amplifier. Separate rheostats and ammeters are provided with each for fila- ment control, the degree of am- plitication being controlled by the amplifier rheostat. a The amplifier is a; departure from the nsual type, operating on the principle of low frequency resonance and variable input im- pedance. The detector and amplifier have shock-proof mountings designed to eliminate "noise" due to mechani cal vibration. These in turn are mounted on a Dbakelite-dilecto panel and the whole encased in an oak cabinet. It is rugged and with proper care will have an indefinitely long 1ife. Will readers interested In these with the editor by mail? Shi radio articles kindly communicate 7.45 nm Corman Fox Trot--Rose Browa- ital La of matt Bombay, | | | | ! (Mr. Curtin Orchesra, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Humor in the Canadian Pacific Rockies as Seen by a Famous American Cartoonist - THESE TOURISTS TRAVELED ACROSS THE CONTINENT FORTHE SCENERY ~ ---- AUG.Z. WELL HOW YA LiKE I'T UP HERE? PRETTY FAIR EATS HEY ? NEAH. HAD A GOOD BREAKFAST THIS MORNIN we bh "re YA THEY FED US PRETTY WELL OVER To VANCouvER || STIRUK A PLACE THAT WAS AS GOOD AS \ CouL0 GET AT Home VEAH, | HAD SOME ON TH' DINER , AFTER ALL'S SAID AN' DONE "THOUGH YA CANT BEAT OL® HAM 'NEGGS T' START TH DAY RIGHT t HAD SOME TRouT TH' OTHER MORMIN' THAT MACE My INCARDS SAY THANK You | GOT SOME Gooo HAM'NEGES AT SICAMOUS v nid gn? Tenor sclo--Molly O!, Scanlon-- | owners this winter. Only those drives in the centre field zore would count Fox Srois--(A) Lonesome League for submission to 'the club Chicago Cubs' field are among the parks which would be most affected. FOR THAT HOUSE YOU INTEND BUILDING SEE OUR STOCK OF Hemlock, Spruce, Pine and Fir 200-305 Queen Street FROST'S MOTOR CAR REPAINTING The Same Superfine Lasting Finish The Best is the Cheapest--The Lustre Lasts PHONE B36 Wa are now fully equipped to take care of your Auto Repair needs--First Clasg Mechanics to do your work, and all work guaranteed. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION STANDARD AUTO SERVICE PHONE 545, QUEEN STREET (Behind Standard Office) - IF A CYLINDER LEAKS in your automobile engipe; if it falls to give the power you have a right to expect from ft, the chances are there is a crack or a break in it somewhere. Our welding will remedy that in short order and it will pay you to let us fix it up for you. All metal breaks quickly mended with oxy-acetylene welding, Bishop Mackine Shop Car Washing, any type Gasoline and Ofls for Sale. Distilled water always on hand. [E House--Solid brick, 8 rooms, § bedrooma, electric lights, gas, 3 pices bath; furnace in fine location, on Johnson Street. House, solid brick, 2 story and attic, 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, eleetrip lights, gas, 3 plece bath, hot water heating, hardwood floors 1st and' 2nd fiat; excellent cellar, sun porch; all newly decorated. Excellent lo- cation--HBarrie Street. M. B. TRUMPOUR | 237 Bagot Street Phones 704 or 1481w {To-day's Radio Programme. | ' Saxophone solo--Nadine, Mam- ac home runs under Johnson's plan, iley--~Harold Sheeler Tenor solo--Killarney, { William Curtin. | Fox Trot--Sweet Indiana Home, | Ruby----Hal Lauren's Musicians. Opservatory | Waltz--Three O'clock in the Morn- | Feist--Orchestra. 12.30 p.m., Noon market! 1e¢nor solo-- The Miracle of Love, quotations. | M:Kee--Mr. Curtin. 12.40 p.m, Music. [ 10x Trot--Little Red Schoolhouse, 12.45 p.m., Weather forecast on| wWiison--Hal Lauren's Musicians. 485 meters wavelength. | Bassoon solo--Out in the Deep, 2 pam., Music and address on | Lokr--Mr. Sheeler. "Thrift in the Household." Fox Trot---Mr. Gallagher and Mr. 6 p.m., Produce and stock market | 3hoan, Shean--Hal Lauren's Musi- quotations; baseball results; news| cians. bulletins. | Fox Trot--Nobody Lied, Wilson-- Broun- | | iy Blues, Ray--Hal Lauren's Musi- [and the parks with shor: right field ; a 7% ; : femmmss----------- " = cians. fences would no longer be marks for = x (B) You Won't Be Sorry, Lyons-- {the sluggers, Hal Lauren's Musicians. Lines would be placed several hun- dred feet inside the right and left field foul lines, and balls within those zones would count only as two or three-baggers. The Polo Grounds, New York, both Philadelphia ball parks, the St. Louis parks, the Cleveland fleld, and the Tuesday, September 26. Station WOGY, General Electric Company, Schenectady, N.Y. (Bastern Standard Time). 12 p.m. U.S. Naval Time Signals. Balfe-- HOME COOKING NO MATTER HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT LUNCH, YOU can always find something to suit your individual taste on our menu. The courteous service which we have al- ways extended to our patrons, plus our real "home cook- ing," has built our business to its present growth, ROYAL CAFE 157 Princess St HOME RUN ZONE SYSTEM JS BAN JOHNSON'S PLAN Home run records would be mado more difficult under an outfield zon- Ing system being prepared by Presi- dent Ban Johnson of the American en Golf Found to Be | ing, stock MEMBERS "MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Bibby Block, Kingston London Halifax, N.S. Sherbrooke Toronto Moncton, N. B. Montreal Sydney, N. S. St. John's, Nfid. DIRECT WIRE CONNECTIONS. A a ta Its not all dried out 1 PPE 000000 0000 voeee Bee PP0000000990 0000000000090 ] j " Country's Newest Interest Finds Everyone Golfs ------ New Yorx Crry.--DPercy' Wen. rich, world famous as the composer "of "Your Old Gray Bonnet" has discovered the "something new" for whick every writer of popular songs yearns. Percy has composed melo- dies on every subject under the sun from "silver stars" to "tulips" but recently hz was stumped for an idea What, he asked himself, was the public iuterested in that every hit writer in Tin Pan Alley had not taken a crack at, GEORGE SISLER First baseman St. Louis Browns, who has been awarded the American League trophy as the best player in the Amer- ican League. FUTURITY WINNER'S . SIRE BROUGHT $875 A turf romance lies back of the vic- tory of Sally's Alley in the Futurity at Belmont Park last Saturday, Clarence H. Mackay bred Allu- meur, the sire of Salley's Alley, in France. He was by Meddler-Strike- a-Light II, and on being shipped to ,this continent was bought by Mr. Kil- mer. After Sally's Alley was foaled Allu- meur was sold at auction and bought by the federal remount service for $375. When the filly showed high speed as a yearling, Mr. Kilmer tried to tuy Allumeur back from the govern- ment, at first without avail. Later, however, he brought about an ex- change, giving Magic in return, so "DODD'S KIDNEY : After buzzing around Broadway and the Middle West Percy decided that the new interest of the country { was golf. This he found to be no ionger a banker's game, but the every-day sport. of jhe so-called "middle class" from Maine to Florida. So, in collaboration with Feank Mcintyre of vaudeville fame he wrote "The 19th Hole" in honor of the most interesting play of golf. "The 19th Hole," Percy explains for the benefit of the few that are not golfers, is focated in the club- house and is often the real reason the tired business man takes to golf. GRAVES BROS. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, STEAM HEATING, HOT AIR AND HOT WATER HEATING All work given our personal careful attention, HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE 211 Princess Street Phone 332 The Present And the Future The insurance policy that protects | your children from the uncertainty Jf the future 1s the policy that is writ-' ten by a company strong enough toen-' dure beyond the present and through the future. A policy issued by us is' the strongest policy that money ean buy because our company is the most | reliable. Let us go into details with you. THE DOMINION LIFE ARCH. THOMSON, BRANCH MANAGER. Box 282, Kingston, Ont. Office: 56 Brock Street. Phome 68. Combi ¥ ombines the Oil and arbre nerale, sential for restoring waste tissue. culosis, Actual Results Nothing Short of Put up in 8 oz. Jars. Ask your Druggist. ' W. G. CRAIG & C0., 14D., Kingston, Ont. Wholesale Distributors. that Allumeur is now' back at Sun ~~ The New York Yankees played an Briar court and some day may be re- | exhibition game in Baltimore on Sep- sponsible for another Futurity win- | tember Sth against an Army team, ner. coached by Charley Hersog. Babe Salvolatile, "he dam of Sally's Al-|Ruth made three home runs in sue! ley, was once a jumper. { cession off the soldier pitchers, a