Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1922, p. 14

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NHI Fe __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE CANADA NATIONAL [THE OLD, OLD QUESTION: (Founded 1847) DEFICIT 1S REDUCED WHEN IS A MAN DRUNK' Cut In Half as Compared With Two Lawyers Argue--Justices SREETEEEST JLAIDLAV & SON Ottawa, Sept. 25.--Operations of "Fifty dollars and costs" was the | the Canadian National Railways for | penalty imposed by Justices of the | LIMITED in the the first six months of the present | Peace Allinson and Caanon | year, compared with the correspond- | case of Secord Storms, a resident of |ing period of last year, show con- |Verona, who was tried on Wednes- | : KINGSTON'S FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE siderable improvement. There is|day last on a charge of drufiken- | {still a deficit on operation, but it ness. Judgment was reserved at has been almost cut in half in com-|the time but was given on Menasy | parison with operation deficit for | morning, Phones 754-755. ! Store Hours, 9 to 5.30. { the period January to the end of The conclusion of the case saw a | |June, 1922. In the six months of | keen argument between Prosecutor | [1921 the operating defici{ was $16,- | Webster and the defendant's lawyer, | {169,450 This year it is $8,938,998, | A. B. Cunningham, K.C., on tho | la reduction in the operating deficit | question of intoxication. Mr, Web. | Wy of $7,230,452. ster contended that when any per- | | me ------_------ son shows by action or speech that | 'Bu JOHNSTON & WARD. he or she is under the influence of | liquor, then there is a state of "tn. | . Members of Montreal and Toronto |toxication" that calls for the penal- | . { Exchanges, 86 Princess. ties of the Ontario Temperance act. ; 4 - Butterick Patterns In this case one witness swore de- MONTREAL STOCKS. fendant was intoxicated, another o iy iy + A or: ae that he was "under the Influence," For Fall Are Here po DWE re us while prisoner himself admitted tak- ov \ h ' Ames Jiplden ing liquor for a toothache, some of "f gy | Py Exclusively {Atlantic Sugar ........00000. 1 Pi Tea Sob 20 Sout we A it slipping down his throat. J Bell Telephone .. |. ! Anyone can sew with Butterick Brazil .. .. NOT WISE TO SACRIFICE EB patterns, and the DELTOR which { Brompton .. .... 3 accompanies every pattern makes IS A S ] YLISH SUIT | | British Empire Common .... COPPER OR BRITISH LIFE £0\ " sewing so easy to understand. Just : 1Can, Cament .. .. os 2+... ' e---- " come in and have it explained. British Empire 1st Preferred . For Either Turks or Greeks, Y L dd, Patterns save iE Waiting for your approval the Can. Steamship Prd. Says the British Labor Tl come in tha newest styles. Cas, Car PH " Leader. } See the Fall Quarterly Book, most comprehensive stock of {Can. Steamship Comnion ... portraying dominant Fall modes-- {Dominion Textile .. é Lo SW RY giving you their pattern numbers ndon, Sept. 25.--Right Hon. J. | b . the materials to develop them in BLUE WORSTED SUITINGS, Dotrats Dunes os a. & H. Thomas, M.P., labor leader, | . ~--the trimmings required -- the FANCY ENGLISH WORSTEDS | Gon. Electric... 3% [Tha ue a Prighion Siu, md bs e0loF ashemtor---averyIHIng: |Laurentide .. .. h h TWEEDS and [Montreal Power... 4. .. 98 | manabip ther never had boon an ap SCOTCH 2 an Mackay. fees anus : peal made with less justification than HOMESPUNS |fatiena Breweries 53 [that made to the dominions with re- Introducing the new gard to the Near East situation. The { Penmans : Labor deputation, he said, that wait- : \ ed on the premier last Thursday had ® in Kingston. Made to your measure for Qachec Rails... i, | made it perfectly clear that Labor in \ | Spanish River - Britain was neither pro-Turk nor a a I'l1CS pro-Greek, and that the workers ) E |Smelters .. .. TY% $ 0 60) 00 ISRawinizas ... ' did not think it wise to sacrifice ia yO copper or British life f ither. . . to . |Steel of Catiada .... Pper op 2X We br sme in weaves, colors and patterns that do not merely follow { Toronto Rails .. 6 roti . . . . " jreeceseviveivesy the mode, but literally form the material basis of it. Twin City... .. + WOULD REPORT ALL + PEDDLARS OF DOPE Sept. wheat ,. § {@ jl ® ® ston's May wheat 0 a 4 Montreal, Sept. 25.--Whole- Dec. wheat 9A |'+ sale deportation of all Chinese gi Sept. corn s [4 and other convicted of peddling May corn Words cannot describe these textile collections. Words can merely define their? extent and vaguely suggest their beauties. But, with all the variety, they have been chosen with a discriminating eye. One tought has been uppermost--we must select such reliable qualities, such definitely favored colory and designs, such practical widths, such interesting values that all drugs will be formally re-om- Kingston will talk about this store for fabrics, . mended by the police in courts, in the hope that this drastic action will repress the epidemic of fatal narcotic cases here. In virtually every criminal court in Montreal to-day, dope cases Featured PLAID BACK figured prominently. During COATINGS THE STOCK MARKET. the past two. months there have WOOL HOMESPUNS ---- been fifteen deaths from drugs ¢ : $ 3.95 Y. d Reported by McKinnon & Co., Royal | 4 in Montreal General Hospital. at $2.25 and up. . ar Bank Building, Market Street, * - For Coats at once, smart and service NFW YORK STOCKS. EPR HPPRIOPPEOPIOOS Every thread wool---these beautiful, able, ever so often Fashion brings us Amer. Loco .. soft quality Homespuns for Suits and back again to these practical woollens, Baldwin Loco .. Peterboro Won. v h G Peterboro defeated Belleville Sat- separate Skirts--all the shades for and this year she sponsors them in . "R. . urday, 2 to 0, in the return game of Autumn wear are here, and every one is Jolly Sew and delightful effects, In - 8 Inch' width rill i i the final series for the Central On new and 'never seen before in this pretty one will find & splendid SPR... 148 tario League championship. The seleciton, victory of the Petes tied up things fabric. In plain weave or fancy, they BROS | it d [Crucible Steel .. &. .. .... tl 8H ing m rea ; | 28 Belleville won at home an e are of excellent quality and exceptional . 1 1 € 8 Sel . | two teams will play off in Oshawa on 1d sdth - Gen. Asphalt Wednesday, the winner to meet Hill- wide width, TRICO IT'WEED Private Phone 365. Public 458-450. Wholesale 1767. ey! Bt todd 'crests in the O.B.A.A. semi-finais at $2 75 v d g 8 § . ar Marine Pfd. Toronto on Saturday. > Vv. . - Mex. Pete. Don't forget Wolfe Island Fair, ery new and decidedly pretty is this 5 Ne XY. C. .v une. iain . : 00 | new fabric, for Dresses, Suits and sep- TUESDAY v. New Haven Tula Woancaday, Supt. seth ALL W L arate Skirts. Iu a fancy weave, with North Pacific .. .. .. ...... 86% [day evening. Str. Wolfe Islander VELOUR COATINGS small flakes of contrasting colors--It is Reading % | leaves foot Brock street 8.15. City ||| ' 66 fwch Circular width and comes in e South Pacific .. .. .. ...... music. $2.95 yard many pretty shades, ; South. Railway .. .. The devil is quite sure of success Studebaker '% [that moment you believe his plans Beautiful, heavy quality, all-wool Ve- Union Pacific are your own. > U. 8S. Stéel The potato is & native of Chile lour Coatings. What is prettier, more . and Peru. serviceable than this fabric and the price VARIE I Y ' e or ers ; Africa has only four paper mills. is 80 reasonably low. It offers a wide WOOL SKIRTINGS Holl usw = ; DAILY MEMORANDUM, choice of the newest colors, and is fully ; 2.50 . ' . a pie, > Jaa fi I ' : 3 10h OH., Buchre party, Tuesday, Sept. 56 Inches wide. : $ .2U up. For This Week's Selling es Haier Rl Bilah mall win close at (he Xing. Aud why not, when the septate Skirt s oc tHe ee ston post office to-might (Monday) at Ni S d : is such an important and sensible phase a 9 o'clock. 4 Copen, 1gger, ana, of the style prosnem. Here are beauti- ful Wool Skirtings in Stripes, Plaids and PORK PORK BRITAIN WILL IMPOR PRINTERS Navy, Taupe, Grey, Pea- Checke that tammy iripes the heats and needle--smart color combinations 1 R ' 1 t 4 k Bl . 2 an a Ia C8 are exceptiona wide, Fresh Shoulder + ---..18c.h. ||| MUCH CANADIAN CATILE| gawso cRozick & EDGAR basi a "8 eee ese Hocks, pickled or fresh ..........10c. Ib. As Soon as the Embargo Is| MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. Lifted on the Other : BORN. : BLEAKLEY--At the General Hospital, Cool, Nippy Mornings Are With Us Side. Kingston, on Sunday, Sept 2h. -- rs Sead when a plate of crisp, savary Sausage satis- Calgary, Alta. Sept. 25.--Britain| born. "a ) fy the a tite will import most of Canada's sur- ppe . plus cattle to the extent of approxi- mately 120,000 head annually when Oxford ... ..123c.New England ..20c. [fits Canadien cats embargo'se i Where values tell and prices please. 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk whew: reve gut Dec. wheat P2422 90242040500 Sherr phase ed, declared William Philip Chap- te T. 3 la 7 h thence to Ca : z Windsor ... ..15¢.Little Pig .....22c. [lio amnion 'Gren 'ho | oii at scqontmances repeciun STRAP SHOES Pure Pork--seasoned to a nicety. : Te Hoe i Ena Jb A Tons or an Sars. Howard ; Ask for Country brand .. .....25¢. Ib. [Jilfisd thet he is in the west endear. 1,000 Ibs. B inest Creamery Butter-- on Sug cattle SXporiers regarding trade cuttoorger ....s.:. +e:1s.....39. SPRING. LAMB "Lamb--Fronts ........ ...... 17c. bb. Lamb--Stewing Cuts .........12}c. Ib. Lamb--Choice Chops ..........25¢. Ib. FRUIT MARKET--SPECIAL THIS ~~ WEEK! Wonder (Blue) Grapes. Niagara (White) Grapes. Rogers (Red and Black) Grapes. WITH BUCKLE, This Season's Stylish Shoe Worn with Wool Hose, in Light Shade or Heather--has a very smart appearance. $0002 0002000 0000 800,000 ARMED UNDER TURK London, Sept. 25.--Ac- cording to a statement giv- en to the Glasgow Sunday Post, by Major-General Sir Charles Townshend, who has just returned from a visit to Kemal Pasha at Turkish headquarters, Kemal has no to Jem 'Great Britain. Kemal Pasha has nearly 300,000 armed men under his orders, nearly all of them "hard-bitten and well set up fellows." 255550004 4040044 Brown or Patent and Black Calf ..... $5.75 EBPPPPRPPIIAPIOPIPOITPTS C4422 04300 00064400000

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