Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Sep 1922, p. 15

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N THE 'DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ll When Its Printed Here Its Read By People All Over Kingston Live Stock Olassified-Display OClassified-Display | Tie Britis Whi Index to Classifications . KINGSTON, The following classification headings rr rm pga ©» CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. APResr in in this newspaper in the numer. Dogs, Cats, Pets indexed, standardized snd popular: | 181 © Side Fa Be oo yen, k Slotely lise . ~ 1 47 MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE rp ele ong o TE ET | Inc, Philadeiphis, Ps. Alphabetical order for quick reference. WwW ood A Loser ea Bt Tar aut wintes. Good to h | ads. ar restricted thet. ee : ; | fname, Of orcs prasise mitiin Spates) | BUY 'A LOAD OR TWO OF 'WOOD ve style of type. Enga; ements Ar Ye Ry 2 CLASSIFIED RATES Aged, e ou: ? Horses, Cattle, Implements ~ 48 LIGHT, DRY WOOD i J Dally rate per line or consecutive 3--in Memoriim, ' - LAMBS--Three, ran, Oxfords. ly 3 . ; insertions: pea rectors. You may not believe in crying over spilt milk. © 1 Portamouth. Malas Tpit. Re $3. 5 0 per Load. Minimum charge, sy cents. Funeral "Complaining about your "hard luck. 0 Tr Lh ROTO ames Fates per line. Charge Cosh Io LIA Nonuments things. r any of those Wanted--Live Bgpck 50 3 anv see 3 3. $--Coming But g w HENS-- Ducks and Springers wanted, 3 s 9--Personals, ut a really good loser goes one step further. He alive; 20 cents a pound; any size. Al- m wi & ( X ies. Maui 10--Lost and Found. sees What a little ad in the Whig's Lost and Found col- bert Lawie, 648 'Dundas St. West, To- ames O., Limitee 3 One insertion, charg UTOMOBILES * ot ak tutti And h ~~ Foot of hnson Str : YA of Thanks end Memoriam 11--Automo! © generally recovers what he's lost! Merchandise oO eet ciiarged, $1.50; cash, $1.00, 12----Auto or Sale. E---- : / hi 3 ute Parts. Sounds hard? The only trick to it is deciding to Articles For Salo 51 Vo FEISIAE SO idered for irregular utos for Hire~Taxl. use the Whig's ad. The rest is { - Hons takes the une-time inser- 15--Mo feyeles. three! as simple as one, te BRICK--Quantity of hard and soft. Ap- Real Estaté For Rent Real Eoiate ory RE 4 hte ie ad, taken for less than 18--Repal Slervice Stations. pu ly, B. E. Wathen, . ia Nelson street. < Sale 3 { ur 8. -- ed---Automobiles. H hone 618 or phone 1391J. Houses For Rent 7 Es t six average words to the onest finders watch this paper's Lost and FY Antique Furniture. Houses BUSINESS SERVICE. column. The little ads tellin 34 Found g g what articl HOUSE--Furnish d| FR ode, Ti bn zeescna, by | Hulls Seni Ghee lak a whe he os thm rete "commeein lake || | Gore 20 ibe CRORE sh pe ye dn fr th $ days 1 20--Cleant D ee ead to the recov , mprovements; central rooms, hot ater heats ; so oe I a ya rom He Deaning ayein EE Snovating, g of many missing valuables. Kine . reasonable. 118 Colborne Street,{ locality. Apply phone 1342w. | SP Appl ata B Coo hl convents \ gtr A wed. 4 Panam Plumbing, Roofing. Remember this, next time you lose anything-----call FURN, E--On OUSE_ furnished, 6 rooms, mod oronto Bu Srdered for, mo 0 re than ahs ar nsurance. Se 248 and ask for an ad. taker! set, a . ak Sing presi t Togality, near Queen's and Tolley: | JOHN ET, 158--Frame house, be charged for the number of j--Moving, Trsoking, Stora : condition. 'Will sell cheap. Ap 1 1S ansanton ov. ist. Apply 3 ' (| gi pines shop and. wood 8 the ad. 4 peared and and adjust- Painting, Papering. 5 De ating. Sixth Street. oti iunachineryy alta mello aunty Rate per dine for white soace is 3 Profeasion onal cer. / : SURNITIRE -- We have for sale all A. A Ene bath, Baar Separate. Apply at resi i alana' 4 J gl rate for yearly Lavertiaing ShArehitects, -- and Saves' An nt Sen heated, gas. Apply 38 Ridesu 0 ISH . oul u ure to dispose of. we wil - 5 r ve the right to edit $d--Dental utomo! 'hompe tod-- LL OF Ir ee i ivertising fo Loaal x A biles Business Service gy higheit prices. LT 1600w 383 Wan To-Rent 81 D . ? Me Repairing--Service Stati Er ------ ress A phone 243, ask for a want ad 8 --Ovteopathy. Thu A ms 16 - . - Repairing 20 GRAPONOLA_ Columbia, and records, Abra: ouma. fahy. furnished for SEn{ essing Tables 4 , 28h--Osteopat ¢ Physicians. UTOMOBILE, PAINTING--A - uick sale. Palmer's Garage, cor , From § 2 ET CRE FATS, ied Pio | VEIOTRTERNG - Coviag bys LT EC 14 quiet Bere, ASAT BL ii wads | Lo% manmiacurert price Hee 3 : 31--Wanted--Business Servics. HE De Doral: Mob] 4nd. sses. ,U helatoriag sna repair es | HAT RACK--ADd table, black walnut | Ofice is a chance! 3 RUSSIA AND UKRAINE { Emriovumwr ore, or phone 1876W, gone: oF J; Goodridge, 344 University | 3007 Thott Ree, Taina Souch.| FARM--With Stock and machinery to : MUST PARTIOIPATE | [fiche Jinisd Sint Business Servios _ Employmom siden tevin vewng tad aitung wa | Eat Traranoes Tf feayired. Aboly Bor J. Turk 2 -- 34--Hel --. hoor Female, Business Revi Offered 18 ei iployment re PRY elson Street. Bal T J "In the Near Eastern Oonfer- 35--Solicitara, 'Canvaasers. Agents. Help Wanted--Female 82] 'roa seg any sale, or made to| HOUSE--Furnished i : r order, any size, quantity, or apartment; state E, 36--Situat) oe *| location, rent and telepho 3 : ence ls the Turkish Na- Lam CA a ra by contract or 4 sy a nent Work COOR--Or, cook-general. by end of Syes Bctery prices. "Alao Senvosl: Box Dols, Waig Office. number tionalist Demand. FINANCIAL x York Bireet. Oni FW, Sinith, : Seog) Klas stteet. Phone 19011 HOUBE--8mall, with furnace; or heat- | | Anti Furni = r-- 35---Pusiness Oppertuniites Ta Bet MOTOR Wiectris Vistrola Motor, sew. od apart Sai ah the end of October. | | que I'urniture n ments, St ENT Gre] Selb; - al 1 1 s, to Box Constantinople, Sept. 20.--The| 40 Money to Loan, fs. autor, 33 Livingaton Avenue, Phone ferred; tami of EE at i ry, Stating he Belg ge APPLY 4b a ¥-13, Whig Ha Pb Sht Solid Resswaod Bugs Nationalist representative here dn:| ¢l--Wanted--To Borrow. 1130J. ry to Box X-1§, Rea We carry a stock of modern furat "formed the British high commission- INSTRUCTION ye Remon peat fybi& Rome; no Articles For Sale 51 | Estate For Sale ture. SHSER ANTIQU . 5 undr; ta - ShiAt tha Angore Governine by Stoo 0c Croan. PIANC TUNING~ god vages $b 8 Withy rolecenses MOTOR BOAT--Four cylinders; cover- Farms and Land For Sale 88 | [507 Princess Street. "Prone 1048 w, vintle of treaties concluded with 44--Musical, Dane ply Box 11-J, Wh eo Pokies ed engine; 24 ft. Jung; newly painted 1 Soviet Russia and the Ukral «| 46--Private " Instruct 4 Tumatic, Plano Tun GENERAL rrr 30d Syeriauied ®cotner Pag a aa Ranger n, on Sydenham Road. Sachin. BUSINESS SERVIOR n - ner 0! 0 hy - | 20k acoopt the invitation of the pow. | {ented instruction. pang, Tuning, Rafairing and ay. | GRCERAL MAIO tmmainielly » sgt Sets deesta © 7 sry and gistk Land suitable tor gard: : : ors for a conterence confined only to| oo Lave _srocx Butener, 37 the Street Phone | ©00king. Apply 96 Bagot Street eet West. PIANO--Stanley ley Uprigh: Te Seantiful SIE Pr Oe I Hiller, R. R. 1, W. Kent M discussion e Dardanelles ques- | ¢s__Forses, Catt! ® mpl : GIRLS--Must be over 16 mahogany ron frame, # acnee | thon woieas astoguis trom Massa | {Henly Sn Supe Ee 5, TRAIT Re | FA, Por Eire 1 13 Se | ACKER RAITT Ht | 80 ne Sn ots THEE @ rain are owed to par ully guaranteed, for on $345. more or leas. machin and General Insurance A, ticipate. MERCHANDISE Dressmaking--Millinery 21 EST: small family fully eusranteed, for only est | 100 sores frontage on highway en: | | Writin jie Automobiie, Fire A "Permission to send vessels to Sale. TTITIIT middis-aged woman preferred, PIANO--Heintsman & Co. , Upright 5 Boras and wagons I etc "Hupresenting only rel Burglary "Smyrna to take off the Christian re- ER Sauipment. ing. Mrs. En Card, 116 on Bi.| Wages avid} 's Wid, Wa fe. 3 poi : ne, nn. Gabe 1a Shea, Rr aaing Toads. Ap oly BE plait fants N fugees has been granted by Mustapha and. Agoessorfes. Bros : ulidings and Bul ATS--Mrs. MoLaughll 1 HOUSEK ERP PR--Middl condition, for only $285. Terms ar- Kemmat Pasha to ths Allled powers, Dairy, Products Hillam Street, hi ate sraerd Tor . Bousskesper: private Ti ey ap. | ranged. T.F. Harelson Co. Lid. Noted Good ang, "aps dre 4 | the United States und Greece. Males 38 Thingy to Bi Bate Houre™ to &. remodelifg. | Lluth. References eased Bora. RANGEHappy Thought, and che * , Perth Road ¥. 0. Veteri, between the ages of 16 and 45, how- ie by's white crib on wheels, Apply) 350 ACRES erinary. E ovor, are excepted, and it is presum- | $8--Household Goods Insurance 53 | KITOHEN HBLPER---Por Ropal: Mill. | or tion 27ook A iuiay Wott of DR. H. MURPHY, B.V. --Jowelry and Watches. tary" College, to Sorat nee work ie provincidl highway: god ' Se, © Nationalists intend to use hinery and Tools SS ary Co Jo. ork 1st| RIFLE--280 Sportin Tor sales] Prick house; hot air furnace: good Veterinary Surgeon oa : , 0! nly the most reliable - bere month, | "new; with case; x BK rd 1793w or| ori 75 acres tillable, balance Phone 11080 or military purposes. 1 usical dnstruments companies represén Stra. h meals. Arply, eich references, to Pr rt. Te © Atmenians and Greeks are "dying Equipment, Strange. established ioe Sica: 98 | Quartermaster, Ad lees. Kingaton. Phone 5506 Pas Pon. 8. $80 Princess Street. Xingiton. by the scores" from the exposure : ut the Btores. oe Breer ODDO oat Oe] ADIES- Have employment for thres| Clon Apsly 544 Princess Street. Phone o ree Apply 244 Princess Street. Phone Houses For Sal fright 'and 'exhaustion, eccording 10 Years prgeel. FIRE--Automobile and Casualty I ladies ty; "over 38] 3385. tn : $i--Wan Buy. TRE oe. Crumley. G10 Mari| Joars of Se TepOrts recéived bére. Ten thous- y sary. Hit "Bank W. MULLIN & SON--Rea! Eeta and Italians and twelve thousand ao Fit ofl" Fhgme 5 as and Rooms For Rent phirsace Brokers Thine Siw Bes \ French were evacuated from the city a en 3 1 SAF Rooms Rent "07 male steopa y yesterday. \ = 4 i ing. B WILL IAMS-3 Coupe Sek W Hes ; ho ping ness and Accidents. of ct eo. to b a Sites Now bar oN Ng SAE Guat ) | GOLBORNE STREET, 114 -- ad BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | "HEALTH Sopa DRUGS" a 5 Bile Rete tects your income, To delay 1s danger- ya, t furnighed rooms; central FARMS FOR : » fod on the ; Plans. pin Town. ous. Phone i 3 enquire for infor on. Apply 114 Colborne Street. SALE: soft eu The members of the local brane, vin r Board. | dos. wire and Automobile Insurdsice De work. Apply 44] Phone 1966d, $4,800_135 acres, near lake: 10 miles | get pine Salon ing gg Bie Socte AY held a 0 sai Hs - ; iy Varo 5 : = = JOMNSON STREET, Stare, Jorn : om Kingston. : ot she avs per or running a i * 8 ms at son 90! Tuesday afternoon, with Dr. B. s. 7 : i I Fagus Por Yow ree Spell oma to permanent Toomers. 00 100 acres; 7 miles from King-| | TWelve pl success in Kingston. | Lake, president . Storage '28| SHOW GARD WRITING! NEW ELECTRICAL CAB ) P , in the chair. A oofi- x ARmo : money 8t home, $18 to io wh do paid daX¢| ROOMS Furnished, two, central loca-| HOUSES: : INET _ muhication from 'Toronto Was pre- uncements BE--Fol furniture, clean, dry,| 1X 19F ¥o r spare ii hg ne tion for exhibition visitors. Apply Mrs : DRS. ROBERT | we BDNA ented by. the oh It camtctame------R------ / Ges; your Own a. anv Lake, 34 Quebec. 1506m. secretary, George ? it's City - Storag .| stro : gr paneer, 7 rooms, Phone Hagu % Ye ah ork ath " 3 plece | | PHO SET. M Rus Jeparding the campaign to En . ni : : 1 ne Res, 98 Gn foe, 1 ROOMS--_gevorsl, in good x Jooglities, at and 4 King Straet, Der tomato | ERR SR | me i, ULE Ee EE ARES an as Sunday In the various churches on pA) : 384 : ; i ; UNIVERSITY A VENUE 345 -- First $8.600--Brick; all tmprovements. pridvertiss Bair October 20th, as agreed to at the ; i h/t ae Bo doing ut ten o- case Touma and earl, SIL ImPrOVe-| 43 0004 roomed Bungalow; im Jhate ny E meting ot the local Ministerial As: ose w ts. ; Improve~ 1 Tomine? had sociation last April. Stfong speakers gedises Mr. Holub Withott Spates roomed: frame; | Satori, (Annas man = i ats TT on sis Al » room, and every conv ingot ht society 4 to be bold, when n . cality; Silise 1 to Sie line, Rea b ii ).00--8 Jooms, Ho FOR S E | 3 ais Sam) vassing will Fo wien 2 5 -- Two or three rooms. centre: . Eats - rooms, three blocks of Fal Knights of Officers. Grounds, suitable for MATEied couples REAL ESTATE Motor : 3 during Pair week. Apply 25 PA eaten street Gasoline _. the anut iL Seca at gut cw Pumps of all sescriptions, _ Columbus, on Tuesday evening, thé Z HOTELS Davis Dry Dock following were elected: ma and } convens- ut 2nd W y Dock k Co knight, John H. Welch; dépn Gee to iy ara fo Amare James Kane; chanel E> NO I E ; Ambrose Shea; recording secte- . : I ( y ; » : tary, T. Le financial secretary, Ask P ; 8 Niheant warden, George Sul. Reni P, M. DRISCOLL, late of the ol 4 74 Grimason a Uvan; advocate, P. Lawless; treas- Hi Hotel, wishes to un- by W. - Gannon, inside ota that he has taken over the E ¥ t. McDonald; outside guatd, J. Do- ty, con onvemiont| * Lakeview Hi Or Use wun; owas used, I La ouse nk < "Corner of Queen and Ontario Sts. pa See | First class meals, 500 versity Avenue or : G6od yards and stables. = "Your patronage 18 solicited. - pr ee -- Er ER BE : Ses ETRE Used Car Sale = Whe 35s bir. Ved Cas should -- mE the one who sells It. nave 2

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