ISDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1929. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. STORRNGION PRE Ribbon linen. embroidery," PR. ---- 5 wards, D. Coombe, Centre piece, a E R A y | hite, C. Loney. Centre piece, color- MAJOR GEN Le : {The Exhibitors Who Carried -- P. Edwards, C. Loney. Guest SIR GEOFFREY I WINING i Off the Awards at the towls, F. 8. Ferguson, Bed-room | j i SWAG hat' th 1 towle, crocheted, C. O. Drader. C. Ha Attn td GER. -- that's the on y K.C,M.G, C.B., M.V.O Recent Fair. Metle hile» dl iii - : a -- Ee: Las tury tabs | EA Rl PS ill word to adequately portray this 2 : pr : erland. Table doflies in silk FS ARR PA : nN) il new I . : ae. | hie a inte A Biographical Sketch lente ren: 3; ory. Two-vess.ola [Svlant. Table doflies ta site, 7. on | EWE oe Y Brows F and Winter d | Twoyear-old calk roadster, W, Mu. | "900, ea Liat oe B. Fer. | OF US hy CAR alking Oxford for Women. : : a . el » C. , | i . + an : tos Serr, pecant. awvTentpls |SUCn, Briss enibieldery, ©. hopes, | Tike. MESSE Nothing of comfort has been sac- The Story of His East African Diaries [Muriana. "Cole of 123. 1. arian nan embroidery. ©. Loney. - Bhadow | I MEE rificed, either; its very looks, the By IR a ioane. Brood ued, [SO SILL, Lowey, Bf Lyon, Wai NTT cone (ml casy heel, medium broad toe and T. Arthur, R. Dixon, W. Murland. . : : : Drader. Point lace, F. S. Ferguson, i . MARY CHRISTINE RITCHIE Seas, Bert BT hiaule, O. Foray: |C. 0. Drader, 0. Leatherland. | al ! well-balanced arch, betray its i W. Murland. Carriage team, 15 guson. Hardanger Embroidery, F¥ I J comfort. ' Tabie Linen, C, Loney, F. §. Fer- | i 1.0 1-2 over, W. Murland. Carriage 'eam, { : i ' Price $ 0. [16 1-2 under, Fred Perry. Carriage I Ol . Si 2 ! $7.00 For sale at (Horse, 15 1-2 over, C. Clark, C. Sim- a 15 1-2 under, T. Ritchie, H. Dixon. LIST Leatherland, C. Loney, C. O. Drader. | oa | ' Ferguson. Five o'clock Tea Cloth, kins, M. Campbell. Carriages horse, C. Loney, D. Coombe, "Tes Coby. Ask to seé No. 863 C. Loney, D. Coombe. Handker- tein Cai chiefs, C. Leatherland, D. Coombe, Hol Cattle, C. Loney, Specimen of ladies' need- ® { Bull, 1 year and over, G. Leather- : ; ® {land, E. Thompson, F. § Ferguson, | 1® Work, different from any other, C. , % | Yearling ball, C o Drader Milch Loney, G. Leatherland. Collection Y S SHOE ST ORE {cow, FP. 8. Ferguson, p. Gibson, F. 8. of ladles' tancy York, C.1] b oy, D. Ferguson. Two-year-old heifer, G. Coombe. Punch ork em roidery, | : . Leatherland F. 8. Ferguson : G. |C. Loney. Centre Piece embroidery, | |Leatherland. Yearling heifer G. baad pi etland: fn Leatherland, P, Gibson, Heifer calf F. S. Ferguson. Table cloth and| T------ -- English of 1922, F. 8. Ferguson, G. Leather- napkin, embroidered, D. Coombe, New Teas have arrived: Enjoy the ] land, fBnest tea procurable. 4 Useful Work. 1 Grade Cattle, b Patch work quilt, C. Loney, @G. DALY'S 00D JEA 4 Hall Marked Milch cow, Geo. Leatheriand. Two- Leatherland, N. Drader. Log eabin year-old heifer, P. Edwards. Year- woollen quilt, F. S. Ferguson, C. |!n all its pristine' freshness. Order from | # ' » . ling heifer, G. Leatherland, P, Ed- c * . y Loney. Knitted quilt, G. Leather- MAHOOD"S DRUG STOR® Silver |wards. Calf of 1932, D, Coombe. land. Crazy quilt, H. Lyon, D. [amc O08 DRUG STORE 4 Herd of pure bred castle, Steven Coombe, P. Edwards. Quilted quilt, | 4 § [Knight 1 |H. Lyon, J. E. Dixon. Comforter, C. | NOW J We have just received a' % Loney. Lady's mittens, G. Leather- | Ayshire Cattle, land. Gentleman's mittens, H. Lyon, | Is the Time to Get Your i > LITY ALWAYS GIVE large shipment from England : OF QUALITY p Two-year-old bull, bull calf 1922, George Leatherland. Rag mat G, | Watch or Clock BATISFACTION which include-- two-year-old. heifer, yearling heifer, Leatherland, C. Loney, H Lyon. Qonsult us about your eyesight. CANDLE STICKS ere Pall 1922, all won ty §. [yo 'RCARY, Lyon, C. Loney. Coll- | REPAIRED VASES ection of useful work, H. Lyon, D, | ai Bred 0 . k v 's | ol COMPORTS Long Wool Pure Sheep. Coombe, G. Leatherland Lady 3 ; N BONS stockings, H. Lyon. Homemade . Bo! Ram, 1 year and over, G. Leather- [5,00 H. Lyon, G, Leatherland | SUGAR DUDGERS land. Ram lamb, gq. Leatherland. White shirt, H. Lyon. Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger SALTS Preeding i ® Leatherisid, 18, { ~The special prizes in the classes 149 Sydenham St. Nor MUSTARDS, etc. nd an . erling ewe, @. 1 . Just off Prine Peatherland, Ewe lamb, G. Leather. | Ye #Warded as follows: ress These make ideal wedding gifts land, = : = e -- arses . . Grade Sheep Long Wool. Single team out with lady driver, { T. Ritchie. Single team, T. Ritchie. Breeding ewe, G, Leatherland, 1st, Draft T "'R. Dixon. Tea; tor 2 p AR d 2nd 3rd, Y + = Kinnear & d'Esterre § ine. 5s. ua ms sud. 0: Lexiner! | Drak team R Dison. ream tor od -- age, 15 1-2 over, W. Murland. gail. Thousands of artistic homey-homes have been furnished in the money. JEWELERS Short Wool Grade Sheep. age, 15 1-2 under, F. Perry. Broo Welsh Dry saving Reld way, which enables anyone to buy tasteful and artistic Furni! : > ' 1 Breeding ewe, P. Edwards, 1st ang | mare, T, Arthurs. Fastest walking ture at moderate prices, 100 Princess Street, Kingston § (2nd. Ewe lamb, P, Edwards. team, F. Perry. General purpose 1 : colt, 3 years old, F. S. Ferguson. Coal Hogs. Draft colt of 1922, W. Murland. Pad ® | Boar, of 1922, a. Leatherland. | General purpose colt of 1922, T. Ar- ames el Leatorian, in: oa cnacsre ards | ata WHILE IT LASTS THE LEADING UNDERTAKER +. Registered Optometrist $40 Wellington St. Opp. Post --_-- | Now Is The Tite to decorate your Lawns and Oemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. iv 1 A pag | = 5 Leatheriang, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Bacon Cattle Prod ] G. > Kington : Jemant u Dr. Nash S og, Leatheriand. Pure bred cow, S. Knight. Calf, $18 00 ton PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. Jas : . " FFICE atrick Street Fowl. 1 year ol, G. Leatherland. Pure o 8 0 I, DENTAL Turkeys, aged, F. Homes. Tur-|Dbred bull, G. Leatherland. Herd of . Phone 730w. keys, 1922. D. pure bred cattle, S. Knight. Herd of Ww s | PARLORS R. Homes. Pusha: 5 Tonite. {Foon Som gh. Hor ; chell & Co. BUS SERVICE . Tien eut.Col, the Rev. Canon F, g. ; i838 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON |D. Coombe. Barred Plymouth Rook. ar thins a 15 Ontario Street «+ KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE" . yeteran padre of the Sreatf - fowls, . Leatherland., A. O, V. . 3 v ' 3 Was probably the first citizen of We specialize on Painless Extraction, Wyondott, D, Coombe, A. 0. vy. ' Chickons: F. Hom S- Burreg Racks Telephone 67. DAILY . Leal and. Coc and pullet, : fo offer his services to the | Latest Pyorrhes Treatment and|Brown Leghorn, F. Homies. R Ll H D. Coombe, G. Leather. 538 , . Empire in the present crisis. X-Ray work Red, F. Homes, lst and 2nd. - Jomes,:D. Coombe, op ot So 9.00 pam. 6.00 am E - land. White Leghorn, D. Coombe. ARRIVE IN IN . ' + 10.00 pan. 7.00 am N ; ; . Ducks, G. i 9.00 a.m Da'ry Produce and Bread. Aged turkeys, F. Homes, " . Butter, D. Coombe, H. I : Leatherland. Geese, F. Homes. . i a NE Cheese, A. Kent, Bread T. McWat- ogs The Su .T H e nday trip will not be Fun with less than six people, Please 2,000 DOZEN ters, J. Dixon, D. Coombe. Butter 3{ Pure bred Yorkshire sow, @. Maks Arigngesents by a pa. Ib. prints, H. Lyon, J E. Dixon, D. Leatherland. Litter of pigs, @: R 1 RATES: One Way, g1.00. Return, $1.75. Sunday, $2.00 Return, { 'N i E | . i Soutute, W. Drader. Poukia Ple, |} catherland, Boar, any breed, G. ; B. : Chet. W. Drader. | ihoriand, Bacon Hog, G. Leather- al Sponge cake, C, Loney, D. Coombe. land : J Vegetables, P. Edwards G. Leather- . ; \ a , ' ' Ram, G. Leatherland. Pure bred : HE erosty wig, ©. Lovey, G, | nem: O. Jowterisud. B at 1, SOFT AND HARD WOOD Leatherland, H. Lyon. We have received a Hmited quantity of Select Leatherland. ¢ Soft Wood Slabs. Hard and . Oanned Fruit and Flowers. ¥ J : This Wood we have Means one for every Man, Woman and Child Raspberry vinogar, P. Edwards, D, Dairy Products. : In Aingston. In the next few days we are 8O- [| Coombe; 3. Leatherland. Maple | Colored cheese, 4. Kent, Home. : 18 scarce and this wood will gi | syrup, P. Edwards. Jelly, D. Coombe, | made bread, J. E. a leWat. : tion for Fall and early Winter burning, } 0 11 C. Loney. Jam, D. Coo Can- fer. Home-made bread ing to sell these CUPS and SAUCERS at a Si Je Do be. Oin- or. Hon eco. 5. Leather. Let. us lll your CANNELL COAL needs at this slack time, lower price than you have seen for years. \Satherland, Pickles, G. Leather- | West, J. E. Dixon. Maple syrup, b. ¢ = SOW ARDS COAL CO 3 5 land, D. Coombe, Geraniums, H,| Edwards. Pickles, G. Leatherland. oy : Lyon, GQ. therland, D. . | Crock of butter, D. Coombe, ONE 150, 800 doz. White Tea Cups and Saucers . , 124c. yo Leatherland, D. Coombe F UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811, $ House plants, H. Lyon, G. Leather- Prrtrsaciiiiienaiiss 3 dozen 75¢. land. . 8. a y * Grafn. Fall wheat, G. Leatherland. Oats, J. B. Dixon. Barley, J. E. Dixon. b 400 doz. White Breakfast Cups and Saucers 2 ry 'Beans, D. Coombe. Sweet corn, P. Fee. 15, 4 dozen 90c. Fall wheat, G. Leatheriand, Field |[Edwards. White Potatoes, D. Peas, J. E. Dixon. . | Coombe. Vegetables, P. Rdwards. 800 doz. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers | . 20c. [[/E. Dixon. © : -- | a | Leatherland. © Corn, Fine Arts. : Bias nin nren i a ese 3 dozen $1.20 'White beans, J. E. Dixon, Collection of faney work, C. Lon- . e-- . Collect. f ladies' ful k, Many thes giticles, Such = PLATES, JUGS, wht, Roots and Vegan, | Lyon, D.. Coombe, George Leath: TU 1 ERS PO hy » @. Leath- | oriang ainting in ofl, D. Coombe. ' » at less than cost. erland. Fall apples, H. Lyon, @, Painting in water color, H. Lyon. i : Leatherland. Pears, H. Lyon, Grapes, |¢. nting, P. Edwhrds. Ast -1f you can't come, TELEPHONE. P. Edward, H. Lyon, Potatoes, D. [ors pr. Sn Fry) Coombe, P. Edwards. Carrots, P. Leatherland. Geranium, H. Lyon Edwards, G. Leatherland. Turnips, Fancy work not shown in any other : ; " » ||7: Edwards, G. Leatheriand. Blood [class pb . Etiw rds; work done ROBERTSON'S Limited {fic arn, sho aes Sd So vo : Mangel wortzel The lady winning the largest num- 73 Princess St. ~ - Jber of first prizes was C The guessing by the Manufac FOOTWEAR FOR MEN Gun Metal Bluchers and Recede Tos Bals. 1 Mahogany and Brown Shoes, on broad and ¥ Men's Black and Brown Sample Boots