Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1922, p. 11

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------ Th -- YULCANITE SLATE SSRFACED ROOFING Four-in-One Slab Shingle ..... 87.50 persq. Hexagonal Slab Shingle . . . . yx. $8 per oq. Rolls, 32" wide ...........»n per sq. The highest f "Beaver Quality Roo and hgh Pre natural Sie Cone ! Slate, Red THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- ; A CURIOUS OMISSION. s [0 LAI ED v rn ane] § Simcoe's. Tomb. By LieuT JOHN R. IRWIN It wad a somewhat startling state- INsTRUCTOR U. 8. AIR SERVICE ment made by a speaker at the On- - i tario Historical Soefety"s recent meeting, that on thé tablet at the tomb lof Governor Siméde at Exeter, ---- England, no mentiod 18 made of his : service in Canada. e speaker, Mr. Magnetic Radio Telephone Modulators. Frank Leonard of Lotdon, Oat, was One of the mist Important fo- | that at all times he is moved to indignation, which, he said, ventions brought forth in the field the best possible results from his first took the form of chusing him to of radio.telephony during the past | apparatus, It makes possible scold the janitor, That, of equrse, | year is the magnetic modulator, practical and reliable radio tele- did not avail anything, but the Cana- This development has resulted phone transmission from a tube + wel from experiments made with the transmitter even on the part of Alexander magnets amplifier by | an experimenter having a very the Radio tion while using | limited knowledge of radio telg- the latter device at their large | phone operation. > Faces At Your Meals! en SRE Sees Power! Th Work, ato sie 0 in human 4 pe it get obtatng RE a Lo Sas dian people might I take cognis- ance of the basis of the complaint. Simcoe, as founder of Toronto and first Governor of the new Upper Can- ada, exercised a &reat uence in The magneto modulator is a de- his day, and his namé is freely per- vic) that utilizes th§ properties of petuated in this province. He was a iron at radio frequencies to con- constructive statesman of high order, trol or modulate the output oman bent on ldying solid faundations tor oscillating vacuum tube or any the new colony, opening a Legisla- other undamped wave generator, ture, building roads, preparing de- The device is extrémely simple in fences. His long struggle with Lérd nature as well 48 In operstion. It Do:chester over questions of Policy Simp' * acts as a variable resistance ended in his return to England after connected fn serfes with the five years here, and bis ultimate ser- Antenna circuit (preferably in the ground lead) of any high fre. Quency oneillating rystem. One great advantage of this type of modulator is that it gives the vice elsewhere. BRICK HOUSE--3 storey and attic; § rooms; 5 bedrooms; eles. The people of Ontario have seat ] tric lights; gas; 3 plece bath: furnace; fireplace: fine divided cellar; tered his name geherotsly in various lf nice lawn--EARL STREET directions. We have & goufity, a town, | FRAME HOUSE--2 storey: 7 rooms; 3 bedrooms; and a Lake Simcoe; Toronto has a I 8 .plece bath; garage; private drivews: transocsanic stations to control RAILWAY NR ARA WL HEY ORE AGENCY FOR ALL Special attention given your family Orifriénds ghing to or returflsg from the: Ola Country. For information and rétes apply to J. B. HANLEY, G.P. and TAGT. Ry, Kifigston, Ont Ofen day and night. 'PHONE 99. a si ia i ---- CUNARD ANCHOR ANCHOR. DONALDS & 'Montreal to Glasgow t. 20|Oct. 87 Oct. $[Nov. 3 ....., © iomtreal Sept. 23|0ct] 21 Oct. 14[Nov. 11 . i | Mdmtreal to Plymouth, Cherbourg "8biNov. rn Fos v covvi Andinia 14|Nov.. 18 * Halifax to Liverpool. N. Yi to Quesiistown and Livergoo: Sept. 28|0ct. 28 Oct. § Ausonia an. N. ¥., Cherbourg Sept. 23{Oct. 13 :... Sept. 28(Nov. 7 .... Mauretania Oct. 3{Oct. 234 . Aquitania N. Y. Ply, Cherbourg and Hamburg QOL BB ooanns ins Purnesnnans ves Caronia Oct. 14 «oovinninan s sessven...JBaxonia 8ept. 20 Spades fri ee ET sernsaneihacey 8 N. Yo to Glasgow (via Moville) BODE Minassnncinsnsennss si +. Algerth Tout RT RIty e Ne XY. to MEDITERRANEAN Oct. $8 (Cruise) . Nov. 31 (Cruise) Dec. § (Coulbe) «.0orvoenen.. Jan. 34 (Crulsd) ....iui.in..us Feb. 10 (Cruise) ............ 30x34 Vans .+ $16.00 Larger sizes in proportion. $1.78 the output of their 200 K. Ww. radio frequency alternators, The fundamental prinefple of the magnetic amplifier was adopt. ed Into ihe Modulator, and for the first time the fadio amatour has at his disposal a simple yet thorough. ly reliable means of modula ng the sntenna oscillations of a low power vacuum tube radio tele- photie set. Once connected to a phone set these modulators poal- tively require no further attention, This assures the experimenter bop-distorting method of con- trolling the output of a single for radio telephony. Furthermore it jermits the paralie! ase of a num- T Of tubes as oscillators and this eliminates the use of special mod- ulator :rles, with their necessiury adaltional accessories and critical adjustments. T!._.y are manufactured In three sfzes lo render service on from half to five amperes. An ilustratibn 1s shown here. with, APPARATUS w DEVICES . By RALPH BROWN, RADIO ENGINEER A Portable The accompanying illustration depicts a small twenty watt spark transmitter that has been thoroughly tried out. It is a standard army 'set developed by tle U. 8 army and was used ox- tensively in our airplanes during the war, It {8 now beitig manu- factured and distri' uted to the Jitdra) tablie by a reliable manu rer who built them for the Army during the war. The transmitter comprises a poweiful spark coll vith u special viirator that gives a high pitched neéte, an &djustable spark gap, a panéake helix which permits varia tioh of wave lengths from 100 to. 300 meters and is calibrated In steps of twenty meters, a Dubfifer Spark Set. sary counegtiont .for ground and mica condenser ahd I! the neces- Will readers interested in these with the editor by mail? WIE LOMBARDY FAIR. RS Display of Vegetables the Best Seen in Years. Lombardy, Sept. 18.--The annual fair held laét Saturday was a great success. The weather was ideal and many took advatitage of the fine day to spend the etterncon at the falr. The exhivits were well up to the usual standard, the dlsplay of vegetables being the best shown in EOme years. Horses ahd cattle ware an average exhibit. The sports and baseball game attracted much at- tention. The marfiage of Miss Gert- rude Dermady to W. Déslaurters, has been announced to take place on fr alters radio articles kindly communicate Tuesday, Sept. v19th, at the chureh of the Blessed Sacrament, Lom- bardy. Culvert construction and fence building are.well under way on the provincial highway. Miss Helen McNamee, LaPorte, Indiana, has been visiting her sister Mrs. Joseph Jordan and Mr. Jordan for some time. Mr. McCauley, Richmond; fpent a few days last week with his feces, Mrs. D. Dooher and Mrs. John Hughes. He was accompanied home by Miss: Veronica McCauley who had been visiting here for some time. ------------------ Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent. / OF SKIN DIS HEALED LIKE BARBERS ITCH CHRONIC CASES MAGIC MAN'S LUNCH We have made a specialty of 5 the business men's lunch. At the noon hour, drop Mn at The THE VIC courteius service and a menu for those of the most pte -- - A err rs errr -- on ---- ---- 'is head Simcoe street and a John street, af- ! ter his first name, no doubt. Then there is a string of township names which are, in one way or another, connected with the Simcoe eirels. Wolford, in Grenville, is named after a property of that mame in Devon to the nervous system that is not & Q reflected to the st Sak érves! wéak stomach! Na- ture has only one answer; more vita- | Jhines 3 ! But remember that shire belonging to Governor Siincoe. | Yonge township, and doubtless Yonge street, in Toronto, recall Sir George Yonge, M.P. for Hohitou, mn Deven- shire, who was & personal friend of Simcoe. Russell county was named after Hon. Peter Russell, who came to Canada with Simeoe ia 3798, and was Aéting Governor for two years after Simcoe's departure. York towne ship was named by Governor Simooe in compliment to Pfince Frederick, Duke of York. Newark was the name whieh Governor, Bimebe tried to sub- stitute for Niagara, but the people preferred the Istter, and the name Niagara was formally reinstated by law after hé had. Jeft in 1798. A minuté search might extend the ist indefinitely, and yet the builders of the Exeter tablet ighore all this, The protest at the Historical Society meeting is timely. ------------------------ Wild Pigeons. The news which came trom Piston the other day, that a floek of wild pigeons had been séefr in Prinde Bd: ward County, Ontario, must have been a surprise to bird-<lovers, as that beautiful ereature, once #6 plentiful, had been considered, liké the buftilo, All but extifiet. Early recerds of 'the Ploneers make many references to the wild pigéons, and, indéed, they were' 50 numerous ah to be, at limes, & pest and A menacde. Conditiofis in Ontario may be in- ferred from the Book entitted "Sketches of Upper Canada, Donies- tie, Local snd Chiraéteristic," by John Howison, published in Bdin- burgh ip 1826, from whieh the fol- lowing is taken: "Immense flocks of the passenger or wild pigeon frequént this {Long Point and the other parts of Upper Canada during spritig #nd astumn 8 oF 2-6 Killed by and mypiads . firearms of Sognt il nets by the inhabitaiits, for they Hy do €ioee kad in sueh numbers' thal twenty af thirty may sometimes be brought down at a singlé shot. Yet the Jui. titudes that are to be met with in Canada are trifling, indesd; when compared with those millions that visit the United States, Where, ne- cording to Wilson, the sipboisc, they sometimes déselatd and waste & tract of cousitry forty or fitty miles long atid ive or six brosd by making it their breeding placs. "While in the Staté of Ohio he saw a flosk of thess birds Which exténd- ed, he 'Judged, more than ; breadth and continued to pass over at the rate of one mille in a mintite during four Hours, thus making its whole length about 330 miles: -Aceording to his hddatate ; te, this flock ¢ontained 32,830, m2, Digions, 4 umber al ar rpg Foran ot 1a of were we not in of n+ disputable sutharity which ves that this conclusion was not g gerated." &8 My wl i EB of unad te Saaults of ap aversion De! 3 on {he stom- . fermentation, pe r Gating, 4 tion. system possesses. Th Snswer ib, ironize! vitamin-ise! Trone ed east, f= sold at all stores Saji SOME o i Harold hy Agts. Take _ Bales ein you'l A HUGE REPTILE STARTLES GIRL An Unknown Reptile Seen In Marsh in South Hastings, Ri tablet 1s t 5 oni The Bancroft Times in its issue of this week has the following item In refergnce to the appearance of a huge reptile in North Hastings. Considerablé commotion has been cdused among the residents of Fort Btewart distriet over the appearahce 6f a huge reptile which gave chase after a young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Prentice recently. This 'huge reptile appearéd in What is commonly known as Con- roy's Marsh, néar the Burned bridge on the Mississipp! branch bridge, township of Reglan, county of Ref frew. Riss Prentice was in the act of putting a halter oh a hotée when the reptile suddenly appeared and made for her. In its course it Pan under the horse, frightening it away, leaving her with the halter in her hand. The girl, frightened, also made hdste, the monster giving ¢hasé, but not belng able to rin quitkly she matiaged to get to 4 place of satety and soon reported the obcurtence to members of her tém- pf This strange occurrence brought old residents out who have invest) gated and who are baffled to know just what species of animal it is, aa it has failed to put in an appearance since. From the description given by those of the residents whe have if: vestigated, the monster appears to be about seven feet long making 4 trall in the mud about ten fnehes wide, with toot imprints at either side about thres inches across ang from fourteen to fifteen Inchds apart; similar to that 6 a crocodile or an alligator. Those who have Jatuitifated are ufider the Impression that this mon. stér hai edcapéd from some show park along the Ottawa River, follows ed up stream to the Madawaska River and landed in Conroy's Marsh whore last seen. The marsh is ad oxtelledt feeding ground for a rep- tile as described, there being pienty of frofs and grass snakes. Residents who have lived in the district for over forty years have A i lights; gas; STRERT, "CHOICE POTTED FERNS For choice Potted F erns it will pay you to EAA E see our big variety. Cut Flowers and Funeral Designs a specialty. STORE: Corner Theliington and Brogk Streets. CONSERVATORIES: entree 5 ULCER A | P. C. LAWSON THE LEADING FLORIST Btr eet. 63 Pn HH If the Coal Sho curtails oe ata on of the cost. A growing number of m a bulk of their business Let us show you how to a tance to your business, M. GRAHAM, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA : ' of #n animal gimil- And all who inves Fhon one 1174J. FIERA HE | 76. HHH "yor train service Use Long Distance sae tigated will vouch for the teeth the above.

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