Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1922, p. 10

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{ i electric light, gas, E rooms, $16.00 per month. mediste THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1028. Lg ---- A ---------------------- DEATH OF 1. L. WHITING . Silver Raccoon Coats That combine splendid style and rare comfort. This clever Coat is made of fine, natural, Silver Raccoon--every skin se- lected for evenness and beauty, with excellent dark stripes and made extremely stylish, by the 3 stripe border and 2 stripe cuffs, The deep Shawl! Collar assures the utmost protection in stormy weather, We have your size. Why not come in and try themon? You are under no obligation "to buy. l- JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brook Street a v-- - - Kingston, Ont. TEN CENTS WORTH OF HAPPINESS Oh Henry! DON'T FORGET OH MABEL | Oh Henry's Little Sister CROTHERS Wherever Candy is Sold KINGSTON CAME AS GREAT SHOCK To Those Present In Judge's Chambers When He Expired. The suddenness of the death of the late J. L, Whiting came as & great shock to those who were in the Judges' chambers at the court house where he passed away Friday after- Boon. Mr. Whiting was acting for the Crown in a case in which a will in the Quinn eatate, Sydenham, was being disputed. Two and a half hours evidence had been taken in the morn- ing and the court resumed at 2 o'¢lock. Mr. Whiting had, following his custom of not taking a noon day meal, spent the noon hour in an office at the court house, and shortly {before his death was taking notes {trom the cross-examination being jeondueted by A, B. Cunningham. Mr. Whiting passed without a word, only a gurgling sound attracting the at- tention of the courtroom. With a sight stretch of his arms he became unconscious before anyone could reach him, There were & large number of wil- jnesses being heard during the case and the room was quite warm in tho morning but Mr. Whiting had not LATE J. L. WHITING, K. C. been exerting himself particularly, During the morning Mr. Whiting had conducied his case in his usual keen concise manner, When the court opened at 2 o'clock Mr. Whiting appeared in his usual good health. A few minutes betors his death he was taking a keen in. terest in some evidence being elicited from a witness by Mr. Cunningham end was noticed making a note of it. Mr. Whiting was sitting beside J. B. Walkem, K.C., who was first to notice the gasp given by his friend, He immediately arose and called to Dr. Sargent. Mr, Whiting was lifted Wore Btreet----Brick, 9 rooms, hot water Huthace.-325.00 per month. 5 on October 1st, Livingston Avenue--Cement Mock--17 rooms, electric light, hardwood floors, hot air fur- nace. $35.00 per month. Pos- 'session at once. King Street Jyam-- Pram, 7 1 possession. Victoria 'Btreet ---- Brick, 6 rooms, electri¢ light, gas, hot alr furnace. §30,00 per month, tas possession. Stone Dattage, Porta out rooms, electric light. §13. moth. Ahh dawned a 2 a adalah dh dh da a a Belleville Granulated Sugar ., [ Strictly Fresh Eggs y Flour, Pastry (7 Ibs.) New Pack Relled Oats ¢ Ibs, 28e, Faney New Rice ......85 ibs, 23e, [ Geld Dust Corn Meal § Ibs. 23¢. Corn Flakes .. Cora Starch J Lady Oranges, per aos. Fancy Lemon Cakes ... ++ 10 Ibs. 7Se, } PEACHRS--PEARS--PLUMS fig FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 3 for se. upon the long table and further medi- cal assistance was summoned. His bulse grew weaker and in three or four minutes he was dead. 5 Word had been sent to Mrs. Whit- ing that her husband had been taken fll, and she was met by Mr. Walken Liurrying to the court house, The laiter informed her thit the end had come, and she was conveyed to her home by Mr. Walkem and County egistrar Gibson, The iate Mr, Whiting had been troubled with organic heart dis€ass for some time and was foreed to take things easy. The death came wil such a shock to those in the room, who were most- ly residents of Sydenham, that one of the ladies fainted. The case was ad- Journed indefinitely by Judge Lavell, Mr, Whiting was actively engaged in all local courts till the last. He frequently appeated in police court as crown-attorney and city solicitor, and his last police court oase was that of bigamy on which the accused last Baturday was seni to penitenti- ary for two yeasts. He also had charge of the Upton-Bryant cases in: lens 1s » matte of GREATEST In a must be absolutely accurate, w any lens to one hich Aseompasie UR you may buy of us one-thousahdth part of With the search OPTOMETRIST ang you must be con- Interest to let us take care while attending the Fair. their initial stages. Mr. Whiting. knew that he was liable to be seized with a sudden at- tack of heart trouble any time, and was therefore very careful of himseft during the past two years. Hon, William Harty and James Redden were Mr. Whiting's oldest friends and they remained pals 40 the last. The ol political days had drawn theee three very "closely: to- gether, and their friendship was | Maintained all through the years in regular social intercourse in their homes. The tric hes new been broken, <r The flags on the city buildings and the court house are fiylng at hai hag out of respec Eh memory © deceased veteran . the | er ---- CO-OPERATION 4 DARYING| I | Meeting of the County Cheese | Men Held in the City on Friday. | John Beatty, president of Ontario | Dairy Co-operative Products Limli- led, Toronto, and Edward Stone- { house, provincial secretary-treasur- | er, were in the city on Friday to ad- |dress a meeting of cheese factory | men and organize a county commit- | tee to represent the company with a | view to pledging all factories to op- {erate under the new sales organiza- ition. They were met by G. G. Pub- low, chief dairy Inspector for East- | jern Ontario, and outlined thers {plans at the agricultural hall, Mark! | | ot street. "Our object is to obtain control of ISI tague Glass and others, seventy-five per cent. of the product of the Ontario cheese factories," sald Mr. Stonehouse, 'and sell it co- operatively, thus eliminating the ex- {pense that falls upon the individual factories under the present system, By adoption of such a course there { will be a big saving to the patrons. Our system is very simple. Under it, no stock certificates are sold. We work on the existing factory basis, but require all factories that sell through us to enter a three-year con- tract agreeing to sell their entire output through the company. In this way we will be in a position to han- dle factory supplies, and experience shows that there has been a reduc- tion from fifteen to two per cent. in costs. I have been many years in the dairy business, and I think the time has arrived when the factory muat give more concern: to having the 800ds meet the consumers wishes. By eliminating the speculators we will have the entire control of the marketing of our products, "The charter for our company was issued by the Ontario government and Hon. Manning Doherty is behind us. We have had some obstacles to encounter owing to the diversity of the factory organizations, but fecl THE PHONE 919. CONTRIBUTORS: Harrison Fisher, Edgar A. Guest, George Ade, . E. M. Hull, 0. O. McIntyre, Irvin 8. Cebb, Ar- thur Train, Rupert Hughes, Frank R. Adams. Kathleen Norris, H. C. Witwer, Cynthia Stock- ley, Ring W. Lardner, P. G. Wodehouse, Mon- COLLEGE BOOK STORE ER -------- I -------------------- OCTOBER COSMOPOLITAN Commencing a New Serial by the Author of the "Sheik," E. M. Hull, "THE DESERT HEALER" Three Best Serials--Teri Best Short Stories of the Month . LATEST MAGAZINES RECEIVED: Radio News, Radio World, Radio Broadcast, Popular Radio, Radio Instructor, Q. 8. T., Wire- less Age, Science and Invention, Popular Science, Radio Digest, Ladies' Home Journal, Pictorial Review, Pictorial Review Quarterly, McCall's Quarterly, Fashionable Dress Royal, Modern Priscilla, Elite, Bon Ton, Red Book, ete. °, OPEN NIGHTS Sh that with education all these will be overcome," Mr. Publow is a strong supporter of the co-operative idea in the mar- keting of Ontario's cheese output, He is chiefly résponsible for the high state of efficiency of the cheese makers and the unifermily splendid quality of our cheese. This year, he reports that there has not been one prosecution in Onario for the adul- teration of milk by farmers selling to cheese factories and dairies, ana he attributed this fact to the opera- tion of the Dairy Standards Act, pur into force this Year by Hon. Man- ning Doherty, Had this act not been put into operation, there would have been from fifty to one hundred prosecutions inf the courts, Al- though cheeses production started slowly this year, there will be a good average output, and the returns to the farmers will be €odd. Some fac- tories are paying better prices today than some dairies and creameries, Of course, it 1s well to have differ- ent chantels open to farmers. Much depends upon location, such as prox- imity to cities and towns, and trans- portation facilities, When the prices of one product are down, the farmer fs a¥le to turn to what will bring him the greatest return so that In the end he loses nothing. There are many factories entering 'into dairy business, but he finds that the cheese factory fs dependable and a good thing for the farmer. The bulk of Canada's cheese is produccn right in eastern Ontarlo ang in which Is peculiarly adapted to dairy farmn- Ing. There Is not the local popula- tion there is in western Ontario to consume the surplus milk; cream and butter and cheesemaking Is an indus- try that must be preserved, Much can be done to increase the returns to the factory pafrons and the On- tario government is behind all et- forts to help co-operation. At the conclusion of the discussion the question ofthe appointment of a committes for Frontenac county waa taken up, and nominations made ot persons In Sympathy with tue o ---- "The Hat Store" For Fair Week New Furs 19 to 30. Get Your Supply Women's Black Cashmere Hose--sizes 8} to 10. Extra special to-night . ......... . . 50c. pair Several pretty styles in Voile Blouses, Embroidered and Jabot fronts--plain and tailored. Broken sizes, Priced up to $6.00 each. tonight. ........c..... The best Dollar Corset in the trade. All sizes We do the Window Shade business of Eastern Ontario. There's a Reason! j . A Postcard or phone message will bring you in touch with our department. Estimates cheerfully given including To clear ceieie... $2.50 each WINDOW SHADES Millinery and Supplies Kingston's Millineria Parisian Shop #23 Brock Street scheme: R. J. Draper, salesman for Arigan factory, was présent and was appointed to represent the head of- e at Toronto. Re Stonéhouse ' and Beatty left on Friday night and will orgau- ize committees in every county. This committee will carry on the work among the patrons of factories who will appoint a director to répresent each factory in the county organiza- tion. - dat Appeal Macarow Case, Montreal, Sept. 16.--It is under Newman & Shaw KINGSTON'S BUSY STORF . Ae -- i ---- stood here that the question of ap- peal in the Macarow case has not been decided. Appeal wil probably {be taken on points of law involved. Announcement of appeal will come from Montreal, not from Ottawa, and will be on the order of the attérney- general, Who'll Be Crown Attorney? By the death of Mr. Whiting, the position of erown attorney for Fron- tenac is vacant. For the vacancy the names of T. J. Rigney, K.C., A. B. Cunningham, K.C., Francis King; K.C., and W. F. Nickle, K.C., M.P,, are mentioned. Tike the 88. Wauble for a de fighttu! sail to Cape Vincent on Sat- , Bept. 16th, leaving Kingston 2 am, abd. 1.16 p.m. Also 'sail Islands the 3 'on Sunday, Sept. 17th. 8 tip seine day 75c. Phos | Jaformation trom: suthentlc sour: 3 state that Smyrna bes 5 a pn ne -- Dwellings on Easy Terms 5 $1850--Ragian Road--6 rooms and toilet, $1350--Stophen Stroet--semi-brick, 6 rooms, B, and C., gas, $1650--Russell-Street--8 rooms, toilet, and 3% acre land. $1350--Cherry Stroet--5 rooms and toilet. $1700--Patrick Streéct--Double rough cast, 5 rooms each, toflet. $1480--York Street--3 rooms and toflet. ? $1150--Lower Patrick Street--4 room bungalow and toilet, Full list at office. HOUSES FOR RENT $11.50--810 34 Montreal Street. $12.50--188 Queen Street. $22.00--254 Rideau Street--6 rooms, B. and C.; gas. $80.00--Chatham Street--new brick Bungalow, modern EW. Mullin & Son Real Nitato and ~~ Fire Insurance Lowest Rates Ladies' Black Kid Two Straps theraveaes eX Ladies' Brown Calf One Strap ...,.... Ladies' Brown Calf Oxfords All with low heels--all "all sizes 2% to 7. i MEN'S FINE BROWN CALFSKIN lacs BOOTS Nice, neat, madtum ear welted leather soles and Nice as toes, Goody Eves esi visa tes Esvseneuy rubs MEN'S FINE BLACK LACE BOOTS Medium toes, sewn leather soles ....... ? il 1, Bee Ladies' Patent Lace Oxfords---high hesis. Ladies' Patent Pumps sha Colohialé---nigh heels. All sizes 2% to 7. Fe re ravenna ALSO MANY OTHER BARGAINS FOR TONIGHT, 4

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