Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Sep 1922, p. 8

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" | NEWS AND of Woman's Page, Tele. 243. Private phone 837w. » . . . Margaret McKellar, a distin- d Queen's graduate, is paying of a few wheks to Canada, is speaking om behalf of Pres- n Missions in India, in Lon- 'Ont., and Toronto. Sailing for , where she has spent the last re, on Sept. 17th. Dr. Mec- made a record trip around the last year for the day she land- India from Canada, she receiv- mews that recalled her to her in Michigan, and sailed at crossing the Pacific ocean, and at her home 70 days after it. i . * ' | the shore of the Bay of Quinte 'ten miles from Kingston, "The White House," now ® of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HE Room to Grow for Every Toe TZ ULL | LOWEST COST PER DAY OF WEAR sale in Kingston by re < Shoe Store. Sutherland & Bro, he 1 x Shoe Co, A. Sawyer, Batescourt School WILL RE-OPEN SEPT, § 1032. uplls received in all grades, in gluding Primary and Collegiate 8. | Pupils moving to other cities take firg second and third places in pri- ed Fairfield and Miss Alice = Fairfield, who represents the fifth generation descended from the United Empire Loyalist, William Fairfax, gentle- man, who for hig services and that of his sons with the British arms in ne Revolutionary War, drew land 'om the crown, and was given a deed of many miles of the ' forest wiaich lay along the shores of Lake Ontario, *. + . A glorious full moon illuminated the harbor with its silver light on Wednesday evening for the weekly Yacht Club dance. Among those pre- sent were. W. F'. Casey, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Major and 'Mrs. G. 8. Bowerbank, (Toronto), Capt. and Mrs. J. F. Preston, Mrs. James*® Miller, Major and Mrs. W. Harty, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chown, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bry- mner, Mies Gwendolen and Miss Doris Folger, Miss Vivien Ross, (Toronto), Miss LiMan Fair, Miss Lilian Butlan, Miss Constance Stroud, Miss Marie Gorman (Chic- 8go), Miss Vivien McCartney, Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Helen To- field, Miss Elinor Mundell, Miss Clara Farrell, Miss Vivien White, Miss Isabel and Miss Grace Mooers, Miss Clara Farrell, Miss Margaret and Miss Lois Taylor, Mies Flo Cun- _{ningham, Miss Marion Grimison, Miss '| Gertrude McKelvey, Miss Francesca Foulkes, Miss Doris McKay, Capt. Henry, Dr. Boom, Dr. H.. Folger, J. Courtland Elliott, R. Elmer, 8. Driver, BE. Steacy, G. Kirkpatrick. Jack Sanson, (Gananoque), Mace Malr, Arthur Gardiner, D. Robert- son, Arthur Bills, BE. Gill, Alan Cockiran, Hew Duff, F. Torrance, J. Arthey, P: Small, Cadets Fair and Simmons. _ * * * The damp chilly wéather of Wed-1 nesda; was responsible for the small attendance at the Yacht Olub tea, but no doubt more members will be present next week for the last tea of the season and the bridge tourna- ment, Mrs. R. E. Burns, Mrs. J. B. McLeod, Mrs. F. R. Phillips, Miss Phyllis Knight and Miss Freda Burns were in charge of the tea and among those who found the cosy clubroom a pleasant place for bridge or work were Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs. J. C. Ponstod, Mrs. J. A. Campbell, (Vancouver, B.C.) Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Moitett, Mrs. K.\J. MoKelvey, Miss Melita Eiliott, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Mildred Jones, Mise Mollle Saund- ers. . . * A On Tuesday evening Miss Esther Northmore, a recent graduate nurse of Rockwood hospital, was the guest of hofior, at a very enjoyable dinner Mre. Havelo®k Price, Mrs. John|: om from 'Metis Beach where she has been staying with her mother, Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers, of Kingston, Mrs. D. Regan, who was with her daughter, Mrs. James Rigney, George street, has left for London, Ont, and is with her daughter, Mrs, EB. R. Bluethner. Miss Marjorie Richmond, who spent the holidays with her aunts, the Misses neath," their home "Rose- Bostwick Richmond, at on Island, have returned home. Miss Marie VanLuven, . . . Nelson street, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. E. Winter and Dr. Winter, Ottawa, at their cottage at Norway Bay, has returned to town. Mrs. W. B. Terry, who has spent the summer with her mother, Mrs, 8. Brooks, Earl street, has re turned to New York accompanied by her small son and Miss Marjorie Williams. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Daley and their children, Chicago, Ill, who have been touring through Cznada, visiting Mrs. in Ottawa, wego, N.Y. Frances W. Daley's former home revurned "by way of Os- , 10 visit Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. Mr. Daley is a graduate in science of Queen's Un- versity. Ex-cadets man were Olmstead and Fimmer- visitors in Kingston on DEFY GRAY HAIR matter claims you hair has "Brownatone™ Seay . "'Browna what your age, gray hair pro- w Te at" 30 or 40 our tone' Brovhitens is sold and recomi- mended a and the Hairs Will Vanish [i Apply This Paste mn by Mahood T. H, Sargent and other ealers. (Boudoir Secrets) , The judicious use of a delatone paste hairléss skin. insures any woman a clear, To prepare the paste, ficienf | k Laura. A Kirkman More Recipes From Reader Friends. Stil more Reader Friends have been kind enough to send in their good recipes for me to publish to help others: Mrs. C. L.: "Gelatine Ice Cream: ~--A tablespoon (more or les) of gelatine dissolved in one-half cup of mfik, added to every half-gallon of cream, will make #ce cream "stand up' lke the manufactured product." Mrs. L. B.: "My Grapefuice Re- cipe:--I used to take a 'wesk off,' almost, to make grapejuice every year, but now I make it as follows: Into a quart fruit jar put one cup of grapes picked off the stem-----washed and dried, of course. Add one-half cup of granulated suger, then Al the jar tull of actively boiling water and seal airtight, I roll the cans around & moment, until the sugar is dis- solved, and then turn them upside- down #0 a8 to be sure they do not leak. When they are cool, I store them In my fruit closet. I've never had a can spoil, although I was very skeptical at first. The juice is ready to use ina couple of weeks, but it can be kept indefinitely and will be found most beautifully clear and fine in flavor. Amd it is so easy to put up! One ¢an do one can at a time whenever a cup of grapes is avail- able. If you use more than one cup of sugar to a quart, it will be too sweet. I use Concord grapes, but it makes a fine change to have a few Jars of other varieties also. Hers is another recipe: My Cake: Into one cup of sugar, stir one teaspoon of butter, then beat in one agg until the mixture foams. Now put one-half teaspoon of soda into one cup of milk, and when the soda js dissolved add this mixt- ure to the Then add onough flour to make a regular cake consistency, using one teaspoon of baking powder with the flour. Any desired seasoning may be used, but 1 find that grated nutmeg makes, a good change. Man-folks who are utterly sick and tired of rich frosted cakes, will appreciate this one. Bake in loaf form, for 40 minutes in a moderate oven." B. P. B.: 'A Recipe for Remowv- ing Wall Paper: This hint may help women who would like to try paper- ing their own rooms. I use a £pray pump. It is a big help in rémoving | - old wall paper. Make a paste some- what thinner than that wused for pasting on the paper, and spray this paste onto the, wall very hot. The paper will scrape off easily--indeed, ft will almost fall off, unless un: usually strong glue was used in past- ing the paper on originally. The reason for using a flour-and-water paste instead of just plain water, is that the water alone {s apt to evap- orate too quickly. Also, clear water does not have the soaking effect that paste has. Do not make the paste too thick or it will not be able to go through the nozgle of the spray pump." Tomorrow---Knitting Directions for a Child's Drawer-<Leggings. All inquiries «addressed to Miss Rirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in thek Surn: This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great sumber received. So # a personal or guicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The wditor, Wednesday, on their way to Hamil- ton by motor, . . » Mr. and Mrs. Harold Day, King street, west, and thelr son Lawrance, have returned from Montreal. Mrs, Fergus O'Connor ami her family, Badr] street, have returned from thelr cottage near Deadman's Bay. Hubert Osborne, who's dlever plays have found favor with the theatre going public, spent a few days din Kingston this week, return- ing to Pittsburg, Pa., on Wednesday. Mrs. Harold Harvey, Alfred street, and her little son Jeft for Toronto to- day to join Mr. Harvey. Mrs. C. W. Dine and her daugh- ter, Jessie May, Collingwood street, have returned from Toronto after spending two weeks with friends. * 0 i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, Camp- bellford, are in Kingston to visit Tom HORO By Geneviev PE FRIDAY, SEPT. 8. Unpropitious onditions again od tain, aconling to the baneful posi- tions of the ruling planets. Although there is a sign read as opening up opportunity for changes of an ad- vantageous nature, yet other testi- monies point to strongly deterring influences, with stubborn obstacles te be first overcome. The phyaleal condition may prove a disturbing or thwarting factor, consequently should be given careful attention. Threacherous conditions may eur- round all efforts. Those whose birthday it is may above-given mixture. |, Sold in }41b, 1 1b. and 214 Ib. pkgs. CHASE A SANBORN, Montreal, CANDIES has created a universal friendship sy TE TY I TIT Be BARNUM'S | BARNS, FRESH EVERY DAY \ ; PIES--Blueberry, Raisin, Apple. TARTS---Blueherry, Honey. DELICIOUS CAKES AND PASTRY. SHOES ™ cimomen SCHOOL TIME IS HERE AGAIN, AND WE ARE FULLY prepared for it. Our stock of sturdy Boots and Shoes for the School Boys and Girls is complete--all lines--just the kind of Shoes for school and play. » School Bags Made of Solid Leather, heavily stitched, in Black and Tan, with or without Shoulder Strap. ' or Cane ao mix a little of the powdered delatone (® - TBx with some water, then apply to the id objectionable hairs for two or three minutes. When the paste is remov- ed, and the skin washed, every trace of hair will have vanished. No pain attends the use of the delatone and it will not mar the most sensitive skin, but to insure results, see that have a year of obatacies and batffl- ing conditions arising to thwart some favorable opportunity. Their health should be given attention, and their business should be guarded from fraud or misrepresentation. A child born on this day may require strict and early training, and should party given by her classmates. Miss Northmore leaves shortly to take up her duties in the Bellevue Hospital, New York City, where she has ac- cepted a position. . LL J. BATES Brock Street friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McManusc] and children, Toronto, are visiting relatives in. Campbeliford priof to coming on to Kingston. J. P. Archer and Master Staunton have returned to Campbeliford after =The R. &R. Shoe Store=--= 206 Princess St. Phone 486 Miss Gwendolen and Miss Doris Folger gave a small dinner at the Cataraqui Golf Club on Wednesday, In honor of their guest, Miss Vivien Ross, Toronto, the party going on to the dance at the Yacht Club. * * ». A number of small teas and show- ers, have been given lately, for Miss Flora MacLean, to-day's bride. - » . Miss Venton, Monrovia, California, is visiting Mrs. T. F. VanLaven, Collins Bay. Mr. and Mre. A. Close and their Son, Brookville, are visiting m Kingston for a week. Miss Naomi Boulton, Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Elmsley, King street. . Mrs. Lloyd Card and son, Arroki, accompanied by Miss MeGuire, Ot- lawa, have left for Toronto exhibi- Yon after visiting Mrs. Harry Card, William street, for the last two weeks y Miss B. B. Orford, has returned to Renfrew after spending the sum- mer with her sister, Judge O'Brian and Miss Cochra L'Original, who are in town or Mrs. A. P.} O"BriandMacLean wedding will re-|: you get real delatone. eesing _and pinching out black "the 5 s make pore out. mulations of dust and tions from ski une safe an Dimple then, and a eioth I Bota and' dirt and sec n and there is re and one be- a pleasant visit spent with relatives in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Brandon, "Ala- bama Lodge," Morven, left on Sat- urday for Toronto to visit their dau- ghter, Mrs. J. W. Pitman, and also to attend the exhibition. Miss Pansy Jackson, Napanee, spent the past week attending the national exhibition, also visiting her sister, Mrs. Ross Vanalstine, St. Catharines. Missés Kate and Fannie Close, Morven, are spending a few days In Toronto at the exhibition. Miss Myrtlé Irwin, Toronto, spent |. the past week visiting her aunt, Mrs. '| Robt. Jackson, Morven. Miss M. F. Daly has returned to her home, Pittsburg, Penn., after spending a pleasant visit with her | sisters on University avenue. 4 . . * 'Mrs. Sarah Meighen, Lake, Ont., announcés the have dnoulcated the necessity for re- sponsible actions. : TO.DAY'S FASHION B By Vera Winston. Amazing Results Prove MASTIN'S Vitamon Tablets Build Firm Flesh Quick Beautify the Complexion and Increase Energy For The Well- Rounded Every Woman Whe Owes It To Herself To Nerves Of Perfect Have

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