/ [ Co. and Mrs. J. C. D. Bedell, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Ball, » | operations. While there may be} {King twcet, returned from Alymer, |are taking up residence in the city [zome breaking up of congested con- | Que. on Siturday. | Mr. Ball is manager of Stanley & |ditions, yet it may be difficult vo | : ) : > Mise Frances Cartwright, Toron-|Aylward, Ltd. ¢ |make progess, and there may be | I e S ocCiLa I é [to who spent the week-end wih hor| Miss Gertrude Cotman, Chestnut {some sudden visitation bringing | ®° {a radical and perhaps not entirely {aunts, the Misses Cartwrigh®, "The street, left on Saturday on a 'motor | Maples," returned home to-day tak- | trip through the Adirondack Moun- (happy change. This should be avoid- : : : : ons. wed ing Miss Tetty Cartwright with he-. tains. ed and travel deferred. Those in tue | : z a : | * eo |employment of others should be | Editor of Woman's Page, Tele- [their + gest daughter, Ca-ul, 'o * + ! . | nad Pra: | Mrs. Arthur Evans, Gore street, |careful not to give offence to super- | 243. ate ph 837w. Major Frauk Ald Smyth, 1 ; - : ! phone 243 Pry 1s phone Hag or ¥ ig flinam ig ae es J A Campbell Mbeidoiibdt today to visit Miss Nan Skinner | fors. Other affairs show more aus- . 2 A jolly marshmallow toast was C., Ilings.cn. The marriaze w 1 Se 2a WE a aL [34 hep cottage among the Thousand [picious Plangiary Scvoumeat, | aot | § 3 , itu g jul \ » . . | . ose held beyond Cartwright's Point on € place quietly ip Detober, {Campbell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. | Mrs. DuMoulin, Sr. and . Miss Ipromised an altogether satisfactory | | Saturday evening, where a big bon-| {C. Ponsfoia, "The Warden's kesi- " es Fy fire lit the water and threw a rosy| Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming gave Aldenca™ citfmouth | Mary DuMoulin, New Fok Ne tae [fears which Teiposiant Swdnjes oF} Tr 8. wea glow on the dark cedars and bright | pleasant tennis party at the Country Mrs. Farrand Pringle and ney | Evesls of Mss. Philip DuMaulin, Syd- Those 4 agi Al > Ne those | Cl Ss rleni na ; re Cressy | . a i frocks of the girls. Amopg those |Club on Saturday in honor of Majcr ley, ten who have been at Cressy! prop Primrose and her day- (are warned against offending those! <O simply and cheaply made and yet present were, Miss Catherine Min- and Mrs. G. S. Bowerbank, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey, | g . y | ghters, who have spent the summer [above them in authority. A child | . ms, Miss Nora Minnes, Miss Isabel | sv. Be BW Be A a pe So Oe ASN the most refreshing beverage known : | 3 lin town, leave for their home in Mooers, Miss Louise Hill, Miss Nora| Prof. J. Matheson and Mrs Mathe- | C.oke at St Mark's rectory, Barrie: New York, this week. and although proud and independent | Bermingham, Miss Katie Berming- son, Alice street, left the cliy on Sat- [f,..q jon | | | Bruce Taylor and Howard Fair are [will be popular and affectionate. It Bax, Miss Mary Taylor, Miss Marion |urday morning for a motor trip to| Ars. ~¢énry Merrick, who was wita | 9 Kirkpatrick, Miss Gertrude McKel- (Syracuse and Watertown, N.Y. [Miss Lucy Merrick, William strut, | CFOising Smous Susan Ie- [1s promised good recognition. BARNUM S | BAKERY yey, Miss Lenore Mitchell, Lozlon, Mr. and Mre. J. Ryan, Kingston, [returned to McMasterville, Que. on | ee Or pat Tint Wl is -- eee P---------- Donald Nickle, Donald Rober'son, [left by the Cape Vincent boat, on Sat- |Saturday. Miss Gweneth Ma. ck 1.1 the Y.W.C.A. Johnoor street. Rnginald Garrett, Kitchener, Di:k | drday morning, for an ex'ended {gill with her sister | ' . . N \ : ' , Canon Walter Loucks, Winnipeg, e 0 vye land | my u ) . "an at rad Elaer, Reginald Sawyer, Coutland y otor lour of New York and other! Mrs. » icrt Campbell retur.ed 6 | is expected in town this week. to visit Tr ears PIES--Blueberry, Raisin, Apple. TARTS--Blueberry, Honey. E.uctt, Kenneth Taylor, Hew Duff, northern states, line city or Saturday after visitin Mace Mair, Ted Steacy, Edgar OBil-| Mrs. Lillian Perry, Camden East, |i a. Min Frank Morlsr Cor | his mother, Mrs. Edwin Loucks, Div- ttt vile, George Kirkpatrick, Toronto. fwas in Kingston on Saturday, arqui, islon street. That this is the last week of real | "i'w os | RK. Carnegie, of the Canadian Miss * ildred E. Gaitskell, of tue Sym mer, of the happy bite 1a calups Mise Florence Hudon's plenic at|Fress Limited, Toronto, is holidaying | Board of Education Staff, Toronto. and cottages on the lake and river her :ummer home on Garden {sland | in the city with his father, Capt. J. A. Las re.urred to Toronto after syapd a for sohool begins on Tuesday next, | WEY TOU Bot TOBOINOr abt ooo wrt rT A at on Saturday was a very little oac, | Carnegie. . ing the past month with her parents, | To-morrow's and the little people, who are gener- {Why not get together and see what, the shores every evening which would only a few young girls being invited,| Gerald Lovett, Chicago, is spend- [Collins Bay. ally in the majority, will hgve to 'ean be done? bave filed the early settlers with those present being, Miss Ethel and {ing his vacation with his parents in Mr. and Mrs. James Grant, of Oi-| HOROSC 0 Pp E {come home on Labor Day. b. oe ; Slav, are no warning of danger, but Miss: Nora Rees, Miss Mildred anl Kingston. tawa, are visiting their mothe: Mrs. | aw . That mone tae exhibi sa the (a sign that 3-jolly party of campers Miss Gertrude Mahood and Miss He!- Mrs. James Hamilton and son. A. Campbdii, Barrie street.' . By Genevieve Kemble That one wonders why girls who [Canadian National Exhibition are [are holding a corn roast, an Ricoardson, Toronto. Manley, hgve left for Toronto accom- Frank Strachan and Georg: New- | 4 £ah wear coo] muslin frocks, San. he Some frocks made by section} girls Gur m 3 ey . . {panied by Mre. Frederick Graves and "ads," Portiand, Oregon, arr «1 on a . es | foolish enough to 'wear hot, unbecom- ing their holidays. Every girl should That the Kingston market was a Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cutiher:suo, son. Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Archi- | TUESDAY, AUG. 20TH. iirg knickerbockers. be able to make a simple summer | fine sight on Saturday, great piles of Ingersoll, Lut., announce the engage- * + {bald Stra:lan, King street. | , | ; -- : frock. green corn, hig baskets of red toma- ment of their elder daughter, Kath. Miss lable McNamara, Brockville, Miss $)¢enham Clarke arrive? conditions in business affairs mu That a subscriber says "no ous | : --- toes and quantities of lovely flowers leen Ga'bi ith, to Harold P. Ferrier, returned to her home after spendiis from England to-day and is the guest be forecast from this day's siderea ants to pay a big price for coal That the beacon fires burning on |being for sale. manager of Bank of Montreal, Yark-|the weeh-end with Miss Myrtie Sud-|ot Mrs. Henry Richardson, Univer-1 ' SD a SME eer Air ine As bere atime so nares onus €r, son of Mr. and Mrs. John ¥. Fer- |lvy, Kingston. Isity aver ue | rier, Fertir, Ont., the marriae to take Mrs. Frank McNamee, Kingston, 's * oo = place early in September. visiting Mrs, John McDonald, Sand Mrs. Green and daughter, Mrs. A ys, Pay. Dulmage snd son, Barnett Dalmage, The >ngagement is 'announced of Miss I.azel Smith, Kingston, wis a Firgston, tpent the week in Al Alna 1 cuise, youngest daughter off risitor 'n Athens on Thursday aft.r- monte, the guests of Mrs. J. Dual K. E. /'ker, Kingston, to Ur. Keo-|roon. age and Miss Hamlin. | 'meth You: . Sinclair, son of M* and Mrs. G. Scott and son, George, Mr, ind Mrs. Stuart Anders n, To- Mrs. John A. Sinclair, Walke. ville, | Kingston, are on a visit to her pa.- ronto, are the guests of Mrs. 12. Me:- the marriuge to take place eit ia|ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ducolon, 4'h- cull, Princess street. September. ens, Rev. Thomas Leach, Syd::ham, 5." Regineld Garrett, who has been (nus heen visiting friends in th. f Mrs. John Primrose, New York, [spending the past two weeks wh aeighbo. hood of Almonte. Hu. is zc] gave a small tea at the Cataraqui [his pa).1ts, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Gor- son of Mire James Leach, Carleton Golf Club on Saturday afternoon. rett, Johnson street, returnei io Plave. : +... Kitchever on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. H.'B. Hinds, who Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Gormas, Uula- os spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wa, announce the engagem-.. of Jeremy Taylor, Detroit, Mich., is|William King, 64 Victoria street, loft with his iucther, Mrs. Jeremy Tay-|for their home in Binghampton, N.Y. lor, King street. sw Miss Helen Richardson, Tororto, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Campbel!, is the gucst of Mrs. George Mano), | Bagot street, and Mrs. Richmond are Universiiy avenue. spending a week in Toronto and Ha- Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, and Miss milton. Beatrice l1eland, who spent a week | Miss Lola Ibarguen and Messrs. at U-Auto Camp, have returned to Henry and William Ibarguen, Gua- tuwn. temala City, Central America, were its Myrtle A, Sidley returcei 1 in the city on Sunday. iKingsion on Friday after spending a! Major G. 8. Bowerbank, D.S.0,, is few ays the guest of Misses Mc-f the guest of Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Numarga, Brockville. : a mnitat--pmp------------ * FRESH EVERY DAY DELICIOUS CAKES AND PASTRY. Troublesome and unsatistactor- Gouraud's § Oriental Cream WHEN USING WILSON'S g L ; PA A) Household Helps from Reader [one of your readers asked how to do 4 Friends. over her furniture. My relatives run Lb Lu a store where they do over furnitu R.A.C.: "Not long ago one of your re, readers asked for directions for {2nd this is how they do it; Buy a trimming for the top of knitted bed- | 500d paint-remover and apply this, Then apply a good ofl stain (thi room slippers, and you asked any s reader who had such directions, to Sa, be hyaght in 28) color--cherry, S a CS O rm t u for publication. n rk mahogany and oak jand them to Yo y ' colors). Directions for using this Here are mine: tal Trimming for Knitted Bedroom [%'4IR, come on the can. Finish by : . ber | 2PDI¥ing a wax or shellac in o ; tries . . . : ! Bors we nestles, TUmbEL hl gives a velvety nia" ange ( "ARNATION Milk is just pure, rich, cows' milk with part of the water ; - . E.: "I want <e te th : : . : ye { ghitehos TIN Jo: Hai Dain, Sen men shout my experience vith sim. evaporated--sealed in air-tight containers--and sterilized. a . St summer ought . » Mothers R Part 10 Er [1 Tavomie oravnis oer I bougnt It is doubly safe and completely safeguarded. In the can it stays sweet others Rest two needles three times; the fourtn [It became sofled I sent it to a pro- indefinitely. You can keep a month's supply ahead. Your children can fessional cleaning establishment After Cuticura [|ime jam is ed to knit ott the orslonal vicinity). It came back l:ave this nourishing milk to drink whenever they need it. stitch, The second stitch is plain, Taleo. Be : d the third and fifth are the same | 2/MmOst white, and very limp -- and . : ; : . > : ENSUE [and she tuird aud row: Kant plain, eas $5.80. So 1 came to the You simply dilute Carnation Milk with an equal part of water." It is 3S . i» . . > yulttins the ioupe-ok ee ono sich [aciision Wwe dryaiossine was ready for every ordinary milk use. Its rich quality adds richness to cocoa, Fourth row: Same as second row, except that you only make loops fu | O'gandie dress. I then experi- bread-and-mi 5 puddings, soups, ete. two stitches, knitting one, three, and | Mented on it myself. I fir:t wet the Jest Mecssitn Yiuaoerapis, || 800 vain. FI vow: vis. Mars. See, Seung bt out, then 1 dissoived Or you can use it as cream direct from the can. Carnation is the onl fl to fir . . . Gana, Rifles repaired and refitted, || te rows (from first row to | (I know you cannot print trade milk supply your home needs. this convenient milk sup ly one wee : Parts suppl Sans Sled, knives, row) until the plece of wool trim- Racha Iepmred: Keys Sta +g || 1208 Is long enough to go around ames. but the drugstores are ful and you will never go back to ordinary milk. Order several tall (16 oz.) Locks repaired. Keys fitted to |i11e ton of the slipper. Then sew its | °f Such dyes, nowadays , so every- Lawn Mowers sharpened ana roo | [two ends together and sew It on the |20dy will guces what Kind I mean). cans or a case of 48 cans from your grocer. and ree Lawn Movers ui ShATthed Sh ne slipper. When finished, this band of | I.followsd directions on the box, and paired. repairable. i - . .® . . - Lp re trimming looks like plain , Jnitting inte this Srebath 1 ut ae TN Write for fhe new Carnation Cook Book. It is free and it contains over . TRICK p wrung it out, rolled iti uab thi . : 140 Sydenham Sereet. Kingston Sipe un wn 3 nh long all | on towel ps let it He aye 100 val ® Yecipes. Try B recipe Jeane: "I recently noticed that |Dhalf-hour, then gave it a careful iw -- | pressing. And it was lovely! Now I 5 CARNATION BREAD PUDDING. - ing to use the same method oo : ' | 3m wig 3 tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 2/3 cups water, 1 1/3 cups Carnation Milk, 2 cups stale bread crumbs, y 39 [Pens Fame i ete: waich nas 2 cass, 14 teaspoonful salf, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1% teaspoonfui vanilla. Scald milk diluted wits ¢ | eral washings--this time, buying an the water, pour over bread ¢rumbs, add sugar and salt. Let cool, then add slightly beaten eggs and y. 0 er : m ungry ecru-color cold-water dye." flavoring. Pour into a buttered pudding pan and bake in a slow oven. This recipe serves six people. ' Mrs. A. F.: "This is how I wash : : rene otrown,JtAl suacks, when Bil 434 Tom ome (| 1] leubeter¥ wiv amtaaif 4 sar of CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY, LIMITED, 43 JOHN STREET, AYLMER, ONT. in for something to eat melted in a pall of hot water in i which a tablespoon of borax has aso been dissolved. Soak the blanke: in ; this, then drain off the soiled 'water, Do not wring the blanket, but 3 squeese it. Repeat this soaking twice more, with the same amount of {water and borax but omitting the : JUST HITS THE SPOY. fob, then hang om line dripping] é Boys like Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer would say that Tomorrow--Answered Letters. } : on MALTANA BREAD is "Better'n cake any day. All In nin = 3 § q Every mother knows that growing kids are always hungry. Kirkman in care of the "Efficient : " Piha Tyo ' . " BR | 3 Why not give them MALTANA BREAD?--"the bread that's H department will be : ' ; ; i " healthy." > 'answered in these columns in thelr From Contented Cows -- The label 1s rod and white time, however, owing to the CARNATION MILK 2 i A CKIE'S sumber received, So # 8 personal g quicker reply is desired, a stamped a at _ - and self-addressed' envelope must enclosed with the question--The » =