A ee Se rr aa a Te 7 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1928 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In ali desirable pelts, at -- -------- h : interesting prices. COATS JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-167 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. Always the latest creations. Oh Mabel! and Oh Henry! A winning combination--Chocolate bars of qual- ity that have proved winners in Kingston. TRY THEM TO-DAY! Wherever Candy is Sold KINGSTON Established 1869. =a Shipbuilding Company's drydock for BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, electric lights, gas, 3- piece bath, furnace, hardwood floors throughout. Also new gar- age--Collingwood Street. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--8 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3-piece bath, furnace--Johnson Street. This home can be purchased on very easy terms. M. P. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street 'Phones 704 or 1481w STOLEN CAR RECOVERD, TWO WEN WERE ARRESTED Claimed That Party Disposed | of Spare Tire to Secure | - Q@Gasoline. Mr. Swalne, piano tuuer, orders - ol received at 100 Clergy street "| I 4a { Phona 564w. t r notified $ i The police were no ified that ani or You are looking for work Iori automobile stolen from Col. E. D. any member of your family--look fa Flynn; in Bellevilie, on Friday even-| ¥ i ! Ing of last week, had been recovered | L>¢ classified ads. Tamer 0s Sod Sd hn Thee be too aan of st two young men: had been arrested,|.. 8 0 charged with the theft of the car, | B® Casalian Naenal Exhibien, | {which wag taken from in front of a|_ vUd8e Lavell, who was e Ts Belleville theatre. {Saturday, bas lett for his camp| It is stated that trace of the car seis and will probably be gone Si was found by the changed numbers : which, it is alleged, the motor had. Capt. E. W. Skinner acting as 1» It 19 stated that the men were in | SPector on the provincial highway, Kingston with the stolen car on Fri-{Smith's Falls, was a week-end vis- day last, and that while in the city |!tor at his home. the men sold a spare tire to a party] M. G. Johnston left Monday for $5, in order that they could buy|Right for Toronto to attend the in- gasoline. It is also alleged that they | ternational convention of the Life disposed of a buffer on the car. Underwriters of America. When the local police were notified] J. E. Vallillee, general superin- they got busy on the case, and suc-|tendent for Ontario 'of the Auto- | ceeded in securing the tire and the |mobile Legal Assoclaticn of Canada buffer and they are being held for was in Kingston for several days. the owner. The band of the R.C.H.A. has also left Petawawa camp for Nova --y Scotia to play music that may cause a settlement of the coal strike. f IN MARINE CIRCLES | Mr. Gundy; representing: the To- 3 4 | ronto Star, was in the city Tuesday and attended the U.F.O. picale at | - The barges Mary P. Hall and the | Glenburnie. He was a visitor at the | | Mary Daryaw, of the Donnelly Sal- | whig office. |vage and Wrecking Company, left | Theodore Roosevelt O'Neil Mei-| {Tuesday to salvage the last of the !gnen a son of Hon. Arthur Mei-| {wire cargo from the steamer Atlasco, {ghen and Robert Couillard Minues, | { near Long Point. a son of Dr. Minnes, Ottawa, enter | | The schooner Maple Leaf, recently | {he Royal Military College this year. | (purchased by Mr. Ferguson of this| The annual club luncheon of the |eity, arrived from Toronto on Mon- | Thousand Islands Yacht Club was! day evening. '(held on Friday. There were about | The steamer Brockville cleared [sixty-five persons present, and Com- | for Belleville and Picton with Pack- imodore James H. Hammond pre-| age freight on Monday night | sided. The steamer Kingston arrived | The most brilliant affair given {Tuesday morning from Toronto and [this season at the Thousand Islands Rochester and cleared for Prescott. Yacht Club was the costume party The schooner Granger arrived on [on Friday night. There were many Tuesday morning with grain from picturesque and interesting cos- Amherst Island, and is unloading at |tumes. Richardson's elevator. "When it rains pottage you must The steamer Dardanella arrived hold up your dish"; and when "it Tuesday afternoon with freight from [rains bargains," at our store you ~~ 1] I FOR SALE frame house, 6 rooms, shed. Lot 75 x 250. $900 = Hickson Avenue -- | Frame cottage, 4 rooms, kitch- en and shed. Lot 66 x 84. EARL ST.--S8tone house, 12 rooms, 8 bed-rooms, 2 bath- rooms, gas, hardwood floors. Would make an excellent house for roomers, being very cone venient to University. Terms on application. General Insurance. Victory Bonds bought and sold. RH. Waddell 56 Drock st 4 dua A VY MATHEWS PURE LARD Have you tried any of our Chicken Feed ..10 Ibs. 25c. We sell the best VINEGAR when quality and satisfactory results arc considered. Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. p yy yy Addn ddan ahaha dak ddhuhrhuhukuhuhhakkak > School Days Will Soon ° Be Here Eyestrain is a severe strain on the vitality of any child -- a heavy handicap to progress in school or at work. : Bring them in to have their eyes examined, while there is still plenty of time, before school commences. 'J. S. Asselstine, D.0.S. + Eye Specialist Registered Optometrist | 342 KING STREET "PHONE 1019w. || release the steamer ll | from her position on a ledge in the ll | lower Lachine Rapids are belng com- Rideau canal points. must read the ads. The steamer Maplehurst arrived Duncan McAthur, London, ap- up from Montreal on Tuesday morn- {gointed head of the department of ing with frefght for the head of the | aistory in Queen's University, is a lakes. Dutton boy, where he speut his early The steamer Advance arrived up (days, and graduated from the high from Montreal on Tuesday morning | school. and was entered at the Collingwood The young people of Sydenham street Epworth League spent a jolly time at a corn roast held at Robin- son's point Monday evening. Corn was roasted over a fire built on the shore and songs sung in the firelight passed an enjoyable evening. A Sports Show is one of the inno- vations at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. It will occupy repairs. Operations in Lachine Rapids. Preparations for the attempt to Rapids Prince pleted as fast as possibla by the Don- PHONE 919. SEPTEMBER MAGAZINES FOR WEEK-END READING Good Housekeeping, Woman's Home Companion, Pictor- ial Review, Fashionable Dress, Costume Royal, Bon Ton, American, Cosmopolitan, Metropolitan, True Story, Popular Science, American, Picture Play, Classic, Motion Picture, Ad- venture, Blue Book, etc. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS Fawn, at, per yard per yard FOR FALL WEAR ARRIVING DAILY. NEW HOMESPUNS for early 54 inch--in all the new shades of Green, Brown, Blue, Grey and TRICOTINES--56 inches wide--all pure Wool--in Navy, Nig- ger Brown, Black, Steel and Mid Grey and Tau best values this season--only 25 54 INCH JUMPER or MIDDY --in pretty shades of Tan, Sand, at, per yard ..... IN ALL WOOL SERGE, we are showing a wide range in sNavy and Black--38 to 54 inches will need to see these to realize the values, See our range of NEW SHIRTINGS--50 inch--at $1.50 per yard NEW COATINGS-- Fall wear--extra good values --- «nearer $2,590 This is one of the yards of each nr Special at, FLANNEL --nice, fall weight Navy, Copen, Jade, Castor, Green and "veg . "oie se wide--75c¢. to $3.00 per yard. You 54 inches wide--in Tweed and F ancy mix- tures, at, per yard $4 % 20 nie 2 08.0 0'sis un . $2.00 and $2.50 nelly Wrecking Company of King- ston. The erection of the pulling engine and boilers on the small ig- [Len 1,800 fee! above where the | steamer is stranded, will be complet. {ed this evening, it is expected. The {next move will bz to »rovision the ship with coal sc that her engines may have power for any contingency wacn the attempt' is made to foat her. This will be no easy task a¥ it has been found impossible so far to bring a scow alongside of ha-. The salvagers may find themselves oblig- ed to transfer the coal from a scow In slack water to the ship by bags, using a, lifeboat like the one which figured in the rescue of passengers on the day following the stranging. It is expected that the completion of preparations will take most of the week. ------ HIGHER STANDARD OF UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE Is to Be Required by Queen's Arts Faculty Next Session. Tt is likely that as a result of the change in the regulations governing matriculation, by which a student gets credit for the examinations as they are passed, that a larger num- ber of students, than has been th: case in other years, will be writing the supplementary examinations con- ducted next month by Queen's. This year is also the last in which the university will take students in the faculty of arts unless they have higher standing than pass matricula- tion. Siarting next year a student for admiesion must either have ob- tained fifty per cent. at honor matrie- ulation or have obtained seventy-five per cent. at pass matriculation ex- aminatlons in each of four of the twelve papers required or sixty-six per cemt. in each of any six of the twelve. This raise in the standard requir- ed is somewhat similar to that ean ried out by the science facuity last year when honor ma'riculation was made the entrance standard. As a re- sult, a nomber of prospective stu- dents took first year arts to glve them the necessary requirements. In medicine, the course was lengthened and arts subjects taken in the first years, thus raising the standard of the graduates. the Wire. cargo frem the steamer Atlasco, which foundered in' 48 fee: of water off Long Point last year, has been under the charge of Miller Donnelly, son of Capt. John Donnelly. King- ston. After bringing about 215 tons of the wire to Kingston on Saturday, Mr. Donnelly returned to the scene of the wreck, whereabout 259 tons still remain to be salvaged. NC -------- The surest way to get what you the former Poultry building for the present, but it is hoped later to erect a new building of large di- mensions. At the court house Tuesday morn- ing before County Magistrate W. J. Bradshaw, Bugene De Forrest, plead- ed guilty of stealing from .W. A. Amey, Sydenham, and was sentenc- ed to three months at hard labor. He is on remand for sentence for a Mount Chesney robbery. HEARD VIA RADIO. Furnished By Canada Radio Stores PICTORIAL MAGAZINE for September . . . .. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. . 25¢. to Daily Whig. To hear as many as twelve differ- ent cities via radiotelephone was the experience of many Kingstonians last evening. Certainly it was a splend- did evening for receiving. First to be heard was the Toronto station, CFCA with a very attractive programme of vocal and instrument- al music. Next came WGY with his regular tranmission of stock reports, baseball scores and a record or two. WHAM, the Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N.Y., offered a bedtime story for youngsters and a few records. With another turn of the dial WJZ of Newark, N.J.,| brought in with an exceptionally at- | tractive programme. This was by | Millinery and Supplies Kingston's Millineria Parisian Shop $22 Drock Street ------, en et Mabel Bestjoff, with several selec- tions on the piano, followed by a violin recital by Sadie Walker, New York. KDKA, Pittsburg, .Pa., was also heard with weekly survey of buei- ness conditions; a lecture on "Good Vision" by Dr. A. Goldstein, and at 9 p.m., a fine concart by the Pitts- burg Musical Institute. At 11 p.m. the Arlington time signals were re- layed by both stations WJZ and KDKA. : *'Among the many other stations heard during the evenin were: 3XW, Parkshurg, Penn., (testing station) KSD, the broadcasting sta- tion of the St. Louls Dispatch, St. Louis, Mo., (operatic music) WHAS 2 station in Kentucky (concert) | WOO, station of John Wanamaker, ! ! ! Philadelphia, (temporary station- music) WCX, the Detroit Free Press (concert) and WHK, Cleve- land, Ohio, (music and voeal selec- tions). As there is on the average, two or three broadcasting stations being erected every day, it will soon be an easy matter to hear many cities not previously heard from. For this evening, starting at 8.45 p.m., Schenectady (WGY) will senc their regular Tuesday evening pro- gramme, plano solo, "Magic Fire Scene," "Lullaby," vocal solo, Fox Trot, "Blue Danube Blues" and 3 couple of dozen other popular airs, KDKA, Pittsburg, will offer at § p.m. a popular concert by the Har- rison Players of Pittsburg, Pa. which will inelude "AH That I Need Is You," "Twelfth Rag," "Sapphire Sea," Dancin' Fool," "Mary Dear" p.m., a classical concert will be given iby Paul Sladek, violinist. F. Robert want when you want it is through the classified advertisements. H. A Brockville, is vieiting in the city. Coe, baritone, Fred Lotz, pianist and 'B. Edstrom, tenor. will be on the air at 7 pm. ---- REAL ESTATE A few on our list--others on application at office. 89,000--Brock Street--semi-detached brick dwelling, 10 rooms, hardwood floors throughout; hot air furnace; electric lights; fireplace; garage and extra lot. Going at a bargain price. NO. 88 FRONTENAC STREET--Detached brick dwelling: 10 rooms and bath; hot water heating; garage attached; every modern convenience; lot 66 x 132; garden. HOUSES TO RENT $13.00--903 Upper York Street--8 rooms and toilet. $22.00--254 Rideau Street--8 rooms, bath and toflet. $35.00--196 Ordnance Street--7 rooms; all conveniences. $18.00--STORE, 872 Princess Street; immediate possession. Phone 589w, E.W. Mullin & Son Real Estate and Johnson and Division Streets FIRE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST RATES. NA ---------------- Final Clearance Ladies' White Footwear SEE THESE SPECIALS AT $1.08 ~--Black and White Straps--Mil Heels. ~Black and White ortorar--tol Heels. --White Canvas Straps--all ~White Canvas Oxfords--all styles. ~All sizes in éach line. TO CLEAR .....,....... $1.85 $1.00--White High Heel Oxfords, ~~White High Heel Pumps. High Grade Quality--All Covered Heels. 49c.--Children's White Canvas Lace Boots--Leather Soles and Heels. Sizes 8 10 10%. = S. J. MARTIN