Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1922, p. 6

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é : . TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1922, THE DAILY BRITIS BBLE THOUGHT FOR TO-DAYE] 6 -- ---- a -- to May 81et were $2,627,648,000, an THE BRITISH WHIG © 89TH YEAR. SEARLS SIR AE TAM | ok BERL LW pani i} SOR | lim FREE BRAS RE RE Published Dally and Semi-Weél by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO,, LIMITED . 202 v SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally Edition) : Ome year, in city $6.00 One year, If paid in advance ....$5.00 One year, by mall to rural offices $2.30 One year, to United States (Semi-Weekly Edition) One year, by mail, cash ..., $1.00 One year, if mot paid in advence $1.50 One year, to United States sm OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, ¥, Calder, 22 St, John St, Montreal F. W. Thompson ....100 King St. W, Toromto, Letters to the Editor are published only over the actusi mame of the writer, ; J ------------------------------------------------------------ a ° Attached is ome of the best Jon printing offices in Canada. The circulation of THE BRITIsH WHIG is authenticated by the ABU Audit Bureau of Circulations For a bird of peace it's a bird of a e. Nowadays it's divorce in haste and spend alimony in leisure. Rail and mine strilders depress all industry except the manufacture f firearms. It is well not to worry, but it isn't § lalways safe to take things as one .'finds them. ESA SAARI Ml UAE LA a a Cuba is clamoring for money, which gives Cuba a distinctly inter- national standing. The man who can become enthue- fastic about keeping out of debt will get along somehow. Even when the will of the people is expressed, it is frequently carried through by slow freight. The eighth anniversary of the out- break of the war finds the world still hunting an antitoxin. Until all grade crossings are elim- inated, ordinary common sense is an asset for automobile drivers. "Paderewski will abandon poli- tics," says a news item. Not surpris- ing in a devotee of harmony. | ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. | The death of Alexander Graham Bell removes a great man who hon- ored Canada when he invented at the city of Brantford the telephone that produced a revolution in the life of the world. While the. perfecting of the telephone instrument as used in commercial Hfe to-day represents the contributions of many men, including Refs in Germany, Hughes dn England, Gray, Blake, Edison and Gilfland in the United States, Alexander Graham Bell is recognized as the originator of the first instrument to transmit the human voice by wire, and the re- ceiver in common use is his patent. The principal was his original con caption, and while improvements in the device were made, none can ever take hway his clatm to the invention that contributed so much to the wel- fare of humanity. He lived to see the world profit by his genius and to receive the acknow- ledgement due to his work, and if he contributed nothing else during his long {ife the universal value of the | telephone has given him a place |among the great benefactors of the | world that will remain for all time. | The city of Brantford erected a m¥n- ument in his honor in 1917, and he was present and described his early | |successes there in 1874 and 1.78, | that were later developed in Boston, | Mass., Into practical use when it be- | came possible to carry on conversa- | tion over the wires. He had a hard | fight in the courts for his patents, i but they were confirmed to him after ia long period of litigation. \. AMERICA'S COAL CONSUMPTION. increase of $769,974,000; bank debts to individual" accounts were $223.- 696,135,000, an increase of $20,696,- 731,000, and bank clearings were $109,444,944,000, or $11,424,697, | 000 more than for the first half of | 1921. But for the advent of labor troubles, the return to prosperity would have been much more pro- nounced than it has been. In spite of the strikes, the forward movement is regarded as most encouraging. The recovery in the steel industry, which is placed in the fifth order of priority, is now threatened with a set-back by the coal strike, already felt in many directions. If the labor troubles are not quickly settled this indus'ry will be forced to close and the resulting unemployment will undo all that has 'been accomplished in the past nine months, | ALONG LIFES DETOUR | BY SAM HILL Happy, Though Married. I know that with her husband, oft', A wife may not agree, But if her cooking always does A happy man is he. Observations of Oldest Inhabitant, What has become of the old-fash- joned man who always carrfed a quill toothpick in his vest pocket? : - There Was No Answer. "This \article declares the safest place during a thunderstorm is in a train or in bed," remarked Mr. Few people would appreciate the supreme importance of our coal sup- ply were it not for ihe present dis- astrous mimers' and railwaymen's {strikes. Incidentally, we learn the vast difference between geological data and commercial facts. It is in- teresting to be told that Canada's coal reserves have been estimated at 1,234,269,000,000 metric tons, but we are more concerned just now about early delivery of anthracite and bituminous supplies from the United States that have beén inter- rupted by the sirikes. An idea of the immensity of the | miners' strike In the United States is gained from reports showing an- nual normal production and con- sumption in that country. Since min- ng was started there 14,000,000,000 tons have been consumed and the average consumption attained at the time the strike occurred was 1,000,- 000 tons per day, During the years 1914 to 1920 the production of coal in the United States exceeded the combined output of Britain, France and Germany. The countries which normally produce minestenths of the Grouch, looking up from his paper. "It doesn't tell, does It, where the safest place to be is when you are having one of your brainstorms?' sar- castically inquired his wife, Write Your Own Head. (Divorce Court Note in Dallas News) Lila Legg vs. Arthur Legg; divorce. But You Do It At Your Peril, Van, Old Top. "Boys, when you marry, mafty a stenographer, "because you then can dictate to your wife." Van R. Moore. You can try it, fellers--if you don't care what happens to you. The Flapper. Though she lays on the paint So thick it seems a shame, You'll find that foolish men Fall for her just the same, Fool Qiieations. I" D. G. asks: "Ig it safe to play the finger tips at & race track" War- den, get the padded cell ready, this bird is raving again.. Case of Necessity. Says to-day's news item: "In many parts of China when a son loses his father or a wife her husband they go into mourning and wear clothes and dilapidated clothes." Well, over here when we lose our money we 4 parents in Orillia, world's supply stand in the following order: United States, Britain, Ger- many, France, Czechko-Slovakia, Ja- pan, Belgium, India, China, Aus-| tralia and South Africa. Canada does not appear in this Mst which is prepared by the Trade Record of the National City Bank, New York, al- though our coal resources are second only to those of the United States, in which. country are situated half the world's reserves, £0 into. mourning and war clothes like that--but not from choice, you bet. Why They Always Are Late, And men, you'll always find That a good-looking lass 'Will spend a lot of time Before her looking glass. Gems From Guide Book to Success, Satisfaction is a funny thing. Many men are satisfied at where they are, what they are doing, while others are not satisfied unless each effort, each TRUTH MAKES FREE: -- | Then said Jesus, If ye con-| tinue in my word, then are ye my | disciples indeed; and ye shall know | the truth, and the truth-shall make you free----John 8: 31, 32. | mr, A BUDGET FROM NAPANEE. Old Friends Are Back Amid 01d | 4 Scenes. i (From Our Own Correspondent) { Napanee, Aug. 8.--Miss Lillian | File and friend, Miss Rose, Galt, left | Monday on a trip to Montreal and | up the Saguenay. Miss Allfughan | returned yeaterday from Watertown, | N.Y., where she has been spending | the past two weeks with her sister, | Mrs. William Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. | Charles Harding and Mr. and Mrs. | Thomas Wales, Toronto, spent civic | holiday with friends in Napanee. Mrs. Brnie Smith, who has been spending the past month with her returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Toronto, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dafoe. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Biehl and two children spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. Biehl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schryver. . Dr. Harold Ward and wife, New York, are holidaying at their sum- mer home near Napanee. Isobel Dowling, Ottawa, is visiting friends in Adolphustown. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Corkill and son, Malcolm, are vis- iting in Harriston. : Mrs. Norah Carson of Toronto is renewing acquaintances in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, London, | are in Napanee for a couple of months, W. E. Leonard, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard. Our Canadian Question And Answer Corner Q.--Who founded McGill Univer- sity, and when? A.- McGill University, was founded in 1821 by John Gill, a prominent merchant of that city. Thousands of students have graduated since then, The present enroiment is about 3,000; 2,600 stu- dents and graduates enlisted in the war; 341 died, and 382 received war decorations, Q.--What does the Dominion In- cone tax yield? A.--The Dominion income tax yielded $46,381,806 in 1920-21, from 194,57 persons, including 16,652 farmers. who paid $611,735; 19,366 professional men paid « $2,642,385; 2'1,62i employees working for sai- aries and wages paid $11,689,521; 3,277 manufacturers paid §8,217,. 730 ana 18,858 others paid §11,- 823,763. Montreal, -------- 40,000 MEN WANTED. To Harvest Western Canada's Splen- did Crops. Latest reports from the grain fields of the West indicate a record yield; 40,000 men are wanted from Eastern Canada to help harvest this crop. To meet this demand, special Harvesters' Excursions will be oper- ated by the Canadian National-Grand Trunk. Through solid 'trains will be op- erated to Winnipeg without change, consisting of convertible (berth) Col- onist cars of latest design. Restaur- Coleen | -- BIBBY'S Augu GABERDINE RAINCOATS Genuine English Gaberdines--- Sizes 34 good rain or shine. to 46. A beauty for $25.00 A mighty handy Coat to take away with you while holiday- Ing. SALE 'PALM BEACH SUITS st Specials DON'T MISS OUR SHIRT SALE ! KHAKI TROUSERS $2.00 and $2.50 WHITE DUCK TROUSERS $2.00 and $2.50 CREAM STRIPED FLAN- NEL TROUSERS $5.00. Mec- | Sold Out Travellers' Samples, ete, for ................ $11.50 PALM BEA FOUSERS SALE OF MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUMMER SUITS af GROUP 1 $15.00 Some Genuine Bargains | GROUP 2 | $1800 , | BIBBY'S GROUP 3 $25.00 --_-- ~t gi ~~ « AUGUST TIRE SALE ; During the war, we are told, Unit- ed States coal production advanced amt cars will be attached to trains serving meals and lunches at reason- able prices. For fares, train service, thought, each step tends to further progress.--J. BE. F. IN FULL SWING - At first we wondered what the up- shot of the strike would be; now we wonder how many will be shot up. With unionism abroad in the land, there is a lot of difference between Peace makers and piece workers, The Greeks ought to have known that the Allies would not let them put Constantine in Constantinople. f m-------- A hin doesn't talk about his hum- ble start until he gets to a point Where it is no longer necessary to bo humble. As the days pass without a settle- ment, we have an uneasy feeling that our coal bin is going to be a has-bin. "It is encouraging to find a Yod- ern young man with good manners," says a writer. Well, it probably would be. Unhappy thought. Suppose we get to Heaven and find the people We don't like holding all the high of- fices. ~The man who says be doesn't eare what the public thinks of him 'will probably lie about other things, also, t ---------------- . Bome people are virtuous because i they are fed up, and some because know what they are ---- The soviet's budget deficit is 400,- 420,500,000,000 rubles. In other ~ Words, a two-cent stamp would just "about cover it. If women did all the writing we Right expect numerous caustic com- ents about the folly of creatures wear coats all summer, en one reflects that a savage 't required to wear a saw-edge collar, it is rather difficult to under stand what makes him savage. Correct this sentence: "The man Rad a splitting head and a miserable in his mouth next morning, he made no good resolutions." | Building contracts show a gain of from 458,000,000 tons in 1914, to 606,000,000 tons, with a proportion- ate increase in exports. Total ex- ports during the war exceeded one billion dollars in value, Under the circumsfhnces it is folly for United States dealers to look to Britain for supplies of coal which, at best, could provide a smal measure of relief for coast cities, The situa- tion calls for the most prompt settle- ment in order that the movement of coal may be resumed at the earliest moment, and the public can rest as- sured that there will soon be an end to the strikes, the most serious of which is the railway etrike that pre- vents the distribution of available surplus coal, Local coal dealers state that there is still plenty of time in which to satisfy the requirements of Ontario before the close of navigation, and, oven should there be several weeks delay, sufficlent quantities could be imported direct by rail through the winter to meet all requirements, SUBSTANTIAL BUSINESS RE- - COVERY. American financial institutions re- port important and distinct gains in business recovery during the past few months, The Commerce Monthly, fAugust) New York, shows the ex- tent of the improvement by a com- parison of trade and production sta- tistics since the first of the year with the corresponding periods in 1921. It says: "While the value of exports for the first half of 1922 is considerably lower that for 1921, it is largely a reflection of price changes. Car. loadings, exclusive of coal, are more than eleven per cent. above the prey- ious period; pig iron production fs nearly twénty-eight per cent. higher, and steel ingots fifty per cent. higher. sixty per cent., and cotton consump- tion eighteen per cent. There was a notable gain Im imports of British textiles, notably In manufactured cotton and worsteds. "Car-loadings for the first six months of 1922 totalled 20,240,000. compared with 18,686,000 in the first ' About Settling. A fellow marries him a wife And thinks he'll settle down; Then finds he's always settling up For a new hat or gown. --Sam HIIL That serves him right, for any man 'Who's not buffoon or clown Knows that he ought to settle up When he has settled down. Something New Under the' Sun at Last. (Warren (Ohio) Tribune) Mr. and Mrs, Bert Moore entertained relatives and friends at a six o'clock dinner Friday morning. Now She Doesn't. "Am I the only sweet girl you ever loved? cooed the Sweet Thing. "Oh, no," replied the Frank Youth, "but you are the only one I've ever found who would love me." Storing Up Trouble, One trouble of the world to-day is that children are getting what they cry for instead of what is good for them.--8am HIIL One of the troubles of the land Is this, we are agreed; That children get what they demand Instead of what they need. J. H. Reed. etc., apply to nearest Canadian Na- tional-Grand Trunk agent. Wilfred Ward, aged twenty-six, and Alloyd Wiggins, aged eighteen, met death while bathing at Toron- to on Monday. At Cleveland hope is strong that the coal strike will end soon. First quality--absolutely guaranteed--every size--every style, -The Biggest Tire Values ever offered in this vicinity. ~~ Every Tire reduced in)price--CORDS and F ABRICS, ,--- Buy now while we have your size in stock. Ford Tires $ FOR 'SALE First Class Grocery Store and DWELLING, exceptionally well-located; will sell store and dwelling combined or store only; splendid trade. For par- ticulars, apply: T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Life Insurance Phone %23J or 1797J. §8 BROCK STREET' Daily er It takes a weak man to break a promise and a strong man to keep one. News of the Names Club. He's Batty and she's A. L. Conn, meaning that Fred Batty and Miss A. L. Conn have just been married at New London, Mo. Johanna Applebloom lives at 136 Fe- Ix street, Brooklyn. You say some- thing. A GHft of the Godse" Bounteous nature has supplied tea for the pleasure and refreshment of mankind. When pure and fresh, it is a most delicious and beneficial drink. In winter, if it is served hot, it is delightfully exhilarating, and in the heat of summer, if iced, there is nothing more refreshing. Un- questionably, the purest and most de licious tea to use is "SALADA." Your grocer can supply you. Ask for % tesday. ini. Rain interfered with Civic holiday programmes a.! over the province. Irish labor opposes sharing in vn balf of last year. New capital issues 1 strife. 7 TRyg SEg A complete line of Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Elastic Hosiery, and an ex- pert fitter with many years' experience, at a Guaranteed 9.60 You'll be sorry if you do not attend our Tire Sale,.which is the Biggest Sale of its kind. Open Evenings __MOORES McCLARY'S "CANADA" BRAND ENAMEL WARE PRESERVING KETTLES in finest grade made. Mottled Blue out" side and white lining. A complete assortment and low priced. BUNT'S HARDWARE d W. KENT MACNEE|] k of Commerce Buliding, Brock anc gr Streets. Phone 701 or 36M. General Insurance Agewey ;~--Automoblle, Fire, Acoldent Soke Plate Glass Burglary. ete. Hepresenting Only Reliable Companies . LAL Plumbing and Gas Work a spec falty. All work guaranteed. Ad- dress 145 Frontenac Street. Phone 1277. U. 8. railway shopmen quickly re- fuse President Harding's plan to submit the seniority problem to the labor board. The unions plan a | complete tie-up, SEE AND TASTE THE LOVELY CAKES + MADE The "Magic" Way AT OUR STORE ALL THIS WEEK. Jas. REDDEN é&: Co. The House of Satisfaction Phones 20 and 900. The Canadian coal committee will explain the coal needs of the domin- _ lon to the Washington officials. for : Kitchen Ranges and ~ § Furnaces Ideal Summer Fuel Cheaper than Coal Try Half a Ton Crawford | Scranton Coal Phoue 9, Foul of Queen St.

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