Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1922, p. 11

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MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1922. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. F { 3 r~ | ¢ F olks Back Home --_--, ay ; » By Robert Quill taches to him who falls short of per- [will earn him the scorn of his fel-¢ Homes. fection. Hows, Of two men, one of whom wears Disgrace is society's best wéapon. | If all men should turn their backs shoes and one of whom goes barefoot oad ", i Me + ne J a HC pn Pp i" vile ago," said he, "trying to soll me | Men who could viciate a moral law jr one who patronizes a bootlegger, (Winter and summer, which has the interest in the price of a hill o' goods an' givin' rie his opin- [without hurt of conscience will waik Phow Jo " a. .o | EDOAtOr - it v ng would bcotleggers have !® for: 0" small towns. [in paths of virtue to avoid public tons It society a ostracize | 16ather? Of two mem, one of whom Hz sald he'd a contempt. Standards have lost their the man who told a lie back in 1896, | as three children and one of whom sight ruther be authority because public opinion has If profitéer- has none, which has the greater imn- Sketches by J. H. Striebel Uncle Gus chuckled as he emptied ina refilled his blackened corncob ¢'pe. 'The' was a travelin' man here | Who would dare to lie? deal than a-livin' [become tolerant of rottenness. Mere ly, 0 in patriotism caused all mens' here. I didn't say 'law camnmot keep men decent. - nothin', knowin' { Teach a boy that honesty is the doors to close in 'he profiteer's face, would the world see his like again. terest in the selection of efficient Aeachers for the public schools? Of two men, one of whom owns a house and lot and one of whom has no pos session save those carried in his pockets, which is more prone to run after strange political isms and join with the mob in crying: "Down with everything a foot high?" The man who has much to lose is a friend of the established order. The man who has nothing to lose and much to gain by revolution is ripe for harvest by the radicals. Ld "Let me have men about me who - are fat." Those who have posses- sions----who have some bit of property on which to fix their affections-- those are the conservatives. These fare the men who think of goveru- ment as "we"---who resent anda pun- ish the extravagance of public ser- the town will miss me; but if "hat X vants--who demand order and de- travelin' man was to drop dead in F |cency and peace. On these govern. his town, the most anybody would : [ment leans for support, and by these say would be, 'I wonder who that government is maintained. |pink was layin' there.' The' ain't Wherefore it follows that govern- |nothin' in the world worth much ex- ment could serve itself well and in- |ceptin' friends, an' the smallest town sure its future by encouraging its » {in the couniry has got mo' of 'em citizens to build homes--by lend- -, - oe ' : {than the biggest one." : ing them the money with which to Families of striking soft coal Miners in Pennsylvania have been evicted from 'their | ; {build. For a home-owner and a homes by mine operators. The upper picture shows furniture being taken oul of a house, Standards, ~ [Panter of trecn is Axed in his orbit. and the lower shows and evicted miner's family living in a tent. Hols a wolid Stetson. Without Stress AMUSEMENTS {adds. to her laurels already gained {as the author of "Don't Tell Every- Coming Attractions the futility o' ar- |hest policy and you but make him gufi' with them prudent; teach him that dishonesty Our standards are pretty things, kind, but he kind |!s disgraceful and you make him |put they avail little because they are o' tickled me. In (honest. Neither boy nor man is hot backed by the threat of public New York, where [easily persuaded to do a thing tha: scorn. he stays the' is |= lots o' folks, but he don't care noth- {in* about 'em. The' is Jots o' fine |. buildings, but he don't motice 'em. The' is big libraries an' picture gal- leriesgn' vhings like that, but he prob'ly ain't been inside 'em. He says he loves New York, but it takes two to do proper lovin'. I'll bet New { York don't love him nome.' Now, me, it I was to drop dead, the' would be mo' excitement than a circus. Ever'- rody would feel kind o' sorry an' say what a good feller I was an' how ---- The Girl Across the Street. in Te for her heart beat fast with exulta- tion, : How wonderful to be a Helen of Troy! To sit amid cushions, inno- cently out of harm's way, while strong men do battle for the honor of kneeling at one's feet. Well, well; if battle there must be, it will be worth the seeing. The but- oher boy has an advantage in weight The butcher boy was wroth "It's [80d youth, but Lawyer Davis carries The girl. across the street came over at lunch time Wednesday to con- fide again in Daughter. Another of the mysterious love letters bad reached her Tuesday, typawritten and @mgned, -and pride so far triumphed over discretion as to per- suade her to show it to the butcher boy when he called in the evening. Many of the faults of our civiliza- ion result from the fact that the standards fixed for the guidance of proper men are not recogmized as a minimum of decency, but only as a mark at which to shoot. The stand- ards are but a pretty motto on the wall--an ideal to which none hope fully to attain, and no disgrace al- R |about the development Miss Moon land storm, he may lack "the fire to ------ ~ thing," a recent allstar picture, and {produce the work of genius; but he never will make a bomb or counsel 8] ave lly { [spared no pains. for sha seems. 10| LST OF THE WINNERS SDaAve g 1 ems to | : { TENNIS TOURNAMENT reform by means of destruction, -------- i have got in each case, the one play- | At the Allen. er who could best fill the role. Other | that Lawyer Davis," he growled. | Stout stick and there is a spring Wanda Hawley su T. Roy Barnes numbers on the bill with *"To6 Much | Prizes Were Donated by Some Aunt Het. "The ole bald+headed skinfint I in hie SUP Seuplis ae Years that a8 a young married couple offer aire" gre Enid Bennett in "Keeping | . wpe |KWOW it's him, because he's the only {Dave taken away his hair. treat at the Allen Theatre to-day.|yp With Lisle." | of the Kingston Merch- Aunt Het: "It |, 1; in town that's got a tyfewriter| The 8irl tries to be neutral, "Of Tuesday and Wednesday in 'Too ants. takes more than a (ang ain't married, and he's the only |00Urse I love Hiram and like to kiss 'Much Wife," a comedy-drama and | splendid beau to [one can use high-flatutin' language. him and everything," she confessed; one of the best things of its kind | * + make a girl hap- (pp a-goin' to bust him, that's what | Put Lawyer Davis is so distinguish- ever seen on the screen. It's a long| ¥ py. Bhe's got to [i'm a-gom' to do." ed and it's so thrilling to be loved "story when you try to write it, but it] GANANOQUE Willie Willis, Little Willie Wilds has discov- ered the secret of philosophy. Whén the preacher call- ed Tuesday and asked him why he preferred playing with good little bors rather than bad ones he re- plied: "Because I can lick nearly all of the good ones." oP The complete list of winners in the Summer School tennis tourna- ment, Por which the prizes Were pre- sented Friday evening, is as follows. | - Ladies' singles champion, Miss Mabel Simpson; winner of consola- jtion, Miss Train; ladies' doubles champions, Miss Mabel Simpson and Miss Winnie' Martin; runners up, Miss Jessie Scott and Miss Anne Wil- loughby; men's singles, G. B. "Sex- ton; runner up, George Stewart' men's doubles champions, G. B. Sex- ton and George Stewart; runners 1p D. MacLean and Mr. Nodwell; mixed doubles champions, Miss Mabal Simpson and W. J. Brown; winners of consolation, Miss Jessie Scott and C. W. Scott, The champions received silver tro. phies, and the consolation prizas were donated by the following King- ston merchants: Vanhorne, Bibby's, Uglow, Jackson Press, Livingstone, Sakell's, Masoud and the Superior Ice Cream Parlor. "You'll do nothing of the ' kind, Hiram Fetchit," cried the girl; bu: her tone of voice was not tonvinecing, know that all her from afar, by a mam like that 1 reels along at the limit of Speedy t girl friends are 'hope they don't fight about me---I with a laugh to mark off every cou-\ plumb sick with mean, I hope they don't hurt one an- evolutions. Miss Hawley, as| > " nvy."" "n aati. eager to insure | Aug. Teen Bet yas patied lo be . Yuber the manital happiness of herself and |" e¥cellent ball game tated ou her bridegroom, takes advice from |"!PerWise on Saturday afternoon, JUMPS FROM PRISON RAIN her "masterful" mother, but also, when the Kingston Lakeviews defeat- dol privately, from her hen-pecked fath.;°d the local Classics 15-7. A twilight (Continued from Page 1.) er. Her effort to reconsile and act | ame between the Lakeviews and the " . on both conflicting! counsels makes | Orphans gave victory to the latter Walter Griffith, the negro convict the story--one you'll like. Lorna 8-1. who escaped from a train near Bur- Moon had an imagination, you'll ad-| Tax Collector, Thomas Dempster wash on Sunday morning, was also | mit, to conceive the startling results| lad the misfortune to fall and break known as "Kid" Griffith, was thirty- that grow out of the simple situation |a 198 on Friday afternoon. one years of age and gave his Soe with which she started, yet there is | A ball game on Friday evening and ation as a railroad porter. The fo - nothing forced or too improbable | & dance in the town park on Satur lowing deseription appears n his ce- ne | day evening were held up by rainy cords at the penjtentiary: Weght, 140 pounds, height, 5 feet 7 1-2 inches, complexion, mulatto, eves dark brown, hair black, scar on hia forehead btver his right eye and a scar on his left breast. He was born | weather. Is Your Nose Plugged? ir Windsor, and his wife, a white | Poss'bly the largest crowd in at- Have You Catarrh? woman, resides in Montreal, tendance at an excursion took in] that of the Ladies Orange Benevo- If Subject To Colds, Here is Real | 1.06 Association on Friday evening. Don't oad Lee with Quitefa number were turned away. cough syrups. Send healicg medica-| Special services were held in r 2 Send boot | tion through the nostrils--send it in- | Christ Anglican church yesterday, In No further information ha er | to the passcges that are subject to ithe morning the Boy Scouts from received by Warden Ponsford up ta | colds and Catarrh. .Easy to do this Cincinnati, who are camping on one a late hour on Monday afternoon. | with Catarrhozone, which helps a of the islands and Troop No. 2, The cars were in charge of Inspector | ecld in ten minuter. Fven to the |yethodist, jointed in the service. In Gilbert Smith, Ottawa, with Chiel lungs goes the healing vapor of Ca: |}. avening an extremely interesting Keeper Matt.-Walsh, second in com.- tarrhozone--all . t Joush the _bron- song service was given. mand. It is believed thet the lat- Shin} tapes, most] oe at bas- Miss Agnes McCrae, Brockville, is ter along with Guard Leo Sullivan . remains will Catarrhozone follow. | visiting her grandparents, Mr. and are now conducting the chase in You'll not 'ave colds, nor will you | Mrs. George Cowan, Birch street. the north country. Threé men were constantly on duty in the cars and it is a matter of considerable woad- erment that the desperado was able [to make good his escape under such supervision. * Feed your product more vitamines BRIGHT color on big spaces may create interest in a picture, but it lacks four-fifths of the advertising vita- mines that send people into a specific retail store to buy goods. A Dinghy Cruise. A dinghy cruising race was the main attraction at the Yacht Club over the week-end and splendid sport was provided. Eight dinghies set out from the club house at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon for a course" around the foot of Howe Is- land and Burnt Island and it was after midnight before any of the yachtsmen returned. Prof. D. Jem- mett won out by over eleven min- utes from Ben Cunningham. The other boats stra¥gled in half an hour later. The resmlts with the finish- ing times were: Prof. D. Jemmett, pe 12.08.52; B. Cunningham, 12.19.56; | Electric Storm Affected M. Macgillivray, 12.45.34; Dr. B. 1 Hopkins, 12.46.36; H. Hora, 12.47- The Hydro Power Line 18; H. Hill, 12.49.00; W. Casey, i Z 12.52.20; H.' Duff, 12.56.58. A heavy eleitric storm wet of | Napanee affected the Hydro electric suffer from s.iffles, bronchitis, or Miss Greta Lappan, Toronto, who throat trouble if Catarrhozone 1s | has been spending the past week with used. | Get it to-day, bu. beware of ner grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Angerous fo utitites een! Wa Lappan, Sydenham street, is visiting ozone. a : Lares site, two months treatment. | 1° Iockvile before returalng home Costs $1.00; small size 50c. sample s rv » . 3 3 > ler and family, North Bay, are visit- sige, 26c. All dealers or the Ca- tarrhozone Co., Montreal. ing Mr. and Mrs, M. Bishop. KIWANIS PICNIC POSTPONED ON To Tue " buying public. He found one that has never broken. The retail distributor must have advertising that builds up confidence in the product; that can educate new customers; that can make them desire new things to eat and wear and enjoy; that finally sends them to the counter with cash in hand, en "I thought of telling my story in a single newspa.- per," he writes, "/which I did and soon saw results. The single medium soon became two, and then a dozen, and now many hun- dreds on the American: continent alone, where practically every daily newspaper of any import- ance carries Salada Tea Company advertisements." fl power line to the city Monday noon and the street cars were off and in- dustries dependent on electric pow- er crippled for some time. The storm reached Kingston about 1.30 o'clock, and there was several heavy rain- falls. ASEBAL SCORES SUNDAY'S GAMES. Horse races, grocers and butchers' | picnic, Wednesday, Aug. 16th, rair| ground. Mrs. John Fuller, Alexandria Bay, | N.Y., was taken to the Brockville hospital, suffering from intestinal trouble. She was in a very critical condition. Mrs. Fuller waa a former resident of Canada. F. J. Wilson, general secretary of the Jocal Y.M.C.A., has return- ed to the city after enjoying a holi- day for the past few weeks. -- A Cordial Invitation ° x Chicas New York 3. +7 To Dk «+ Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 3. te There is only one common power that can influence { A ie 3 i: buyers for our local merchants and the national adver- New. York 11, Detroit 6. tiser. This is the Daily Newspaper in our trade area. Louis s Washington . purges The retaitar who impresses this tact upon the manufac- Cleveland 3, tive, you don't want to weaken 'the turer turns over his stock quickly and profitably. ). tne 44 ri vo ; ; 2 of . Philadelphia 5, Chicago i. , - 5 nde Issued by the Canadian Dally Newspapers Association, Tofonto International League. Rochester 4, Syracuse 1 game). Syracuse 3, Rochester 2 'called tn second inning, rain). Jersey City 7, Reading 3 (first (game (first Thirty years ago, Mr. P. C. Larkin sought anxiously for a link between his brand, the retailer and the | game). Reading 4, Jersey City 1 (second game). Baltimore 6, game). Baltimore 5, Newark 2 game). Toronto 9, Buffalo 5. ---- Newark 2 (first (second -------- All the arrangements for the t ------ ~~, en -- | fer of the batch of convicts 3 | Kingston to Prince Albert were made through M. C. Dune--of the uptown offles of the Canadian Nationa! Rafl- Way, and everything was to the satis- faction of the inspector in charge. ' Baseball match, grocers and ory' pichic, Aug. 6th, fair ) -. i real family ers, or The C real. end coustipation. top after regulating with Dr. Hamilton's . Good Tor } a. : Pip. Saot aun a 2 Don't miss Comfort soap races at © Co., Mont- grocers and butchers' pienle, nesday, Aug. 16th, fair ground. Judge Lavell will preside at the Coal operators and union leaders, sittings of the Division Court Tues |{had virtually agreed Monday after-| noon to ask all operators to join a iconference at Cleveland Wednesday agreements. Miss Alice King, deputy registrar of Queen's, has returned to her dut- ies after several months sick absence. They rise early whom hope awak- Wed- for the purpose of reaching wage ens and travel fast with whom she §oes companion all the way,

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