Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1922, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - HONDAY., AvGvor vom ee -- a -- ------ ee -------------- ------ - ---- ---- - ---- [on the water, delightfully cool, | [ | J [hue the splendid accommodations D A Y = -- a | | |and comfort provided on the steam- = | THE P EOPLE'S FORU I AE tin 2nd Daughtars coe se meme * "4 OF JOY! t to Leave the Strand= | But when the scrive asked Mr. Mon -Tue-Wed. -------- LC VYv Ol ed Vessel. | Millan if the umfortunate accident | i to the Rapids Prince had cpoMed the Ome of the Cleverest Comedy {oI {trip, the "wind was knocked out of | . ). J. Millan, and his two daugh- | t ' 5 Dramas of the Year ters, Earl street, returned to King- | DIS sails" to hear that this thrilling . a {episode -was the best e.ent of all CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES AGENTS WANTED : FUR SALE [ston on Sunday afternoon from alo. 2h Foss 0 hor that . cotati €€ ' y . : ord, Zach con- -_-- i the S enay river They | / hat r BL Lue IO, 1S 8 WO a Go veers os masse rea Ew C & SON Tip up "aguena) . Y | gent : 'ow . EAST > EE = D > 3 a er, loc a 1 - ue Ey ee Lor) AN AGENCY ¥ Un 4 RELIABLE NURS. | . FOUN Res! Estate Millana Brokers [Were passengers on the steamer Seu 3 reer. lo wi Sutra A 1 4 ery 8 of 0 | . . ~ | >. By | . i otter | one Insertion, 28c; three lisertions in country, town or city. We grow A LADY'S SHAWL; WAS LEF 530w. Rapids Prince at the time of the ac-| { . . ° Se rates are for cash only, jug szll the best only, and want re- By James ne ' onore Her | San DISrLaY D. UN PAGE TWO, cident to that vessel in the Lachine [me When he was one 5 hose who With » . . lable ener t t or prepre- o | A . : i en i ips. when charged they are double Seated terre Bente for untepre have same by proving prop- FOR AR NING, SENTS. ETC, PHONE Rapids, and they were the last peo- t down 10 the sea in ships i e ham Nursery Co. Toronto { + Cooke. {ple to leave in the small boats. FEATURING Et 2% 4 ak 1] hoon Boar BULL 38 rr. ON DY | * A graphidyaccount of the exg¢iting nq vs | meme re ere offer steady employment selling Owner may=~obtain same +. 2h ns. beam; 3 Inches qeep; " ' ! CHAMBERMAID WANTED. APPLY our complete ang Cxciasiye lines | Godkin's Livery, 290 Princess 3. Faaclient condition.' "Apply to|Bours apent on Ihe stranded vessel |- (A 7 ~ { at once at the Queen's Hotel, Brock of ,whole-root = fresn-dug.to-order | Street + Fawcett, Wolfe Island. ; was given to a Whig reporter by Mr. | CBITUARY: Street trees and plants Jest stock and ON BEVERLY STREET, CHILD'S compLETE | Millan. He etated that there was | AND MAID WANTED. APPLY MRS. SCROG- 1ree. A money king opportun- ribbon band. Owner may || brick-veneered "bungalow of Qve very little panic after the steamer | : service We teach and equip you] White Straw Hat, with black | QUEBEC STREET, A ! ff Quarters, Royal Military ity, Luke ther Nurseries, have same at 121 Beverly St. | rooms, easy terms, immediate pos-| 1 q beca 3 Elo a 9 . y Montreal, 2878 ih = BLACK COVERED BOUK WITH | | session. Price $3500. Apply J. K | 5truck the ledge and ine last, | index. Owner may have same | | Carroll Agency, 56 Brock Street. but that during the night many of | - : Ee ------------------------------------------ , IN g Z, $15 ¢ A TIC, SL LE, Cw y ce. i | MAES er pet AN ENERGETIC, hELARE me | ai Wais Odie i" the Gussengers were frightened. i a. erty at James Reid's Bose | 2108 FF : TE $A -- A PAIR OF SIDE CURTAINS, HELP WANTED. SALESMEN--WE PAY WEEKLY AND belonging to a Dodge car. wriiing show cards for 'us No can. large acquaintance, both business POUND ARTICLES. ADVE: 7 PER Foor FRONT FOR A BUILD-) was very fortunate that the vessel The Late George Wheeler. ) Yaming. . nau and | "opis and socia to saudi an old sstab- TISED FREE re fdelaiae street! "yop | had not struck a little lower down, On Monday morning the death oc- | é¢ Sew . » - {ishe ody > 1 co inual use y 01 ¥ 2 Loi Service, 17 Colborne sid. Tu over 50% of the population. Steady Anyone finding anything and eh And $10 monthly. McCann|as he ledge broke off into deep wat- cured at Inverary of George Wheel! 00 M ch Wife romto Income and good. profits. A quick wishing to reach the owner may Agency, 86 Brock Street. |er a few feet from the boat and she er, at the ripe old age of eighty-one - EE PRON oTioN seller to both the retail stores and do so by reporting the facts to {might east! ve upset at thisi Pp 8 ghty-on WANTED, SALESMEN. OMOTION consumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Tho British Whig. The- adver- ig y = - Upsel of years. The deceased had been ail-! The Merriest Comedy Imagin- waiting for men who can p Pe Street, Toronto tisement will be printed in this PARTIES WANTING ROUGH LUM- | point. ing for some time. He had been a abie--All About .a Newly= work of the mayor [well-known farmer in the district. their ability. Call and talk it over! Te eee z | column free of charge. ber and shingles will do well to The eplend Royal Bank Found articles" does mot In- call at the new lumber yard on with the manager. 3 i s ; Ehambers (1op Hoorn. nests and WANTED GENERAL clude lost dugs, cattle, horses, Concession street before buying. |0f Verdun and his assistant who |The funeral, in charge of James | Bagot streets, Kingston etc. These, If lost, may be ad- W. H. Talbot, Bt, C | | ago ertiaes To tis Cay 3901.3 St Catlierine St Inandled all the passengers of the Reid, was held on Monday after-| : Al SALES | | WE WANT A RELIABLE "| HENS WANTED ALIVE, 23 CE {Steamer, and worked untiringly with noon ; be ed by agent for each uniepresanied coun pound. Albert Lewis, 66s Domes | MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE| their email orar tauded by Mr. | : the service being conducted by | ty or territory. Hicusive 3a ing Street West, Toronto ¥ | to your order, any size, any quan-| small craft, was lauded by Mr. {the Rev. Mr. Calbert, and the re-| - - - - rights, good pay to energetic rep * LOST. tty, lowest factory prices, Also|Millan, Here was where the danger- imains were transferred to Fulton, N. | -- » Ni yes. Our agency Is valu- | | ghis, Wilts Pethau 3¥iusty Xo. renovating Frontenac Mairess ous feature of the rescue entered, as |Y., for interment. MEN'S HAIR CUT, 20e.; BOYS i Company, 377 King Street. IPhone] . i Toronto. Ont cut 15c.; Shavit : ried ne Ld CAP OFF GASOLINE TANK. FINDER 19619, | after leaving the steamer, the smail ! - GOOD AP C ck Street please telephone or leave at office WANTED, S1X SALESMEN, Men who of Canadian Oil Company, corner {boat was forced to run the gauntlet Mrs. Neville Wins Case. 2 1¢ Me 3 rns eee | ) lar y, : us . pearaiice and education. Bn of Broek ahd Ontar TARY. = COLLINGWOOD STREET, SEVEN Of about fifty yards of swirling rap- | At Clayton, N.Y. the hearing in have 8 § SMALL, UP-TO-DATE HOUSE, WEST foomed, brick-vencered dwelling; |ids, before making the landing at [the case of Mrs. Sadie Neville against ; 1 ston preterred. Splendid proposition end f. to rent O ist or] G y : "URDAY furnace, electri g v ¥ eal to rent t | GOLD WRIST WATCH SATUR y ectric lights, 3 plece| RX i . for teen Who wani a ied Box L-28, Whig Of. | * night, on Princess or Clergy bath, summer kitchen, verandah; Heron Island. From this point the William Marrin, was heard dn Pre] Wedded Pair. Jynity- and Rap romeo Pans : NY | streets Reward or return to the elise, Apply I K. Carroli| passengers were taken to Montreal in | day. Mrs, Neville, who has been a az Porgy --AEEr Bullding) Ay 1 rE - > Whis, or 15 Division Street, Le Se esl io | motor bouts; |clerk for Marrin for twelve Yoars,| Customers canton et thelr Laundry pga ers AL ACE rl A AY CTA, SUT SEATION, LAROI | VE FECT TUE o¥vice BE ASD" The remuinde of the try dow peer aa S37 Cree dear Te barber shops and women's beaut knives ana {sacks $round Drop a Jeat and baby garments, valued as 8x12; bird's eye maple combination Lhe St. Lawrence and up the beauti- [sed to pay Ker for all overtime that 1ce e time of the fire. De OE Sealp Food and Al WiHan street ~ rohan. 27 Upper a keepsake. Please leave at Whig Jock Sse any writing dosh: also| ful Saguenay was uneventful. The |she worked after her 9 hours a day mear: Lemon Cream od cf a ------| Office. Mack Strat "FE hens. "Apply 41) weather was ideal in every way, and land that he also promised a com- sion Arrangement § : . a . ' . ' .ZVE JOIN == = issi - | progresses, he will have to ! PHONE 201 FOR A TAXI OR BAG-| IN MACDONALD PARK, SILVER ( | TM 8s\0n of one-half of one per cent. DR. H. C. MABEE f rage n rrir 1 B,C rk @ vhite ribbon; - jze district sales amplin gage transferring. A number of| pure on x 13ck ANd ne bbon: PERSONAL on all of her sales. Last April she | d exercise cor i er te les Surrles, Sing! | tory. William C. Beaimear | cuble Harness for sale © Fipkie's| torn to 113 Johnson Street. of : a mis | Jemanded that she be paid this and | 70 WILLIAM STREET Chemical Co. Ltd. 13 lington | 120 Clarence Street. 7 | phone 547J. and receive reward. | [ HAL oli, Ama, sinra, Marrin refused to pay her. She | 3 - 'est, Toronto " ---------- ------ 8 > sca . - Street Wem, Jotont | BETWEEN MOWAT HOSPITAL AND Motor Trucks. : | moved permanently. Satisfactorv| brought the suft. Mrs. Neville wo, Phone 286 7 y 5 iD FOR A {TE ° SHE 7 Imperial Laundry, gentleman's gold | | Klasses fitted and furnished after d y hie JOU. HAVE OFTEN WISHED { WANTED, FURNSHHED Hous: on lied . 5 Finder Automobiles ! others have failed. Goltre removed, | C0.N8 awarded $153, of which osition A wish won't) Apartment of three or four rooms | filled watch and chain y 9 ' | Bee 107% takes ACTION. 400 by young married couple. Rent i. please return to Imperial Laundry Motor Boats. $S00n oxperience. Dr. Elmer J. |amount $23 were for overtime and | IRur 3o © : . i men have been promoted to man- advance if desired. Box P-3, Whig| and receive reward. Gasoline Engines Lake ove, Far, Noss, Throat, Skin $130 were for commissions on sales. $ 15 000 y our Organizat within Office : { 268 Bagot Street. Phone 310i. agers in our organi : ---------- - CROSS OFF MOTOR HEARSE, BE. Pumps of all descriptions ree 9 the past 18 months by ACTION. If < : | nk of bowlers, rep > e 26 years old or over, ACT | tween Kingston and Sydenham, on * . The rink of bowlers, representing ry Now. A fair education, a neat ap-| TWO CONNECTING Rooms, oy] July 31st Finder indy notlty M.| avis oC DENTAL. the Kingston club o op seating) CJ OF KINGSTON » e d incere desire is ground floor; hot water - P. Keyes, undertaker, 228 Princess | | - - y es apy no Ne. & alehed or tnfurels : Cingston. Phone 1839. blind * | PRA. % Knare DENTIST. OFFICE | tournament, this week, have left for 531%. op winor ROVE pak ihdine" | meni ed a. re] =| en AO ae Cutan aren them fr] DEBENTURES the games. . FOR SALE. : ----| ' : CATTLE ou : SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS , A aii mad YOUNG STOCK, HORSES, | 169 Wellington sireel, corner o There was no session of the police FOR SALE AT PAR. Park A (lini ic Hos ital bore ga IE a0VING Thad All| QUANTITY OF HARD AND SOFT Poultry, Turkeys, Scotch Collies Kk. Ph 46 ELS, 0 1 spec ¥ | 4 pi hg X g i 8 g , venue Pp work guaranteed; aoe vears' ex- | Brick. Apply E. .E. Wathen, 143 Domestic Rabbits, Machinery and] Brock. one 346. court on Monday morning. O. V. BART 5, perience. Work done promptly and | Nelson street. Phone 618 or phone new Tapas' Liniture. Stoves nearly} NAAN Ar Priva asi, City Treasurer, C. Bruton. Yard ' la reasonable. Apply Robt. Henr 1391J. : b | DR, AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS RE. Amma Training School pHaonable. y.| style Buggy, Hay, etc. Apply Henry sumed practice at 92 Princess St, A PHYSICAL INVENTORY h used. [Price reasvnable. 118 Col- 'mind? If not, there is something || Daily Service, Kingst CR ROR ot or mn ents only. Three year course. || C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARRI How soon will you be on Leaves Kin, : broke; also buggy and harness and b0c. cart load, all delivered. Car rid CALL AND SEE W. DRISCOLL, 23 of economy and efficiency, can you || Passengers and tion of one year of high schoot or || . A | LEGAL East. Phone 1961w. University Avenue = | y y Miles, Northb : | . for Nurses ee -------- | SBCUND-HASD DAYTON COMPUTING orthbrook, Ont drs Ban) of Nova Scotis. Phone Do you begin each day with abun- B A TH ST GE MEDICAL, ! A borne Street, Kingston. not split, §2.25 3% cord; coke, 00 | 3 B® ee . v roadways and gara . ht hour day, six day week. Street, ou 10.28-12 am. 4 ONE BLACK SHETLAND PONY, CITY load: garages $1.00 the sick list? From the standpoint . 8. m 'hone " fs » Cutter, at George Muller's Bicycle slab wood just received. Phony John Street. Phone 296F. afford to wait until then? Osteo- e ra equivalent. For information, ap- | scale, 3 1b. capacity; slightly STOVE wooD, SPLIT, 82.00 3 . 1602J. dant vitality and a clear, vigorous One hundred beds. Private |! ------ ton, last year's price. Cinders fo FURNITUKE FINISHING o take an in- Leaves Bath ..5 Clinkers for concrete work, Street, rear of King ucational requirements comple- || =~ rr Ed Works, 371 and 373 King Street 1038w. W ply to Superintendent at Park || cUNvINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIS-| A BARGAIN FOR CASH, SIX €YLIN -" ight livi vari e ? PAINTING AND REPAIRING, 103% cRimEncy "Ti8Bly result "in oh pathic treatments, correct diet and HENRY CALVER, PROP, J y p Hospital, 789 ters and Heitor, 1 C der McLaughlin car. First class rs : DRS. ROBERT an V. Park Avenue, Rochester, X.Y. || Busch Kgs ooh, B Connie] naomi on Pt a bi ASHCROFT Park Avenue, DC v'N. ¥. bam, K.C.; Cyr'l M Smith Dort and Chevrolet cars, ppPly AT THE HOME OF | ened the only way. Prices the most | reasonable in town. Edg. W. Kelly, 1 | | Phone 447, Osteopaths, 357 King Street W. 204 King Street, near Earl St. t Electrical treat- rr as : Meat Store -- AUTOMOBILE FAINTING AND ny. ishing a specialty, 80 ano an Pre ire Polishing. Gordon Young, PIANO TUNING shop Queen street, rear of Aber- Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J nethy"s Shoe Store, or drop a card PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING to 89 Barrack Street. Warren & Williams' Garage, Clergy Street. | AMBROSE SHEA, S.A, BARRISTER | and Solicitor. Law office, corner uf | @ ® ® & & # TE rr O% 00 | King and Brock. over Royal Bank. "+, 9 | M y to loan Phone 1999. | SUMMER COTTAGE ! le Near - Cartwright's Point, new, | % furnished; 10 minutes' drive from | # city. Owner leaving city. $1,200 PLANS--SURVEYS--ESTIMATES | Myo > O, 247 8. Scott, BA, BSc. Mem. Eng | 4 Phone 699, or P. O. Box 247. GOOD USED CARS 1 2% Tom Reo Truck. . 1 Heo Speed Waggon, 1 Reo Light Delivery Truck. 1 McLaughlin Truck, bbb t bd & and PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTING Ww f Se 11 nat. Lt Hl leerssttrresrrrrony ' ei ant or pt. i VETERINARY, | wes HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Boyd 8 Garage { 70 LET. NORNAN H. BUTCHER 500 hax a Liniute aun 120 BROCK STREET OR FURNITUR LIGRT 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1810w . y . ' y ve STORAGE FF i . Employment, one saleslady for || PR. H. MURPHY, B.V.Se.,, VETERIN- and turniture to dispose of, wo will ToRa and airy. Apply a. Ww. G. | Ary Surgeon, 630 Princess St., Kin pay nignest prices. J. Thompson, 3 on Street. pattern department, one for small Ston, Ont. Phone 2193J 333 Priucess Street. Phone 1600w. Ainslie; 356 Jonasoh Sireet. . . = ROOMS ON KING STREET, wear department, one for fancy || DIVISION STREET, EIGHT ROOMED BO cecupled by the 1.0.0.F. | CHIROPRACTIC frame dwelling; hot air furnace; Cunningham and Smith. goods department, one for child. || Iarge lot; gooa barn. Price $3775. | Souls 19 . are establishing LS an hy ne Es | WM. A, MARCELI®, D.r,, . Cy Cor. Cash payment $900. Immediate FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; : Yen's wear, one for leather goods || WAL A. MANCELLS Botrie hee . 2nu possession. Apply J. K. Carroll ail improvemeuis; centraliy locat- 3iations. Starioucly Your ona {Mild Cured) nd toilet articles, one messenger | | Ooor. Barrle St. entrance, Kingston AZsncy. 56 Brock Street. U , X., 4 Apply 243 University Ave. investment. We 'Insteast ba Un » h | ont. Consultation free. Teleph r p-to-date" Bungalow, red brick, ALL | | furnish the Most Modern Methods y : | Fou APARTMENT boy: six girls for parcelling on || 822J. Hours § to 12 aru. 1 to 6 p.m ACRE FARM, THREE MILES | best section of city, seven rooms and || FOUR_RoOMED hot water neating | | 28nd Equipment 25 II C ® west of city on provincial highway; bath (3 1 b ; : THE ANDERSON | 3 ma solid brick house; hot air furnace. piece), beamed ceilings, Apply to White's Insurance Agency. ANDE ; Saturdays, commencing Saturday, || GEORGE F. LUUY, DR. JENVIE A, good water; 75 acres tillable, bai-|| OPen fireplace, mirrored closets, We have 34 schools tu Sand 4 1 Scplember 16th. High School || Lucy. Chirovractic Speciali ance pasture. For particulars, ap- built-in bookcases, gas a 1 { FURNISHED, LARG FRONT ROOM, > rou. 1 P | Graduate Nurse, 239 Bag, reet. ly to M Polk, R. 3, Kingston Sds and electri Siosirse HERY, Ralf Dioek from car. || Cahada One ia near you, Sehool girls preferved. | between Princess and Brock. Tele- Ports 10 ra 2 fittings, dry cellar, storm windows, Une. Apply 313 University Avenue | | PA¥s you $5 per day while learning < hone 943w. Hours § to 12 a.m., | to summer screens, hot wat or phone 863w. to operate your station _ Write for Applicaticns must be made in g and i to Em Spinal analysis lawns back and trons hebes hea SE ARTMENT OF 0} Sutticulass---tnDAY. Prom t Deliver y 1 nd and consultation free. es " " | FURNISHED AP. TMEN F person this week, between 11 and i PPC 909909000000 trees, bushes, etc.; lot 50x130 Terms || three rooms, for light house-keep- Te Anderson Steam Vile anizer Ce. P y- Sock mi calls by appointment. : 1 o'clock, at office. is . can be arranged. Owner leavin ing; suitable for married couple or 185 MONTREAL ST,. KIN 3 McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX city. Apply: g | two ladies, at 236 Barrie Street. » KINGSTON TOURING CAR 93 CENTRE STREET | FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOT AND cold running water in each room; suit'y" Ws Tohnwon street Fone RUNNING DAILY--BUS SERVICE alt KINGSTON TO GANANOQUE : | TWO OR THREE ROOMS ON BATH- i room flat; completely furnished for 3 TWICE DAILY (EXOEPT SUNDAY) LE a aekerping: gay or sook, LEAVING KINGSTON from Randolph, Hotel ..... 8.30 am, 3.30 pm. FRONTENAC -- NORMAL TRAINED : ARRIVING GANANOQUE ... 9.30 a.m. 4.30 teacher, holding second class certi-| covRED BUTTONS MADE TO OR. BATEMAN'S MEAL ESTATE, Good Used Che. | oo. Allred Street. LEAVING GANANOQUE a 1000 am. B00 ho: cate; salary $900; S. 8 No. 6, Wolfe | er In all popular shapes and siz Sate; aslary $900: 8. 8 No. 4, Wolfe | der in all pop aq thabes and sizes Automobile Used Parts, | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ARRIVING KINGSTON . . tresses 11.00 am. 6.00 pm, Cooper, R.R. No. 2, Wolfe Island, | E. J. Goodridge, 244 Universit; dry, airy rooms and spaces; your ees Bt. EooduSeoatids 18320, ¥ FOR SALE. New accessories, own Jock and key. Frosts Ci (Daylight Saving) $3,000--FOR DOUBLE FRAME; TOILET New and Used Tires. Storage, 299-305 Queen St. Phone Return ..... ceiieee, SLID NORMAL TRAINED PROTESTANT and electric Mght. Gasoline and Ofls, 526. Res. 989w. a Canoe Club Dance, Gio ., 87 Becher Doster in mL Ese CARPET CLEANING. nh Mepair Department with best me- ACRES. THREE MILES WEST OF : : = . utiles 1 ommence ep " a ae ar ence Hept. INE, FLEOTRIO VACUTE nn | AS BRICK) NINE Roous; 1. w.(| chanics. Eevimprer sien Ringeion PoostilEs WEST. Op H. YEOMANS, PHONE 2233). 8. Hughson, secretary-treasurer, R. | H. MILNE, ELECTRIC VACUUM AND Dare; Sled ric light; B. and C.; hot Thousands of Used Parts to choose ¥all ploughing will be done. Own- R. No. 1, Eiginburg. Carper aig Laying And Sew. air heating. from, er OINg west soon. Apply to Sher ng, Hyslop an evelan, a ---- . Micial A, Wartman, Portsmouth, Ont. cveles. Phone 542, 272 Bagot St. | §7300--BRICK; TWELVE ROOMS; H. hd 1 A. L. A. Garage, man r 0, ee -- 'AINTING AND PAPER HANGING w. floors; B. and C.; hot air; elec: CORNER OF BAGOT and QUEEN, CARP ERIN tric light; central. EN-ROOMED BRICK USE, 100 T PAINTING AND PFAPERHANG- ENT! a -- Li Frontenac Street, arr floors . R 1 N I N ( ! t-my price se To . GROCERY STORE AND FIXTURES -- and all conveniences; vacant Sep- Paper. Spe. 1 WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER ' small stock, good business: centra) tember 'First. Apply Te « : k ee James Selby, contractor, §3 : 1 Of D i ' BOR Lyon dit Livingston Avenue. Phone 1130, location; dwelling attached. 98 Frontenac Street. Ew on PHO oné 36aw. % = ---------- 0 AIRY, COMFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE ery pti . NE 243 om $2,100 -- FRAME, SEVEN ROOMS 1 K AINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO. CARPENTER AND CEMENT WORK toilet and lavatory, barn and air, Sight i3i8° fouma, Sreplaes, back ting, glazing, hardwood floor fin- 2 age. For Immediate sale. front, furnace, gas, three _plece gy Limited , ratin ' ishing, etc. first class work rea- | BY CONTRACT OR DAY, FIRST- mn bathroom. Apply 38 Rideau Siree:. sonable prices. aiipaper samples. class work at reasonable prices. F.| 93,100~FRAME BUNGALOW, FOUR FOR SAI E = SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE. floors up and down, 'oak trim, STEAMER BROCKVILLE r month. Apply to H B. War. t carried to Picton and intermediate ports. N t i D) . . s o quick buyer UMLEY E. A . ainade pm. City Time. Fure round trip: Adults, 75¢.; Ohild- BATEMAN'S REAL EST g -- ee ---- . N NAVIG » ' James Swift & Co., Limited ll vi INGTON NAVIGATION 09, tinrru re; 188 a oid. Majestic Building, Detroit, Mich. | DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. ACT or strict superintendent. ent Society. Ineormorary EST- QUICK SERVICE and interest allo w 1943w, Sharies Hebe ht, pb Estimates submitted. ounteer, W. Smith, 37 York street. Phoue rooms and 3-plece ba FURNISHED HOUSE IN BEST PART 19077 P th, electric $4200--BRICK VENEER Sun room, garage, hot water ONE 5-ROOM APARTMENT, HARD. TUESDAY, AUGUST Sth--Regular trip to Pleton 5.00 p.m. DOMESTIC COKE rooms, summer Nitonen ana. attics heating, large verandah, fire. wood floors, electric lights and gas; Freight carried to Picton and Intermediate ports only. Freight -- lea ty. 3 pe ~ RAMF DWELLING, Ing city. Apply tel), 913 Xing Street. Tuone WIN HI Arians Ae CCar 1Mh--Resular run to Alexandria Bay and among i the ty Time, ¥ : . BUSINESS CHANCES. & STRAN Foot of Johnson St. Dieses » | { \ now. Our Sickness and Accident i oS) One Mahogany Buffet, 7 ft. 7 in! Moronist PROTECTION -- AUTOMO- Bo amuse yDrotect your salary. ELECTRIC WELDING { E Vv E R \ u iy TY e long. bile Legal Association of Canade , insure your house or furniture r " > Dhe N inet Desks, In Rosewood President W. p. Nieda 5K : vice Al © ing! oe; C rt, 26 Plum Street. C. Cartwr, manager, 37 Clar- 2070w. . ence ' UFHOLSTERING. | | ------------------------------------ STEACY S Ltd. | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO w. 4. XX | ,Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St. wv + * * # aécept cash offers. Call at J. J. F. W. HAROLD FUR YOUR yUp.| + Stewart's, 140 Wellington Street. | holstering and general repairing 3 { In first class condition, 5 good ires. Owner leaving city. will Phone 699. Leave orders at or drop a ecard tv TEACHER WANTED. 104 Clergy street FEEL IIPIEII IL 4 4 a thd bdbb bts ® 20 Area ath Phone 836m, $07J. A) > f city, one block from car, with - -- -- -- ii} piped for gas; hardwood DE vatit first of year ShaSnger to PLEASANT WATER TRIPS 3} N onsible party; no ¢ ren. Ap- 78 Nelson street, hardwood ply Box Q-7, Whig Office. B. and C, electric light and gas. + three-piece bath; hot water heat- run to Belleville, Trenton and all ports west of Pieton cancelled, semi-detached, Sentros location. place. Built by owner, who is ing. andy to business at $35.00 FRIDAY, AUGUST i11th--Regular trip to FPieton 5.00 p.m. City Time. EGG and NUT SIZES. a Pe -detached; north end; 7 | : ' V x > ands 2.00 p. " . A Highest quality C.; electric lights; hw Ara 140 WELLINGTON STREET ' Charen, 30e. ih A TUR ip: Adu, Te i . 33x105; close to street cars. A snap . Phone 699, SUNDAY, AtGuyy 13th--Regular trip to Alexandria Bay and among the ¥ 2.00 PARTNER WANTED FOR OR WILL ; ANTIQUE lease entire Canadian territory on sented. a8 Clan ES neta he hd OXY-WELDING One Mahogany Buffet, 7 ft. long, monthly. Write Hall-Doyle Co., 217 4 | Carved Posts inlaid wi Limited, offers motoring protection, jocday, Phone or consult E. Wil. =7 ers Sl ppl | oe eR MACHINERY REPAIRS ] One Walnut Colonial Side Table. ee a0 Sutolats. stan afloas ; : OLLI One Walnut Colonial Buffet, 7 ft. dimrice ington street. W. Clinton,] 0 oon ac LOAN awn Wain Chairs, sets of six. \ resident, A fl . Mahogany and Walnut Chests of ; WOOD FINISHING. faa issued on eit 1 fa ® & = Drawers. " roperties. municipal aad Rosewood Cottage Planos. NOURAPHY, 3 Bebentures; a gages pureha 18. op a e op + so nvestment bonds for sale: LESS. ANTIQUE smop 2 don ; received ed rs G AND QUEEN. STREETS

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