Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1922, p. 12

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¥ BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1922. THE DAILY 12 BUY KINGSTON MADE PRODUCTS KEEP OUR HOME FACTORIES BUSY =" -- BOOST OR BUST. bf success no matter what the odds | gon why we once more plead with rs to boost Kingston, and to keep Your Cylinder Troubles Over ) Try the New Method R. M, CAMPBELL Grinding Shop > Phone 12129, Corner Quan WHERE DOES MONEY €0 | THAT GEO. MASOUD MAKES?|.,,, son otmiy co sere . ! may be against you and that is the rea | oitizens, business men and manufacture Answered as It Should Be on boosting Kingston. About Every Manufacturer Who Sells Here. BEAVER BRAND w _- HARDWOOD FLOORING and 'No. 1 grade right kind at the ASK FOR MASOUD'S ICE CREAM ALWAYS THE Saw E neess Street. Phone 050. Ya Quarter Cut White Oak, plain Red Oak, Cles Maple, Birch and Beech. We have just the price "SEE" US FIRST." ALLAN LUMBER CO. PHONE 1042, 238 Pri eer-Wellington § a ngton Streajs | Boosting for a weel and then falling back into the same old rut o | Indifference is no more use than hauling a pail of water half way out of the: welland then letting it drop back again. All the good effects of the first | { effort are wasted and it must be put into force all over again= We must boost continually. There are thousands of ways of hoosting | town. Not only when you buy or sell, not only when you talk or write Y | a letter, but every tile you make any change in Your business, every time 1 yon travel, every time -send some other person on a trip in your inter- -- | CALL H. L. BRYANT ) ® For . CARTAGE OF FREIGHT Phone 17534 EE -------------------- WM. J. VINCE PAINTER, PAPERHANGER AND HOUSE DECORATOR - PHONE 9067. 164 CLERGY ST. N\ Everybody known where George Masoud's "Marble Hall" is Prin runs and up- | retail on cess street and that | to-date and re | business in conjunction with it. everybody and then some, Fi Maseut Bo A other Before you buy anything, from a five-cent cigar to a house, ask your- brand and that'it is made of the very | Self the question: "Can I purchase this same article in Kingston? Does best. materials : a Kingston manufacturer make, or a/Kingston merchant gell, the thing that Perhaps the question is some | I want? Can_I have something in this line. produced byt Kingston labor?" time asked "Where the money | The nu r of cases in which you will get an affirmative answer will that Ge Masoud takes in| surprise you, 4nd, if you follow out the course directed by duty to your. through his bus > town, you will buy the Kingston product every time. 3 vr If you manufacture and ship any product out of the ce : el "| "Kingston, Ont." or "Made iny Kingston" 1s as 'prominent sent Strand theatre, a good-natured {popular f named George Ma- | Maneiaciuting name. Fii i aid you as well as the city. Incorporate a fond ots a business "in fruits, | few=of the fine points abdut Kingston ip your! letterheads. Instruct your cream. His bhsiness | salesmen to advance Kingston's advantages at every opportunity ly well, even though | Talk Kingston. all the time and never cease boosting. aple lines, ice cream, | a me sragered VEL HUMANITY'S FRIEND | IS SANITARY FOOD the first men to see the great'| (future ahead of the ice cream busi | More Misery Caused by Impure | . | Food 'Than Many Other | Causes. The average -housekeeper is part- | fcularly anxious that her kitchen, pots, pans, and other utensils used in the preparation of food are | scrupulously clean, as shé> knows ! | that this is one of the important things necessary to the good health | [of the family. [ | On the other hand, how many of THOS. G. BISHOP ~~ . Brass and Iron Castings, Electric and Oxy-Acetylene Welding J PHONE 38 - Corner King and Queen Streets " liable -- \ SUBSTITUTES VINEGARS Prices Are Voor Economy, : Buy the Best The Wilson, Lyue, Badgerow Co., 'Limited KINGSTON, ONT. » : : " 1 DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED FRUIPS -~ ~ r ae) GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE 158 Wellington, J At Lower Grape Fruit, Grapes, Oranges, Bananas, Fresh Vegetables M. AMODEO 240 Princess Street. Phone 776, \ ov f 5 CIGAR Be. McGOWAN CIGAR CO, c. SMOKE ) EEL en BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL Special Sunday Dinner Served From 1 to 2.30, Price 70e. ERLE R. ASHLEY, is GEORGE NOBES Plumbing and Tinsmithing | 1 7 Division Street - . . . Phone 986m. J spent A few years ago, in a little one-| {story store on the site of the pre city, see that \ Phone 306w. a8 your own r \ Canada Cutlery Co., Limited Manufacturers of POCKET AND PEN KNIVES A. Eaton, Gen. Mgr, Kingston, Ont 1 {candies and ice went along fa one of Glve us a trial, ) Graham-Electric CONTRACTOR AND JOBBER HEATING PADS, ELE(UTRIG CURL. ING IRONS, ELECTRIC RANGES, IRONS, TOASTERS and GRMLLS, Phone 1944 426 PRINCESS STREET / '\ Vy ~ See our special prices on Tiger tires before bu New goods just in, no old stock. : EASTERN CANADA MAXOTIRE AND RUB 284 Ontario Street, corner Queen Battery and Ignition Work a Specialty, have been coming back in greater Telephone 13. Storage Battery----Service es numbers all the time because of the exce lence of the goods and the ser- Proprietor. C, not v \. T Gs, very \ n r "HIGHER QUALITY" "BETTER SERVICE" 2 d nl Our Motto. | Fought )e to Mimseld, ys Now, the business is increasing so Is a good town I am living in. Some | greatiy that Mr. Jarvis is forced to M. R. McCOLL {day they will want jee cream. I will 'make some additions to his estab- | YOUR DRL GGIST therefore build them a fit place in (lishment. A large addition is being | Cor. Clergy and Princess Streets | which to buy my produéts." |censtructed on the vacant corner im- | | He therefore started in to build | mediately next to the bresent shop | {his new store, and 'Marble Hall" lard ccmmunicating doors will join with its genuine white marble front |the {wo when the work is completed. | and fittings, with @ts cool, quiet and |The new establishment will be used | restful Interior and its very complete | os a fresh fruit department and also | soda fountain; was the result of his [as a rest room for ladies, and work | efforts. "Marble Hall" was the most |is belug rushed in order that it may | beautiful store in town and many | be opened at 'an early date, people congratulated him on his en-| -- HOLIDAYS. | . {us make it our business to find out | terprise. Just a word to those who are look- | under what conditions the prepared | wp : y | Then, 'a short time after, George Masoud went into the ice cream busi- | forward b : saca- | food w buy, | fac | g forward to their suizmer vaca- | foo e uy, 8 manufactured?" {pr -- AUTO REPAIRS Done right and the prices please. you, . We just charge for what we and no more, ~~ E. B: EDWARDS 248% Princess St. Phone 2248w, 3 wi nes do WILLARD STORAGE BATTERY 10 BROCK STREET » Repairs all kinds of Magnetoes, Gen. erators, Starters, Lighting Systems and Storage Batteries, ~=ALL WORK GUARANTEED nd { Tp P. C. LAWSON KINGSTON'S LEADING" FLORIST WEDDING, BIRTHDAY AND FUNERAL DESIGNS 1 Ne qmm-- > \ Green Houses Phone 1174J. --~ Store 77 ying. BER CoO. Phone 2050, ness on a wholesale sclle and built | x | himself the large, modern brick fact- | D. S. COLLIER > in SAFES We offer a few medium size at 20% discount. Regular price §75 and $90. Just the thing for doc- tors or small busincss. o J. R. C. DOBBS 41 Clarence Street Typewriter headquarters Telephone S1v Successor to Warwick Bros, . "A MY VALET Plove [Evia PRESSING ! 630 ume... \ | THE MARRISON STUDIO PORTRAIT OR COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Next to' Bank of Nova Scotia ~~ Telephone 252. 232 Brock Street Jobbing Work Specialty F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam Fitting, Hot Water Heating L Phone 1420w, 131 Alfred St. f Commencing SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd, Motor Bus starts for Cataraqul Cemetery daily except Saturday and Monday at 1:45 pom. Fare: 40 cents return, Leaves from Livery of-- J. D. GODKIN & SON 200 Ryincens St. Phone 38, a 3) rf Quality and First Clays Service Guaranteed REID'S DINING HALL QUEEN'S UNIVER! ITY TORONTO EXHIBITION GROUNDS East side Industria} Building Phone 2152 TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Phone 1325J. A 216 Frontenac, Cd 110 CLERGY STREET ® d PHONE 275 M. LAWSON AUTO BATTERY EXPERT ANX type of Battery recharged, repaired or built to order. -- Your satisfaction assured. \ IT CREATES STOMACH ) TROUBLE . AKERY made from the best in- a Taefiity for making fit Why Eat Poor Bread ? CARNOVSKY'S B sre turning out Hread of the highes ¢ quality, wredients by men who have the kno wiedge an Just right----pure, sweet sand whole some, y ! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT OR PHONE 111, \ - J x hn | PHONE 1307 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR THIS SEASON --Z0UR MOTTO-- "PROMPT SERVICE" Kingston Ice Co., Ltd. Fr McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors \ ~ 0. AYKROYD & SON ) BUILDING CONTRACTORS Estimates Given Repair Wor ii 7 21 MAIN STREET. \ PHONE 1074, os | . N | Allen, the Auctioneer || J | eS | {ory in the rear of his premises that {turns out the biggest part"of the ice cream consumed in this city at the present time. Trucks carry the large freezers around to the various retail | stores or to the railway stations, | wharves and express offices 'for | transportation. Then, just this year, the new al. iféres with none of the other bakers, will tell you, jand supplies a want to many peopla who are relieved of baking during the hot weather of the summer months. The money derived fas they themselves from to Kingston trade. The building of Marble Hall supplied labor and (money for Kingston pedple. construction of the factory in the Kingston people also. ment of more help. The very cars which carry the products away from Masoud"s were purchased from a \ | Kingston man, are repaired by King- chased in Kingston. a - pf ston men, and r | The raw materials used in the {manufacture 6f Masoud's products |are purchased, as far as they possib- ly can be, in this city. Fifteen to eighteen employees draw their pay envelopes from Masoud's store an | factory and their money is paid into the shops of Kingston merchants to stimulate Kingston trade. Masoud's is a Kingston booster from the front door to the roof of the factory. The money taken into Masoud's goes j right back into Kingston for King- stonians. : | Masoud's wholesale ice cream | business is its main line. There are {other ice cream companies selling | into this city wholesale. They make their products outside, they employ outside help, the money you give {them goes outside, Choose for your- |selt which is the fore deserving of | your support, the Kingston booster, {or the Kingston bleeder. | LIKE JOHNNY WALKER | STILL GOING STRONG | » 'J\H. Jarvis' Business Was Not rn 1820 But Is Hitting on 8ix Just the Same. ow. \ ---- | Harry Jarvis has been in business jon the corner of Albert and Princess streets for only eighteen months. | His business was not started in {1£20 as was that of Johnny Walker, a friend not often seen now, but, [like that friend, he is still going | streng. - A iesident of Williamsville sald {the other day that fifteen people had tried to run a business in the place where Harry Jarvis ds now! and that (all of them had failed to make the LC Dominion Textile Company (Limited) MANUFACTUREKS "PRUE COTTON?" "|alonyg and people said that it 3 ithing pay. Then Harry Jarvis came would be tbe same old story. : 'Dut pretly soon their attention | was attracted to the Jarvis store. | They found that he was carrving the | very lines of goods that they want- ed, that he had in IMs store fruits, chorrlates, vegetables, soft drinks, tobaccos and cigarettes, ice cream, and many other things which it was formerly necessary to make a long triy down Princess stfeet for. They started to patronize this store and rr NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. Hat Cleanfug and ReBloeking Specialists in Work h MONTREAL --TORONTO- "WINNIPEG these | sd seit j a anything else you could various enterprises all goes back in-|Mecessities and combs, hair nets and y 8 you cou face powders add comfort to the | The | |*ions. Don't forget to [sc me stationery--nothjing is 1v0re Yarg-avating than to find yourself far [irom home with no pen, harper, or en- vclopes to drop a line back to your friends. = Also, your clih bag should cecntain some Seidlitz powders or Stomach and Liver Salts i.. case of a take along | . Isick stomac % 5 v Cc » | by any home ectric bakery was started. It inter- 8 stomach, etc., caused hy change | bY y [of food or drinking water or intense heat, It settles the stoma:h and re- |lleves headache, | Soaps and other toilet necessities, | tooth paste, brushes, talcum and cold |creams, are all required for your [trip. Men should not neglect shaving {holidays of the ladies. All of the above requisites may be | obtained in ihe finest qualities at Mc- ' |Coll's Drug Store, corner ot Princess | {rom ra rear - s lied labor and money to ' i; rear supplied labor a Th I er | and Cler y streets, or telephone your |2Iry and spotlessly clean, : bakery has necessitated the employ- | ¥@0t& and you will soon have the | flour should be sifted before being desired articles at your door. All theemsual sidelines are carried .Jin this store, including films for cameras, chocoiates, fce cream bricks, cigars and cigarettes, bathing caps, tc., and quick service is assured. Make this drug store your conveni- ence. ------------ THIS IS ENCOURAGING The canvass of the seven indust- to raise the subscriptions to. ihe stock of Stanley & Aylward, King- ston's newest industry, has met with fine success and it is estimated that have been made up without diffi- culty. Thig only goes to show that a re- putablé"and honest industry, with something- to show as a beginning and good standing behind it, meets with nothing but the best of treat- ment and prospects in Kingston. | Thisecity is glad to receive Stanley & Aylward, and that it is more than glad, is evidenced by the fact that its industrial commissioners turned themselves into "a flying corps cof stock salesmen over night and put deal that would have beur for experienced men at lover a fauite a"tas / bond-selling. | Other reputable industries ir | search of a good location kindly take | notice. > Taken Over the i An ingbortant deal went through jiast week when L. F. Purdy, Trenton, took over the business of the Deser- onto. Milling Co., at Tweed. Under { Miss Rayburn's management the business was in a very flourishing | conation, and we hope that it will continue to grow and expand in the 'hands of the proprietor. { EI a Director. | J. B. Waddell, of Sir Mortimer Davis, Inc., Montreal, who has been elected a director of the Union Bank of Canada, was formerly manager for that institution at Merrickville, Carleton Place, Smith's Falls 'and other places in Eastern Ontario. | | | i YOUR REFRIGERATOR Should be st h pure ICE y inetd water, Kigson Artic le _ Porfumer Tollet umery, Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE 00. 110 Clarence Street. Phomes 514-364 win J ca Bas rial commissioners and their teams | by this evening the full amount will | | Fortunately the big food tactori 1to-day are remodelling their plants | |and installing expensive machinery | | to meet the necessary sanitary gon- ditions, justly demanded by the mod- | ern housewife, Probably the largest item in the | prepared food line that is purchased | is bread. In fact, | bread is the most important of all | | foods and there is a greater consump- |tion of this article than any other | food. When the children come home | yiz the afternoon from school or| | playing, they would prefer a nice piece of bread and butter almost | r them. We must therefore be extra care- ful as to 'the sanitary conditions of the factories in which our bread is made. The buiding must be free ts, mice, flies, and must be | and ali used. Knowing that the day had gone | | | by which people would accept bread | conditions, | made under unsanitary Mr. J. V. Doyle has constructed = | factory in Kingston which is admit- | | ted to be the most modern between | Toronto and Montreal. The con-| struction of this factory .is such that | there is no possibility of vermin of | j3% kind about the premises und |some months ago a flour | machine was installed at a cost of | about one thousand dollars, for no | | other purpose than to be absolutely | certain that nothing upelean jtonll| | get into, the celebrated Sofea: bread, | | His bellef that _sthe consumers | would appreciate a modern, | { clean { factory and a good wholesome 1éaf of bread has been justified, as he is to | day selling more bread in Kingston | than any other baker and his sales | are steadly increasing. | The only regret that he has is | that 'more people do not take ad- vantage of the opportunity to visit his factory on Mack street, between Albert and Nelson streets, and see how bread should be made. The | factory 1s open to visitors any hour | of the day or night and all will b welcomed. | Must Close Up Shops. All places of business in with the exception of drugstores, | tobacconists, barber shops, ice cream | parlors, . restaurants and pool rooms must close at seven p.m. on Monday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, with the exception of an evening before & public or civic holi- day. From Dee. 15th to Dec. 24th is not included In the early closing Dean Dewey Goes to Milwaukee. ° 1 to the mecessities 'of the bi , Dean Dewey, who has been a member of the office gtaff of the Renfrew Machinery Co., Ltd., for the pPaet ten years, is being removed to Milwaukee <o take charge of the firm's office there, his place as secre- tarytreasurer of the company here being taken by M. T. Duggan, late of M. J. O'Brien Ltd. | THE SONG SHOP 216 PRINCESS ST. PHON E 979w. KINGSTON, ONT. LEATHER GOODS Stop and look at our display of | \ rs es of | IF sitting | I Perth | Made-In-Kingston leather goods v ENTS DRUG RE WINDOW. Why buy out of town when you can y at home ? ~~ CHUBB 4 CO, 48 MACK STREET > 3 \ " FOR PURE MILK AND CREAM place your order with us. STEWART'S DAIRY 689 Princess St. Phone 2193w re ---- ---------- ATTWOOD & DINE BAGOT STREET Vulcanizing, Tires, Tubes and Accessories Phone 902m. om 277 'DOYLE'S BREAD Clean, sweet and wholesome. Manufactured in a bright, sanitary factory. PHONE 1369 o BELMONT DINING Room) Our Motto. "Service and Quality" A. TIERNEY, PROP, Late Steward of the Frontease Club Phone 2373m; 65 BROCK STREET [ Auto Painting | J. A A. FOX Phone 567. Shop on Third Floor, Blue Garages, Bagot and Queen Sts. J T SMITH'S MEAT MAEKET CHOICE WESTERN BEEF COOKED MEATS 338 Princess St. Phone 799, J pies. R. H. JONES Auto Tops Recovered Phone 152. 300 Princess St. oo BAKER'S DAIRY PASTEURIZED MILK and CREAM 53 Victoria Street." Phone 2083, \ 7 r b LATURNEY CARRIAGE WORKS Special Designed Business Waggons--Auto Bodies General Blacksmithing Phone 1352. 390 Princess St. a 7 GENERAL REPAIRS, TELEPHONE 275, "HANCOCK, TH 155 Bagot Street. WARREN & WILLIAMS GARAGE BIG REDUCTIONS IN WALL "APERS Bedrooms, halls, parlors, for rented houses \. | Burke Electric Co., SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES | CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING [ Phone, Day 423. 74 Princess st. THE KINGSTON ) ART STUDIO S84 Princess Street. Phone 2150w, J KINGSTON, oNT, - GASOLINE AND OIL. 11} LY 1 Oty STREET 3 ] > 10c. and 1215¢, rdil. E DECORATOR" Phone 1966 WILMOT'S PURE \ r WILLIAMSVILLE and VICINITY Wm. Neilson's, Ltd, Toronto. wish to announce that the public of Wil liamsville have in their district, a confectioner, Harry Jarvis, to répre- sent the largest makers of Ice Cream In the British Empire, and one of the largest manufacturers exclusive- ly of high-grade Chocolates in the world. fee Cream Nricks : 33. Rosebuds, ete. abe, Ib, J. H. JARVIS Corner Albert and Princess Sts. Phone 2373m. Fe 7 Phone 645. = ® USE Telephone 2360 r. 14, MILK and CREAM Soward Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Soward Branch Office: PHONE 155 Mc@Gall's Cigar Store Only Pure Fruit Syrups Used E€RYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS i 473 Princess Street |

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