z FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - rn Ci { lt | urday evening. The usual crowd at- or > tended." , Mrs. W. L. Goodfellow : A | was in' city on 'Friday and had her | | From the Countryside Bsa jaken uP. Farsi Bete i) We aspire more to your friendship than your funds, and that is the foundation of our policy. home from "Wolfe Island. Jessie | Card, home for a'few days has gone | From STEM to STERN of our business, whatever you pay here, you'll get that much in a . { north again. - | rain. on Sunday has closed the sea- | | value and often more. son. for raspberries. and blueberries. | p : al WAGARVILLE, wi Frontenac } URobert Butterill 'has' purchased a | i AY ; ; tear. A number frog here attended | July 21.==Picking Berrie ne 3 --_-- ¢ . ' 4 | the social at Glepdower church, R. |making hay is the order o the Ay. y Ne s : 8 TK 2 Jackson was in i on business on |The berries are not very plentiful | Suits Made to Suits Made to BUNKER'S HILL, | Mrs. Thomas Peters pent | and the hay Is a fair crop. A Wagar, | . J Y our + Friday. ¢ July 26.--The farmers got thet | Friday at Mrs. M. Downie's) King- [28d séveral men around here -havé || Your hay in before the big rain Satfirday 1 i one to Dorset to work on a new ton. Miss Muriel Ball is "wisiting | gone to Dorset tc i " ..n Mi | Individual 300 Bunday Jani A ho crops took] re, Gerald Ball, Moscow. [Toad Mra. T. McCumber and child, ] : 3 ; Individual 800d. Harvey Suider and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ball spent Sunday |Yen, Verona, are visiting at W. Me-| M jdarrowsmith, visited at Sanford Les] Ct C. W. Dall's;. Mr. and Mrs, |[Cumber's. Miss Helen Wagar, Ver- easure Measure man's last week. The mew road "®1 Arch. Leslfé at B. Campbell's. J. |Ona, is visiting neighbors 'around . : ; ard on thre cars. for a Manders, Perth, at Thofias Butter- |hérer "5 Mrs. 8. Vanvolkenburgh, I's. Mrs. A. Simpspn has return- | Dexter, N.Y., visiting relatives, has July #5.Thia farmers are very |ed after visiting i sud rioads | fetutued howe. Miss 6. Vesaiting and many a Suit that sets you off beautifully in the TRY-ON, sets you back terribly in the | Miss E. Wagar home fon & few TRY-OUT. Quality is what talks, and we me ntion that not because you don't know it, but Busy ibying. Tite 1s a good crop) here. fn tl lity, » grain crop 'also' opin | y i i ea an tar. ae uy pn CATESDOS, eon. A Vege was revered te rather to remind you that you NEEDN'T REMIND US. LION CLOTHES speak for Be Jusoiving many congratulac] J EI] Tree Mrs ford Jackion were successful In themselves when you behold them, and for us when you buy them. Every garment is pri- Mr. and |Henry Erwin, Waiter Erwin and [their ex 8, Nid. B lap vately tailored by craftsmen, who labor lovingly over a CANVAS FRONT, as an artist entrance were successful. | fldren at F. G. Kirkham's ' ; Vie. | Joseph Munro motored from Maberly | PéR and ch mn # Ah a } a marion, Westbrook, and "Vie. [R08 ar. or ho maverly Barker, Tienborne. mston. Miss 7. Bl over his canvas, and we're still staking our rep utation on every garment we sell. day after visiting relatives here for|Mis8 Mae Burke has returned trom | J2F li f orae, fue 0% M2 Tea 4 : = tWo weeks." Mrs. Woodman Mrs. M. M. Appleby and | J SEAL oo 5 ow ays. Mr. an children, Kingston, also Miss. Rose | Miss Mae Purke wire the guests OE ra mel vent Sunday 2 : d the .Li 'y a 4 v "10 d ? y {J. C. Currie, Lanark, om Sunday. |™ v An e ons PPY to WITHOUT WHI or ays only. we will I E ' er, Toronto, J.C ar's, (1: ¢ aust, Toronto, are at same Mist Lillle Campbell 1s at Elphin at took in the Orange celebration at a7 instock tho sui of Mrs. I. |VTsent Blueberries 'and raspbar- | Centreville and Mountain Grove, show you 'organization if FLANNEL TROUSERS. | sell Men's extra good weight B. Gibson. Clifton Clark has pur- | Fes are Dlentiful. -George Crain, | MISSISSIPPI. p 'you merely wish to look. KHAKI SHIRT. : ook. your sutnmer would be like a > S {James Campbell, William Dowdell, | chased a Car. {Jfoseph St. Plerre, Isaac Kirkham |. July 25 =Min Bute Dimstead) R Ar $1 35 value rue were home over Sunday. Mrs. Levi "ngston, is holidaying at her home | . Thanksgivin i g . i July 35 ates Goriad price, (3% has relied from Campbell. Bere. Mes. Bar McGuire ana baby EXTRA SARS OF oe Ct thom he To go at ww : i ngston, are w er parents, A - Napanee, is spending her holidays at [shin Ze Do ER oorims Burke |and Mrs. Willlam Kirkaend The | TROUSERS J tur coy, v Stapairatourre ~ her home here. Mrs. Dr. Bly, To- |spent Saturday at Richard Burke's, | Steam shovel is at the gravel pit |[i Cover a multitude of shins. duced price. | $1.00 romto, is at J. Godfrey's. Miss Grace {Edward Cledgilt, Kings + here 'taking out gravel for the road | . ~ ' gston, motored } 3 R . - : Thompson, accompanied by Miss (oy¢ to Clarendon and is enjoying a | 8! Godfrey. Mr. Sproule and gang | Hundreds of pairs to choose -Also White Ducks and Sizes 14% to 17. Hurley, Toronto, is spending some |; ld jare busy here repairing the road. | : - time under the parental roof. Doc-| -- 7 with Heyts. {Mrs. R. Balderson and daughter | from. Sizes 32 to 50. Cream Serge Trousers and MEN"S WORKING -- * tor and Mrs. Howard and children, 3 { Vera, are with: the former's sister, | i Kingston, are guests of A. McDonald. PARHAM. [Mrs. J. Fair. A baby boy has come | Palm Beach Trousers=- all SHIRTS Rev. and Mrs. Buckler are at J.| July 24--Mrs. A. Charlton and |to the home of Mr. and. Mrs. James EVERY STRAW HAT reduced Regular $1 25 value . . . French's. Miss Edna Clark, nurse at| children visiting her father, J. Low- | Deacon. Robert Gibson's family London Sanitarium, is visiting her|ery. Minnie and Feine Wagar. visii- [Who have been {ll with tonsilitis In the store is being sold at a To go at | brother, J. D. Clark. R. Beverly, was | ing their grandparents at Wagarvilie, | are recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Roy | . . the week-end guest of D. Sly, St. [nav returned home. Mrs. R. Good- | Kilbourn, Renfrew, were guests of sacrifice. Sizes-only 7, 7%, 73 | MEN'S EXTRA STRONG Hi Georges' Lake. Eldon McDonald fellow, Belleville, in the village, (Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Geddes. last | and 73. WORKING TROUSERS | C 5 has returned to Toronto. C. Price | Several men from here have gone to Week. Miss, Maggie 'Kirkham Ig} > 48 convalescent. F. Thompson Js at| work at Minden. Mrs. T. Charlton | Spending a couple of\ months with | . . | W. Brown's. Mr. and Mfs. Ly {and children have returned to Belle- |aer aunt, Mrs. T, Riddell, Renfrew: | IB 3 MEN'S urT Only 75 pairs left. Regular MEN'S TROUSERS : 5 $2.50 values. To go at - Regular $5.00 value. Clark, Mountain Vale are at J. D.|ville after visiting "hér parents, Mr. To go at I | Clark's. P. Gray has returned from |and Mrs.' J. N. Smith. Miss Scoft. PERTH ROAD. Toronto much improved in health. Peterboro at J. Campsall"s. .Mr. July 27.--The recent rain did | \Regular $22.00 value. ~ sii and Mrs. Gordon Smith and daugh- {much good to the crops. The C. N. | To go at $ 1 RO COLE LAKE. ter, Smith's Falls, at G, Ao.Smith's.{R. track is being repaired by an ex-| ® ' 3 95 July 24/--The heavy down fall of | Marks Show was in Parham on Sat- | tra gang of workmen. Rav. Mr. Cars- | $1 5 00 S 3 $ ® he . i totum ----rn---- AH ° izes 32 to 42. Very neat ' patterns. i and | Kingston. Opportunity and Canad 1an Boys See our range of Young Men's Suits, Men's odd Trousers, Bathing Suits, Silk Shirts, Outing - IIT . : Shirts, Silk Hose, 50 different lines of Men's Working Shirts, 35 different lines of Men's Un- x = § derwear in Combination and Single Garments, Overalls, Khaki Trousers, etc. TN ~¥ THE LION CLOTHING HOUSE "LOOK FOR THE LION IN THE WINDOW" .. 356 KING ST. KINGSTON [> well, former Presbyterian pastor of | Borden, at his sistet's Mrs. G. a this place, visited friends here last | Steele. TO-NIGH y week and held a Sunday morning ---- ELGINBURG. y num- ; q Survive 3t BUCK Lake. A)oiws July 26--C. W. Hughson receiv- Tomorrow Alright Lor attended and listened to an im- 4 pressive 'sermon. Mrs. Miller and |®d the sad news of the death of his | | Cet a25H° Box y father, Leir Hughson Kingston, on -- 2 CR es hildren, . Watertown, are visiting ' ' 00 The Shawbridge Boys' Farm and Training Scheel at Shawbridge, Ny: here. Dr. Conklin and sis- Friday Teorging last. pe iste My, MAR D's bRUG STORE . B. W, Beatty, snapped with one of the Shawbridge ter, Mrs. Taylor, are the guests of | "UBnson has been in this nelghbor- | woryer in the Methodist church, of T - ; boys. Right--Good fishing helps make happy days for the boys. Mrs, R. Harris. Mrs. W."G. John. Boor 2 large pant his fe and will | which he was a member. Funerzl ' 8 friends. Miss | : ' In the heart of the Laurentians [tion of this fact ingreased until I|Moral courage like physical courage, _|ston returned to Lansdowne on Mon- Beatrice. Graham 1s much Farovee service at the Methodist chureh, Ni | surrounded by lakes and mountaing|am now satisfied that no one ever|is of a' great advantage to a boy. |day. 'W. Campbell had the misfor-| health after havihe h tonsil Rockport, at two o'clock Sunday at- Ehat compose that far-famed sum-|suceeeded who did mot work and|Moral courage is what enables & | tune of losing a fine horse and one da ro Saving her lonelisliemngy, mer resort of Eastern Canada is|that fortuitous events or 'mccidents|man to do right, regardless of what |... 4 by Hilliard Raymond was bad- '°moved a few days ago. Mr. and ------ M J MALLEN 'the Shawbridge Boys' Farm and|do not make for permanent success. (others think or say, who refuses to ly injured with a stake. H. Guthrie |S: Leslie Clogg and children mot- PORTLAND. yy & School, an institution that| None of you here will ever regret|do wrong no matter what the lost a cow on the C. N. track last ord Jeo Toronto and are spending | July 24. The heavy rains on Sat-|| 1s still conducting the Autdmobile a few cays at W. Clogg's. 'A num-|yrgay night and Sunday were a great|| Repairing Business at corner Cols Soing a great and much needed |the time you have spent in master- | temptation. Physical éourage is - : éek. Messrs. Green, Lees and Rut- work. Its several fine buildings are|ing things which appear hard, or|that independence and confidence in ber from here are attending the benefit to the gardens and pastures.(] borne and Barrie streets. All pee ®et in_surroundings that make for|curing ydurselves of habits which your own physical abilities which tan have been hauling pine lumber : the ilding of A ysieal and moral | they have inherited or which you enables a man to fight a bully, even |from G. Lees' mill and filling a car dove Jase o Gananoque to-day. (Mr, and Mrs. R. J.\Joynt, Brockville, || Pairs will receive personal, atten. , and upwards of two hun |have acquired. The older you grow though he is Physically his superior, |. Perth Road siding. : ml] e ie Begsen visited her un-|and the Misses Galeck, Chicago, who|| tion. Large cars washed, $1.00. ~ dred lads of varying ages are there the more you wil Jalize the fact Deena be wil ae Jot Sgn : : ge Yank norlio, Harvale, last were the guests Bf the Misses Dono-|| Small cars washed, 75c. 4 a and ey shaves Bat a8, n Se Nving "that very ry It Tints to yy LATIMER. week with her Bast opel Jas! van for a couple of days, have re- TELEPHONE 1005J. y for ai rntey . competition is , Ho and men more |or less extent in most Canadian July 21.--A large number [row |pury. Visitors: Miss Dorothy oa Jursod home. There were about one v farm is supported i by | numerous thas 38 Jostions, . boys. Mora) coura . i Ore Fate here 'attended the Orange picnic at|gton at B. Jackson's; Mr. and Mrs dre IE ame Gn toon grant from the Quebec i You will be to t ysur objec ° essential is modesty. |oy.ipyry, held In McCallum's groe. ; 8 s. s Falls on Satur- "tr -------------------- : vinel J a: g J. Harrison and daughter, Syracuse, |day to the lake. The Misses Dono-|of weeks. Mrs. W. H. Bolton, viii an in life is to be a success, J that|There is nothing more admirab Ax lect 0! ug 1 h od barthy 21 is true, because without 3 ition than the modesty of a boy who at 3, Revere electric storm passed ove: Ny, g SiJackson's; James Guess, | van 'spen Sunday with friends at|ing her daughter in Detroit, returned t : Tere a few days ago; haying is the v i f the C. ks Succes 5p aN gous very far, Sh Same Smh.mhintaine hig own weer of the day, Wers 15. 2 ih Rochen. By, called on friends Jasper and Smith's Falls. Mrs.| home on Friday. Miss Lillis Bok mean the amassing of money or the [is courtesy, and most modest people '|received from Miss Beatrice Traves . eon, Moniveal. s visiting her ton, Almonte, is visiting her brother, sald many things that might|obtaining of high position. A man |are courteous. Most conceited peo- and Miss Effie Leatherland of their ¥ rT 2 Morris, for a copple) W, H. Bolton. ™ : a be read by all an | may be a success in the truest sense |ple are not. | ]a:raal at'Calgary where they intent , 5 He said in part: of the term if he has moderate] The modest bey. never forgets to. [spending the summer with the for- : I was a ve: ung y at| means, is charitable ang, helpful to|be polite to his elders or to women, |. glster, Mrs. J. Stagg. Miss Leeds n os yo bo; t m thers, and, above all/ refgins his|{and the first thing which an o'der |," : . 54 ot belfeve y as. --_ self-respect, which inspires the |man or woman recognizes and appre-| Loaves ha bean Fngased to teach 9 d many of the things I|respect ok others, quite regardless|ciates about a boy is his attitude "il mer school for the coming year, : t do, and left undone many | whether he is the possessor of|of res to those who are older |!hii: being her seventh year." Qui MORTON. should no or of those I shoul Wh 1 money or without it. than he. I cannot tell you how [a number are on the sick list in this _ ; ° : thirteen yours 4 nt had yom You will find, too, that the things|many positions have been won by [locelity. Congratuiations to Miss o> Ra , and Mrs. Luther Popular Stores of Quality EB | ear's courss in a promi-| which you admire in others are the|boys whose manner towards older |E.iy Chrissley for her success Im Bn. Jelleville, are spending' -a 8 in Toronto,.my parents | things which Toh ould like to be Jeprle has been modest and respect- passing the entrafice examinations at ig the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ) Vet rans' : Central a tt which, without | yourself. You Will see men judged|ful, or how many lost by those whe | K - r Mrs. Samuel Jacob :s on! ; rep e with ove. for a a: and Mea, Prod Bll, oo tint, Th eatery tol I think I may say was|by others in acoordane forgot this sssential quality. : wer and family, Kingston, were re- : rt ever written about|or four simple standards. I told_you tha he 81 sul, ceut visitors at T. K. Chrissley'; |927, 5¢hool held its annual prenic Meat arket Meat Market worst 'repo boy. was in trouble from the possesses those lities and those It is also a at Jones' Falls on Thursday last of the year. I had spent standards he will be admired and|the race you must be equipped so |a2isc Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sleeth and Hatry: Wykea motores 4 oy . . 3 my time after hours in|respected by his fellows. If he does|that the competition will be equal. alice. E. J. Rutledge. Mrs. George xe o, Kingston 4 ichool, doi y the things I should i will fail, No boy who neglects his studies has |i c.therland attended the anmial oe Wednesday. D. Findf h, spent Phone 153 Phone 694 done during the class period.| To attain success the most essen- distiict meeting of the Women's In. |'P® Week-end at A. Bruel's. : . - " J 2 this report was received it|tial thing is good health. A sound stitute, at the home bf Mrs. A. W WHERE YOUR $1 GETS FULL VALUE--HAS 100% Was accompanied by a note that in|body usually means a sound mind, ped in h - {8irrett, Portsmouth. BW OUTLET. PURCHASING POWER ~ the opinion of the principal of that|and a boy who is careful of his . . July 24.--Farmers are nearly done : - school it would get along fairly well | health a makes himself strong |should ha acdired hen ~ with their haying and the grain fs NEW POTATOES HAMS, BACON, 1 did not return, and vigorous has distinct advanta A ARDEN, ripening quite dly. Shirley Per Peck gad » PICNKC HAMS - oI do not remember ever having | over those who are physically w ; July 25.--Picking raspberries are is on the rapidly Ane } Reed Smoked ~ felt so humiliated about anything as| While it a not impossible, it is ex-|of this tage, and. the order of the day. Mrs. Harold Ga So tio y Y, was when 1 read that report. [I|tremely difficult for anyone to work Saming Steele and two children, spending | ono%ue Junction, spent the week- It that I had proved to the college|against the handicap of a 'health. physical work r oek-snd at Mrs. Frank Gurnsey's end at his home here. Mrs. Earle Sweet Sad the Wher pupils Inability And so | = = Jou Es ou 8 no mse) Dolit Creek. ArmoldNCiark a ae | Mba Dots Earle visited on Sat- Dozen al as well as others an e ad- | ness, work a stn Fole | spent a 3 ' \. |urday at Junetown, A. N. Donaldson, vy of the educational oppor-|joy games and apend yous time | "that you : 3a Friday at Mrs, \ Steele's. | Brockville, made a b vines 'trap ENGLISH BREAKFAST tunities which offered me. I|much as possible in tructions of xo ¢ isses E. Loyst, Florence, E. Steeie, through here iy. Mr aud Mis BACON wai dont tod mol Mehool where 7! ogre eh Seat Monday ins auley yea B. F. Leedér and chiMren visited at : was very thankful It thers fell |strength In your you od, émbatrassed amd sintes- | B= Weese, Kaladar, spent Sunday in |, Uam Patience's on Sunday. Prony ous] BLACK TEA into the hands of a teacher who was 4 ' y ébarrass id. somes town: Orval Cockiar' and H. Hayes radi Ne Fanday wil greatiy bene- OUR 3 syns ivan, 4 &t Mrs. Edward Hayes' on Sunday. % Doloes and gardens, Mrs. Osear Wood at John Steele's on POOLE'S RESORT. Y|Sunday. Mr. sna gers. F. L Worm-| July 32--0n Friday evening, July Stewing 'es. Be db, | © ok oie Witt ut spending the | 21st,-there passed into eternal rest, Hamburg Steak ©.....10¢. Ib, week-eni *. and Mrs. 'N.la highly respected citizen of thig 8 Ibs. tor 4......... Jackson, Moscow. Clarke Osborne 1s place, In the pérson of Alexander " ; Rome on his "holidays. Rev. Mr. Kirkwood. He was a comparatively Stocker .is visiting friends at Wil: young man and his demise is deeply on. - All the summer cottages are regretted. Diabetes was cause of Whole: . .... fs occupied and the sports are not com. death. Left an orphan when but a Se In. plaining about the catch of fish as «child, he was adopted by the late they are getting good results. Gor-{ Thomas Franklin and Mrs. Frank- Hill HH } FE : - i I ! {on Steele and wite also Cecil Steele |i. Surviving are his widow and 4nd Stanley Deylea, motored to" Bei- | foster mother, Mrs. Franklin. He leville on Saturday. Erie Clarke,| was over an ambitious sud willing