FRIDAY, JULx 21, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPORTING NEWS | AMUSEMENTS IN MARINE CIRCLES { Ee gehts Say About] | What thie Press Auchts fay About | The steamer Winona arrived from ng e | Montreal on Thursday evening and Scrapper for Lake Erie. a cleared for the head of the lakes By the new arrangement the British Secret Service in India. | with freight. Richardson trophy, which replaced The most evenly balanced cast] The steamer Oatland arrived from [the old Canada's Cup, 1s now an in- obtainable is seen in support of Earle Montreal on Thursday night with |ter-association prize, to be sailed fon Williams in "The Man Prom Scot- freight for the head of the lakes. in September at Rocky River, near land Yard," which will be shown at| The steamer Arabian camé in Cleveland, by the cholce of the yacht the Allen Theatre to-day and Satur- day. . Aniong the more prominent Players are Kathryn Adams and Bet- ty Ross Clarke. Kathryn Adams. who is seen as Norma Graves, play- ing opposite the star, was leading Woman for Williams in "The Silver Call." Betty Ross Clarke, who has the leading woman's role in the ple: ture, has played leading roles with many of the best known male stars. Boris Karlofr, according to Director Jose, is one of the finest types imag- inable for the role of the Maharajah Jehan, which he plays in the wil- lams' picture, his features being per-| fect for an Indian prince. Mr. Mailes, as Colonel Wentworth, is a! splendid type of English army offic- er, and Eugenia Gilbert is about as perfect as Sariasa, the dancing girl; a role to which she adds great charm of face and figure. 'Henry Burrows as Major Burham, Herbert Prior as Capt. Graves, and George Stanley as Sir Edward\Craig, are ull well and favorably known in character roles. STEIN The Late Thomas Little. Thomas Little, one of Kingston's most prominent old time baseball pitchers, and who will be remember- ed at pitcher of the Park Nine, =n team on which his brother James Little played first base, tn the eight- ies, passed away at his residence, Clergy street west, on Thursday ar- ter an illness extending over severai months. The deceased was sixty-two years of age and was a moulder by trade. He was a Presbyterian in re- Igion and a member of Cooke's church. He is survived by his wife, six sons, George, Edward, Jostpn, James, Francis, William; two daugh- ters, Misses Besse and Florence; two brothers, George and James, and one sister, Mrs. Charles George, Tn- ronto. The funeral takes place at 4 p.m. Friday to Cataraqul cometery, under the direction of John Corn- elius, undertaker. Rev. W. S. Lem- on officiates. -------- nna, Y. M. C. A. BOYS RITURN From Their Ten Days' Camp on Grenadier Island. The members of the boy's divis- fon, Y.M.C.A., returned to the city on Thursday afternoon, after a ten day's camp on Grenadier Island, neat Gananoque. The party was brought here in a private motorboat, owned by a Gananoque resident. The boys are alldelighted with their trip, and expressed: their détermina- tion to renew the camp next year if possible. « Except « ¢ one or two brief storms, the weather was ideal throughout the ten days of the camp, and need- leas to mention, little time was lost by the youngsters, with their sports, swimming, fishing, and canoeing. In addition, some very useful instruc tions were given by A. W. Dean and 8. T. Lilley, who were in charge of the camp. Swimming lessons ag well as lte-saving and first-aid, were giv- en to the younger boys every day. A --------------------. Musicians Gather "Change", Remember the old days beforé the War when the German band with the fat cornetist used to play under the widow? They passed the way ob many other customs during the struggle but on Friday morning two Américan musicians with an accord- eon and a banjo were entertaining crowds in the business section of the city. They gathered a harvest of small change for their efforts, There was no session of the polica court on Friday morning. The police have made no local arrests in nearly two weeks. Rev. G. A. Sisco returned home Friday morning after spending a shot holiday in New York state. SPECIAL SALE © 7. Dotible Diamond Tires 30x3} ......$12.00 CORD. TIRES 30x34 ......$16.00 "TUBES .....$1.78 Larger sizes in proportion. - morning 'with racing associations of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. Scrap- on. the average from Montreal this (freight for the head of the lakes. | The steamer Kingston reported fper's performance | this morning from Toromto and Ro- [has been so good that the regatta , chester and cleared for Prescott. committee, Commodore Willlam The steamer Britannic arrived Casey of Kingston, Commodore [from Montreal this morning, with | World of the Queea City Yacht | freight for Kingston and points west. |Club, Vice-Commodore Jarvis of the The government steamer Scout is|R.C.Y.A., and Commodore Frank jhere this morning from an inspection [Christie of Rochester, have recorded tour of the lake. She Is awaiting or- [their opinion, for the benefit of the ders. L.Y.R.A. council, that Scrapper of | The steamer Dardanella cleared Toronto, rather than Huskie should {this morning with freight for the R!- | be chosen as the Ontario representa- |deau canal. tive for the Richardson trophy con- The steamer Brockville arrived [test. Stuart Lansing, Watertown, {this morning from Bay of Quinte [N.Y., owner of Huskie, agreed to this recommendation before Huskie won ports with package freight. the George Cup. me rine ae [vessscsasescecreene * ® | The bowlers got in a good evening {# PROHIBITION VOTE IN # [of play Thursday and hustled . off + PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND + several games in their schedule. The > * | The Busy Bowlers. * ---- rinks' games resulted as follows: + Ottawa, July 21.--It is ex- Skip L. Sleeth"s rink won from {# pected that Prince Edward Is- skip C. Crozier's rink, 15-13; % land will vote in the fall on the Skip C. C. Hodgins' rink won 4 question whether the importa- from skip W. M. Campbell's rink le tion of alcoholic liquor into the + {11-8; Island shall be prohibited. It 4 | Skip J. M. Elliott's rink defeated remains for the federal govern- # [skip F. Crozier's rink, 15-13. ment to fix the date, The doubles resulted in J. F. Mec- * ® Millan and Dr. Mundell winning PPP t rrr IPITIOOS from W. Linton and R. J. McClel- Se land, 10-9. PICNIC ON THURSDAY. A ------ Won Second Prize. At Lake Ontario Park by Order of | The Kingston rink skipped by E. the Eastern Star. Green, was successful in winning The first annual pienie of Fronte- second prize in the bowling tourna- nac Chapter No. 90, Order of Bastern [ment at Peterboro. In the finals, a Star, was held Thursday at Lake On- | Belleville rink, skipped by Rev. A. tarlo Park, with wpwards of one |Kerr, and com d of R. Wray, F. hundred present. The Ladies' base. |E. Mallott, and Rev. G. Smith, won ball match was the first on the sports jout from the Limestone city rink by |programme, played between Mrs. |a score of 17-10. The Kingston jLane's and Mrs. Maude Hamilton's [rink was, J. Newman, W. Jackson, { teams, Mrs. Hamilton's team win- |H. D. Bibby, E. Green, skip. ning. A sumptuous supper was next E. Green and W. Jackson were {indulged in, after which the follow- [also successful in winning second | ing programme of sports took place: (place in the doubles, being edged | Nail driving contest, Mrs. Vince, [Out in the finals by a Peterboro | Mrs. Stewart; pocketing the ball, [team. { Mrs. Dart, Mrs. Vince; potato racg,| The bowlers were greatly pleased | Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Yorke; marriad [With the success of the local players. | 1adles' race, Mrs. White, Mrs. I. [There was but one Kingston rink at { Hamilton; single ladies' race, Miss the tournament at which twenty Wright, Miss Revell; fat man's race, [Finks competed. Mr. Dart, Mr. Johnston; men's open ASEBAL B SCORES L race, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Armstrong: THURSDAY'S GAMES. men's race over 50 years, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Dart; ladies' race over International League. Syracuse 10, Newark 2. forty years, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs Mitchell; shouting contest, "Boost BEal'imore #, Toronto 3. Iteading 9, Buffalo 8. for Kingston," Mrs. Revell, Mrs. cer: ey City 6, Rochester 4. Rothwell. The picnic was brought to a eclosa National League. Mew York 7, Cincinnati 3. at 9 o'clock by the singing of the Na- tional Anthem, after all having ex- pressed themselves as having a most Bronklyn 11, Chicago 7. 11 tsburg 2, Philadelphia 1. St. Louls 5, Boston 4. enjoyable time. Much credit for the success of this picnic is due T. Ste- wart, chairman of the committee, and Miss Mabel Kennedy, convenor of the refreshment committees, {Find Body of a Man In Lake Near Lumber Camp -- North Bay, July 21.--Licence In- Wpector Bell and Provincial Con- stable Atman have brought the body of a man aged about twenty-eight, found in a small lake a short dis- Cleveland 8, Washington 2 tance from one of the Milne lumber ns camps about two miles past Red- ambi Wailer. About ten days ago he ob-|A YOUNG LAD WAS tained a job at Redwater camp un- NEARLY DROWNED der the name of J. Gilbert, but he disappeared on Sunday Tet, George Smith Called to D - Milling Plant at Welland the Drowning Boy. Dragged out of the water in front 1 -- Welland, July 21.--Fire caused a heavy loss to the Maple Leaf Miil-[Of the yacht clubhouse on Thursday ing Company's plant here shortly be- | 28ftérnoon just as he was going down A Ly iscove 8 y er eleven o'- . oe cick and had spread. through the |Ster, hp did aut give his ame, had mill before water could be applied. [donned his bathing suit and without 'The fire was still burning at 12.15 Doing June ey to svim Bud Veloey, to swim from one of the ladders to afiother but found @he attempt $60 much for his strength. No compan- sideration in excess of two million {IONS Were thers to give him asslst- , dollars, the Detroit Journal has sold Aloe: aut Ssarge Smith, who happen- its title and good will to the Detroi: Sitting on the verandah, eall- ed Douglas Carruthers and the lat- | News, according to an announcement ter was able to seize the bo In both papers today. The last fs. JHB a8 De ws poms dove Sy Sues were published today. . brought to the surface the chiid's : face turned blue and he was Ww No Hope for Victim. Juss Ju heavily. Shortly afterwards, alland, July 21.--Word has been however, he was able to dress and received hese from Buffalo that thers retuin home. : Is no hope held tor recovery of Thel- icn---- ma Baker, the eighth victim of the auto ern Stevensville yester- | go ANGLICAN WILL day afterngon. It is said her death : is only a matter of hours, QET APPOINTMENT As Chaplain of the Portsmouth Pen 3 Army Is Excluded. The meeting bét represen a- 3 tves of Stanley & Alyward , Lita,| There are already several appliea- manufacturers of Notman silver-[tions filed for the position of Po plate, dnd the Industries committee |testant chaplain at the Portsmoith of the city council was completed by carly on Friday afternoon and the agreement was drawn up to be pre- sened to ava at a special American League. New York 5, Detroit 1. Boston 3, Chicago 2. ft Louis 4, Philadelphia Detroit Journal Sold. Windsor, July 21.--For a eon Saturday Night Fruit Sale. Last chance for bargains in baskets of cherries at Carnoveky's. {Methodist minister having been in the past few months appointed . The & ' On All rices Summer Dresses Voile Ging Blouses Dnghatm $ 1 49 Regular values to $8.50. SPECIAL CLEARING Regular to $4.50 Hand drawn Bastiste, Organdie $ 422 and Gingham trimmed Volles with Tuxedo, Peter Pan and Bramley All Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, modeled for street wear, fashioned in Collar and Cuffs. . exclusive styles with Linen Collars Gaber ( ine Sport Skirts and Cuffs; Orgahdie trimmed, picot edges in various designs and color AT ONE PRICE SATURDAY combinations. Sizes from 14 to 44. Made in Sport or Outing style with novelty designed pockets -- trimmed with pearl $ buttons, come in vyrious sises of waist band and*® rent lengths. ® Waist Band sizes from 25 to 39. RADIUM DROP STITCH =n $1.9 Regular $2.50. Shades White, Black, Navy, Grey, SILK HOSIERY SPECIALS Shades Grey, Pearl, Navy, White, RADIUM FULL FASHIONED $1.45 MATERIALS: English Ratine Swiss Dotted Voiles, Organdies Ginghams Yachting Cloth SIZES 16, 18, 20, 38, 40, 42 Regular values to $17.50. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 90 Dresses Chambra Gingham Reg. values to $3.95 $995 All sizes, Special Clearing For Saturday Only Brown and Black. 'SILK HOSE and Brown. Regular $1.75, PURE SILK HOSIERY 3 shades only--Black, Navy and Grey. SILK LISLE DROP STITCH Special value. Shades Black Obie Brown and White. CKSON-METTVIFR| LIMITED PHONE 1071 Dimity Step-Ins Lace trimmed in a large variet of shades, Mauve, Grey, Pink and Orange. . PHONE 1071 FORO SO ONE TON of CHESTNUT COAL 'Given Away Free SAT., JULY 22 LC iit At my New Store Every Purchase entitles you to a coupon. The lucky number holder gets ONE TON of CHESTNUT COAL From Jas Sowards' Coal Company, Branch Office, McGall's Cigar Shop ~ 132 Princess St. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." aE NOTICE: Si __ JACK McGALL