Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1922, p. 8

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Life's Social Side a $ Misses Rose Corrigan are also at the Supe Editor of Women's Page, Tele- Phone 220; Private phone 837w. |and Mary ®r 8 | cottage The gay frocks of the crowds who| p. Ai attended the Garden Party held Inlare visit the grounds of Queen's University, | by the local branch of Queen's | Alumnae on Friday afternoon, made ford, Conn., have been in the city on & charming picture, set 'off by th: their Way to spend some time with 8reen sward and the grey stona| pr. C. K. Clarke at his cottage at buildings. The students from the Mackie Lake. Summer school and many town P50- | Miss Isabel and p'e interested in the Residerce Baxter, {tage near Gananoque. Hartrick and son, Ronald, Dg a short time with Ed- Ward Hartrick, Division Street, Dr. and Mrs, Harold Clarke, Hart- Florence "Cataraqui Miss have returned to Fund, were present. Mrs. WwW. E McNeill and Mrs. Norman Fraser Poured tea at the table with its ciev &r and artistic arrangement of Qow- €rs in the red- blue and yellow of Queen's, and ice cream and soft drinks found a ready sale. Music from a piano and violin gave a fes- tive touch to the pleasant affair and "Good old Queen's" was a very gay place indeed. At 5.15 o'clock a play, "The Unseen", was cleverly acted, Mrs. Keith Hicks, Miss Hopkirk and WwW. H. Holto caste, The charming farce was re- peated at 8.15 and afterward; the &jdience danced until midnight. he 4 * . + Mrs. George Fenwick, University avenue, gave a small tea on Thursday for Miss Mair, who has come from Thorburn, N.8., to visit her niecas the Misses Wilson, Union Street. - & men from town spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. de Pencier at their summer home near Gananoque. Ld + . Mrs. France's Macnee, rence Cottage," King street, tained at bridge on Friday. . « St enter- Miss Hora, Wellington stree', was | the hostess Thursday. Mrs. Walter Hyde, who has been . Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. John McKay, Sydenham street, ro. turned to Montreal today. Miss Marie Lovett, Detroit, Mich. arrived today, to spend her vacatio in Kingston. Miss Mary Nesbitt, Toronto, is spending her holidays with her sis- | ter, Mrs. F. R. Farley, Johnson street. Mrs. Francis Brooks, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brooks at Welland, has returned to Barrie- field. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rooney and Cadet Rooney motored from Lynd- hurst this week to visit friends in town. Cadet R. Rutherford, St left for Metis this week. uart street, Miss Francesca Foulkes was the hostess of a merry tennis party at | the Country Club on Friday after- noon with a high tea to follow. Those present were Col. and Mrs. J. F. Foulkes, Genaral Emsley, Miss Lowise Hill, Miss Kitty Torrance, Miss Barbara Bidwell, Lieut. Roger Bidwell, R. N. and Lieut. R. Min- Bay, R. N. and Frederick Torrance. -. . . T. Ashmore Kidd, spending a rew Thirteen Mr. and Mrs. Stuart street, are Weeks at their cottage at Island lake. Lady Twining will arrive from To- routo to-morrow, to visit Miss Lor- etta Swift, King street. Ex-cadet de Lobiniere Panet, Ot- . tawa is the guest of Mr. aml Mrs. John McKay, Sydenham street. . LJ . Misses Rose and Margaret Ken- nedy, Portsmouth, are spending a few days at M. P, Corrigan's cot- GIRLS! BLEACH SKIN -- Squeeze the juice of two lemons {nto a bottle containing three ounces Of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter int of harmless and delightful on bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, Arms and hands each day, then hortly note the beauty and white- Ress of your skin. Famous stage beauties use this OL lotion to bleach and bring that ¢cléar, rosy-white complexion, al- > 88 a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because it doesn't irritate. Law- | of a small bridge on |. | Grange" two week {500 at her summer ho Point, | . . * | Mrs. B. Walsh, who from Naven, Oni, |C. A., Johnson street "Billie" Gordon, son of Dr: J. Gor- don, Kemptville, ig visiting his aunt, | Miss Jennde Gordon, Alfred street. Principal Bruce Taylor, and his » Miss Mary, Mies Margaret Lois Taylor, who were at Prinyer's Cove, have gone on the Thistle to Belleville for the regatta. i * . * Barriefieid, me at Stella was in town was at the Y. w. | Mr. and Mrs Theodore Lyon and itheir children, Teddy and Margaret, arrived from To {Trof. and Mrs. (lington street | Mm. P.R.R 'and her neice, 1 and Mrs. 8. H. J. Re Mm. T.C. [returned tro Arthur Nefsh, Wel- obineon, Queen Street, Mi oday to viist Mr, id. D: Bedell, King street, m Picton on Friday. Mrs. J. Leach and Miss M. Leach, Campbeliford, were visitors at the IY. W..C 4 Johnson sireet, this week, * | Miss Shaw and Miss Jennie Shaw, i reet, will return from Thous- {and Island Park next week. { Miss King and Miss Anita King, iNew York, are visiting their sister, IMrs. Hubert Ryan, Maitland street. Mr. and Mrs, W.'F. Nickle and their family, Earl street, left for The Shefling," their summer home on the lake shore today. The Misses Kennedy, Rochester, N.Y., were in town this week, at the [Y.-W.C.A.,, Johnson street. . . . Mrs. Driver, Toronto, {her sister, Mrs. 3. 8. Corbet street, Mrs. L. Dunbar Stevenson, st. Louis, and her littie eon, "Pete," are |spending a few weeks at Leak Island, Dr. and Mra. J. R. Stewart, who motored from Cobden to spend a few days with the Mayor and Mrs. 8. 8. |Corgett, Victoria street, returned on { Friday. ls visiting t, Victoria with her children, visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J, Chapman, Garrett street, left on Thursday for Lindsay to pay |@ visit there, before returning to Ot- tawa. Mrs. Frederick Etherington, who was in town for a few days has re- turned to "'Fettercairn." . . * | Miss Kathleen and Miss Ethel | Derry, Rentrew, are visiting their | srandfather, W. H. Derry, Barrie | street, | Mrs. Joyce and Miss Frances Joyce, |Srdenham, were at the Y.W.C.A. this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Thomas and little son Edwin, who have been staying at Mrs. Miller's, Stella, returned home on Friday. Misses Nesbitt, and Van Luven, who have been spending the last two weeks with Mrs. George Hanson, Stella Point, returned to Kingston on Friday. Mrs. Alva Snider, Odessa, and Mrs. Ira Amey, Yarker, have return- ed home after spending a week the guests of Mrs. Ross Parks, Kin. ston. Miss Nathella Parks, Kingston, is spending her holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Alva Snider, Odessa. , Ottawa, Mr. Baxter, Hewitt Miss Smith, Kingston, is visiting her brother, W. C. Smith, Napanee. | I'r. and Mrs. A. C. Geiger, King. ston, were visitors in Belleville. Miss Flora Scofield, Ottawa, is in Kingston, the guest of Miss Norma McFedridge, Mrs. John Horsey, town with her son, Will 27 Wellington street, Toronto today. Capt. and Mrs. Montreal, are visiting Kingston, who was in fam Horsey, returned to Ashby Cutbush, friends in Miss Irene Lennon, Montreal, niece of Kev. Dr. W. 8. Lennon, who has been viisting for the last week at the Queen street church parson- age, left for Lake where she will be a guest at the summer home of Rev. A. B. Run- ntreal, is the guest . J. W. Dixon, St. Stella, Mrs. Lin (with her parents - jlonger. | Mr. and Mrs. John: Weir, Univer. {sity avenue, have retufned from Ot- tawa, where they were visiting their children, Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Irwin, 4 some time after spending 8 with Mrs, George Han- Tonto today, to visit | » | Mrs, C. O. Carson, Morrisburg | Du-Maurier Face | Th send ek The Housekeeper's Rest Period. { Arwringem. There are tow housekeepers indeed ness snlatund Who cannot manage to snatch at least pe " |15 minutes a day for rest--no mat. { ter how mary tasks are crowding to be done. The best time for this rest period to come, is after the noon meal. For, in the early afternoon callers are not SC apt to appear, and the housekeep- or feels safe in slipping off her shoes for a moment, putting on her bed- room slippers, and lying down on bed or davenport to rest her tired muscles. , 4 And how reviving just those few minutes of relaxation are! They break the tension of housework for | Prince Albert apartments, Tormey |ihe home woman, just as the "noon [street, and J. W. Weir, Arlington | hour" breaks the strain of office work lavenue. for the business woman. But the progressive housekeeper 8, In this period, not only a chance restore tired muscles and sooth t nerves, but also a chance for advancement, Mrs. A, for instance, studies a vOi- ume on Interior Decoration which she has brought from the Public Lib- Miss Edith Graves, rary. She has long wanted to im- jrave for the west today, to visit the [prove the appearance of her house, |former's son, W. G. Graves, North and these fow moments of rest, each {day, offer her the opportunity to pur- sue this study, Mrs. B, on the other hand, can- | not combine rest and study. She has Spent several days this week at Am- too nervous a disposition to apply [herst Island with their sister, Mrs. | her mind and rest at the same time. Duncan Macdonald. Mrs. Carson |kyut she finds that she can lose her- returned to Morrisburg on Friday. |gelt in one of those long, gripping Mrs. R. T. Brymner, West street, | novels by De Morgan which "'every- le visiting her mother, Mrs. G. M. {body else has read" and which she | Stewart, Belleville. knows that she, too, should have | . read. Here is her chance to "catch Mrs. John Hayward, who with | up" in her reading: her little daughter, has been visiting | Mrs. C., perhaps, is given to worry- her sister, Mrs. Ww. Ennis Kidd, ing. Even in her rest period she finds Wellington street, left for Brock- herself, with eyes on ceiling, brood- ville on Friday, to spend the suwm- THE HOME KITCHEN mer at her cottage at Fernbank. By Jeannette Young Norton Mrs. C. Day Clark, Toronto, who has been visiting Mrs. Keech, Fron- Author of "Mrs. Norton's Coox Book." tenac street, has left for Brockville, where she will spend the remainder of the summer. FOUR TEMPTING WAYS TO SERVE MUSHROOMS . . Prof. Jolliffe, Frontenac street, Mushrooms are being more wide- ly used om the American table each * . Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mack street, and Master Billie, have gone to To- tq jronto to spend a few weeks with | tay | Prof. Wilgar and will then go on to | Orillia to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harold | Drinkwater, f M. D. Graves | Miss Maud and and his daughters, | Battleford, Sask. and Miss Christie, Brock street, tawa, are visiting with Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Mundell, Barrie streel. Mrs. Willlam Dwyer, Hartford, Conn., and her two children, "Billy" and Frances, will spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, Portsmouth. Dr and Mrs. Cornett, Pasadena, California, are with Mr. and Mrs. C. Livingston, 162 Barrie street. Miss Jean Duff, Princess street, returned from a visit to Mrs. W. 8. Herrington, Napanee, at her summer home at Prinyer's Cove to-day. Miss Frost, Winnipeg, is with her sister, Mrs. R, O. Jolliffe, Frontenac street. * . . Mrs. Hurd, Toronto {s ston to visit Dr. Bel] atives. Mrs. and Miss Anna McVeety, Kingston, are visiting in Perth. Miss Catharine McLean, Picton, is épending the holtdays in Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Howell. Miss Margaret Christie, Belleville, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Kingston. Miss Irma Clarke, Wanpoos, ig in Kingston to visit at her aunt's, Mrs. Bart Shephard's. Marjorie Bell, spend two weeks' aunt, Mrs. Fred Addis, East in King- and other rel- Kingston, will vacation with her Camden Miss Leta Hoffle, nurse-in-trainiag at Kingston hospital, and Miss Mur- fel Haflle, nurse-iy-tralning in Brook- lyn, N.Y. are at Prescott for their holidays, Miss Beatrice Young, R.N,, Otta- wa, called to Kingston, owing to the death of her mother, expects to re- turn to Ottawa shortly. Bir John and Lady Hendris are leaving Hamilton on Tuesday, July 18, for their houseboat at French River. Lawrence motored to Havelock today to bring his son Fred home from the Y.M. C.A. camp where he has spent some weeks. tre street, and their family, returned from Bob's Lake today. 2 0. year, and it behooves every home Letters to hand intimate that cook to learn all she can about their Prof. M. B. Baker and Mrs. Baker selection and preparation. are now on the Continent and are Dried mushrooms are cheaper also go over the battlefields. being washed carefully they do well Professor Wallace King and fam- for sauces and soups. Several var- lly, New York, are summering at letles of canned mushrooms are to Wolfe slland. Prof. King is a son be had, some in oil, some in salt of the late Major W. B. King, of this brine, and some in tomato sauce. city. | They are mostly imported, anc Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Ot- rooms, which have a longer stem, a more drooping flap and a little dit- ferent flavor from the varieties we are more familiar with. The 80- called "button size" is generally used in made dishes, while the flaps ing whole, stuffing or boking under glass bells. Larges pd mushrooms in ofl from Franog#Te once more ob- tainable in oup hops. Dried mush- rooms may be had in both Chinese and Italian specialty shops. Wash and soak one cupful of dried mushrooms. Put the mushrooms in- to a kettle with a pint of the water they were soaked in," strained through a bit of fine muslin, Add a large grated onion, a crushed bud of chopped celery leaves and a pint of rich chicken broth. Simmer gently until the mushrooms are done, sea- son with pepper, salt, a saltspoonful of curry powder and dessertspooon- ful of sugar. Stir in a pint of light a little butter rubbed with brown flour. Turn a little of the hot soup into the paste, mak lumps aré smooth, then add it to the soup and boil gently, ---- Broiled Remove the stems of the mush- rooms, peel the flaps, dip in melted butter and place on a greased grid- iron or buttered broiler. Broil on both sides. Have ready toast rounds lightly spread with anchovy paste. and pour over them the following sauce: Slice the m stems thinly and put them into a little butter, the juice of an onion and seasoning, to saute. add a quarter-cuptul Prof. and Mrs. W. C. Baker, Cen- enjoying a visit in Paris. Thy will than the fresh, and if soaked after among them are the Japanese mush- in oil are good in ord and for fry- Mushroom Soup. garlic, a quarter-cupful of finely- Cream or rich milk. Make & paste of M Lay the mushrooms on the roands: turn {nto the beaten is visitieg RL ow can rT Co., 4612 Mich. * You dieting, the man of great faith, on whom we ge- pend in supreme ¢rises, when others are driven to the Wall.--Exchange. ing over her troubles. No book, no matter how exciting, can hold her in- terest. So, for her occupation with the hands is best. Propped up on her living 'room davenport, she sews Or crochets and finds this peaceful motion of her fingers soothing. What do you do tn your rest per- lod? If you have abundant health and do not need to sleep in it, do you use it for getting ahead in life? Fii- teen minutes a day, properly applied to some study, will result in that future happiness which a richly- furnished mind alone can bring. Reader Friends, I have heard wo- men say: "Oh, ambition is for the young. My ambitious days are over." But this is not true! Ambition is for every ome of us. I know of a narried woman of 40 who two years ago set out to learn to play her piano ---and she did it. Today she is able to sit down a few minutes before supper, in the gloaming, while she lis waiting for her husband to" come home from business, and enjoy her- self playing some sweet melody. Was her ambition foolish and not worth encouraging? Let us plan well for the spending of those few minutes which we are able to snatch deily from our round of housework! For, they may, in future years, make all the difference to us between happiness and drab existence, -- All inquirfes addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Efficient Housekeeping" department will be answered in these columns in thei turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great aumber received. So #f a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question--The wditor. tree a dinner or may be used for a luucheon dish. @ sure that the|ed Ialian Mushrooms. Boll a cupful of rice after washing as usual, add a little saffron to color fie yellow, season, steam off and place on a hot dish that has been ruopcd | with a cut bud ¢f garlic. Hava rea- |dy a half-pound of mushrooms that have been prepared and sautad in [butser Add to the mushrooms the Juice of an oniun, salt and pepper, a half-cupful of hot tomato paste and a tablespoonful of bacon fat. Pour this mixture over the rice and dust with a little grated Parmesan cheers. If desired, the dish mays be put into the oven for two or taree m.Lutes to melt the cheese, though many people prefer it in the unclok- a rtate. -- Japanese Mushroom Fritters Make a god fritter batter as us- ual and have the fat hot for fry.agz. Take as mary medium-sized flaps as are needed to allow one to a fri. dip them into a little seas)ned, melted bu-ter then into the bai: and drop taem in the hot fat. Seve in a napkin with lemon quarie s, and garnish with «ess. To-morrow's HOROSCOPE By Genevieve Kem ble SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 16-17. Sundays astrological chart accen- tuates along all higher lines of metaphysi- cal and mystical learning. In more sordid ways there is little to be ex- pected. Do not risk money or specu- late is the advice of the stellar seers. Those whose birthday it is may look for an active year. They should safeguard their money in every way. A child born on this day may be generous to excess unless well train- Monday's horoscope is not very promising, especially for those in the employment of others. They should not jeopardize their positions through rash or quarrelsome con- duct. All ill-temper and ill-govern- od speech should be suppressed. Those whose birthday it is are urged not to put their best interests in jeopardy by rash, hasty and iil considered movement or bad temper. A child Born on this day may be un. fortunate and often in troubls un- less early in life it be taught the im- portance of self-control in Speech and conduct. Play the same wi Vertisements amd you. th classified ad- the odds are with ---- Distinction Few Would Covet. The distinction of being the only women to be married in church probably belongs , she would wed, and to of flying sparks clouds of smoke the marriage cere- mony wag performed. - " To Lake Ontario Park | OTTAWA LADIES COLLEGE the spiritual "and mental ac-| tivities, and incites to investigation | ley-Cold ROMAN MEAL JELL-E A Delicious Breakfast ISSOLVE 2 heaping tablespoons Jelly Pow- der--desired i cups boiling salt Stir in 1 rounded ¢ Meal. Cook 10 minutes in single boiler. Stir 'well and set in cool place over night. cold with milk or cream and sugar, honey, preserved or fresh fruits. Keeps you fit, "Cools the blood," AT That the good work of the King- ston Red Cross Society is so weil known, that when the officers called for cars to take the men of Sydenham Hospital for an outing on Wednes- day, there were more offered than they could fi). Arrangements are made every week for the men to get a glimpse of the country, and the Red Cross officers who make the arrange- Tents through Miss I. Ross, will be glad of the offer of cars. That all thi perhaps, when she up Roman -- clears 'the skin. ngs are possible except, for a girl to look intelligent is chewing gum. That "Mother" Saunders, as the soldier patients at Sydenham Hospi- tal call her, is the boys' best friend. London paper reports that Princess Mary is eager to register her colors as a racehorse owner, but Postponed any action in the matter until the return of the Prince of | Wales, in the expectation that her brother would also commense the ownership of thoroughbreds. That a PRESERVE CHERRIES NOW The black and white and Early Richmond varieties are over. The Montmorency, the finest and the last of the sour preserving kinds, is now at its best. The mark of the Niagara Peninsula Growers, Limited, Grimsby, Ontario, on the container means care. fully packed and graded fruit. ROUBLED WITH EGZEMA 2 YEARS On Face and Arms, Lost Sleep. Cuticara Heals my face and arms in pimples and itched and burned so badly that I That a large 'photograph of her- self has been sent th the Ottawa Wo- men's club by Lady Astor, who in May. visited Ottawa and spoke under }- the auepices of the club. This photo. graph is autographed and bears the nressage to the club of "With deep- est gratitude, Nancy Astor." That the party of exc went to Prin boat on Thu able outing. ursionists who yer's Cove in a motor rsday, hed a most enjoy- will be able to rvest their bum- That the farmers get lots of help to ha rer crop. That the 1 in Calgary ocal Council of W are omen strong champions of The girls are may forget to 80 amazed that 'hey gO to the barber. Ps in plain colors with wool coats are being ts across the bor- One very smart model hae slip of pleated crepe de chine in white, with the long coat of wool of the fin- es! thread made with open stitches and in long 'bodice with full skirt gathered in at the hips, That matalasee, a bl ing material which in our cedar chest mother's wardrobe, fashionable materia, The silk sli |long knitted house. *'I began using Cuticura Ointment and immed relief, istered look- some of us have 8, left from our is going to be the 1 this autumn. nd St, San Calif., April 18, 1921. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum exclusively fur every-day toilet purpeses. Sasuple Back Pree by Mag $04, 364 8%. Pant . Ww, --. ovory. Seap Be. Ointment 0c. Taloow He. without -- Address That fifty Indtan warriors from rr Georgina Island, Lake 8imeoe, in ful] war costume, will take part in Elks Pageant at the end of the week in Montreal. > -- 2% sed h shaves mug, ~~ College Heights Toronto A Chur Restdentia! and Bay Schon! for Girin d ever Fifty Yean. All ts from K t0 University Matricaition Principal : Mise W, leh. MLA., Dublin, Tescher)s Certificate, Univ. of Comba., Eng. ¥ School re-opens Sept. 14th, Boarders returning Sept. 13th, New Boarders pt. 12th. FOR CALENDAR APPLY TO Ther mmann That the Kingston street railway service protected the plenickers at on Wednesday to the best of their ability. That the modern girl's demand for luxuries which her mother only had when the father of the family had i€ sald Ew That a number of Kingston people motored to Prinyer's Cove for the re- gatta and report a splendid time. RESIDENTIAL ) AND DAY SCHOO FOR GIRLS. MATRICULATION COURS MUSIC, ART, HOUSEHO GAMES, GYMAASTIO AND RIDING: LD SCIBNCE, For particulars apply to the Principal. LJ. New Fireproot Building, GALLAHER, Ottawa Ladies' College, Re-opens September 13¢ OTTAWA. NE et A hh. ---------- ee Give Your Sons and Daughters the adva of ed ata ate high acetion Albert College, Belleville Ont. Founded 64 years ago; is a residential school for y men and ShaTation for Univer- sity, Ministry, Teachi or iness cial courses in Mu; Express Physical Cul sports encouraged. did sion, Physi ~bea L L Founded 1870.. ~ [ % Ke' ilk, use sweet milk, sour m or water with "You can buttermilk FRESH BLUEBERRY PIES CHOICE. CAKES, always fresh. Try them!

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