SATURDAY, JOLY 18, 1022. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Markets Reports feed, GRAIN QUOTATIONS. 60c; -- Toronto. |4 C.W., 83c; rejected, b9¢c; track, 65c. |. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., Toronto, July 14.--Manitoba{No. 2 C.W., $2.36 3-4; Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.40; No. $2.21 3-4; rejected, 2 Manitoba, $1.38; No. 3 northern, track, $2.39 3-4. $1.25 1-2, |" Rye--No. 2 C.W., 83 1-2¢. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W. B57] - 1-4¢; No. 3 C.W., 54 1-4¢; extra No. | 1, 54 1-4¢; No. 1 feed 52 1-4c. i American corn--No. 2 yellow, 80 /to 40 cents lower; 1-2¢; No, 3, 79 1-2c, on track, nom- $7.60 to $7.75; shipments, 59,065 inal. | bbls. Bran, $14.50 to $16. Wheat Rye--No. 2, 95¢, nominal. {--Cash No. 1 Northern, $1.32 5-8 to Buckwheat--No. 2, $1, nominal. [$1.37 5-8; July, $11.35; Sept., $1.18 Ontario wheat--Car lots, No. 16-8; Dec., $1.17 6-8. Corn--No. 3 commercial, nominal, delivered, bid. yellow, 56 to 57c. Oats--No. 3 Quotations purely nominal, {white; 32 1-4 to 33 1-4c, Flax-- Ontario barley--No. 3, test 47 Ibs, No. 1, $2.63 to $2.68. 60c to 66¢c, nominal. { Millfeed--Bran, $28 to $30 per | Chicago. ton; shorts, $30 to $32 per ton; feed| Chicago, July 14.--Wheat--No. 2 flour, per bag, $1.70 to $1.80. |red, $1.14 to $1.14 3-4; No. 2 hard, Hay--Baled, No. 2 track, Toron-| $1.15 to $1.15 3-4. Corn -- No. 2 to, $22 to $25 per ton; No. 3, $20 | mixed, 62 3-4c to 63 1-4c; No. 2 yel- to $21, mixed, $18 to $19; straw, (low, 63c to 63 1-2¢. Oats--No. 2 car lots, $12 to $13; loose hay, per|Wwhite, 36¢c to 40 1-2¢] No. 3 white, ton, No. 1, $26 to $27; clover, $14|34 1-2¢c to 37c. Rye--No. 3, 83 1-2¢. to $18. Barley, 63c to 68c. Timothy seed, $4 to $5. Clcver seed, $10 to $13. Montreal. Pork--Nominal. Lard, $10.62. Ribs, Montreal, July 14.--Oats, Cana-;$10.50 to $11.25. dian Western, No. 2, 64c; do., No. 3, 62c. Flour. Man. Spring wheat pa- tents, firsts, $7.80. Rolled oats, bag 90 1bs., $3.30. Bran, $25.25. Shorts, $27.25. Hay, No. 2, pe: ton, car lots, $25 to $26. $2.41 1-4; No. 3 C.W., $2.21 3-4; Minneapolis. Minneapolis, July 14.--Flour 15 family patents, LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. Toronto, July 14.--QGood heavy |steers, $8.25 to $8.75; butcher steers | choice, $8 to $8.50; do, good, $7 to Windipeg, July 14. Wheat. | 15. 10. Hodium, $6.50 to §1; do. Lang, 81.34; No. rip tu [heifers, choice, $7.50 to $8.25; do., PTE 3105 Sel Nar (medium, $7 to $7.50; do., common, 35 24s: No ' 0 340: food "84,38 to $7; butchar cows, choice, $5 te: PB '$1.32 28 ' ' to $6.50; do., medium, $3.50 to $4.- Outs om tow 51 1-2: No. 3 50; canners and cutters, $1 to $2; CW 8 L2e: ates No 1 126d 48 butcher bulls, good, $4.50 to $5.76; bi No. 1 food 46 rey No. 2 1 od do., common, $3 to $4; feeders, good lived ae ao Teed134.50 to 37; do., fair, §6 to $6.50; 3; rejected, 42 1-2c; track, 51 stockers, good, $5.50 to $6; do., fair - {$4.50 to $5.50; milkers and s ring- Barley--No. 3 C.W., 65 1-8¢; No. [ers cholce, $70 to $00; calves, rid $8 to $9; do., medium, $6 to $8; do., common, $38 to $6; lambs, yearlings, $7 to $9; spring lambs, $13 to $14.- | 25; sheep, choice, $4 to $6.50; bogs, fed and watered, $14.75; do., [oft cars, $15; do., f.o.b., $14; do., to | | Winnipeg. Wasapika West Tree Moneta The mining market is aotive and spectacular moves are look- ed for, particularly in the above {procks. It is said the mining market is fairly bare of stocks, We would advise the purchase of jhess shares. We glve quick and efficient ser- vice in all markets. We buy mining stocks for cash or on a sufficient margin. the farmer, $13.75. i Montreal, | Montreal, July 14. | steers Cattle--Good of light weights brought around $8. Northwest steers were generally 700 and under, and light thin steers were slod as low as $5: $56.76 was the top for 800d cows with" few exceptions and common grades brought around $4. Cutters were from $1.50 to $2.50. There was a small percentage of bulls fn the of- fering, and the bulk of these held jirom $3 to $4. Calves--Medium qua- Telephone 821. {lity drinkers, $4 to $4.50; bulk lights fit for store trade selling at about the same figure. Roughs and Sows mixed $11.50 and smooth hea ies from $12.50 up. o -- Chicago. she stoek, $5.35 to $7.60; bulk bulls, $9.50. Hogs -- Top, $10.90; bulk 'good butchers, $10.35 to $10.85; packers wfbstly $8.50 to $9; pigs about stea- dy at $9.25 to $10; holdovers liberal. Sheep--Top native lambs, $13.50: westerns, $13.75; fat ewe mostiy $5.50 to $7; choice light feeder lambs, $12.75. Buffalo. East Buffalo, July 14.--Cattle-- Shipping steers, $8.75 to $10.50; butchers, $8.25 to $9; yearlings, $9.- 25 to $10.25; heifers, $7.50 to $3.- 50;cows, $2.50 to $6.50; bulls, $3.- 50 to $5.50; stockers and feeders, $5.50 to $6.50; fresh cows and springers, $35 to $116. ¢ Calves--$1 higher, $5 to $12.50. Hogs--Heavy, $11.25 to $11.50; mixed $11.50 to $11.75 yorkers light {yorkers and pigs, $11.75 to $12: roughs, $9; stags, $5 to $6. Sheep and lambs--Lambs, $6 to $14.50; yearlings, $5 to $11; we- thers, $7.50 to $7.75; ewes, $2 to $7; mixed sheep, § 7to $7.25. ---- GENERAL TRADE. Butter. Belleville, 37 to 38c; Brantford, 30 to 40c; Cobourg, 38 to 40¢; Ham- fiton, 40c; Kingston, 30 to 40¢; Lon- don, 32 to 46¢; Peterboro, 35 to 38c; St. Thomas, 37 to 40c; Woodstock, 36 to 40c. Eggs. Belleville, 27 to 28c; Brantford, 35 to 38¢; Cobourg, 27 to 30¢; Ham- flton, 40c; Kingston, 30c; London, 27 to 32¢c; Peterboro, 30 to 32¢; St. Thomas, 28 to 30c; Woodstock, 28 to 35¢. Spring Chicken. Belleville, 33 to 33¢; Brantford, 28 to 35c; Cobourg, 40c¢; Hamilton, 80c¢; Kingston, 86¢; London, 27 to 35¢; Peterboro, 30 to 40¢; St. Thom- as, 30 to 35¢c; Woodstock, 35 to 40c. Potatoes, Bag. Belleville, $2.50; Brantford, $1.- 70; Cobourg, 75c to $1 a peck; Ham- Select Laxative Medicine With Great Care In debility and weakness, medicine should be mild and far reaching. Many pills and purgatives are too hard, are drastic instead of curative. Excessive action is always followed by depression, and knowing this Dr. Hamilton devised his pills of Man- drake and Butternut so as to mildly increase liver and kidney activity, so around $4; sucker calves around $3; with a couple of small lots of good | heavy ones at $7; grass calves, $3. {Good lambs, and a few choice ones | reached a top of $10.50. Other good | lots brought from $9 to $10. Sheep were scarce and brought from $2 for A. McKINNON & CO Cor. Brock & King 's as to flush out the system by toning and regulating the bowels. Thus do Dr. Hamilton's Pills eliminate poisons from the body, thus do they restore clearness to the skin, thus do they renew health and strength. To keep your system in healthy, good working order, regulaté it with Dr. Hamil- culls to $4 and $5 for tops. Hogs--S8elects, $15.75 to $16: BE) a 0) La a ra oe Pm O27 Participating or Non-Participating a U7] tn OP a (ia HE following diagram shows diminishing premiums Mutual annual dividends, irregular line showing how annual dividends have year by year, until in 1922 the assured paid only $2.92. of which we have any knowledge. 1902 1907 JUNE IBN Fa dK Had the man taken he would have paid to date............ Hi: tak rtici icy with annual rt or tp ticlyating policy Saved by taking a participating policy. This policy is not an exception--it is such rests over period of fy year Sn ao to-day and of the past. Send for our leaflet Insurance at THE MUTUAL of Canada: Waterloo RNS NN) a a Ce Ce NT e Which and represents the actual ex policy No. 1270, now in force in the Mutual Life of reduced the premium The straight line represents the lowest non-participating rate in 1872 : sanourtcating soll, $976,635 523.3 53.31 A Sotugeny be trusted with the business of fature is the record Ontario ton's Pills. 26c., all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Montreal. A CGA NEA SLC 27 Ce COP 7] ep OP a D) ? of a policy under rience of nada, the PA | | 0) a NN) a PT | that can show NS ZI CET 7 SIC Ta indisputable LIFE Chicago, July 14.--Bulk butcher | $5 to $5.25; bulk veal calves, $9 to | '| prescribed benches or ardund the $1.50 to $1.60; Peterboro, 75c a peck; St. Thomas, $2 to $2.25; Baled Hay, No. 1. Belleville, $15; Cobourg, Hamilton, §18 to $20; Kingston, $26 to $27; Peterboro, $25 to $30;. St.! Thomas, $20 to $22; | : Barley. | Belleville, 65c; Brantford, 65c; | { Cobourg, 70c; Hamilton, 65 to 75¢; | Kingston, 75¢; London, 67 to Tie; | | Peterboro, 60 to 70¢; St. Thomas, | {75 to 85¢c; Woodstock, 65e¢. } | Wheat, Bushel. { Belleville, $1.15 to $1.20; Brant-| {ford, $1.15; Cobourg, $1.10 to $1.15; | | Hamilton, $1.35; Kingston, $1.15 to| 181.25; London, $1.35 to $1.40; Pet- lerboro, $1 to $1.25; St. Thomas, $1.30; Woodstock, $1.25. Oats. Belleville, 65¢; Brantford, 53c¢; Cobourg, 50 to 60c; Hamilton, 50 to | Bbc; Kingston, 55¢; London, 51 to 65¢; Peterboro, 60c¢; St. Thomas, 65 to 75¢; Woodstock, 55¢. . KINGSTON RETAIL MARKET PRICES Kingston, July 15th | Bananas, doz. ..... Grape fruit .. .. | Lemons, dozen . "ee . Oranges, 408. ....... «+ 30 to hl Dalry Proqucts. Creamery butter, 1b. Dairy butter Farmers' rolls Whey butter Eggs, fresh, dozen .. Oleomargarine Cheese flton, $3; Kingston, $1.25; Lontos i Woodstock, 65 to 85¢ a peck. | $25; | Vegetables. Beets, 2 bunches Cabbage, for 3 Ibs. Lettuce, for 3 Carrots, 2 bunches ... Potatoes, bag Potatoes, new, bus Sweet potatoes, 2 Ibs, .. Onions, 1b, .. Celery, for 2 Barley sarees .75 Bran, ton .. 2 eewe $26 to $2 Shorts . . +o. $28 to $30 Buckwheat, . 30 Hay, baled, ton, $26 to $27 Hay, loose ,ton .... Independence is not an indefinite something which just comes. Itis a success quality which very very few--in fact only four men out of every hundred at 65, have attained. A Manufacturers Life policy is not only a stepping stone to inde- pendence ; it is the very foundation upon which it can be built. System- 'atically setting aside a part of your income year by year will bring you well-earned independence in later life. Should l you not live to old age your life insurance will create a fund that will help to maintain your dependents. Build NOW for independence. Send for information regarding our Double Maturity Endowment Policy. "Branch Office, 58 Brock St. Kingston, Ont, M. G. JOHNSTON, Branch Manager, u a Without obligation kindly forward me literature and information which will help me in my aim for attaining independence later on in life. [am worries. years old, and would like to set aside yearly, at p FARM, ON | MATURITY OF ENDOW. MENT POLICY. STARTED EARLY IN LIFE TO SAVE, 4" f ¥ LAE 3 y I Name Address. Children's HAIR CUTTING One of our specialties! Our Motto: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to Hve up to it in every way, Frank Robb's BARBER PARLOR 183 WELLINGTON STREET (Next to Bank of Neva Scotia) Hct Summer Evenings are most enjoyably spent when out for a paddle on the water. CANOES and BOATS for hire. Quick and efficient service. A. C. KNAPP LA SALLE CAUSEWAY PHONE 767 Corn; yellow, feed, bush corn, car lots Flour, standard (Gov't) cwt. $4.00 to $4.50 Oats, local... o.% LiLo 66 Oats, western .......... 55 to .60 Straw, baled, 'on . $16 to $13 Straw, loose, ton $14 Wheat, local Finnan haddle, 1b. Haddoch, fresh, Ib. .. Halibut, Ib. Kippers, pair Perch, 1b Pike, 1b. Salmon, 1b. ...... ... ... Steak, cod, Ib. ......... 12% to 18 Trout, salmon, Ib. ........ 18 to 20 White fish Beef: Porterhouse steak, 1b, .. .. Round steak, 1b; Boiling ' cuts, 1b 30 to .32 Western hinds, cwt .. Local Pork: Loin roasts, Ib Rib roasts, 1b, .. Pork chops, 1b Hogs, live weights, cwt. Hogs, dressed, cwt ... Bacon, breakfast Spring lamb: Carcase, dressed .. $8.00 t5 $10.00 Froats, Ib, q ter .. 25 Hinds, 1b, quarter 30 Leg, Ib. ... 26 ome lb .. or .v ov cone n Copa, Ib-........... 30 Mutton, Ib. .... 18 Veal, 1b cesus ..10 Sausage meat Id, ........ 30 -- Hides anda Wool, Wool, unwashed, ...,.... Wool washed Wool, rejects Deacon skins, each Lamb and sheep skins, up to Horse hides . Tallow, rendered Ginseng ....... Beeswax, clear Lunchers Now Must Not Litter Church Yards New York, July 14.--No longer do throngs of stenographers and bookkeepers perch upon the tomb- stones marking the historic graves of St. Paul's and Trinity church- yards and drop the ruin of ham sandwiches on the long-gone Knick- erbocker fathers. The graveyards, the only open apaces located in the midst of the city's financial district, are always filled by noonday crowds, but now with sextons on watch, all sit in the 12 sesesevvennss L132 12 to 14 teveenesen.... 18 esse... .at value ve +35 .$2.00 «esses Bc per Ib cess «+39 per Ib. .. 30¢ per In| base of the churches. When lunch- eon hour nears its endl the dinners 21 fresco, neatly fold thelr lunch wrappings and place them i bish cans set for the purpose. e city's founders rest in peace. old days of hilarity are over and the at a en Ue a GET IT REPAIRED Sewing 'Machines, Phonographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Paris supplied, Sang fled, knives, scissors und edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted (0 Si sands of locks. Au makes of Luwa mowers saurpeucd and re~ paired. We can repair anything that i» repairable, J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2036J. After That Evening Motor Drive Drop in at the ROYAL CAFE and enjoy one of our light lunches. You will find here at all times, courteous service, and you may enjoy pleasant surroundings, which are always cool during the summer months. ROYAL CAFE 157 Princess St. Smell that! See how moist and tough it is! That's what I call real chewing and no mistake about it! 25 cts.--the new low price for TWO plugs! Some buy! The finest in quality and value!