WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1929. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC. -- AMUSEMENTS 'hat the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions SPORTING NEWS Fa -- LAREVENS WIN THO TUESDAY AFTERNOON mb Further In League-- Tamworth Won--Verona Defaulted. | | FORD AND HARLAN BOTH IN "THE PRIMITIVE LOVER" Betting a thief to catch a thief is the old adage that Edgar Selwyn Has put to work in an unusual manner in [oli the writing of 'The Primitive | Lover," his original story for Con- | stance Talmadge. The plot, which is | developed along comedy lines, in- | volves a keen-witted novelist yehe | spreads rumors of his death under tory over Wolfe Island on Saturday segeational circumstances 10 enhABCe [100 1 gown the Parham team of the sale of his latest book. Taking |, rontenac and Lennox and Ad- advantage of his supposed demise his | 411010 Basanal League in two rival for the hand of Phyllis Tomley, |g, played at Parham yesterday presses his suit and wins her hand |,.4 nu. thoved themselves even far. in marriage. | ther up in the league standing. Had As the glamor of married lite {It not been for the throwing out of wears off the supposedly dead suitor |i, of hair games earlier in the returns and mutual explanations are |... they would now be leading in order. It is of such unusual m&- {the Frontenac group by a big major- terial that Director Sydney Franklin |. has welded Constance Talmadge's Scrimmager, the sturdy little hurl- latest starring picture, "The Primi-1_. _, has been making a name for tive Lover," a First National attrac- (i000 'itn tne Lakeviews this tion which will be the feature at the year, went right through both games Allen Theatre tomorrow, Friday end [°° turning a hair, a perform- Saturday. As the two former rivals |, 0, is soldom equalled nowa- clash under different cireamstanees | ,, He was hitting along as well their feud is renewed. One pressee {at the end of the second game as he his suit In the approved style of mod- |}, the first and held them ern conventions while the other, 2 | throughout making the second a man of forceful, dominating person-|., . °. ality, demonstrates the caveman | "oo. game resulted 10-7 for method of love making. {the Lakeviews, and the second 5-0, ° Miss Talmadge is 'surrounded by |, in their favor. Both were good one of the best casts she has ever | contests and reports from Parham so had for her screen productions. Har- jo, 0 0. 000 that they were well sat- rison Ford, who played leading man |, qo 0000) 0 exhibitions put up. in "Smilin' Through," and Kenneth In the first game Parham secured Herlan have the dual leading male fourteen hits and Lakeviews thir- roles. teen. In the second game Lakeviews secured only four hits, while tha home team scratched out five. The umpire, Art. Twigg, was pret- ty well used up at the end of the second game, not by the players, but by the tiresome job of standing mak- ing decisions for two straight games. The teams: Lakeviews--Briceland, c¢; Scrim- mager, p; Purvis, 1b; Bird, 2b: Compeau, ss; Rice, 3b; Blomely, rf. Watts, cf; McCullough, If. Parham---Howes, ¢; Barr, p and Lakeviews, fresh from their vie- ! IN MARINE CIRCLES | e steamer Kenora arrived up| Wong Montreal last night and cleared for the head of the lakes with , Treleh steamer Brantford was floated from the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's drydock this morning, and brought to Sowards' whart. ss; G. Lee, ss and p; Miller, 1b; The steamer Easton arrived down | gn yen, 2b; Vandewater, 3b; H. Clow. this morning from Toronto With jp. yo' yp 0 cf; Butterill, rf. freight for Montreal. Umpire--A. Twigg. The steamer Toronto arrived down | this morning from Toronto and Ro- Tamworth Wins Out. chester to Prescott. Tamworth further entrenchad The steamer Maplehurst passed up (themselves as leaders of the Lennox yesterday from Montreal to the head | ang Addington group of the county of the lakes, league when they deefated Odessa yesterday afternoon by the score o* American Issues Challenge, 9-4. These two teams have been In New York, July 12.-----An American | the two top places in the league and sportsman, who declared he was un- | the result of the game has been willing to iet an English challenge [awaited with interest by many fans stand unanswered, has taken up the and followers of the doings in the gauntlet cast down by the Duke of|league. The game has put Tam- Leinster to "race across the Atlantic | worth two games up with Odessa #ingle-handed in a ketch," and has [threatening to catch up at any tims. forwarded his reply to England. If the Duke accepts, he proposes to de- sign and. build a suitable boat for a start early in 1923. William Wash- bufn Nutting F.R.G.S., managing Sydenham's By Default. Sydenham jumped to the top of the Frontenac group of the County T.ezgue yesterday as the result of a editor of Motorboat, at 230 West [dé"aulted game coming to them trom Thirty-ninth street, and author of Verona. The Verona Club has aut "The Track of the Typhoon," which | been enjoying much of its former describes a trip across the Atlantic |Elory this. year and arrangements . Id not be made to play oft this and back in 1020 in a 46-foot ketea, | COU ig the challenger. He stdtes that he |83me which had been postponed a 1s prepared to meet almost apy cva- couple of times. Wolfe Island's loss t o- | 18st Saturday and this free win to Sons the Duke may care to pr Sydenham places the classic town FUSE PLUGS IN FACTORY wav seams. | WERE TAMPERED WITH ir What Inspector Found in Re= pi gard to King Street Fire RET on Sunday. & { HOW THEY STAND. Frontenac Group. Ww. Sydenham 7 Wolfe Island xLakeviews 383 The fuse plugs in the battery fao- tory located in thé King stroet buila- ing destroyed by fire on Sunday morning were tampered with, ac- cording to the investigation carried out by E. Jordan, deputy fire mar- shal of Ontario, who is in the city with G. F. Baker, looking into the two big recent fires. These fuse plugs are of ten am- peres, and are made so as a safe'y device to prevent a heavier current running over 'he system. Some per- SOR conceived the idea of replacing the lead wires in the fuses with cop- per wire, with the objeét of preven:- ing blow-outs and at the same time permitting a stronger current to pass through. "This is a very dangerous thing to do," sald Mr. Jordan, and the public ought to be warned against tamper ing with thess fuse plugs which are made tor the purpose of preventing anything going wrong. I cannot say | that this was the cause of the fire, but the current was turned on for the purpose of charging new bat- | tetics and had been going for many hours with no person in charge." Mr. Jordan is making his report to the goverhimént and would not Wake any statement for piblicatish respecting the origin of the fife. Me Pointed out, ho ever, for the bensiit of the publie the danger of tampsr- ing with fusé plugs which prevent an eXcess of current passing over a sys- 718 .89¢ 538 500 .000 Tamworth Odessa Yarker Adolphustown Enterprise Bowling Games. The bowlers were interrupted in their games at the bowling green last evening by the rain storm. The representatives to the Cobourg tournament left this morning. The following rinks went from Kingston: Queen's--J. A. Newman, W. NM. Campbell, J. E. Singleton, H. Ww. Newman, skip. Rockwood--Dr. C. Ryan, Dr. ©. Ryan, C. C. Hodgifts, R. 8. Gra- ham, skip. 4 The tournament wil last Wednesday. all day Games Arranged. At Vanity Stadium, Toronto, Among features booked are these: Oot. $8~Queen's ve. "Varsity (in- tercollegiate) . Nov, 11--British Rugby, McGill 'Varsity. Soccer, Queen's vs. Want Rugby Rugby football, as an obligatory subject on the high s¢hool and col- legiate institute curriculum, was ad- tem that might give way and cause vocated before the Brockville Rotary A fire. In this case, the substitution |Glub by L. B. Beattie, 108A] edica. of copper wire created a danger, and | tonist, who said that the sport com- all users of clectricity, he states, bined all the best elements of ath- should know that this very thing is|letics and developed mental as well contrary to the regulations of On. as physical properties. tario iro. The building was . newly wired and inspected last Jan. 'nary, pad it Was after the inspection! The ' that the y pis tournament, ladder series. There 888 were tampered with. Mr. Jordan is making a special ra. Port upon the splendid service of tha are fifty players in the ladies' series Kingston fire departnient at the and forty in the men's. The athletic Olarence street and King street | committee is composed of Miss M. fires. Cattanaeh, convenor, J. B. C. Run- ; ings, J. T. Smith and Miss Winnie ) Mug Martin, - tha se LR SS ------------ complaint is being made of rage system of the Mowat There is a tine for all things, ~~ ASEBAL SCORES International. Newark 8; Toronto 5. Syracuse 12, Baltimore SC. Jersey City 4, Buffalo 2. Rochester 9, Reading 4. Michigan-Ontario. Hamilton 7-5, Kitchener 3-6. London 11-3, Brantford §-7. - American. New York 2, St. Louis 1. Cleveland 2, Boston 0. Philadelphia 4-9, Detroit 2-8. Washington 3, Chicago 2. National. Cincinnati 6, Brooklyn 4. New York 4, Chicago 0. Boston 10, Pittsburg 4. F has arranged a ten- fexceilant St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 0. NOT TO BE ENCOURAGED. Toronto Globe's Opinion About The Chiriya II. In commenting on the Dalton's new boat Chiriya II. at Prinyer's Cove regatta, the Toronto Globe says: The Kingston boat, George Ow- ens' latest racing effort, looks about as ugly as they make them. She is short on the water, has no over- hang, a chopped off counter, sides, etc. On the other hand her | displacement is less than the others, | and she carries more sail. She has| two rudders, her gear is very Nght, her pole mast is very high, and in light weather and in proper condi- tion she will be very fast but her type never will produce the sound, safe boats such as in the "R" boats, Vivia, Swamba and Scrapper. The next few days will show, but the op- inion of those competent to Judge is that, no matter how fast she may Prove to be, hers is not the type to be encouraged on Lake Ontario. G.I. LABORERS STRIKE BECAUSE OF POOR Fo0D Mayor Corbett Demands That Railway Company Transport high SUMMER AT CLEARING PRICES WEARING APPARE w NN 0 Suitable Dan Frocks Regular $15.00 and $17 Prettily trimmed with ru 16, 18 and 20. rgandie, Swiss Dotted Muslins and Voiles 12.95 Newer summer shades: Mauve, Green, Orchid, Flesh, Orange and Blue, ce $ .50 ftles, lace and open work trimming. Misses' sizes only, Princess Slips Shadow Proof Princess dainty lace edges, with ribbon straps, $2.25 up Slips--full, straight lines with gathered hips, trimmed with hemstitching and Them to Sherbrooke. G.T.R. laborers went on strike Wednesday, and a party of fifteen walked into the city to lodge a pro- test against the treatment given to them. It is said that the trouble arose over the food supplied to them. They were engaged at Sherbrooke, Que., and brought to Ontario on the promise of twenty-five cents an hour, $4.50 to be deducted each weel for board. They were charged $6.25 for board and they were fed on boil- ed beans three times a day. There were twenty-five in all, and a deputation of ten waited on thé local employment agent and Mayor Corbett. . The mayor called up the divisional manager, Mr. McMillan, at Brockville, and told. him that these men were not to be left a charge upon the city of Kingston, and stated that if the company was not going to carry out iis agreement, it had to transport the men back to Sherbrooke. The railway gangs have been lodg- ed at the Kingston Junction at night, going out to their work on constfis- tion trains every morning. The took Is blamed for the trouble, for it is fot a matter of wages or work. The Fancy Check and Stripe effects, also plai Black, Ivory, Flesh and White, Baronette Satin Skirts n colors in Navy, Hand Made Fine FRENCH VOILE, hand embroidered and drawn, trim Blouses med with real filet laces. $5.95 IMI PHONE 1071 THE COOLEST SPOT. READER. OF THE WHC FOR SEVENT-ENE YEARS E. L. Hagerman, Who Lives Kingston Had the Lowest Tempera. tare, Tuesday. It may be some comfort for citl- zens to know that Kingston yestar- day had about the lowest tempera- ture recorded in central Canada. ON-METI TED 114 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1071 While Kingstonians kept cool as they could with the mercury at 82, Ot- tawa and Toronto sweliered at §3 and Montreal had an 86 degree heat wave. The western and eastsrn provinces were comparatively cool. ------------ > On every height there lies repose. Near Odessa Is 8till Quite mel knew the work was hard, and were prepared for it, but the dietary is the chief question. ' CATTLE WERE KILLED BY ELECTRICAL STORM Trees Uprooted and Poles Are Blown Down in Brockville District. Brockville, July 12.-- Trees broken and uprooted, power, telegraph and telephone lines and some buildings damaged resulted from the severe electrical storm which passed over this district last night. No deaths or injuries have so far been report- ed, although reports this morfing from the country told of buildings teen struck and cattle killed. No Serious Damage. Ottawa, July 12.--Extensivé in- quiries have failed to locate any seri- Ous damage in this district from the eledtrical storm which startled the City to the south last night. Reports of a man deing missed at Prescott are unconfirmed. Delorme Enters Beaufort Asylum Near Quebes Quebec, July 12.--Adelarde Da. lorme, pronouticed insane by a Mon. teal jury, will be interned in Besu- pott asylum, near Quebec, it was Annoudced dy ordér-in-couneil pass 6d by the provifieial cabinet at a meeting today. Hé will remain in the asylum until such time as thé lieutenant-governor is advised that he Is it to be tried. Prof. an Miss Muriel Graham, after a short viist to her home at Portsmouth Nas left for Ottawa to take a special course in the university there. The steamer Iroquols, recen! purchased by the Matthews rd will 'enter the Collingwood Ship- building Company's drydock this af: ternoon. 3 3 Active. | "The Whig has come into our {home tor seventy-five years." Such | was the remark which greeted a {Whig man, when he called recently |at the home of. E. L. Hagerman, who | resides oh the provincial highway, {four miles west of Odessa. | Mr. Hagerman, who is now &igh- ly yeats of age, first remembers the | Whig coming through the mails ad- dressed to Bis wife's uncle, the late John Asselstine. For over fifty yedrs Mr. Hagerman 'himself has been a subscriber and both he and Bis wife peak in the highest terms jof the paper and look forward to | the arrival of the mail man bringing it. "The Whig is the newsiest paper that comes into our home, and our home would not be home without it," stated Mr. Hagerman. "We in- tend to take it for the remainder of our lives." Mr. Hagerman remembers wien ke had to walk nine mjilés to the post office to get the paper and sreatly appreciates the advances of civilization, which brings a dally rural mail delivery. He has watchod With interdst the growth of the pa. per Irom a small shect to ils pres- ont slate. While nét able to do much heavy Nr nim, Some Very Old Trees. On the property of James Simp- son, Cataraqui, dre two very oid wai- nut trees which are the pride of the Owner and the vicinity. These trees have for years been a landmark of the farm and are said to be at least one hundred and thirty years old. NAA cnn endiary blaze. A ing oo am, work about the farm, he still takes a0 auove intdrest in farm Alairs| and dceés the therss about the place. Mrs. Hagerman is also active. While the Whig recently comes in Contart with subscribers who nary TWO SPECIALS been ading the apr -- oy LADIES' WHITE CANVAS PUMPS 1.98 The Saw LADIES' WHITE CANVAS, tan trimmed, made on sport last, with low, flat heels. Special Price 2. yer Shoe Store | /5 184 Princess St.