Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1922, p. 18

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | PERSONAL | | FOR A CHARMING WIF, , WRITE [BD Mrs. PF. Willard, 2936 Broadwas Chicago, Illinois. Enclose stamp. ® = MARRY?! JOIN THE "HOME COR. ' respondence Club." Stamp for par- | ticulars. Mrs. Keena, B-23, Grand Rapids, Mich. -------------- : THE WORLD'S LEADING MATRI. monlal club, thousands worth §5,- oo to 3400000; illiag to marry: 8t sent frea. onorable Ralph FOR SALB Hyde, 10, Sau Francisco, Calif. E. W. MULLIN & SON BACHELORS: IF YOU DESIRE A GER- | Real Estate and Insurance Brokers man wife, one who knows how to Operate frying pan, write me. De- Phone 530w. ry SEE DISPLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. scriptive list, 10c. Geo. Grigoleit, GOLDWYN Box 491, Chicago, Illinois. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE SHEAR; PE LER WILL he &is0 push carriage. Apply gp ADI ATRIMONIAL ROGERS Bagot Street. Club." Best, largest; establisheq 17 setts tsb ears. Thousands wealth SR ee TARR PCa Chai RL Stnmimma thir, Ciataiciti | DOUBLING for ROMEO EMEN AND BRAKEMEN, "GIN. St Ph 237. Whig Office on. Apply §2 wer Union = 8 e. Y honorable, REE DS later $250; (which posi- rock Street oe | PARCEL CONTAINING : ONE or phone §99w. : Sincere lens both Sexes Se Elmer L. Rice, Will Rogers: ?) Write "Rallway," care '1 LoDG ' NG § i v i lind, left by - ub, William $i tion?) Write a LODGE ROOMS ON KING STREET, | i ndow ats Jonson | FORD Tox TRUCK, IN FIRST CLASS Mra Wrubel, Box = 28 Oakland m Shakespeare i " y , upt OF | jah Whis formerly Sscupied by ine LOO condition; stake sides: cheap for One, of these boys was famous. above address. sale. Paimer, corner Bagot same at ove . TO-DAY, YELLOW MEN AND GOLD RS WANTED FOR ABOUT Apply to Cunningham and Smith. | Street. Owner may have condi BRICKLAYER! 4 a ABC s : F OFk, 2 Page & Con ' ENSE PL N FRONT and Queen streets. = i hay DL Bd Hay, Ne woantie, hi Improveman ia: cuntrauy Cibeat. | A LCN LATE Cwner may | STARTER SOF Sais iE SCTTEE. BARRY Iv LONELY; ror RESULTS te or apply to Mr. >: ed. Apply 243 University Ave. | have same at W. Miltons, R. J T DA 4 I 3 or = Ont. Write or app poly A a at | round dining table and mahogany "Home gp rich. wish mT tia); Bo0ni nny -- pald weekly for your spare time Sonmtol can york. West-Angus Show : be ! ------ Lara Service, 17 Colborne Bid. To. has Sprizvie Altea) Anyone finding anything and boat, $200. Apply A. H. Warwick,| HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, ~miRTH. . ° goo, 57 Fovoiling the Matty" | __38 Divielon girees moved, permenny "3teise® £ Pauline Frederick RANDOLPH 3 RELIABLE SALES oi iv x 4 \ tm} MH agent or Apply Br" Dern, Tiiver View, Rout lisement will be printed in this modern, verandah, large lot, garage p tatives. Our agency is valu- JUNE 1st, A FOUR ROOMED clude lost dogs, cattle, A rigdind Agency, 58 Brock Brest. mnie cad w! ot and cold running Jozanto, Ont water heating. Apply to White's Roo brand new bicycle ut a brand new p a Me outside or under cover. $25 to $50 floors; hot water heating: newly Yorks, 371-3, King street. Phone poration wishes connection with als served on Daylight ronto Supply Co., Cumstock Bulild- ing, Toronto. BRICK HOUSE, $37.00; FRAME $25.00; swers to name of Broggins. Finder - arrangement. Roo: 7 ' ---- : . ANTS CAPAPLE rough cast $25.00. All within two please phone 1049w. oven Ans an ure way, New York City. THE HUMAN MA MANUFACTURER, WANT! AP blocks of the University. Apply The and furniture to dispose of, we will] SPECIAL and responsible party to organize, J. K. Carroll Agency, 58 Brock St. ay highest y A ma- FOR SALE. prices. J. Thompson, y T operate route of new Coin to : 9 FURNITURE FINIS G THE LATEST CONCEPTION IN he most wonderful of all machine: LET Priucess Street. Phone 1600w. HIN ay si I needs constant inspect! = ee Bei Eros Ringaton: Possession: Maren: or | FORTABLE CHICKEN HoTSo Sims n justment to keep in fi assured. For partic h terril * Kingston. Possession arc st. 0 2) 3 N a oy y the IOLA NOVELTY ORCHESTRA ustment to keep In fine condition Coloniai Advertising Scale Com: Owner going west soon. Apply to feet square. Apply 95 Queen St. (** RR HF E+E Fd beep y CALL A Sree paves DitiscoLL, 33 | from TORON n the GARDEN HALT, || 8nd 84d to its Ife OSTEOPATHY any, 173 Ontario Street West, Sherman Wartman, Portsmouth, [~-- ~ - - : ES > 6 Special 'Six Studebaker, J Ae URDAY, JUNE 24th. Dancing | | #4Justs the bony framework of the ontreal. ont. 5 ONE HEN HOUSE, 12 BY gs, oo 1 ne I peclal : x tn Doaxen == hem 8 II 13 o'clock. body, frees the nerves from impinge- - ------ - EN = a - about four cords of wood. PPRIY | ormerly owned by be 8 + DENTAL. Admission ea . 81.00 per couple WE WANT ACTIVE, ENERGETIC MEN | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN 781 Montreal Street. 3 Jeweler, of this city. Apply Extra Lad to represent us in every city in dry. alry rooms and spaces: your 3 Bovds Garage, 129 Brock St %| DRA. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE every part of the body. thu ¥, 8 We get PEPIN PP IEE PIRI RS 268 Princess Street. Phone §53w. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS and key. Krost's.CIty| 200 ACRE FARM, ALSO MILK ROUTE, Canadian Corparation; company Shorage. 288.305 Queen St. Phone on provincial highway, near city. | highly endorsed locally; an atirac- 526. Res. w. Apply Box X-20, Whig. SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTISTS, | 169 Wellington street, corner of | PIANO TUNING DRS. ROBERT ana EDNA PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING { ASHCROFT Ve pours propos! Ion ios FURNISHED, LARGE, FRONT ROOM OFT an eral commission | FURNISHED, LARG "RON ' JANTI HARD AND S » 2 4 . Jn 100 per month can electric light; half block from car- MUANTITY ay E. E. Wathen, 143 sTovE I, SPiT, W230 % CORD; Brock. Phone 346. Be made by the right men Address line. Apply 313 University Avenue Nelson street. Phone 618 or phone ton, last' year's price. ' Cinders for | Di, RUPERT P, MILLAN, DENTIST, 57 | and 204 King St. between Earl & Ge, 1415 Royal Bank Building, Toronto, or phone 852w. 1391J. roadways and garages $1.00 rt Princess Street. Phunv 1160. Open PLAYER PIANO ADJUSTIN { Phone 447 for ih or call in person eh n . > # load; Clinkers for concrete w k, evenings by appointment. 5 3 Na - [FUR I ED ROOMS WITH HOT AND| SpCoNDIHAND DAYTON COMPUTING 60c. cart load, all delivered. Saw. NORMAN H. BUTCHER THE L. R. STEEL SERVICE CORPO- cold running water In each room;| Scale, 30 1b. capacity; slightly dust $2.00 cart load. Phone 1611m.| DR. AYKROYD, DENTIVT uAs Ri || 27 PINE STREET - PHONE 1819w y > ration requires the services of a| all modern conveniences; good lo- | used. Price reasvnable. 118 Col- W. C. Bruton. Yard: 244 University sumed practice at 93 Pri trustworthy man or woman, over sality. 406 Johnson street. Phone borne Street, Kingston. Avenue, © ou, Ya: y 'over Banc of Nova Bocrinonss Bt. | 1403. 26 years of age, who can furnish | 997J. first-class references as ty charac- | A $1,000 MORTGAGE, BEARING IN- ter, and who wishes a permanent| , APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS,| . terest at 7%. for $900.00. Investi- connection. A sincere and honest | hardwood floors, electric light, gas gate. Apply The J. K. Carroll CARPET CLEANING, worker is sure of advancement Ap- | range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled Agency, 56 Brock Street. ly from 10 am. to 4 p.m. at corner bathroom. Apply Kingston Apart- H, MILNE, ELECTRIC VACUUM AnD ---------- rincess and Bagot streets. Top | ments Ltd, 69 Brock Street, Phone ROW OF THREE DWELLINGS, | Carpet Cleanin Layt Rove floor, . | 237. within two blocks of the Univer- Small, stationary gasoline engine Fg PH rei 148 RS, and Sew-| The annual meeting of the stock- | sity; elght rooms each; yearly rent- and pump, fit for house or other pur- || cveles. Phone 542, 272 Ba s holders of the Cataraqui Cemeter Co : 3 | al 3800. Price $6,250. Appiy The pose and in Al condition. (80 Bt will be held at the A of Hh ervice WANTED GENERAL AGENTS WANTED J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. | Farrell & Day, Ontario Street, on - ---- eee - . a ' AIR CUT, 20c.; BOYS' aa RICT MANAGE FOR HIGH | PARTIES WANTING ROUGH LUM- MEDICAL, PH N MEN'S HAI Heys GHAR | psTRICT MA Fis TO Re on ber and shingles will do well to avIS 0C 0. 0 C. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 DARRIE on 10.2812 2-4 Y, une . oh a | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: TO racr. - Flist izsertion, ic & word, Zach con- | FOUND i ascutive lnsertion thereafter. BAM| Sly Tet, ONE GARAGE, SEPT, Toh) <> |} Sant a word. Minuhumn charge fo} one small apartment. Apply 138 BUGGY WHIP, NEAR GRAN | one jnsertion, 26c; three iro " Bagot Street. | Sank freight sheds. pply seals. . S------ SS ns A ---------- 274 Nelson Stree The above rates aie for Cash only. 1 mr ERANISHLD ROOMS, SUIT-| | 'LICENSE MARKER. | when charged t ey hie SOUP es able for light housekeeping. Ap- | --number 180-594. | PY 288 Queen Street. | may have same at 101 Fron- HELP WANTED | tenac Street. y GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE. AP-| ON DARRIE STREET, A KEY | ply Kingston Apartments, Ltd, 69 with number on it. Apply at i | { VA ny low, Post Office, Newcastle, on or R. No after Monday, July 3rd. UNFU RNISHED FLAT, FOR LIGHT! BLACK COVERED BOOK WITH Shine cabinet; apply Detwesh Ave TOBE 1A ears Baden v Vy or nw housekeepin every convenlence;| v a sam nd seven in evening to sarrett 3 . h ping; | Index. Owner may have same avd se n 8 cri acriptions free. "The Bue. YOUR LAST C CE To 1 When in Kingston stop at wring show cards for us. No can-| FURNISHED FLAT, FOUR OR SIX | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. MOTOR BOAT, 24 FEET BY 5 FEET @", 4d. Cait vassing. We instruct und supply rooms, electric lights, gas for cook- | TISED FREE two cylinders, 4 cycle, Regal en- SEE ronto. do so by reporting the facts sure anted coun- tv ip - hg fun agent for each uurepres: a Apply D. Ahern, River View, Route | «5 36 years' Dr. Elm THE POPULAR HOTEL etc. These, If lost, may be ad- water, . 2 , s Insurance Agency. | rm -- roe WANTED, PERSONS TO GROW MUSH (== price--3$38.50; Bicycle Tires $1.95 a week. Illustrated booklet and peorated; handy to bus ess oo - . 1032w. roker able to dispose of block of Saving Time 3 decola y P| AIREDALE DOG, TUESDAY NIGHT, treasury stock for further oo MAKE MONEY AT HOME, $15 te 560 central. Apply 165 Division St. | at Whig Office. rs. Nash, Box 856, gine, reversing wheel; guo sea- HOTEL EE COTIAGH, IV NILES FROM Too British Whig. The adver- | |gp roe DWELLING OF EIGHT ROOMS Ni asses 1 8 y ling column free of charge. e; IN b ty or territory. Exciusive ae ing 1, Kingston. Hl articles" 4 not 1a- and driveway. $600 cash 1 Lake W r r J. 4 hts; good pay to energetic rep Found articles" does no handle. Apply The J. K. Carroll 288 Bagot Street: mhalroat Skin. "The Lure of Jade" : Central location. *eloam Nursery Co. 4 ' J able. Write Pe apartment; all conveniencea; hot vertised for in the "Lost column SCHOOL BUYS TAKE NOTICE a a . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Don't Miss It --------------------------. {| Special attention to Transien rooms for us all the year round, EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, HARDWOOD | LOST. and tubes $1.00, ai Muller s Bicycle | RADIO--LARGE ESTABLISHED COR- ] a, y full particulars for 3c. stamp. To- ply James Reid, Princess St. . ( » corner University and Princess; an- WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF sion. Highest references; ie ie nn OR (ks: 1ife- Canada in the sale of stock of | own loc I isin cut 15c.; Shaving, ho rh : . call at the new lumber yard on Curzon, 23 Brock Street. mission; further particulars, A. BE. Concession street before buying. East Bad Wellington 3¢ ' rect Bonn aD 202 To- a ; § FURNISHED HOUSE, ABOUT ve i wuend, 291-119 Bay Street, To W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine St. Dam, D230 vm hone Tod} 24 Hour Da Service at 2.30 p.m. for the election of Directors y rooms, for two or three months; N-- - = 4 - five. Possession as soon OUR OWN HEMSTITCH-| MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE H.C. MABEE, M.D, C.M., 79 WIL. Lt Yappiy Box B13, Whig | wr Jouh To. $8,704 order, any size, any quan-| TN val paniy PRUPERTY ON lam street. * Office hours 11.13| 4nd for general purposes relating to Office. any machine, $2.50; buttonhole, $8 tity, logest factory prices. Also vivision Street, within tha city 2.0. 3-4 p.m, 7-830 pm. Phone| the management of the Company. Duty free. Agents wanted. KB. renovating. = Frontenac Mattress limits, known ar the Murdock 286. R. E. Kent Company, 377 King Street. Phone Farm, containing forty-three acres --_-------- President GET IT REPAIRED--LAWN MOWERS | Stephenson, 22 Quincy, Chicago. sharpened and repaired; saws filed; | 136}. -------------------------- more or less, now owned by the BUSINESS V knives and gcissors ground. Drop &| gALARY 821 WEEKLY, EXPENSES - ST END, SMALL FRAME Kingston Brick and Tile CHANCES. card to G. W. Bateman, 37 Upper | advanced, not to canvass but travel | UPPER WEST END, sl L pany. For particulars as to price | house, with a nice piece of land, and terms apply to the uudersign- | WANTED, PARTY WITH SMALL Sum | William gtreet. and appoint local representatives. s - ate Ppa and a ers Ex- IEE Oo liritn 811 kinds of Yous. gu solicitor Jor the Sompany. J. of money to inveat; extraordinarily ; pr REPAIRIN . ty. . Walkem, arence Stree a rofits. t CUSTOMERS FOR SHOE Al a perience unnecessary. Winston $850.00. Apply The J. car} arge {serutiny, Write Bail dear k done ulckl and neatly. '0. a 4 Rupber. uels: pur on nin hy 19. Dept G. Toronto Agency, 56 Brock Street. SUMMER HOTEL, CLOSE TO GOOD Whig. solicited. | AGENTS, MEN AND WOMEN, SPARE fishing grounds; fully booked up| smo amne rr ------ PHONE 4 wait. Your patronage --_--- - a---- Workmanship gS A anteea, A. or full time for real household ne- spi RL LR DOLLARS for the Season with Euesta of the INTER-COUNTY LEAGUE Goodwin, Charles Street, near cessity, Every home a prospect. yery best class; property in excel- : f McLA TOY Ex futy Baseball Game |! McLAUGHLIN AUTOMOBILE, in Montreal Street. Quick sales. country; has mark 2.06 1-4; also lent repair a modern with N clusive territory. . TO i one good top buggy, cutter and electric lights, furnace, bath rooms, Co, 123 Garfield Ave. London, Om" harness goes with him. Apply G. large verandah, two acres of gar- ODESSA va. LAKEVIEWS Brat Slavs Sougition, be sol. af Co., » W. Richardson, 197 William Street. den land, growing everything in TUESDAY, ¢ P.M. COOKE'S GARAGE, 2 o'clock (city Cor. King & Princess Sts. 1 TEACHER WANTED. | Phone 1353J. vegetables for the table. Will s and AT CRICKET FIELD time) on AP Dtate. AN AGENCY FOR A RELIABLE NURS- Ries is tab BKCOND-CLASS TEACHER FOR 8, §, ery firm is profitable. You can sell STORE AND DWELLING COMBINED, the fullest investigation as & pro- ' H No. 6, SBtorrington. Apply, stating in country, town or city. We grow a : Tos fitable investment. Apply the J. K. pe 24 our Service. salary to Mr. Bert Balls, Sunbury, | and sell the Dest only. Snd wars cor Jione; Sonstruction, steal i Carroll Agency, 56 Brock St. Ww KENT MACNEE Tuesday June 27 Ont, secretary-troasurer. | Nt ro nelc Agents for Unfepre- tore house, barn, two 500" andi! IN A DELIGHTFUL, WELL LOCATED Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and THOMAS DAWSON Ww y E - 3 ad . . a yearly turnover of $26,000. Goo vil ith b v ; 2 ° AL EATERS ao ham Nursery Co, Toronto. village; % mile from paper mill; a BEs the Boe iiolis ond Sigh King Streets. Phone 701 or 1317), Sheriff for County of Front Salaries' 31000 and $900. Duties to 20 miles from Kingston. Terms R., & solid brick dwelling, with all General. Insurance : any. Will exchange for city prop- Ana rn conveniences; also garage| Writlng:--Automoblle, Fire, Acoldent, TIRES tan Sommence Sebt. lat lus, Arey ALEINBN-WH yy mLY An erty. Mrs. N, Stedman, Camden and an acre of land. Just the place| Sickness. Plate Glass Burglary, ete. A REY, Set'y. ' 5 East, Ont. for a retired couple, or a commer- Representing Only Reliable Companies 1 new 30x3% Eagle Tire. = AA A me oy Sdmpiete any "aclusive dines clal traveller, with a young fam o whole-root resh-dug-to-order ' - PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING oN and' plants. Best Stock and] THE CONTENTS OF A LARGE ily to educate at the least expense | = 1 800d used 34x4% Eagle Tire, - service. We teach and equip you house, well filled with useful furni- possible. Apply The J. K. Carroll 1 Retreaded 35x53 Eagle Tire. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; PAPER free. A money-making opportun- . ture, some antique--the estate of Agency, 66 Brock Street. 1 Hetreaded 32x3% Eagle Tire. hanging and painting done at rea- ity. Luke Brothers' Nurseries, of the late Miss McGillivray, Wash- Ahove Tires cheap for quick sale. sonable prices; all work guaran- Montreal. burn. This had been the Washburn | 4968 Acre Farm at Low Price . If you have a Tire with a rim out or blow-out, bring it In and have teed satisfactory, H. Rowley, post office and telegraph office for Horses, 7 Cattle, Sow Poultry, phone 136lw or call at 138 Bay AN 'ENERGETIC, RELIABL RE- many years. Everything must be Vehicles. machiner tools 'ncla | it fixed to stay fixed. street. sponsible man, preferaniy' with said by public Suetion to lose the | taken soon; on improved TL On Sunday moraing, Jume 25th, PAINTING AND FAPERHANG. | large acquaintance, both business {alate » Mongay, une 26th. Sale| o,¢ village; 150 acres level, loamy ti}-|| 1922, the. Annual Memor Service ANDERSON'S FoR PL Ai Stan HANG. and social, to handie an old estab- gins 2 p.m. lage; creek-watered 50-cow pasture; a and Decoration of Graves of deceas- ng § y ' lished product, in continual use by timated 2,000 cords wood, 51 pid ed members of the Independent Or- VULCANIZING SHOP Wall Paper. Special prices this over 50% of the po A k pulation. Stead trees; 5-room house; 50-ft. barn, out- EN Lyopamauahip Siarantced income and good profits. A quic . Pebaaings. Other inierests force sale;|| der of Odd Fellows will be held at 286 Ontario Street seller to both the retail stores ang Antique $6600 takes all, part cash. Frank Jones, || Cataraqui Cemetery. An Invitation is The property of the late Emly O'RIELLY BROS., PROPS al le 8. Phone 368w. a , . Peary Stier Sdress: Mr. West, 16 Strout Farm Agency, Trenton, Ont. extended to all Brothers and Sisters Saunders, situated at 730 Princess PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, DECO- h of the city lodges, and also te amy : rating, glazing, hardwood floor fin- members of the Order who may be || Street, with a frontage on Princess, Ee ricenrl class work, rea-(AuTo AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. Furnitur eC FOR SALE OR TO RENT, in Be chy at the time, Macdonald and Durham streets. x eave F, sonable prices. Wallpaper samples. M. Estimates submitted. A. Mounteer, AUTO AND CARRIAGE FINISHING. A MODERN BRICK BUNGALOW OF Tag fie Clock sharp, dayiight sav- || Buildings consist of a two-storey 308 Alfred Street. Phone 856m. CARRIAGE NG, five rooms, north side of city, Pric b 4 Something new arriving every $3600.00, Easy terme. C Rony sor ice W. J. ARNIEL, brick veneer house in good condition, Densmere . ment. Sa i A J. K. Carroll Agency, §¢ Chairman, and large frame barn; large garden tion guaranteed, Business or plea. week in old period Furniture. Brock street. e. \ > CHIROPRACTIO Pri od: ~= | in connection, H sure cars. ces moderat LESSES ANTIQUE SHOP CARPENTERING Notice to Creditors Tenders must be in my hands by ouse {acess aaa Sarele Wrest Ti AUTO PAINTING. 507 Princess Stree} a Ei July 1st next. - arrie St. entran ngston, ] N WANT THE CARPE * ye ent Ci Room Accommodation, nt.' Consultation free. Teloshons | AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FiN-|| Phone 1045w. sss James Selby, Contractor = 313 In the Matter up DANIEL COUPER, Rt oh 823]. Hours § to 12 aru. 1 to § p.m. ishing a specialty. Also Plano and University Avenrs. Phone 1888w. of the Estate of Ephriam Executor, . Furniture Polishing. Gordon Young, ek: ie, a Susvashls ot : Transient or weekly Suests, . Kingston, June 15th, 1922. r, , ' DR. GRORGE ¥. shop Queen street, rear of Aber- ER AE Rr ems ~seae-- Lucy, Chiro . ™ UVHOLSTERING. arme e pethy's Shoe Store, or drop 'a card] BATEMANS HEAL ESTATE. hereby given pursuant to [ennai | | prone Term. 72.74 Sydenham St. W, Graduate N 339 Ba, to 89 Barrack Street. rock. le- _--= the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, FOR SALE. CALL OR DROP A CARD Bagot BC: | Chapter 131, Sec. $4, that ail orédicors| Happy men shall have many MRS, E. P, DENISON Gavine, upholsterer, 216 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING DOUBLE FRAM ¢ Rooms and others having claims against the qch; Bang C; sus in one and|¥. W. stinaoLD FOR YOUR yp. | Est oe alae Lam Babeos hd Sriends c fe. : JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICAL CON. electric light in one outbuilding. TI and gen gral baling. | tre required to deliver or send by post eet on tractor. 4 Couper St. Phone e . 4 Cler; prepa or before the 20th 4: f 1673w. R2A0--FRAME, 8. moons, 10 Sy Stree! July, 1922, to the TI soliciors P ANT WA G vey = an -+ eleccric lights; COVERED BUTTONS Jaom T0 OR- or the Administrator of the Ratate of LANS--SU| S--ESTIMA --- TT, Sm T ular sald deceased, their names and ad- LLB Fg N54 San Sire t. Me ay Maan SEVERAL FARIS YOR SALE Tone interiBe' 43d 34 ne dans Saas Sud oy i Ae tt ONDAY, JUNE AR BT SIR BH0oRVL excursion . ree! oO . _- 4 Datu, ig ne CUNMINGHAM. 4 Sur rs. | $1,700--FRAME BUNGALOW; § Rooms,| Avenue. Phone 18383. --_ any) held by 'them, such claims 5 oe (l] "Clayton, leaving 7.30 pom Cvreh Moonlight " VETERINARY. re Kingston: "a8 Suances nearly, new. " : AND, FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that TUESDAY, JUNE 20th--To Pleton. 5.00 p.m. City Time. . ham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith, ot a Aor THREE ROOM rr FINANCIAL I pediately ate Aa iaoth day of July, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st--Special { rip to Pletoh and (he Sand Basks, ue, Mo, SURE Ye v St Kings AMER A A ARRISTEN rner uf od frame houses; central. "A snap. MONEY TO LOAN ON FANN MORT. 20ed'to Gletribuis the said Betatn anton leaving Kingston 16 am. cley time. Fare to Ficton Toe, tetury Ston, Ont. Phone 2193J. King and Brock: over Rae Bank. S130 FRAME . NUOHS; Lan 5 Shree to five years. Apply she Arties To he Sl eraro, having Te FRIDAY, JUNE 23ré--To Picton, 5.00 p.m. City Time. . Money to loan. Phone 1999, Sarden; BOrth ond. ' GB : C. Snider. Lyndhurst. | shall then have received notice. And SATURDAY, JUNE. 24th--Regular {rip to Alexandria Bay, 2.00 city ------ ' * -- UTu.| the sald Administrato 1 - 7 ivbadeT, : 7, m, {| PRICK BUNGALOW, 7 mOOMS, 1. w.| mobile ans CoLEY, Imrie 2] able'to any n- of whose isi: mo. a : Tee . floors throughout: built in book| Earl street. Phoned "othe saad ot ure ||] SUNDAY, June 2 at 9.00 paar trip (o Alexandria 87. 3.00 gum, city Home 2.00 bm, re: Round trip, ' be DOMES 1 IC COKE Hd suai 17, uke an t we esr ov SICKNESS AND CCI. be A 3 0 - g Dated at Kingston, this 24th day of . T Rn A - on shrubs; 'a pi Ro ran t x dent policy will protect your in- June AD. 192, A ---- home at a FARRELL & DAY, bargain. © some. Fire. | 194 Oniurio Street. : og ad hor Stes TTS, | Me Ct Be roe EER ER | RIN" I'l N G & 9 : TO REN GARAGE, CENTRAL, ROOM ihe moa : ace" Serer 'AN , Of Every Description. PHONE 243 tempera BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO., Limited | STOVES While they last, yuu may have Ouo reasonable, as that is my 1 TORK Phone 705

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