THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ~To instantly relieve tired, Bore, swollen and tender feet. ~To stop excessive perspira- tion aud ease the pain of Corns, Bunions and Callpuses. USE THE "BEST" Foot Powder ~TLis is an ideal combination of Anti-Chafe and Foot-bath Powder ~~Jn large Sprinkler tins 1. 1. BEST Prescription Druggist We are making a very special offering of Ladies' Gold Filled Bracelet Watches 6onlyat....$12.00 Gonlyat .... $13.00 Brushes up quickly; creamy lather and retains its molsture These are regular 800 shaves' . .. Ml $16.00 and $18.00 Mt values, are 15 Jewel- led, and are in high- gold - filled .25¢. Open Sundays Phone 59 . Sr rn-- | | DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM grade cases. Fully guaranteed. SMITH BROS. LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1840 KING STREET, KINGSTON i |bave explored at that depth, The Latest Development in Electrle Washing Machines --Washes, Rinses, Bolls and Wringer Dries Without Use r. DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, 1 | e Electric Co. Phone 423. {| HOT PLATES and | GAS RANGES -$4.78 3 Burner Japaned Hot Plate - 6.50 These Hot Plates have large Star Burners. 1--38 Burner Gas Range with lower oven, size 16 in Xx 12in. X 10 in, «eevee 1--3 Burner Gas Range with lower oven, large ex- tended top, Oven size 17in. x 12 in. x 12 in. Serr esperirraan 1--3 Burner Gas Range with lower oven, large ex- tended top nickle plated, N.P. Door Frame and White Enamel Panel «++ ,«$30,00 1--4 Burner Gas Range with lower oven and sim- mering Burner +-.:..sce.ui.e Hose Special For Saturday. 50 ft. 1-2 Hose with Couplings and Nozzle ----$6.50 | McKelvey & Birch, Limited t Specialists, Fitters and Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' a nd Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Olls, Boat 4 Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Work; Eleetric work; Painting ang , Paper Hanging. Special work of sll kinds undertaken. Pleasing Values For The Newly Weds 3 We have never been in a better . quirements of the 'new householder." Excellent values in Living Room and Dining Room Furni- ture, Odd Chairs, etc. Just now during the balance of this month, we are offer- special prices. Bas position to meet the re- 10 CUT TREASURE OUT OF LUSITANI Leavitt, Head of Salvaging Concern, Sure of Reclaim= ing $6,000,000. | New York, June 23.--The steam- |€r Blakeley arrived here from Phila- delphia, in order to take on part of the equipment to be used in the at- tempt to cut through three decks of |the Lusitania and raise to the surface {$5,000,000 in gold from' the strong {room and the purser's safe, said to | contain $1,000,000 in gold and jew- jeter B. F. Leavitt, president of the Lea- vitt-Lusitania Salvage Company and inventor of a diving suit for work {under 275 feet of water plans to ar- [rive at the point off Kinsale Head, where the Lusitania lies, on or about June 29th, "If the weather is pleasant," he {sald, "we will cut the treasure out of her in three weeks. Storms or [3nd weather may delay it, but | twenty-one days of good weather will {see the job completed." The stop in New York harbor is to take on board a thirty ton boom, which will be laid on the water as a kind of platform when the effort is made to haul to the surface the twenty-ton safe in the purser"s cabin, The difficulties in the way of sal- | vaging the treasures of the Lusitania Ihave been investigated, and pro- | nounced to be insurmountable by many engineers. The profit 'tothe salvagers, even though the project Were successful, had been doubted because of the many claimants aud the complex legal propositions in- volved in quieting titles. The depth of 275 feet is an insuperable bar, in the opinion of most marine engineers, because of the fact that, while diver; none has been able to work so deep. ------ Divers Wear Metal Shell, Divers are encased in a rigid shell of metal and hard rubber fo prevent sure at such great depths. Mr. Leay- itt says that he has been able to over- come this obstacle by a diving suit of his own invention which resists the pressure of the water and en- ables the man to work at great depths. As for the claims of own- ers, heirs, the ship company or the insurance companies to the treasure, If it is raised, Mr. Leavitt said that he would take his chances in the In- ternational Salvage Court, "I beliéve that we will get by far the greater part of the value of the treasure," he said. "Any salvage court would allow it to us. We have made no arrangements . in advaace surance companies or the British Ad- miralty, and we do not need to, be- cause a salvage company has the ab- solute right to proceed on its own in- itiative in the case of a vessel sunk 80 deep and sunk so far from shore Our rights will be taken care of thereafter ih the courts." British marine engineers have ar- gued from the theory that the ter- rific pressure of the water at the depth of 275 feet or thereabouts to which the Lusitania sank, must have crushed her like an egg-shell., Mr. Leayitt, on the contrary, holds that the water, forcing its way into the Lusitania as it sank, kept the pres- sure outward equal to the pressure inward, except in a few airtight com- partments, "A bottle of air will be smashed when it is lowered ten feet below the surface," he said: "A bottle of water may be lowered 10,000 feet without being crushed. There is no doubt in the world but that the Lusi- them from being crushed by the pres- with owners, shipping companies, in-, tania exists today exactly as it did | when it sank." Many Abandon Venture, Great wrecking concerns like the Merritt-Chapman Company have | studied and then dropped the Lusi- tania venture, believing . the gods were against any successful ealvag- Ing operations. The idea of raising the ship itself was never considered | feasible, and it is not being attempt- | ed by Mr. Leavitt and his expedition. | The purpose is solely to make big | holes in the three decks which lie | over the safe and strongroom, and | {then lift up the safe and the! {boxed gold through these holes, The decks are to be opened by ni- | tro-glycerine. The great difficulty of | this, pointed out at the offices of the Merritt-Chapman Company, was that the general experience in dynamit- ing steel ships had been that the ex- | plosion ripped and twisted the decks | and other stee] work, so that the re- sult, instead of being a hole, was an unmanageable mass of ragged steel. "We will not use dynamite, but nitro-glycerine," said Mr. Leavitt, "Dynamite will not explode under the pressure imposed on it at the depth of the Lusitania, but nitro- glycerine will. It will not twist everything up, but will cut through | the deck like a knife. When holes | Lave been made through the three decks, the safe will be blasted from its fastenings and will then be hoist ed tu the surface with the aid of the boom, Divers to Work in Shifts, "I am taking four divers who will work on two-hour shifts, The thing | is _feasinle only because of. the div-+ ing suits which I have invented, mak- i ing work possible at that depth. The | | suits weigh 360 pounds on land. At that depth under water their effec- tive weight would be 75 pbunds." These suits, which are metal forts with jointed limbs and heavy glass | Fortholes for eight, are equipped | | with tanks to supply oxygen and | with caustic soda to take up the car- ! bon dioxide. In an ordinary suit the | diver would be smashed at that depth | as {f a building had fallen on him. | If he escaped crushing, he would | probably be killed by the "bends," | 4 disease induced by pressure, as he was lifted to the surface, As long as the special suit does not leak, however, there is no dan- ger of bends, because the pressure is normal. On this account, the diver may be hoisted at once to the surface without danger. "Bends" is | due to the absorption of nitrogen and other gases by the blood in order to increase the blood pressure and body pressure as Increased pressure is put on it from the outside. This does no harm while the pres- | sure is continued, but if suddenly released by elevation to the surface, the nitrogen dissolved in the blood escapes as a gas, filling the body with bubbles and often causfig death, It would take many hours to raise a diver safely from a 200-foot depth in an ordinary suit, even if he were not killed outright. Mr. Leavitt said that his expedi- tion was being undertaken at a total cost of about $160,000 as against the prospects of the lion's share of $5, 000,000, "Some big financiers have sought to interest themselves in it during the last few days," he asserted, "but it is too late. 1 was offered $550,- G00 for the proposition as it stood, but refused. The investors who have put up the money to back the expedi- tion are all middle class people of moderate means." The ship Blakeley was built for the Shipping Board in 1919. It is 290 feet long, with a twenty-four foot beam. | ee © The wise man thinks before act- | ing, and there's where he differs | from the fool, ee - The picture shows Ontario, providing the motive business is in Peterboro. grapher. | Peterboro within five hours. three hours and ten minutes. with straw, ~~ : The man hidden behind the umbrella in the A. E. Dawson, who resides in Lakefield, but whose place of He refused to pose for the photo- - The long distance wheelbarrow ride was the re- sult of a wager that two men could land their passenger in They made the ten mile trip in Mr. carry an umbrella, a book and fill Warden J. C. Strickland, of Lakefield, power for the, wheelbarrow. eelbarrow is Dawson was permitted to the bottom of the barrow r PROBS: Saturday, fair and warm. SATURDAY! Sensational Values at Steacy's Re-Building Sale A stupendous one day's selling event with values that are little short of sensational. Join the crowds and shop at Steacy's to-morrow. Half Price 25 only, Summer Silk Dresses in Taffeta, Georgette and Satin --all new models, displaying the latest style tendencies --all sizes. Priced in the regular way $29.50 to $50.00. Gingham Dresses $3.48 45 only, Billie Burke Gingham Dresses in many smart styles-- Checks, Plaids and Over-plaids --sizes 16 to 40, and worth regular $7.50 each. GEORGETTE BLOUSES Flesh, White, Sand -- worth regular $7.50. Sale Price"........... $4.48 10 only, Homespun Suits in colors Harding Blue, Tan, Blue and Tan Chak. Sizes 16 to 38. Regular $29.90 to $47.50. HALF PRICE Extra! Extra! Extra! - EARLY MORNING SHOPPERS : Save 15% on all your regular cash purchases. = TRIPLE DISCOUNT STAMPS As an extra incentive for early morning shoppers we offer Triple Stamps from 9 a.m. till 11 a.m. HOSIERY SALE !! QUEEN QUALITY GLOVE SILK HOSE-- i 200 pairs Queen Quality Glove Silk Hose--fine heavy weight; in colors Black, White, Navy, Brown, Grey; all sizes and worth reg. $2.95 . . . . . . Sale Price $1.89 HOLEPROOF SILK HOSE-- 400 pairs Holeproof Silk Hose; first quality; ribbed tops; all sizes; in colors Black, White, Navy, Brown, Grey. Very special for Saturday . . . Sale Price $1.65 CHILDREN'S COTTON SOX-- 200 pairs Children's Mer cerized Lisle Socks; in sizes 5 to 8}; plain white with colored tops and regular 50c¢. warns sneiennesia sans ines nas ss Sale Price 35¢. BOYS' PLAY SUITS SILK MUSLINS and 21 only, Boys' Wool Jersey CHIFFONS Play Suits; in sizes | to 4 years |200 yards only, of Silk Muslins --sold reg. at $3.45 to $3.90 [and Chiffon --. Black, White each. .. SOE and Sky. Reg. 75c¢. to $1.00 yd. HALF PRICE Sale Price . . | Stea x 7 t= f=