THE DAIL Y BRITIS H WHIG. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1923. FOXES The new colors, beautiful, fine, fluffy, silky, Canadian, $30 and upwards. JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-157 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. for dessert. Give satisfaction to your friends. NOTHING IS TOO GOOD FOR CANADIAN CANDY EATERS The entire nation has a 'sweet tooth.' SERVE OH HENRY You'll like it. It's pure--that's sure. OH HENRY! MANUFACTURED BY CROTHERS 1869. Montreal Street FOR SALE Brick house, electri Frame House, 9 rooms, 4 be bath, hot water heating, partly furnished, Division Street M. P. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street ee DELEGATE FROM QUEEN'S! To Canadian Medical Assoc- | iation Convention Is Dr. James Miller Queen's medical ege is being represented at the annua! meeting {Of the Canadian Medica! Association which opened Tuesday in Winnipeg by Dr. James ) r, - professor of , pathology The gathering will ba | attended by ma.y emiment men of | ithe medical prof on and will ¢on- {tinue until Frida The annual Ad- !dressez given by I f be the features meetings These wi given as, follows, in Medicine, Dr. 7. L. F. Barker, Balti- | more; and in Surgery by Dr. J. M. T. Finney, Baitimore. Numerous othar addresses on subjects of interest will be given by Canadian- physicians and 'surgeons Dr. Miller will be one oi the leaders in discussions fol- lowing the demonstration of patho logical specimens which -will consti- tute one of the morning sessions. HAWKINS-CORNELIUS. 11 be the Wedding Took Place in St. Paul's Church Tuesday Evening. . On Tuesday at 7.30 pm. In St.! Paul's church, the marriage was sol- emnized by the rector, Canon W. F.| FiszGerald, of Hazel, daughter of] Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Cornelius and] Reginald HawXins, Kingston The | pretty bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, as the wed- | ding march was played *by Miss] Walker, the organist, wore a charm | ing wedding gown of white silk and | | georgette. with veil, orange blos-) | som's, and pearls and carried a bou- iquet of ophelia roses. Her sister, | Miss Florence Cornelius, was her| bridesmaid and was charmingly | trocked in white swiss voile, wear-| |ing a white hat and carrying Amer- | |ican Beauty roses, Harry Janeway | {acted as groomsman. As the bride] {and groom left the church they pass- | ed through an aisle of streamers, land were showered with confetti and | | g00d wishes by their many friends. | ! Afterwards a reception was held, {at the home of the bride's parents, | 1627 Princess street, at which forty | guests were present to view the beautiful gifts received by these po-| pular young people, among which was a cut glass berry set, the gift of | | Mr. and Mrs. Luckin, the groom's | employers The bride's gift from | the groom was a handsome mantel | clock; to the bridesmaid he gave an) Frame House, gas for lights and cooking, toilet, newly deco- rated, Division Street . $1100 3 piece bath, hot air furnace, os ...82,500 'Phonés 704 or 1461w drooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece . . $5,000 electric ligh rooms. Ba ; o Phones 320-506. a ah t, 86 Dreek St b FOR SALE: $6,000--Solid brick, 9 rooms and 3 piece | bath, hot air furnace, | open grates in main t street, t near City Park. Very | centrally located. All kinds of Insur- t ance at lowest rates. VICTORY BONDS Bought and Sold. R. H. Waddell }} Strawberries crate. gas, Tea Hundreds of satisfied SPECIAL 1 1b. Tea, 1 1b. Cocoa . CASH AND CARRY VA Fresh Berries arriving daily. Special prices by the dozen or tomers are using our special blend Tea--quality, flavor and Cullen's ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. ] Strawberries} 4 4 A 4 <4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ---- d Comfort "For Hot Days Head Comf Summer demands good-looking, com- fortable headwear, and we are ready for this business with Hats that are styled right and priced right. " STRAW SAILORS Special values at $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. CHILDREN'S STRAWS 35c up LIGHT CAPS, OUTING HATS, etc. Sn MEEIALAVICRRREE: CORREA onyx and pearl ring and to the] groomsman, a pair of gold cuff links. | The house was beautifully decorated! with roses, peonies, orange blos- | soms and geraniums, and a three-tier | wedding cake, surrounded with roses | and ferns, centred the bride's table, | where also was the groom's cake. | Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins will make | | their home in Kingston, 'Served Thirteen Years As Kingston's Fire Chief Chief James Armstrong on wad. | nesday completed thirteen vears' | | service as head of the Kingston ire | | department. He took over the reins | of office here on June 21st, 1909. fand has passed over the unlueky | "13. Chief Armstrong has been fighting | fires for a quarter of a century. Hel | started in the game in Toronto in 1897, and prior to coming to King- | ston, was chief of the department at | Port Arthur, Ont. | i OFFICERS ELECTED. | By the Court of British Oak, Ancient | Order Foresters. | 1 | { Court British Oak, Ancient Order of | | Foresters, on Tuesday evening, thé | following officers were elected: Hon. | | Past chief ranger, Bro. J. Hendry; | | chief ranger, Bro. Douglas Thomp- | |son; sub-chiet ranger, Bro. Percy| | Hall; treasurer, Bro. W. J. Weaver; | | secrefary, Bro. J. H. Parish; senior | woodward, Bro. J. E. Hamilton; jun- for woodward, Bro, G. 8. Dennis; {senior beadle, Bro. Edward V. jFayne; junior beadle, Bro. F. Pow- {ell After the election of officers séven new member were initiated into the| order. Following the Initiation cer- |emony, the court retired for light | refreshments, and a very pleasant | hour was enjoyed | | Patterson-Finlay Wedding. { The marriage of Miss Florence |Joy Patterson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J. Patterson, "Maple Nook," Moscow, and Brucs { BE. Finlay, youngest son of Mr. and |Mrs. W. J. Finlay, Strathcona, was |sblemnized in Sydenham street Mu- {thodist church, Kingston, by the {Rev. R. H. Bell, on Tuesday, June 20th, at 7 p.m. The young coupie were attended by Mr. and Mrs. G. R, Finlay, brother and sister of the bride and groom. The bride wore & becoming frock of moonglow can- ton crepe and navy crépa de chene, with picture hat of embroidered rose mohair, and a corsage houquet of Columbia roses. The bride and groom left by boat for Quebec city, returning by Sherbrogke, Montrex! and Ottawa. The bride travelled in a smart suit of navy poiret twill and fawn homespun hat. Late Mrs. Charles Genge. The funeral of the late Charles Genge, Gananoque, Mrs. took = | place from the residence of her bro- ther, W. H. Chamberlain, 495: Prin. cess street, to Cataraqui cemetery at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday, and was largely attended by relatives and friends from Gananoque. The officiating ministers were Rev. Dr. W. 8. Len- non, Rev. J. A. Waddell, and her former pastor at Gananoque. The casket was banked with beautiful flowers. The pall bearers were re- latives of the deceasd. The weather was very sullry on Wednesday morning Mr. Swalae, piano received at 10v Clergy Phone 664w. Salmon trout weighing from six to twelve younds are being caught in Charleston Lake The mail boats daily. The 8.8. Kir first trip east today. tuger, street w are now running made sLon The ads. are salesmen, helpful and | atten- ! courteous. They bring your {t.on to buying opportunities. i of the penitentiary staff, attended the grand lodge mee:- ing of the Oddfellows held at Owen Harry Begg, Sound. Ernest Hutchings, Westport, is im- | undergone a | Hotel | proving after having successful operation Dieu. in the The police are watching the mark- | On Wednesday a | driver was checked for having a dis- ers on the autos. figured marker on his car. Constable Fitzgerald, of the city! police force, is on his vacation. Has | attended the grand lodge meeting of the Oddfellows at Owen Sound. There was no session of the police | Two | Vehicle but court on Wednesday moring. charges under the Motor Act were to have been heard were dismissed. At Westport on Saturday a farmer pleaded guilty to manufacturing il-| Heit liquor and was fined $200. The the seizure of | a portion of equipment used in the conviction followed manufacturing. Dr. David' A. Kennedy, Chicago, 15! spending a few days in his old homa | town, visiting friends, after which he | will continue by water to Quebec and | the Atlantic coast to New | around York. The delegates to the Grand, Orafige | lodges are enjoying the beauties of Kingston. Between &tessions they visit places of interést around tie city, and regard Kingston as a great convention city. The horse and buggy stolen from Guess' livery was located below Gananoque. on Tuesday night and went down (0 secure his property. It is on the roadside. Lieutenants C, E. Prince and P.| W. Belson, who were in town for the | June ball and the R.M.C. club meet- Wednesday, | where they will spend a few days be-| ing, left for Ottawa for returning to duty with the Royal Canadian Regiment, London, Ont. Kingston Presbytery Met. A meeting of the Kingston Presby- | tery was held in St. John's church, | Belleville, on Tuesday afternoon, at which the moderator, Rev. D. M. Ramsay, Belleville, presided. Tho business for the most part was of a| routine nature. Rev. Taylor Dale and Prof. J. F. McFadyen, Kingatou, | atténded the meeting. Lawn Social and Sale. The girls of the Cheerio club of | Bethel church held a lawn social and sale at\the homie of Mrs. J. Little, Main street, Tuesday evening. About forty dollars was realized, which will g0 towards the club's funds for the relief of the needy and flowers tor | the sick. Toronto Yacht Ashore, George Gooderham's private yacht was reported ashore at Amherst Iec- | ths | land Wednesday tug Frontenac morning and of the Donnelly Sal- | At a largely attended meeting of |Va86 and Wrecking Company left | 3 Kingston to pull, The yach: was enroute from Toronto to King- ston. Oddfellows' Excursion. Gananoque and return. Monday eve, 26th. St. Waubic, 7.30 city time. Dancing. Tickets, 50¢. Do but don't overdo. Overdone is As bad as underdone, NS NN AIAN NNN i "The Hat Store" Be Particular About the Quality The market is flooded with cheap and chéap-looking Straw Hats. They look pretty well until you get them beside a Straw of quality. You can't go wrong choosing hére. We handle high grades ~mostly English made--easy- - fitting and light in weight. NEW STRAWS $500.55 orders | her : Mr. Guess was notified' under- | stood that the outfit was discarded | I HER PHONE 919. Special Music Sale This Week Only Regular 40c. and 50c. numbers, 25 c. each Mo-Na-Lu, Poor Little Me, Tosti's Goodbye Melody, Song of India, ! Always, Birds of a Feather, Bow Wow Blues, Baby Face, Bimini Bay, Cho-Cho-San, Cry Baby Blues, Dapper Dan, Caresses, Do You Ever Think of Me, Down Yonder, Granny, Humming, | Hold Her Hand, | Wonder If You Still Care for Me, Waiting for Ships That Never Come In, The Last Waltz, A Baby in Love, Mandy 'N' Me, Mimi, I Want My Mammy, Ma, Somewhere in Naples, She Knows It, Look for the Silver Lining, Say It With Music, Sweet Lady, Oh Me Oh My, When Sweethearts Waltz, Wimmin, etc., etc. For mail orders add 3c. per copy for postage, THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Five for $1.00. OPEN NIGHTS ---- a0 ! 2h will not crush--Ilooks as well will find in VEL-ETTE. Gold, Grey, Scara®&Copen, Vel-Ette For Sports Attire A new Fibre Silk and Silk fabric that is as difficult to crush as a Turkish towel. new too, are KRINKLE-KNIT and THISTLDU. A TRIO OF FABRICS that meet the ideas and ideals of the practical sports woman. ough to hang well, light enough to give freedom of movement, porous enough to prove airy-- when new----all of these qualities and more, you Colors: Honeydew, Brown, Ivory, Navy, Black. Our price .. Newman & Shaw THE Uncrushable and ERINKLE-RNIT ™ Heavy en- with a shorter pile, and something the texture of Ratine, is Krinkle-Knit (Fibre Silk). Cream, Black, Jade, Pelican, Amethyst, Blue. $1.50 yard after wear as 3 THISTLDU IS CHARMING A mixture of Silk and Artificial Silkk -- Ivory, Pelican, Grey, Sand--36 inches wide . $8.50 per yd. ALWAYS BUSY STORE Homnimmrnmsmmraorn or BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN CITY OF KINGSTON | H. C. Perry, of the Palmoive | Soap Company, Toronto, was one of the visitors to the business office of | the Whig yesterday afternoon and expressed great confidence and op- | timism in regard to the bussazss {outlook generally. The well-known Palmolive advertising man had | good reason to take such a view as {he had just sold a car of Palmoilve {soap and Princess Soap flakes to l6cal dealers, the value of which was close 'to $15,000. Such a large purchase of one {commodity is a good indication of | business conditions here and a pro { phecy of better ones In the near fu- | ture. i | "Oh, Henry, oh, Henry" we see about us on every hand. In the {newspapers you will find it and in fthe shop windows, on bill boards and | posters of all sorts. Most people | have found out by now that "Oh! Henry" is not a play, or a puzzle, but | {just a really good chocolate bar. | | Few people have discovered that this' {chocolate bar is made in Kingston by | {the W. J. Crothers Company, Ltd. | ! The Crothers' company is ranking as one of the leading industries of the city, and the thorough advertising of thelr !atest confection is a mark of progress. A Special Meeting of Council Some aldermen desire to have the dominion government take up the question of Kingston harbor termi- nals with a view to the early begin- ning of work The arguments in favor of the proposal are the neces- sity of having deep water terminals here when the Welland opens in 1925; that the scheme has already been approved as a necessary part of the St. Lawrence waterway. Council, it is contended, should be a unit re- garding the urgency of the matter. ----eenritin Picton jail anthorities 'got the sur- prise of their lives when they learn- | €d during Monday night that Josep: | Van Wart, who had been sént up for | breaking and entering, had taken French leave of the institution. The liar is not believed when he speaks the truth, - . Livingstone Ave.--A detached Frame Dwelling, with 6 rooms ExLight, 3 piece bath, good cellar, and extra lot at the bargain price of $2600. Lower Patrick 8t.--A detached new bungalow, in ex- cellent conditign for $1650. Princess Street--Semi-detached brick, with 9 rooms all conveniences (central) for $4500. Quebec Street--A new. brick bungalow, with all con- veniences for $3400. Houses For Rent £12.00--25, Upper William St., 5 newly decorated. $16.00--267 Earl Street, 8 rooms and toilet, newly de- corated. $30.00--460 Brock Street, 8 rooms and all conven- iences. $35.00--144 York Street, 8 rooms and all conveniences. Fire Insurance, Automobile Insurancé E. W. MULLIN & SON RICLUSIVE AGENTS : Corner Johnsen and Division Streets Phoues 589w and 899J, rooms and toilet mn smn Smart White Footwear FOR WOMEN The new White Shoes in all the latest styles at lowest prices. White Canvas Two Straps $2.50 to $5 White Canvas Oxfords . . . $2.00 to $5 White Oxfords, black trimmed $3.50 White Oxfords, brown trimmed $3.50 Black and White, | Strap .....$3.75 White One Buckle Flappers $2.50, $3 . Try us for your White Shoes, 'S. J. MARTIN i®® PRINCESS STREET PHONE 210 - . .