Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1922, p. 5

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> , y ; CC , ob res. 48 Hi Sm Ee rb a am a ot 1 . \ © MIWBAY, ITNT 1a, 10a THE DATLY BRITISH WHI DRAW. WINNETT SAID HE COULD | oo, ---- ir. JRA Yen 4 | Kingston and Vicinity LUMBER 363 i Streets Phone 36 i | wt -- | on Ge---- JorGtr of sertres wor Tos ors Tory or eme---- | Our large capacity sheds are well filled . on Church Moonlight. { of relatives w re sald to guilty by a jury o DE one of the . . "Fruit-a-tives" Restored | Steamer Brockville to Clayton, | reside in 'Missouri four youths who on August 7th last | with a splendid assortment of good grades | to-night, 7.30 p.m., one hour in Clay-| -------- brutally beat Henry Klie, 65 years | of Lumber in all sizes i Him fo Health jton. Tickets, 50 cents. | When Ontario Began. old, f r f Colchester Soutn | a es FOR CHOICE I | Adolphustown is probably 1itce Ova ae 9 8 | It is in Al condition, and we would. be EATS do 158 Avexvus Pros IX, Mowrsean Entire Staff Resigns. known to most people outside its own ---- m "For three years, I was a terrible The entire staff of the Carleton |Tegion, yet 133 vears ago on Friday | Are Proud of Him. | pleased to serve you. and . sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general Place High School has tendered its |last, the United Empire Loyalists | The Napanee Beaver says: The : {|| bealth was very bad. I consulted a resignation to the Board of Educa- |landed there, on the shores of the | many friends of J. H. Lochead, King- | FIRST QUALITY physician and took his medicine but tion, evidently because of a salary | Bay of Quinte. and laid the founda- {eton, extend their heartiest congratu- | S. ANGLIN & CO. I did not improve; and finally he told disagreement, {tions for the province of Ontario. | lations, he having successfully passed | WESTERN BEEF me that 7 could not be cured. { ---- | with honors the recent fourth year Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay aod Wetiingtos TRY (ll At this time, a friend advised me | Our Summer Attraction. Quite a Surpris [examinations in medicine at Queen's | Blrects, KINGSTON, Ott. Office Ihoue 66. Factory | | : . : + nati i i >) A to try "Fruit-a-tives". After taking two Offers parents a good opportunity | "I signed that petition asking the | University. Harold is the only son Paoge 1415 boxes, I was greatly relieved; and Ia outfit hele bog ih ry low Sout joy ele Tass 2 ian require {Of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Lochead, form- : i i icine made me complete! oys sult, ha Panis, aki Br ($7988 On (erly or Newburgh, and is ene more = j 10is Fruit medicine ue 20 oy {shirts, waists, underwear, ferseye, | Wednesday afternoons," said a gro- | - -- -------- ------ THE A. B. C. WASHER of the old N. H. 8. graduates who are 8 . | well My digestion and general health swimming suits, etc., everything to cer, "but I never expected the coun- | making good. and we wish him every . C een { wre now splendid". make the boy happy. Prevost, |cil would accede to the request. . . | s in the future. GASPARD DUBARD. Brock street. jam in favor of a weekly half-holiday, jueees 262 PRINCESS STREET [|| 500 a box, 6 for/$2.50, trial size 25, | --_-- but do not like the idea of coercion." | HS ---- Let us loan you one free for next washday. PHONE 1183 {At dealers or tent postpaid by | . Cheese Sales. -- | Kiwanian Delegates. | "THE ELECTRIC SHOP" ; Napanee, 1,420 at 15 11-16¢ to 15 | vi Sie Fruita-ives Limited, Ottawa. ar > ig Disapproves the Practice. The following members of the K F. GRACE Phono 1345 115 Brock Street 13-16e. 2 {wanis Club will attend the Inter- Arn. E a o T { : | Perth, 442 at 15 3-4c to 186¢. J. M. Campbell, speaking as She ot | national convention in Toronto which = (the Kingston manyflcturers. For moviag of PIANO § UNING Iroquois, 865 at 15 3-4c. ioc. : ¥ h r {opens on Monday at Toronto: Jack | : EIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, | | Danville, Que. 1,182 at 16 1-8c, | Presses disapproval of the practice of . FREIG 9 jugeling with the national holidays. {Asselstine, Dr. G. W. Bell, P. Bor PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF | Mano Tuning and Repairing. Lisfowel, 2,391 at 15 3-Sc. . EVERY DESCRIPTION Aine Oram) owel, 2,391 at 15 ["It would be far better," said he |'2"d. R. E. Burns, Fred Clow, R. Kingston Transfer Co. mee | Crawford, 8. Crawford, W. Cusick, A. 4 | Engagement Announced. "if these holidays were fittingly cele- yen. snow Mr oo hy R. C. Rose, Carleton [brated on the 'days proclaimed be- |B Cunningham, H. Dick, Elmer and Phone 377. Evenings 2281. . | 153 WELLINGTON STREET | 2 3 . | Harold Davis, Jean Dennee, Stanle; 12 Markland St. Phone 2397m. Place, announce the engagement of Cause of the patriotic sentiments ex- y | erases inc remem | their daughter Jean Shillington, to |Pressed. -------- JONE LEE, Manages Most Up-to-Date Restaurant Excellent service. rn wen. A glands G. Everything of the Beat in well seleet ed mad carefully prepared food. 1 | 331 KING STREET, Private Phone 635. | Kearney, the prisoner who died At receive twenty lashes when he enters | Harold Stevenson, J. H. Butherland, | KINGSTON, ONT, CAN, Public Phone 527 | D_AT ONCE MUG |the Portsmouth penitentiary on Fri-/ portsmouth penitentiary, . Tuesday, | George VanHorne, E. Walsh, Rev. { rr -------------------------- | All work guaranteed. te Driver, George Gillespie, J. Halliday, cannot 5 |. | ee 3 ¢ | these a! GS hg Hanley, J. Hanley, J 0. Hutton, | SORE THROAT {Reginald E, Dowsett, i ey urge the op- | Lockett, W. K. Macnee, Ww. y. Dr Waugh { jTozontn, the marriage to. take place 'servance.on the proper days." [ Mills, W. Moore, J. McCallum, J. Mc- . h i A 'COMMON Al the last week of June, | : : : Call, J. McKay, H. W. Newman, H. SET Bp | > A j- | CH -- Tint # Dentist ho "MAY LEAD 16 C. Nickle, R. J" Reid, R, J. Rodger. 8 CONDITION. SIMILARLY Sent to Ottawa for Burial. Prison and Lashes. Ambrose Shea, J. 'F. Sowards, James ANS RD MAY The rémains of the late John Ernest Martin, Amherstburg, wil} [Sowards, J, F. Sparks, Noble Steacy. 106 Wellington St. Phone 2356 * | day morning from drinking shellac, | 414 twenty more. ten years hence, | Dr. R. J. Wilson, Dr, A. W. Winnett, PHONE 291 j Jere sent to Otitawa on Saturday ype pe jg released, according to the | George Awrey, Bliss Barnum, E. For Furniture or Baggage Transfer. ' i 5 3 uid BaeraRer The bod¥ | sentence County Judge Coughlin at |Green, Matthew Hanson, W. P, with motor truck or horse drawiy ' 10 aco t, the secon vietim o Qs ; i 23. % Mi { Hig wi Motor Cars amd Livery | DB THOMAS | Sandwich pronounced on the 23 vear- |Feters, Bruce Hopkins, A. Minne, | {shellac, is being held subject to the | 1 > Marti | ichard kind in conmection. Saddle yu | jold prisoner Martin was found Henry Richardson. Ne A pri ee on a ---- | Soecinicr. Freer peices "S| ECLECTRIC : [0 Fete TRL OG LE ei ON) « ~ | "BA SCOURT" CLOSING, . .__FINKLE & CO. OIL [pp mam =| | 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, Amann [a Splendid Programme was Given by | * pu SV Nm » 9 | the Children, : ! | ® | The closing exercises of '"'Bates- | | REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? court," Saturday afternoon, attract. { | Estimates given by ed many parents of the children in | i ; { attendance as well as other friends | Peo le's | 0. Aykroyd & Son of the school who at the conclusion . 21 Main St Ph 70. of the afternoon warmly congratu- y Pp: | nr rina he i070. [7 both scholars and their direc- } Florist { tor on the ffhe entertainment given. llingt : | The programme of songs, recitations 177 w . Sus a | |and a play, in every detail, displayed Fresh flowers ang P its iy Ski | the excellent training of the children Funeral designs, and wedding n by Miss A. H. Bates and her staf | & bouquets to order. Phone 1763, . + Starr who acted as chairman er Res,, 1187. E rup t ions gave a short address in which-he con- i ou 1 Nn gratulated the school on the excel- s i 8 Zr Grivel Dus lence of the varied exhibition of the | : | afternoon particularly compliment- | BROCK STREET When Jou are Somstipats ing Miss Bates on the fine choruses | ° { : $9 jhere So ieough rendered by the entire school. i your system to keep the The programme included five | food waste soft. Doctors | songs by the school, recitations by | prescribe Nujol because | Kathleen Carruthers, Elizabetn | its action is so close to { Young, Lorene Lockett, Constance this natural lubricant, Grant, Marion Sawyer, Mary Hora, Nujol is a lubricant--not and a recitation in chorus. The 3 medicine Jmtive Play entitled "Advertising for a Ser- ) / ah 0 ca pe. Iry vant" depicted the trials of a Mr. and today. Mrs. Bray (Lorene Lockett and Mary " \ \ ) DOUBLE treat Hora) who received many applicants DN | --Peppermint for the position. These parts were | Age Jacket over Pep- taken by Jane Waddell, Elizabeth | N '| Young, Constance Grant, Marion Bawyer and Royal Jeffreys. The act- Ing of the children showed a fine ap- preciation of their parts and kept the | audience in merriment. The following were the winners of | 9 the prizes which were presented by OGQGlI IVIE by Dean Starr: For general proficiency, . senior third, Mary Hora; junior | { 3 ; Insurance and Brokerage Office third, Kathleen Carruthers; second | x 4, \ RN The only thing in a EE ---------------------- class, Constance Grant: first class, | Os! = TN ! . . AGENT FOR Billie Day; primer, Madalin Carrcth. | ' Candy jacket just "melts 8 CL, { Suit for a boy who 18 ers. The prize for good conduct and EXCELSIOR LIFE, ROYAL EX. | regular attendance was won by Con-| In your mouth" then you CHANGE, FIRE, SICKNESS AND [stance Grant. get the delectable gum center. \ ACCIDENT. NUBGLARY. | I Aine. was juiged by Min, And with Wrigley's three old 2 i They are "Made to wear where others tear P Breck and the prizes awarded a fol-. : G. HUNTER OGILVIE lows: Dolls clothes, sénjor ass, standbys also affording friendly Lholcest quality of Scranton 151 Wellington Street | |Drize by Miss Hora won by Mary aid to teeth, throat, breath, NOL4 1 Coul., No other kind sold by Hora; dolls clothes, junior class, _ appetite and digestion. d A y \ TWEDDELL'S u : prize by Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, won Soothing, thirst. » x BOOTH & 00. by Lorene Lookett; lap bags, prize "Mak 4s d . Grove Inn Yard Phone 1338 by Mrs. Waddell, won by Madeline Suenciung, M king \ NA 1 131 Princess St. EVERSHARP Sertuinem; Jandkershlets, won by| 336 XR AV OR (One door below Randolph Hotel) Geraldine Howard. The prize in a PENCILS drawing was won by Mary Hora, Miss ann REPAIRED Fraser doing the judging. ------ ( ) A . Observation Boat Blown Up. F R S LE We are: equipped to make At Alexandria Bay on June 16th dful island 40Y repairs to above pencils. the Lollle, $5,000 observation boat A beau Lough We carry a suppiy of parts. owned by Capt. Samuel Massey, was boro Lake .......... $75.00 Prompt service. blown up. The owner seriously in- jured when gasoline in the craft ex- | W. H. GODWIN & SON JLR.C. Dobbs & Co. | [Ploded. The transom of the boat Real Estate urilics was blown 100 feet. The force of || AR Toa 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, the explosion was so great that win- 80 Broci@iBtreet Phone 424 dows through the village rattiea. wal oman Jes ud Fanivinent, tesla ive on your Ji To AA AR AA The boat was forty feet in length and | = | : had a capacity of eighteen passen-! | H. A 'PLET N ' . WE BUY AND SELL gers. It was used in connection with | [fi 417 PRINCESS STREET Phones §7hw. the St. Lawrence Hotel of which |) i > = Sree . 4 SEASONABLE FRUITS VICTORY Massey was Heal 20 Be note waste Le 4 ; A big variety of these popular gar- and FRESH VEGETABLES BONDS ey Bic ae. iu at 4 hi ments in Tuxedo and Pullover styles-- Pinon J True wor MFERIAL plain or fancy colors, in Wool, Silk and Pineapples, Strawberries, To- Montreal Tramway ang Power, : ; 1 1 " oh 1 . matoes, and all the good things Quebee Ruttway, | Chan a at aamat, cigbiy oh » ; Mohair. Priced from $2 Sto $ 3.50 in Spring Vegetables. ST PAUL . years, who was for years caretaker : . hy n d i 4 . BON MARCHE GROCERY This stock 30M at 117 before Ia re oy Js chiizeh. aud Sanitor : | NEW VOILES FOR 1 » the various schools of Watertown, : Cer. ard Earl Streets the war. It is now around 26. -Y., passed away at the home of £5 / Ning ns 1844. The President of the road recent. his ad away H.C Crosby late MAD g SUMMER DRESSES ly reported traffic 20% heavier Thursday afternoon. Mr. Forrester : 4 ia i8ls year than last and prospects §{p.a been in ill-health during ths k go ; Pretty patterns in light and dark colors of heavy business. " fpust winter. Mr. Forrester was AlN Born in Westport, Ont., som of Dan- ; dt git 3} including many dress lengths of exclu- A McKINNON & Co 181 and Anna Forrester and spent his y EF early life there obtaining his sduce. VAISULINE sive designs from . ...50c. a yard up. Money doesn't always lead hap- Diness, but it helps in the oh | very materially.

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