MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1922. T-- we _-- LT -- ee _ relieve tired, sore, swolicn and tender feet. --To stop excessive perspira- tion and ease the pain of Corns, Bunions and Callouses. USE THE "BEST" a | ~--To instantly Foot Powder --Tkis is an ideal combination * of Anti-Chafe and Foot-bath Powder, ~--In large Sprinkler tins ..25c. | : L. I, BEST Prescription Druggist Open Sundays Phone 59 DR. BELL'S SHAVING CREAM and retains its moisture eee | Brushes up quickly; creamy lather || Meat Store Opp. Y.M.C.A. Phone 1268J To-morrow's Specials Sausage (Cambridge) .... Jams (4 1b. tin) Fe -- Aaa IS THE MONTH OF Weddings Since very early times a Wed- ding Ring has been bestowed upon the bride, and it is still a very important part of the wedding ceremcny. We have a very complete stock of-- Wedding Rings in PLAIN GOLD CHASED GOLD WHITE GOLD a and PLATINUM | SMITH BROS. LIMITED ESTAELISHED 1840 KING STREET, KINGSTON | | College, Cathedral at 11 a.m. where a special | DR. S. E. PORTER Corner Alfred and Johnson Streets Phone 1072F, SEE IT DEMONSTATED McClary's Electric Water Heater We have one installed in the store. It will give you all the hot water you re- quire. It is the most economical way of heating water during the summer. Its con- struction is so simple that it is foolproof. Call and see it. Let us give you infor- mation. : Price ni.ciieisie io tere oie ivie on; $32.00 McClary's Electric Ranges with the pro- tected elements give satisfaction. Get the prices. McKelvey & General Contractors, Heating Special w irch, Limited Steam Fitters ang Plumbers, Jobbers of Plumbers' a nd Gas-Fitters Supplies, Stoves, Shelf, Heavy and House Furnishing Hardware, Tools, Ofls, Beat Supplies, Sheet Metal and Tin Work; Electrie work; Painting md Paper Hanging. Special work of all kinds undertaken. RNC. TBLET INVELED In the College Grounds--Bac- calaureate Sermon Preach- ed in St. George's. | The closing exercises of tha Royal Military College included impres- |8lve services on Sunday. At 10 (8. m. a tablet was unveiled on | the college grounds to the memory of all graduates who fell in actien during the late war, Dean Starr offic- iating. The tablet is located between the eight birch trees that were plant- | ed in memory of eight cadets of the |8raduating class of 1910. The cere- { mony was attended by the entire staf {Of the college, the gentlemen cadets and many visitors. The baccalaureate preached by Rev. Dr' Seager, Trinity Toronto, in St. George's | service was held by Dean Starr. The chancel was beautifully de- jcorated with red and white flowers | provided by the graduating class and | special music was rendered by the {the cadets. It was a full choral ser- {vice and Holy Communion was cele- | brated, over one hundred and fifty | cadets partaking. The service was {most impressive and €pectacular as {the cadets formed two long lines in {the center aisle extending from the jaltar rail through the chancel and {down to the nave. The scarlet j tunics, crimson sashes and gold braid jcontrasted vividly with the eombre | hues of the edifice, and made the |stene a brilliant one long to be re- { membered, In addition to this the | cathedral was crowded by young {ladies, garbed in the height of fash- | fon, and whose presence was attract- | ed by the greatest social event of the , the June ball, that takes place this evening. The Royal Military College staff under Major-General Sir A. C. Mac- |donell, the commandant, was present {In full dress uniform. The cadets {marched from the college under command of Major E. de L. Green- wood, staff adjutant, and presented a very fine appearance, the white hel- mets and scarlet tunics of pre-war tinctive and picturesque charm that the service khaki does not have. Dean Starr in introducing Rev. Dr. Seager who was to preach the vale- dictory sermon, said that many of the cadets were attending the cathe- dral for the last time and there was a special message for them, Rev. Dr. Seagar took for hig text, Math. VI:9--"After this manner therefore pray ye: 'Our Father which art in heaven,' and emphasized the fatherhood of God revealed in the life of Christ. "I would like anything I have to say today," said he, "to take the form of a message to the cadets and espec- fally to those who are graduating or any who have already graduated. There comes to us in the words of the text a revelation of God's father- hood, and the suggestion of love, obedience and loyalty. We have al- ways assumed the fatherhood of God as a fact, but we would never have known the fatherhood of God in this sense had it not been revealed in the lite and character of Jesus Christ, His Son. It is when you see Him in the character of father, in the gather- ing together of His disciples, and at Calvary, that you are assured. The Hebrew genius for religion never reached the height of the fatherhood of God. In the Psalms you have ten- der axpressions of the love of God, but that is not the general impres- sion you get from reading the new Testament. Isaiah saw God in power and might sitting upon a throne and he expresses the Hebrew thought of God in fear and dread that filled their souls. How different when you pass to the New Testament where the sole conception of Jesus Christ is "father." His life is obedient to the father's will as when he says: 'Into Thiy hands I commend my spirit.' You and I are beckoned to enter into THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Ything as eS TIE Weather / Furniture You will enjoy your Summer Home or Cot- tage. ever so much more If you have it equipped with com- fortable and service- able Summer Furni- tare, oy Bee our stock of PORCH CHAIRS ia Old Hickory, Sea Gress. Rattan, Wicker, Fibre and Rush. # . RUGS to fit any size of room in Fibre, Klearflax, Jute and bright "summery" CRETONNES to match for hanzives and cushions. +m > . PORTABLE VICTROLAS FOR CAMPING, BOATING AND PICNICING. THE NOCWEST RECORDS, A COMPLETE STOCK. it pis Baer sermon was | {choir, the hymns being selected by | days giving the battalion a very dis- | THE DAILY BRITISH the eternal heritage of God wher | |the soul lives in the atmosphere of | the fatherhood of God; and when | | trained in the warm life of the! {fatherhood of God Will develop a |type of character like that of Christ. | What Christ became through much crying and tears so can our measure according to our faith--we too shall become Christcharacters as the type of Christian character, 'We know that when He shall appear that we | shall be like Him for we shall know Him as He is." The speaker-show- ed that the type of Christian men- tioned was without fear for Christ showed that he possessed the power to cast out fear. To live In the lave of God, to be baptised in his father- hood, is to possess all the might, wisdom and power of God, ag ex- pressed in terms of love--and be- reath us are the everlasting arms. Moreover a character without fear | {i3 a character unselfish in purpose {which Is the key to the whole life of Christ. If we live a life with Christ we will develop the Christ-like character, It 1s not a weak and | effeminate character, but the attain- ment of the highest point in heroic courage, We learn dependence upon |God. Self-reliance is but nonsense, | [tor no man or woman fs fundamen- | {tally independent. Attempts at in- | |dependence bring disaster and the | | husks of the prodigal in the parable. { [The noblest thing you can do is to | {lve so close to Christ that something | {ot His beauty and His power can | {come into your life. He calls you land me to life." | | | PASS TO ANOTHER FORM. | Additional Promotions at the COol- legiate Institute, ! The following are promoted, in ad- ! | dition to those not required to write jon the June examinations: | Form one B__Amey, Baxter, Ball, !Bews, Francis, Harnden, Morris, | Nixon, Patterson, Sugel, Tweddell, | Vince, Vokes; Misses Bidwell, Gor- don, Le Heup, Moffatt, Pixley, Wil- liamson, Wilson, Form one C--Gourley; Kirkpat- rick, Maynes, Price, Robinson, Cecil Taylor; Misses Caughey, Mitchell. Form one D--Baker, Doyle, Wood- |ruff, Wilson; Misses Barnes, Burns, ! |Cattermole, Gowsell, Hepburn, Hors- | fall, Lawrence, Potts, Porter, Robin- son, Sharman, Steacy, Stephenson, Turnbull, Wallace, : Form one E--Andrews, Bearance, Gamble, Glover, Kendrick, Nichol- son; Misses Cunningham, Gourley, Montgomery, Rowland, Sugarman. Form two B--Arkley, Bryant, Hughes, Jolliffe, Laturney, MacDon- ald, Nobes, O'Connell, Simmons, Jones; Miss Vince. Form two C--Baxter, Flair, Mouldey, Prager. Form two D--Harkness, Quinn, Whitty; Misses Baker, Cooke, Clarke, Driscoll, Grant, Powell, Valleau. Form two E---Adriap, Bennett, Best, Brokenshire, Caines, Cruch- ley, Harkness, Reid, Simpson, Clarke; Misses Phillips, Rodway, Sands. ------------ SCHOOL CONVENTION. I-- Five of Them Have Been Held in Lennox County, Napanee Beaver. The township of Richmond and Napanee held their Sunday school convention at Forest Mills, on June 9th. Both the afternoon and even- ing sessions were well attended. This was the last of the series of five con- ventions held in the county during Jesse, La SUNDAY | [PEE om 0 a a era WHIG. Oliv oti oe ee i ites oi masa Li ol St Steacy's Re-Building Sale | TUESDAY'S BARGAINS The greatest of all bargain events now on throughout the whole store. Seasonable merchandise at prices that mean savings to all thrifty shoppers. Extra! Extra! Extra! EARLY MORNING SHOPPERS! You can save 15% on all regular cash purchases by shop- ping here to-morrow morning, TRIPLE DISCOUNT STAMPS From 9 a.m. till | p.m. A wonderful opportunity for thrif- ty shoppers to save money on their personal and house- hold requirements. Shop at Steacy's and save |5¢c. on every dollar purchase. 200 Pair Glove Silk Hose Regular $3.85. \ the past week, all of which Mr, Mac- Gregor, the provincial president; | Rev. 'W. P. Fletcher and Rev. R. C. | Tait, of Morven, attended. | The following officers were Sheets ed for the ensuing year: President--aAlex, Collins, Shares] Corners. 1st Vice President--W. T. Mac- Kenzie, Napanee. Secty. and Treas.--J, C. Hudgins, Selby. Children's Divieion_Mrs. R. J. Smith, Napanee. Young People's, girls--Miss Mabel Mills, Napanee. Young People's, Graham, Napanee. Adult Div.--S, S. Brown. Home Department--Mrs. J. V. Toppings, Marysville No. 1. | Teacher Training--Mrs, J. R. Ack- erman, Sharp's Corners No. 1, Missionary--Mrs. Burnell son, Napanee No. 6. Temperance--Mrs. N. B. Miller, Napanee, ks Convicted of Arson Cornwall, June 19--Adelard Le- febvre, accused was found guilty of setting fire to his house with the idea of collecting insurance and was sentenced to five years 'in penitentiary. Lefebxre lived in a house in the township of Roxbor- ough about three and a half miles from Moose Creek. On the nights of April 7th and 8th, two fires were dis- covered in a pantry. Coal oil odors | were detected in the house. The matter was reported to E. P. Heat- on, Ontario Fire Marshal, and De- puty Marshal Burnett was sent to investigate. Lefebvre was arrested. Guilty of Arson. . Picton, Ont., June 19. -- John Ryan, merchant, Demorestville, was sentenced to six months' in Picton Jail. He was charged with arson in connection with the burning of an old church just adjoining his store some weeks ago and also with at- tempting to burn his own premises. boys--Limbert Deni- Twenty persons are believed to have been killed and more than fifty injured in a cyclonic wind and rain- storm that swept with terrific force across parts of four Wisconsin coun- Tuesday $2.19 200 pairs only, "Queen Quality" Glove Silk Hose,-- in colors Black, Navy, White, Brown, Grey--all sizes in each color, 8} to 10. Pointex heels and sold regular at $3.85 a pair. While they last Tuesday . ......ccoourereeon oo... $2.19 BOYS' BATHING SUITS 60 only, Boys' Cotton Bath- ing Suits -- Zimmerknit -- sizes 22 to 30. Worth regu- lar 75c¢. each. Tuesday ........... BOYS' JERSEYS 300 Boys' Cotton Jerseys in Navy with Red, Saxe, White trim necks. Sizes 20 to 32. Worth 60c. each. Tuesday ..........o.. 43c. ... 49e. CURTAIN SCRIM 500 yards of plain Curtain Scrim with fancy border; 36 inches wide and worth 18¢. a yard. While the quantity Jasts .... sie siejle in eiateloTelolo ie aloleie ainleleale es Tuesday 12%c. MILL ENDS OF LAWN Regular 40c. to 60c. yard. Tuesday ..... .... 23¢. 1,000 yards of mill ends o f fine White Lawns: 36 inclies wide, and in lengths | to 5 yards, and worth 40c to 60c yd. Special values in Hosiery and Underwear! teacy's - Limited Lam L