THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG._ | COULDN'T DO HOUSEWORK HEART WAS SO BAD i. . . £ Many women get weak and run : ' down and unable to look after their i household duties owing to the heart i action becoming impairéd or the x > . : # nervous system unstrung « The Special Poliey § Nature intended women to be la Yound 4 5 sick and wretched. But how can a A » EXCELSIOR woman be strong and healthy when § day in and day out she has to BO a" bo a -- gd E through the same routine of work, : i $ 3 3 INS. LIFE cCoO'y § sweeping, dusting, cooking, washing, 8 etc. Is it any wonder that the heart ISSUED BY THE dl strong, healthy and happy instead of . 2 i " & ay 5 Fe H . 3 J A SOLL BY i becomes affected and she gets irrit- { d v 3 . ] tig : #4 Able and nervous, has hot flushes, i ; SER D WIGHTMAN § | faint and dizzy spells, smothering and Li : . 4 ¢ k » * 4 |sinking spells and can't sleep at 4 , \ h w i ; : & | night. i 3 ge Se ¥ $ N nw, » RFC 151 WELLINGTON ST. 3 To all women whose heart is weak ; : ar : . "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" S-- 4 and whose nerves are unstrung we ; i g 4 ; COPYRIGNT, CANADA, 1500, BY EMILE BERLINER High Guarantee, § would recommend o vd FEATURES | | t MILBURN'S £3, : d : ; AFHIG " ' { 1 j Low _ Premium} HEART AND NERVE PILLS oe Ng of RRR BL EX Out o-da y = i |28 the best Temedy to tone up the \ : h a SSR k lustration: | system and strengthen the weakened i : 8 3 & By o" . ' ° " ° TO] J E+ His Master's Voice-Vict ; Mrs. Daniel Bezanson, Loganville, |- 2 \ d ; : NY - Premium $130.20, Guarantees N.8., writes: --"As I was troubled 5 5 3 ' TE IS as ers oice 1 or to return In Cash in 21 years with a weak heart for nearly two Insurance, "00% PED (ears {am wring to ta vou wha | |S : Records for June and Nerve Pills, has done for me. My heart was so bad at night I id ~ es : : bE / DANCE RECORDS Could not sleep. I would take smoth- fe Cuddle Up Blues--Fox Trot = + E The \ ' 5 ering spells and was so weak I could . / vy . 0 me i i 2 RAILWAY | Dot do my housework 1 tried two 4 2, PRR. 4 \ 3 . Mn Honsrs Japs A a Toten, pers t Sas £= Ha:\ 1) TRI [3 f doctors, but got no results A friend / i J nr. Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, SYST advised me to try. your pills. I used | : ' H A ; Joseph C. Smith and His Orch. : six boxes and am completely relieved | . P dou! % & and His Orch. : AGENCY FOR ALL | I think they are the best remedy for | bY § pad Hind heart troubls there fs." | . 3 Teasin'--Fox Pee All Star Trio and Their Orchestra | 50c. a box at all dealers, ng > You Can Have Ev'ry Light on Broad way--F Trot OCEAN STEAMSHIP | matled direct on receipt of price by arviti Nov Orchesiia » | The T. Milburn Co. Limited, Toronto, Po 'i § Love: Fox Trot Club jon J : California Fox ror Club Royal Orehaors is a Who Believed in You ?--Fox Trot All par Trio sad T Orch. LINES l : Some Sunmy --Pox Trot Paul Whiteman and |= 3 Waa Fou, Sorming. Noon 10d Nighi HT I Want You 3 nan Fox. : Romanelli' tan Special attention given your family | Children's | \ \ Swing Me In the Moonlight-- Waltz Metropol Eo Orchestra) BE REE BE kEhE xX s or friends going to or returning from | i When the Tide Comes In-- Waltz . y re" O the Old Country HAIR CUTTING . carey Oh! Bobby (We'll be Happy in or Lies ome foe t J. P. HANLEY, G.P. and T.A.G T. Ry, Our Motte: "Cleanliness and 3 ; 4 a 3 A Mammy Lou Diztelan se J Kingston, Ont. Civility," and we try to live up 1 eg . As : 2 Gon Mo UpandLay MeDown in Dear Old Open day and night | to It in every way, = : a g : g Don't Feel Sorry for Me J ve > i ca 3 Wake Up, Little Girl, You're Just Dreaming Burr ; V i a Wond All Charles Tarim F rank Robb's y Hs J aa i It's a Wonderful World After YPHONE 99 BARBER PARLOR ' ; ; SR # Fa Sb ap oe Andmam (Through His Bleeding Side) Pte en Lambert | | TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS 185 WELLINGTON STREET EY > ter--Ipfiatamatus (To Thy [i a i Stabat Ma §IoXry Holy Cary | | | | For information ana rates apply to One of our specialties: Tayo] y . POPULAR SONGS Victor St. Lawrence Rente, Season 1922 V k Nova Scot 1 " ! - Lucy Isabelle Salling Lists \ow Ready (Next tv Hank of Nov if) : NE : ve a Wee Lassie t's Nice Yi ee fn Th Ra TT BEE Marchéts Victe Victor C ee 2 | Helpful Hair Hints | [SEIS I wii Tr Eh te 4 i pra h oncert Savonic Dance Ne. i (in EB Migor oncert bed ¥ 5 DRY = ed ' Paust--Waltz from Kermesse Scene You can easily clean your head of hg 3 3 4 Medley of Faverite Operatic Alrs (Accordion) Io ¥ N Fy R D | dandrug, prevent the hair from fall- } p , RED SEAL RECORDS Ing out and beautify it, if you use , \ | Lg x The Jasmine Door Sop Parisian Sage. , I : Only toDreamYouLoveMe!(Lasciall dir. tu m'ami) Fae fo N C 13 0) R A lady visiting friends says "Paris- ¥ REC & v ny 3 k MMocarise Hl |ian Sage > n Solo) Mita Eman ANCHOR-DONALDSON { {an Sage Is the best thing I ever used | He Tote a oautsnlied der Marietta M eritan | to make my hair wavy, lustrous and : : v y laza--E un riso gentil('Tis a Smile) nail . Amelita | abundant. It also keeps away all 8 ro, ¢ , ; Night's Dream Toscanini and La Scala x Montreal te Glasgow { dandruff and immediatel w : 9 y p Jdsuay 74749 y stops jtch- g A £ = £ Fay Lohengrin--Elsas Traum (Elsa's Dream M eritza June {June J hguly 28 Cassandsa | f'ng scalp." ». rg k & ¥ Res St. Paul--But the Lord 1s Mindrer of Own tune Joris sess 16[** 4]Aug. 11 ....Sat : : d R=) 3 : < : ; Sones 3 duly fe Tyrrhenia | This Inexpensive Invigorator is sold i » ? : Ask to hear these new selections played on the Sept. 15/Oct. 13|Nov. 10 ...,. : Athenla | by McLeod's Drug Store and at all 4 " PRS a **Calls at Moville (Ireland). | Bood drug and toilet counters. Be - * ® en route to Liverpool {sure you get the genuine Parisian 1 C Tr O a Sage (Giroux's) as that has the > Montreal te Liverpool money back guarantee printed on y : 9 : " wil [1 June 10/July 15/Aug. 19 ... _. Albania | ever bottle. 4 H M st Vi d ale Sidi 8 at any "His Master's Voice" dealers June 27|July 29{Sept. 2 . ..Tyrrhenia Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, Montreal a oz S606 MRkEEERE Aug. 12({Sept. 16/Oct. 14 .... | -Ausonia and Lendon June 17|July 22]Aug. 2 Andania : July 1|Aug. 5|Sept. 9 Antonla | i L , , My y ; : A " » 3 ; x wd ; Inter and Externa N. Y. to Queenstown and Liverpool ay IL ! | 3 " hy Rant. are' CLE relieved by | Montreal to Plymouth, €herbourg | EE i A | } J 8{July 6iJuly 26 .... 3 i it ST » Ry Snetri v Ls WE Dt THoMAS' ECLEGTRIC OIL une: y 20fAug i. . THAT IT HAS BEEN 80LD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS *sail ton, June 16 . ; A : AND IS TO-DAY A GREATER THAN Sails from Boston, June "2 5 3 : i ; BEFORE 15 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEARS FOR ne N.Y, Cherbourg & Southampton i o : . : . NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES. May 30/June 20 July 11 . -.Berengaria * June 8|June 27 July 18 ... Mauretania June 131July 4|Aug. 1 «+....Aquitania N. Y., Ply, Cherbourg and Hambourg Sa : WH " | ; : Bi ' y $i TE Ben oy Br all, MOTOR GLASSES July 1|Aug. 3(Sept, 9 .... Saxonia fF vA 3 4 Boston -- Liverpool -- Queenstown | We have just received a shipment of Motor and Sun Glasses at May 31{June 28/July 26 J N , " Fioiy ! i A very reasonable price. As these are sure to be snapped up quick, get yours now, and the other fellows' dust won't worry you any longer, N. Y., to Glasgow (via Moville) May 27|June 24[July 23 .... Columbia June 3|Sept. $|0ct. Cameronia Sune 14lJuly Islaus. 35 Algeria Possibly no other part of the World gives up to its people, a greater expanse of country for recreation purposes than k ARTHEY RO BOSTON TO LONDONDERRY The Latest Development in Electric Canada. From the Atlantic to the Pacific large tracts of territory have been set aside by the Dominion or Provinciaj . 9 . . - ' . LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW Westnug Rechines Par nts Telusta, " Governments--great unspoiled kingdoms, where nature and beauty vie with each other, where bird and animal life is , Kingston s Up-to-date Optical Parlor duly : . Catv Assyria of Wrinaer 125 - unmolested, and where everything is as nature planned it. Just what this means to mortal man it is difficult to estimate, 'Phone 2108 for appointment. - 148 Princess Street *Cargo only to Glasgow. > but it makes life worth while for those who embrace the opportunity of spending their vacation in these great open spaces > These playgrounds are, in addition, a great national asset, as thousands of tourists annually from all parts of the world %, DITERRANEA Burk El Co hip wi ic shri an Y to MEDITERRANEAN e eclric # P With ul at our ak July 5 ( Cameronia | 74 Princess Street. Por raves freight and furihes \ particulars son ie tot and fur the . : THE ROBERT REFORDCO., Liwies h Jonge ark Lodge in at present being constructed and will be ready for the reception of this year's { GENERAL AGENTS 3 | ala, Sesteesiel be aerated by the Canadian National Railways, 9 KING STREET EAST , " ; : z a ho Bewareq MOUNTAIN. GROVE ACCIDENTS. [yrs Coot Clarke, Mountain Vale,| William Loucks and family, Dead Some stars are so remote that it J | ---- were at J. D. Clark's on Sunday. | Creek, were recent visitors in this takes 0.000 years for their light to "AR aut tan Garry over ton Toe I. Raymond's Home Burned--Nar- Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. Hartwick | vicinity. Miss Maud Thompson vis- Peach this earth. its own weight. row Escape of Earl McDonald. [a son. ited R. Coulter's recently. A mi nn ie Mountain Grove, May 30.--Go to Sunday School Sunday was very DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE suitably observed in the Methodist school here. Mrs, William Barr is spending some time in Kingston. Effective June 4th. What might have resulted in a -- ed ; i ot, { fatal accident occurred on Thursday y x 3 * 0D when an east-bound freight struck A J ? | ihe as ur > Earl McDonald, one of the C.P.R. 3 " ores 4 H : ] 3 special gang, hurling him some dis- . 8 5 - retu H 3 ith tance. He was picked up and ! : + Ny | brought to Mountain Grove Station al j : oe and Dr. Levine, Sharbot Lake, was hurriedly summoned. No bones Eb : were broken, but it was feared he } SA Convalescence is always tedious. Depleted strength and had internal injuries, so he was rush- | 3 AR vitality must be restored--not drugs and stimulants ed to the General Hospital at King- 8 3 which act only ston, when an X-ray examination re- par | 5 vealed the fact that beyond a bad WILL BE RESTORED shaking up no serious results would | ; accrue. ? As DAILY TRAIN BETWEEN . .|_H. Thompson arrived home on A Sos ; Friday very ill, but is reported a much better now. H. and C. Price, AND g Miss Iva Brown and Miss E. Hughes d ' } 5 motored to Napanee on Sunday. A TW 8 ) - baby boy has arrived to brighten the| via CAPREOL and PORT ARTHUR home of J. Cox. | "Ovaltine," a delicions bes, : ! oe home of I. Raymond was to- the appetite, is a concen ANA tally destroyed by fire ca Thursd ; | body-buildigg elements. L 10 3 5 P.M. DAILY © |morning. Mr. Raymond had gone rd me A She vial ONTO ODERN EQ Standard Time. |%5 7%, oe Xi ad et"ir| | | Ny, roi me: b i. mond and two older children were i ; ALIN from ripe ly malt, : . after the cows, leaving a small boy| op : KL ©E8s and cocoa. _ Including first class Ti Sleeping Cars, Dining ; Ci and Compartment Ones ion-Library and the baby at home. When they Sm i 9 . returned the house was in Connection is made at Winnipeg for all Western Points. but the little fellow had heroically carried the biby from the burning building to a place sf safety, The house and contents were a total loss. The people of the vicinity are re- ding to their needs, as evon " their clothing was destroy HORA' I a Flite. Ha Thoupwu, also Entering "01d Bailey" court in London, where he was! onan 2 Bay, met with | oe, bax slicer. But for the r. an rs. A. W. pson mo- . a i 3 - aries Gavin, Sand Bay, met wit prompt action of B. McCready, t torsd to Godfrey on Sunday ana) Sentenced to seven years imprisonment for fraud in Vietory|, serious accident while working at | operator of the machine, he Ya Spent the day with friends. Mr."and| bond deals, : Wright's saw mill," operating a have lost his hand. .