: TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1922. Sure? TISH W HIG. Painted Windows STUDIES IN RELIGIOUS PERSONALITY BY A GENTLEMAN WITH A DUSTER This book reveals brilliantly, unsparingly, the chaos of opinion which exists in the modern church, ex>mplified in twelve inti- mate and vivid portraits of religious leaders: -- Genéral Bramwell Booth Dr. W, E. Orchard Bishop William Temple Principal W. B. Selbie Archbishop Randall Davidson Bishop Gore Dean Tuge Principal L. P, Jack Bishop Hensley Henson Miss Maud Royden Canon E. W. Barnes FOR SALE R. Uglow & Co. Our eye examination without drops Whether it be in Sterling Silver or Plated, we can supply you with a Cup or Shield to sult every occasion. leaves no chance of error, and no af- | Let our years of experience help in making your selection. STERLING SILVER CUPS $15.00 UP. SILVER PLATED CUPS $5.00 UP CONSULT Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Oemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kingston Jement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. sta ata Failure, to the man who learns, Kinnear &d'Esterre JEWELERS 1 | DENTAL PARLORS 188 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON We specialize on Painless Extraction, means expereince, and experience is Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and equipment, and equipment is wealth, X-Ray work. Pr eA fro-------- a, A SPECIAL SALE OF 21 Piece English China Tea Sets Reduced From $6.50 to $4.35 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ! | Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. MEN'S OXFORDS 495 Gun Metal and Mahogany Oxfords -- per- forated Tips and Vamps. Special al of 100 Princess Street, Kingston ffl |] | An aero li air route between N lane of flight. ghthouse, one of hundreds to be erected on the ew York and Chicago, providing a steady | ~~ A RARE TREAT FOR SOLDIER-PATIENTS The Kiwanlans 'Gave Mowat Inmates a Night of Delight. | of the Mowat Hospi- i tal, Portsmouth, were the guests of [the Kingston Kiwanis Clup at the { Weekly luncheon held at that institu- tion on Monday evening. It was a banquet rather than. a luncheon, and in addition to the usual Kiwanis style of entertainment, that makes {it different from any other club, a splen- did programme of music and ad- dresses wags put on. It was a rare f rest for the soldier-patients broke from the regular hospital rou- | tine to enjoy two hours that was Just 2 continuous round of merriment, The Kiwanians assembled at the Market square at 6 pm. and a pro- cessionof automobiles was formed up and proceeded to Portsmouth. The club was present in full force and numbered about ninty, Upon reach- ing the hospital the sick committee consisting of President Noble Steacy, H. Milne, Joe Hanley, R. J. Wilson and Stewart Robertson visited all of the patients in their pavilions and rooms distributing cigarettes and bouquets of sweet Peas. The heartiest welcome was extended by Dr. Hop- kins the staff and patients, and, from the moment of arrival all caught something of the Kiwanis spirit Which wah reflected in every part of the institution, The luncheon was served in the big dining room in the main building. The tables were decorated with flow- ers, and presented a blaze of color, About seveuty patients sit down with the Kiwanians, nich member having a patiert as his guest, Spec- fal tables hal to be set on the ver- Eve: ything went off with a bang from the start. Garret Lockett ¥ot in charge of the music and, in 2dédition to Kiwanis songs, ho provid- ed the best voral and instrumental fa.ent procurable, Treneer's orches- "ra played throughout the evening and songs were sung by Harold Skin- ner, baritone, Gananoque: Harold Singleton, tencr. Jack Elder, King- stcn's "Harry Lauder," aid thy Ki- wanis Quartette, consisting of Messrs. H. W. Newman, F. J. Wilson, W.: Mc- Callum and H. Singleton, W. J. O'Brien, of the Imperial To- bacco Company, was the booster, and he provided a package of Player's cigarettes for évery guest. Kiwanian O'Brien is a valued member of the club and upon being introduced by Billy Moore, he received a most hedrty salutation. The roll call was full of amusing incidents, few members escaping fines owing to the vigilance of the president, Henry Rifhardson, as The patients serg't-at-arms, was kept busy, and he ! performed his duty in a most efficient manner. At one point in the proceed- : ings all who had not been fined since Joining the club were asked to stand. Only one, W. McLean, a new mem- ber, rose and was promptly fined. The following were the prize win- ners: R. D. Andrew, Miss Hinchie, Miss McNamee, Miss Briggs, H. P. Birch Plain, Vietoria' Co., N.S, May 29th (Special). --"Dodd's Kid- ney Pilis are a wonderful remedy for kidney trouble." These are the words rs. Ewan McQueen, a highly re- spected resident here. And.Mrs. Mc- speaks out of her own experi- 2 i i £:if i g ! i : i ee i i sik BEES 7 | mm mn, '|Comer, A, J. Lavery, Mies Billingd, W. Harper, C. Cross, Mr. Restmere, W. B, Stewart, M. Brady, F. Cross, F. | Moses, Sister Wilde, H, Heifer, RE. | Bennett, W. Bear, Sister Stables, A. | F. Last, W. F. Burges, Misg Nichol, | Miss Gow, J. M. Gee, Miss McGill, C. | Sargent, A. LaBell, A present of 500 | street car tickets was donated by H. C. Nickle to Dr. Hopkins for the use | of patients. A special boost was put | on by Garnet Lockett, the prizes be- ing won by Mr. Buckley and w. Wren. Kiwanian Austin made a { special presentation to Mat Hanson. | The toast to "Our Guests" was moved by President Noble Steacy who | expressed the great pleasure it gave | the elub to have the privilege of meeting at the hospital and joining | with the patients, . He Introduced | Kiwanian R. J. Wilson who gave an | eloquent address on "The Aims and | Ideals of Kiwanis." "Kiwanis stands | for the 'Golden Rule' which it seeks to have translated into every activity of daily life, Understanding this a Kiwanian must take his full share of responsibility whether it be in busi- ness, in the home, or elsewhere. He gets into Kiwanis to help bring that about and if he does not do it he had better keep out, Kiwanis does not mean what you see upon the surface in the form .of humorous entertain- ment or seeming familiarity, nor does it live in that. These things are but the trimmings, Kiwanis stands first and always, for a square deal. If 4 man is not square in the way of business, and at home he is not a Kiwantan but a "dud." It stands for pure democracy and exemplifies the spirit that weqt into the trenches Where comrades shared the" burdens and hazards of war. That is the thing that we are in danger of losing and we are trying to show the world that no man lives to himself alone, Ki- wanis stands for co-operation. There is no room for a hog, for the man who thinks that he can corner a little. place in life and keep it for himself, and if we have got to drive it through the bone-heais that have got to learn it we are going to do it. We are trying to pay something off of our debt to the community." Here the speaker reviewed the achievements of the club during the past year, the | H Ladies' and black Sport Shoes The following styles have just arrived: -- Ladies' Grey Calf Oxfords--trimmed with darkgrey .. voit 2 ainin nis eta 9.30 Ladies' Patent Strap, low heel, shoes trim- med with grey buck .........p.... . $7.50 White Canvas Oxfords, trimmed with brown UrismPnfi gi demain J$3.50 Ne fee Abernethy's Shoe Store : TRUNKS--BAGS--SUIT CASES ---- | PUNCTUALITY is easily obtained by bringing your WATCH to L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger When in Kingston stop at HOTEL RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with hot and cold running water. Special attention to Transients. Children's HAIR CUTTING One of our specialties! Our Motto: "Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to live up to it im every way, Frank Robb's BARBER PARLOR 186 WELLINGTON STREET (Next to Bank of Nova Scotia) FIERY, ITCHING SKIN IS QUICKLY SOOTHED WITH THIS SULPHUR Mentho-Sulphur, a pleasant cream, will soothe and heal skin that is ir- ritated or broken out with eczema; that is covered wtih ugly rash or pimples, or is rough or dry. Noth- ing subdues flery skin eruptions so quickly, says a noted skin specialist. recitation of which was greeted with applause, He was glad to say that the Kingston club was 99.8 per cent. pure as shown by the record of the workers, Dr. J. L. 'Austin told a very hum- orous story 'that was greatly appre- ciated and W. Y. Mills moved a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Hopkins, the staff and the patients of the hos- pital for the privileges accorded the ciub. H. C. Nickle seconded the mo- tion and declared the evening was one of the most pleasant he had ever enjoyed. Dr. Hopkins responded on behalf of the staff and the patients and thanked the club for the excel- lent entertainment. , KINGSTON YOUNG MAN A MISSIONARY TO INDIA Lieut. Reginald Tidman to Re- present the Salvation Army Abroad. Kingston will be represented in the foreign mission fields by another young man, in the person of Lieut. Reginald Tidman, a son of Mrs. G. Tidman, 101 York street, and a for- mer member of the local Salvation Army corps, Lieut. Tidman sailed this week for England on the 8.8. Empress of Britain to take a special course of study prior to sailing for India in which country he will la- "He 'passed through the Salvation Army Officers Training College and has but recently returned from two years in Bermuda where he was sta- tioned. With a party of nine from Toronto who have volunteered for Montreal, and cleared for the head The moment this sulphur prepara- | tion"is applied the itching stops and | after two or three applications, the eczema is gone and the skin is de- lighttully clear and smooth. Sulphur is so precious as a skin remedy be- cause it destroys the parasites that cause the burning, itching or dis- figurement. Mentho-Sulphur always heals eczema right up. A small jar of Mentho-Sulphur may be had at any good drug store. Bt a ! IN MARINE CIRCLES I The steamer Glenfam arrived on i Monday night from Port Colborne, and. is unloading corn at Richard- son's. The steamer Port Decain arrived)' up from Montreal this morning, and is at the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's drydock for repairs. The steamer Edmonton arrived up this morning with freight from of the lakes. The steamer Fisher passed up last aight, from Montreal to western ports. The steamer Brockville arrived to- day with freight from Picton. ------------ Abernethy's Shoe Store have been fortunate in getting a foot expert from Scholl's, Chicago. This expert will be at Abernethy's Store on Thursday and Friday. Kingstonians are cordially invited to consult this specialist on all foot troubles. Earnest men are so few in the world that their very earnestness be- Featuring New Designs ----in OILCLOTHS, LINOLEUM and CONGOLEUM SQUARES SIZES--2x3 at the Lowest Prices -- latest designs. --VERY SPECIAL 7%x9--VERY SPECIAL 3x3 ---VERY SPECIAL , 3x3%---VERY SPECIAL ~----3x4 --VERY SPECIAL . ALSO KEEP KOOL PORCH SHADES, IN ALL SIZES, James Reid, PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE 8, BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY SQUARES 238 Princess Street MASOUD'S ELECTRIC BAKERY Our modern Electric Bakery not only insures even baking of our pastry, but it gives it a flavor and crisp ness that has met with favorable comment and liking on every hand. i | SPECIAL RHUBARB PIES , Baked the Electric Way. Just the thing for dessert at the dinner table to-morrow. Geo. Masoud Phone 980. OC LITT IT TT] ain I ITO TTT Tre LLL LTT TT THE WORLD OF MUSIC is clastic--you sither travel to obtain the best of it, await it's pleasure or own a : Columbia Grafonola through the medium of which you are enabled to hear at your leisure and when you so desire, the finest of the world's Vocalists, Instrumentalists, Orchestras, etc, at & moment's notice. /] CLEC IIT) LLL OO LTT TTT at LL LTT TL TL TTT Tires