Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1922, p. 5

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i TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 363 FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY | WESTERN BEEF il TRY i Hil i BV. Mobeein | )- 282 PRINCESS STREET | PHONE 1182 1 i i i =====--lll Complexion A Beautiful Kingston and Vicinity « Change in the Order. Annie P. McMaster was sentenced Ladies-- A few days' treatment with |at Trenton to two months in jail for CARTER'S ver assaulting her husband, and six a months for vagrancy, the sentences to run concurrently. atch Advertisements. Yar Thott merchant just as surely as you watch for announcements of your favorite film star's coming. ° Teams Organizing. The teams who are entered ig the 8.8.A.A.A. baseball schedule are or- ganizing for the summer's schedule, which commences on June 1st. The PIANO TUNING {games will be played in* Victoria Plano Tuniog and Repairing. {park as last summer. Also Organ Work, S- All work guaranteed. Can Depend on Merchants, PETER D. BROWN Our merchants are the sort who 12 Markland St. Phone 2307m. | carry a good stock. If they tell you & Admiration i ee ? For moviag of 1GHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIE CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Phone 377. Evenlugs 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh | | Dentist | 106 Wellington St. PHONE 291 For Furniture or Baggage Tramsfer. rig with motor truck or horse drawing vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses u specialty. Fre-war prices, > ~ . FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Phone 230 Kingston, Ont. | | WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res, 1137, Choicest quality of Bcranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 188 -- FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough- boro Lake .......... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock Street Phone 424 Cheese Sales. Belleville, 1,664 at 12 1-2c. Cornwall, 1,151 at 12 13-16¢ St. Hyacinthe, Que., 50 at 12 1-4c. Watertown, N.Y. 6,355 at 17 1-4c. Gonverneur, N.Y., 3,786 at 17 3-4c. BUILDING ? can depend upon it--Iit is a bargain. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phowe 1670. emi _--_-- The Telgmann School of . Music Piano, violin and other stringed instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325j. : Testing Scales. The inspector of weights and mea- sures has been testing out a number of scales used In local stores. One of them he found to be two ounces short in the pound weight. When a scale is wrong he puts his seal on Ir. -------------------- The City Cuoncil. The city council will likely hold its last regular meeting. of the sea- son on the 6th of June and adjourn : until October. Owing to Monday, the 5th, being a holiday, the council is to meet on the following Tuesday { evening. Where Is To Have a Re-Union, | The class of 1882 of Toronto Uni- Your Camera? The bright sun makes good pictures. Our customers are always pleased with our print- ing. Leave your Films here for good Printing. Make this store your convenience. | versity are to have an anniversary very shortly. The Toronto graduates of forty years ago will entertain the out-of-town graduates among whom are Prof. John Macgillivray, of Queen's, The Season's Best, Our made-to-measure suitings for men are of the best of English cloth. Our range of blue and black serges, blue stripes, plain greys and colored worsted are of the best material that money can buy, Prices from $39 to PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST fl(s45 a suit. Prevost, Brock street. Cor, Clergy and Princess Sts, ------------------ Phone 82. The Late Luke Joyce. The death took place on Thursday of Luke Joyce, a fesident of Ottawa for twenty-eight years, who died af- ter an illness of two weeks. The late Luke Joyce was born in Joyce- ville, Ont., a village named after his deceased parents, and was seventy- four years of age. Hunte EXCELSIOR LIFE Come and let us commune about that monthly income policy. Will your widow wear as good clothes as your wife? Married at Ottawa. Miss Evelyn Hodgins was united In marriage to Rev. G. A. McIntosh, minister of McLeod street Methodist church, Ottawa, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. B. Taggart, Ottawa, on Will your orphans have the ad.| Wednesday, Rev. A. A. Radley con- vantages of your children? 151 WELLINGTON ST. CUTICURA HEALS LARGE RINGWORM On Head. ltched and Burned. Could Not Sleep. - Inrge A ringworm started on bead. Each day it grew larger itched and burned so that I have to get up at night and bathe it. out and be- came very dry. I could not sleep st night on account of the irritation. The {Eapis Wited about a mon Cuticura Soap and Olngmert sad sae wore about three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Qintment of a few intimate friends. real and other points. To Resume Sailings. The steamer Brockville is to re- | sume Saturday and Sunday sailings | to Alexandria Bay this week and this popular route will be well served | during the summer. The various city | Sunday schools are planning their annual picnics and these with the regular schedules will keep the Brockville very busy. Retires From Medical Stafr, Dr. H. E. Day has retired from the staff of Queen's medical college af- ter serving for several years in the department of pediatrics. This branch of the studies will he carried on under the direction of Dr. W. T. Connell, professor of medicine and clinical medicine, with Dr. R. =. MacGregor as clinical assistant. Will Visit Napanee, Arrangements are being made for the Kingston members of the Wood- men of the World to go to Napanee on Sunday next, to attend a church parade to be held there. Belleville members of the order will also at- tend. The Kingston members will make the trip to Napanee in autos, -- SEASONABLE FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES Pineapples, Strawberries, To- leaving the Orange hall at 2 p.m. Celebrated Golden Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Young and little daughter, Gwendolyn Al- lyn, of Chicago, were present at the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Young, Picton, on May 22nd. The fiftieth anniversary was indeed a golden day and was celebrated in a most appropriate, although quiet manner by the family and a few in- timate friends. \ Cheque Tax Will Cost City $1,000. The new government tax on che- ques will mean that the corporation of the city of Kingston will pay an thousand dollars a year on civic, utilities and school cheques. The city paid probably $150 under the old system of two cents on a cheque. Every thousand dollar cheque the city handles will cost for- ty cents, N hy { Rev. G. W. Snell, BA, pastorate of signed' as the pastor of the Union |N.B., Methodist church. cocgregation, Pakenham, will be succeeded by Rev. watch the ads of your ducted the ceremony in the presence | Mr. and | Mrs. McIntosh left on a trip to Mont- | 1 Winnipeg, to whose church Rev. IL. announced Saturday evening. Those H, Fisher, Western Church, has ac-|of the students who are writing the | cepted the call. | examinations of the Ontario council | will write on Tuesday, Wednesday | Milk Dropping in Price. {and Thursday of next week. A few 1 At Picton milk is down to seven |of the prospective graduates will be | cents a quart. On Tuesday morning writing on the examinations of the | the price dropped from, ten cents t0|dominion council which will be held | eight cents and on Wednesday mOrn-|{n Toronto during the first part ot {Ing there was a further drop to sev- | { en cents. The low price of cheese | _-- ee resulted in producers looking to the | Stamps on Rural Routes, town trade for better returns and | In future the sale of postage | this competition has reduced prices. stamps on rural routes will be lmit- | ed to the book form of stamps. These | Honor Mr. and Mrs. Chasse, books are made up of one, two and | Mr. and Mrs. Chasse, whose mar-|hreo-cent denominations, and sell at | riage was recently celebrated in |25 cents per book. Couriers are be- Renfrew, were given a silver ted | ing instructed that they are not re- service by the members of the choir [quired to sell stamps in less quanti- | of Bt. Francis Xavier church, of ties than 25 cents worth, and in fu- which Mrs. Chasse had been organist ture all mail matter posted on the for the past nineteen years and in rural mail routes must be prepaid | which her husband has also been one by postage stamps. i of the leading singers. -------- { Coming to Kingston, Mr. Gravelle Qpens Safes. George L. L. de St. Remy, eqitor Arthur Gravelle, Renfrew, has re- : turned from Chapeau, where he had | lishing Company's been asked to open a safe belonginz | pingmore, Sask. will attend the] to the Bank of Montreal. On the gpecial meeting of the Publishers' ferry over the river at Pembroke. | Aqvertising Association of Canada at | Capt. Murphy, hearing that he had [ine Royal Aléxandra Hotel, Winni-| the safe wizard on board, asked Mr. { peg, June 5th, He will also attend | Gravelle if he could open a safe for the Weekly Newspapers' Convention him which had been locked for over . in Ottawa with his wife. They will | a year. Mr. Gravelle had the safe|also visit Montreal and Kingston. | open in less than a minute. This ambitious homesteader, farmer, | rancher, publicist, has built up a un- | Medical Council Entertainments, The members of the final year in medicine are remaining in the city for the convocation to be held on and manager of the Enterprise Pub- publications, tribution and the company is going ahead in a phenomenal manner. The | publications are proving a real boon | Wednesday, June 7th. The results to agriculturists in the way o# ser- | of the recent examinations will be vice. SPIRIN WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions .and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aceticacidester of Salicylicacid, While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their genera! trade mark, the "Bayer Cross' "And After the Theatre, Let's Drop in at the Royal" After an evening at the theatre, the movies or the con- cert, a visit to the Royal will bring your evening's pleasure to a happy climax. Motorists, too, enjoy a late-hour snack after a joyous ride over cool country roads. From early dawn to the witching hour, the Royal pily serves the best of things to eat and drink. Obey that impulse and come! 157 Princess St. ROYAL CAFE Spring Time Is Flower Time Let us supply you with Potted Plants for garden or lawns, Choice selection of Geraniums, Petusias, Pans! , Traill vi all favorite Flowers. 4, $e9iiing Vines any Window Boxes and Hanging Baskets made Cut Flowers always on hand. hap- », up to your order THE LEADING FLORIST STORE: Corner Wellington and Brock Streets. Phone 770. CONSERVATORIES: 68 Centre Street. Phone 1174J. SST 0 MOTOR GLASSES We have just received a shipment of Motor and Sun Glasses at a very reasonable price. As these are sure to be snapped up quick, get yours now, and the other fellows' dust won't worry you any R. ARTHEY, R0. Kingston's Up-to-date Optical Parlor 'Phone 2108 for appointment. - 148 Princess Street. Some of the attractive features of a Briscoe Light-Weight Touring Car = i \ which we are now offering :-- A strongly built Car with seven inch frame, A quiet-running motor, Low Gas consumption, Sou gla lens, 'Smart pleasing body lines. Easy riding and comfort due to long springs, A price several hundred dollars below its actual mebiie market. x dd chemin tee ete. NSU value in the auto ique system of weekly newspaper dis- ||! Square Timber Two carloads of Douglas Fir Timber now on the way from the Coast. Sizes 10 x 10 up to 16x16; lengths up to 40 feet. May be sawn again to order, ~ S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Weliington { Btreets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. un PLUMBING WORK DONE RIGH For Plumbing and Heating Equipment, let us ive a price om your Contract and Job Work given first-class attention. JL APPLETON WE WANT YOURS Our Kingston plant should be ready for operations about the First day of April. Call and See our manager at 24 JOHN- SON STREET, KINGSTON, or call our Belleville office. Profitable prices promptly paid. BELLEVILLE CREAMERIES, Limited, Box 50, Belleville, Ont. SHARBOT LAKE CREAMERY, Limited, Sharbot Lake, Ont. INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET KLOTHKLAD Suits for Boys es eee------------ emer OY "Made To Wear Where Others Tear" TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)' P.C.LAWSON' [5 WHITE GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR A large variety of all the wanted materials: --Voiles, Sport Muslins, Or- gandies, Mulls, Vestings, Persian Lawns, Gaberdines, P. K's, Ducks, Crepes and many novelties for Skirts, Waists and Dresses at very attractive prices,

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