Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1922, p. 6

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STORE CLOSES D. ¥ (From Trapper to Wearer) g Dany FOXES CANADIAN FOXES Beautiful, fine, fluffy, silkey, selected skins in Black, White, Cinnamon, Smoke, - Golden Red, Cross and Silver. $30.00 and up Your inspection invited. No obligation to buy. JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 1490-187 Brock Street Kingston, Ont. \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. [THE COLLEGIATE. CONCERT [In Grant Hall on Friday Even- ing Was Very Largely Attended. | { The enthusiasm of the big audi- | ence assembled in Grant Hall to wit- ness the Gymnastic Concert by talent- {ed puplls of the Kingston Collegiate {Institute on Friday evening, knew {no bounds. Every number was re- | Peatedly applauded, and the presen- [tation of the prizes won in the ait {ferent athletic events of the Field {Day 'brought rounds of applause for {the successful contestants. { The concert was the fitting culmi- {Ration of a big day for the students, jand it brought a large attendance of parents and teachers all of whom |beartily enjoyed the splendid pro- |gramme, {of the board of education, presided {and announced each number. He {complimented the teachers and {pupils upon the fine showing in the (athletic events of the day, and upon jae deep sense of appreciation indi- cated by the presence of so large an audience, | BE. O. Bliter presented ithe prizes {awarded to the winners 'and, in addi- {tion to those named in the report A NEW DEPARTURE For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we have manufactured an entirely - new line of COCOANUT MACAROONS The delicious little confec- have no hesitation in recom. tions are now on sale at all the leading groceries, and we mending them. They are just a little different from the average line of | Macaroons and we know that you will be delighted with them, Made in Kingston by CROTHER Established 1860, jot the several events, gpeclal siver | medals were presentéd to those ob- |taining the highest aggregate. They were: senlori boys, Rowland Hewgill, |G. McKelvey; Junior, bays, D. Skel- jton, A. Johnston, Special prize for running, Rowland Hewgill and D. {Bkelton. Senior girls, Miss Basten, | first; Miss Vince and Miss Bidwell | (tled for second). The announcement {of the names of these winners was {greeted with the K.C.I. "yell," show- {ing unanimous approval of the de- | cigions of of the judges. | The concert was opened with a fine performance by a large class of boys upon parallel bars under the direc- tioh of Captain Harry Law, physical director of the Collegiate Institute, {ana the physical performance of both | the boys and giris througholt was a | testimonial to his work. The second {number was a bar bell drill by a class |of girls. | A fine exhibition of military drill, | "Manual of Arms," was given by "C" {Company P.W.O.R. under command |of Corporal H. Holsgrove. The com- {pany through rifie exercises, includ- ling fixing and unfixing of bayonets, |like veterans and received merited | | applause. a -------------- FOR SAL NEW COTTAGE-S8tone barn, hen two miles from the city, Price BRICK HOUBE---7 rooms, electric lights, gas, furnace, hardwbod floors, nice verandah, good lot. Price .. ROUGH CAST HOUSE--6 rooms, Upper York. Price ~M. P. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street 'Phones 704 or 1461w house and one acre of land: 3 piece bath, .. $4,600 + $1,550 9,500 -- semi-de- tached brick, Wel- || lington street, near [f| City Park, 3 stories; {| 10 rooms, oak floors, ffl water heating, [i double balcony, elec- | tric light, gas, 3 story ll store-house and gar- |f ** ro LET "| . Flat, 5 rooms, 8 piece bath, [| electric light. $25.00 un< hed; $386.00 furnished. : a em Creamery Butter .... Island Rolls .... Catsup (large) Family Rice Coerameal (Gold Dust) 8 lbs. 25¢. Campbell's Soup ........ .. ide, Shredded Wheat 2 for 20. Sliced Bacon ...., sete eiiaia 32¢ |i New Laid Fgge Pineapples STRAWBERRIES | Cullen's CASH AND CARRY || "Colonel Murphy," 'Ball i | tine il ed. Mothers' Favirite Cocoa 2 ibs 25, fl Hiyn McKendry ll {ed for Mr. Hill ll | ment played for the || dance. A very pretty number was the Duteh Dolls Dance given by Misses Gladys Hughes, Freda Simmons, Florence Niven and Lois LeHeup. lI A series of games was played by {two teams of girls under the direc- |. {tion of Captain Law. Théy included Passing" (and "Relay Race." The "Awkward Squad" under Fred Vokes (clown) and Melville Lennox, created great amusement. Some very clever acting was seen in this num- ber, The girls were seen in the gym: ll | nastic dance ""Bailors' Hornpipe' fol ll | swinging and marching, and acquit- ted themselves: in a very creditable | manner. The final number "The Pyramid," || by thirty boys, was a great achieve- ment, These lads by patient practice || showed what could be done in the way of spectacular work and the sue- cessful building of the human pyra- ll mid on thestage excl'¢d great admir- lation on the part ol the audience. It was a K.C.I1. audiet.ce and the per- || formers received the utmost encour- agement, They earned it too and showed that there are tremendous possibilities of. them i. the future, Two vocal numbers, by Miss Chris- Diack, soprano, and Henry Hill, baritone, singing instructor for the city schools, were greatly enjoy- The piano accomyanists in the marching and drills ware Miss Made- and Miss Kathleen Lyohs, while Professor Gummer play- Miss Marjorie Regl- 'Dutch. Dolls At the conclusitra' of the coneért | Trustee Elliott expressed on behalt lof the board of education keen appra- ll | ciation of the work of all pupils. in | BUSINESS ACT:VITIEY IN OITY OF KINGS The C.P.R. train taking the R. C. JH. A. to Petawawa Friday evening 'Your Eyes the eration Due Them im- | the ehs'est to restore if taken uman | in time. It you do not know what it is that is troubling your eyes, of it ® | you are ini doubt as to your see- carried a carload of superior flour supplied by the Kingston Milling Company under contract. The flour is the well-known brand "Kingston Patent," and makes the finest bread. The Kingston Milling Company is an industry that has been running full time throughout the past year, with all employees on full pay. J. . Campbell, the proprietor, has she great ingenuity in his mt afiement | by Sagteving market coh plant is driven entirely by electric power furnished from his power ke: erating station at Kingston M Mr. Campbell reports an improve ment in the Bay of Quinte stedm- boat business, The sieamer Brock- ville brought down 1,000 cases of canned goods Friday that were coil igned to Ottawa. : Na Joseph G. EMiott, member | W. F. FITZGERALD | AT PROVIDENCE, R.I.' | Addressed the British Empire. Club in That Olty Wed- nesday Last. |CANON { | | | | i 1s | The Journal of Providence, R. I, |of Thursday, has the following: { "Delightful reminiscehces of per- {sons, plates and contacts in the life | of the Rev. Canon Willlam Frederick | FitzGerald, M.A., of Trinity College, | Dublin, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Chureh, Kingston, Ontario, as set | {forth by 'him, proved a bright spot! {in the post-prandial programme of | the British Empire Club observance | of Empire day and the 103rd anmi- versary of the birthday of Queen Vie- toria, held at the Turks Head club, | Wednesday night. ! Canon FitzGerald, who was a dis-| tinguished guest, lauded the loyal at-| titude of the British Empire during | the recent world war and spoke in! praising manner of the achievements | of Britain's armed forces. He added | that such organisations as the British Empire Club were doing a great work in keeping alive the traditions -- : SPECIAL LATEST $2.00 To Th Nobody's Man . . PHONE 919. BOOKS To Him That Hath Helen of the Old House . . . . . Harold Bell Wright. e Last Man . . . The Obstacle Race . . . . Miriam of Queen's . Tarzan, the Terrible Anne of the Marshlands . . The Beloved Woman "Little Miss Melody Are All Men Alike ALL $2.00 BOOKS FOR SATURDAY ONLY . $1.25 Just the books you would want at the suinmer camp. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1922, ---------------- SATURDAY BOOK SALE SATURDAY, ONLY $1.25 . ..Ralph Connor. . . Zane Grey. oa EE. M. Dell. «+++... Lilian Vaux MacKinnon. . - « ..Edgar Rice Burroughs. . . . Lady Byng. Se ' Katbleos Borin. «««..:...E. Phillips Oppenheim. -+++v.... Marion Keith. . . Arthur Stringer. CRE : OPEN NIGHTS and achievements of America and | Gredt Britain, who, he said, are! bound by one people, one language, and one democracy, "In conclusion Canon FitaGerald rurged the development of a spiritual consciousness in the minds of all people and said: 'I care not in what church you believe, I care not to what counrty you owe allegiance, if you interpret your lives in sweet reason- ableness," you are builders in the world." A vote of thanks to Canon FitzGer- ald was moved by Mr. Beeckman, ex- governor of Rhode Island, and sec- onded by Attorney-General Rice. -- a An Explanation. The 20,000 prescriptions appearing in the report of the Ontario License Board as being issued in Kingston is ver misleading for the vendor's re- port includes the prescriptions issued throughout the whole of this district. There is far more liquor shipped from Kingston to the outlying coun- ties than there is used in the city tor there is no liquor stores provided | for Eastern Ontario outside of Ottawa | and Kingston, while Peterboro is the nearest point west. This explanation is due because the report was cur- rent that one prescription was issued in Kingston for nearly every member of the population, whereas the num. ber was not excessive for the popula- tion supplied. Eternity has no gray hairs, EE er cin, "The Hat Store" $5.0 . --89¢c.-- pair .... .. All sizes 0 BLOUSES $2.98 A clearance in Ladies' White Voile Blouses--broken sizes from 36 to 42. Values up to $5.00 each Ladies' Nainsook Drawers --em- broidery and lace trimmed. Per "ess se Te ae as A big range of Children's Silk Socks in all the pretty colors. Children's Lisle Sox ' .... To-night $2.98 --98¢c.-- White Nainsook Corset Covers-- trimmed with lace and embroid- ery. Some with straps and Cc. sleeves................08 SOX FOR TOTS Vata aeir sais reas inna sae. 300 a pair --89¢c.-- and dark Percale. Pockets . ..... Headquarters STRAWS The Straw Hat sea- gon has arrived. Af- ter the 24th of May cool, comfortable headwear has the call. In both Straws and Panama weare show- ing beyond compari- son the biggest varie- J and best values in mgston. Straw Hats of fie English and Cana- dian makes, in vari | ous weaves and ex- tra light weight range in price from one- fifty to five dollars, most of them two, two-fifty and three. - Panamas in a score f shapes and gquali- : priced from Ladies' Bungalow Aprons--light New arrivals in all pure Wool Rugs. Many of the clans are repre- sented: Gordon, Douglas, Mackenzie, MacGregor, 42nd Highland- ers, etc., etc. Good bi Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Women's Summer Vests, sleeve- less, short sleeves or with straps. Belt - and Each aie Boe, MOTOR RUGS Bi2E8.; .......... or pleasing House Furnishings. 'o. MILLINERY We deal' exclusively in models made by the master deaigners of Canada, Hats trimmed and remodelled. Parisian Shop 322 Brock Street NAPANEE DISTRICT MEETING en Four of the Circuits Have Becn Changed in Extent. At the meeting of the Napanes Methodist district a resolution to change the following circuits was carried. Newburgh circuit to be composed of Newburgh, Wesley, Strathcona and Camden Bast. Morven circuit to be composed of Morven, Switzerville, Violet and Foartn Line, Odessa. cifeuit to be coffiposea of Odessa anid Wilton. Bath circuit to be composed of Bath, Beulah, Hawley and Union. Rev. H. Latimer, Wilton; was ap- pointed to represent the districr oun the stationing committee, with Rev. A. J. Terrill as alternative, There are 5,232 of a membership, showing an increase of 280 for the year. 6 The following lay delegates were elected as members of the annual con ce: : Trinity, Napanee--Messrs. M. C, Wisin , J. E. Robinson and U. M. Wo buy Py as. Ww seman, O. 8. and G. W. Gibbard. Deseronto--R. Coulson. Morven--C. Sharpe. Newburgh--Messrs. J. A. Wart. man map. wl Yaudetvoort. REAL ESTATE $3,400--Detached frame dwelling, garage and garden, on Cherry street. $5,100--New brick dwelling, with garage; de- tached; on Victoria Street. $6,100--New Brick dwelling, on Nelson St. FOR RENT $38.00--Brick dwelling, Victoria Street, mod- ern, with garage. $35.00--Brick dwelling, 144 York street. $15.00-83 Upper York street. Fire Insurance at lowest rates. Money to loan on first mortgages. E. W. MULLIN & SON | EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Corner Johnson and Division Streets - Phones 889w and 8897, -- Riera r es ---- eT ------ 2) § Ladies' Brows Calf Oxfords -- military Reels. Allsises 2% to 7 . | . Growing Girls Black Kid, Twe Straps, fiat Reels. All sines 3% to 7 A SRS --------

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