THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. : SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1982. ONTARIO STREET BOY | EETING OF ROTARY CLUB MISSING THREE DAYS | addresses aiven by Members L®]™ on Features of Rotary's FOUNDED 1847. | Archie Hollywood, Ontario Educational Work. l Street, Left Home Wednes- The monthly business meeting of quired to speak on some feature of home on the morning of May 24th and left home on his bicycle, which | O!TY's educational work. The ob- he rode every day. He attended Sydenham school and St. George's Sunday school. There was much anxiety when he did not come home ject of the president is to have every Rotarian secure a thorough know- ledge of the principles, objects and ideals of Rotary. The necessity for GREATER VARIETIES AND GREATER VALUES on the afternoon of Wednesday, and | {DiS Wa realized by the international Our Clothing is good clothing, smartly tail- 28 the artorhomn of Welnesday, gud oo ah ored. The price represents the quality that's sulted the police. She was informed | C382dan Rotarians were the guests that he was not known but if any-|°f thelr American brothers. -init. The kind of clothing that makes sat- thing. was Jlearned about hin: ib.| = Rotarian W. Taylor Dale gave a would be informed. On Thursday. | ¢POrt upon that convention and gave isfied customers. \ | Mrs. Hollywood went to consult a|® DiEh testimonial to the American fortune-teller, and her fears were |RO!arians for the courtesy shown. ; "Ly G MEN'S SUITS greatly excited when she . was in-|H¢ Obtained there a new idea of Ro- YOUN formed by the fortune-teller that her |!3T¥ and carried home the convie- tion that Rotary was not individual, wi s : he {boy had met with an accident d The new 1922 models, straight front, close fee a an Suen a ur terror 1 : " ; ity was : w la els. { where he'could 'not be seen. .On"Fri.|it extended wherever human -- 1 fitting, narro P |day, no' information twas recelved, Jouched It Rig the heart of Bumas and the fortune-teller's, ' story has|'tY itself. The dominating spirit o $18.00 up to $30.00 caused much suffering.'on' the ot nt | the convention obliterated the inter- Mrs. Hollywood. She. {§ the mother national boundary between the two y Hy of nine children apd Arthie was the |cOuntries, It was the duty, there- GREY 1 are made from fine threads--rein- -- second oldest. 7. i, fore, of every Rotarian to attend BLACK Y forced toes and heels. Wide garter noe Although living b¢Side the watery such..conventions--whenever the op- C P ° OUTING TROUSERS Archle was not accistomed to play-[POrtunity offered and receive the WHITE ing about the wharves or in boats, great inspiration to be derived. er . $8 00 and there is no reghon to fear thaf| there you get to know something ie 4 " Grey Outing Trousers .$5.00 to . he met with a 8 apo on the water-| ore about the objects and ideals of -- HOPE : 4 » front. There was absolutely no clue, | ROtary," declared Mr. Dale. : . White Flannel Trousers $7.50 and $8. however, as to his wherthbouts up| President Guild directed attention NIGHICOWSS to Saturday morning. | % to, the copies of the report on the . Whit Duck Trousers . . . $2.00-$2.50 A Lc AR International convention and re- C. ite | td hb, These Nightgown The Boy Is| Found, quested the members to read them : NIB! g 8 are made by Khaki Duck Trousers Tele alae . $2.50 Saturday, 11 -- Mys. Holly- | carefully in order that they might 1 Canadian Blind Girls, and they wood received word from relatives |Pe Prepared when called upon to dis- : clearly show expert workmanship. in Sharbot Lake this morning that |Cuss some feature of it. ) Made from a fine quality White Nain- Archie was in ghat \Village and was| Reports were presented by the dif- soak, nicely trimmed with val, lace, being sent home by /relatives.. It ap- | ferent committees. These included Regular 90c. NEW ENGLISH STRAW HATS pears that he '¥dde his bicycle all |an interesting report from Dr. H. E. the way to Sha it J Day upon .the. committee in charge . ye Say ake o8 May of od children, He reviewed VANITY BAGS ' . i 24th reaching th@yelate in the aftei- Fe Made of fine quality English Straw oon. He locatéd irelatives of both |the Work of the Kingston elinic and Ee or » : 1 parents there an tak . tf. |rointed out the opportunities for in a S ecial Sellin | we re showing all the new styles in all Deport Wi was taken sare of [Folnted out fhe soporivaltios sor P g LADIES' VESTS A Now comes a season when Vanity the correct shapes. Lake by C.P.R. Saturday "morning | Ing to improve the lot of partially in- ; nity P to meet him. The news created great |capacitated children. There was || Base a uch In vogue. es (No sleeves) $2.50 to $4.50 rejoicing, for Wntil receipt of the let- {much yet to do and inquiries were are an oblong shape, made from fine Z5 EACH ter the worst fears were entertained. petug pureucl lo 8 lew to ascer- leather snd open at the side. They il LIC, ---- aining the sc o . contain various Vanity fittings. : - CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Charles Anglin reported for the { Ladies Summer Weight : entertainment committee, and A. N. Regular $1 25 and $1.50 | Vests. They are excellent Important Change Toronto-Winnipeg | I.yster for the attendance commit- quality: no slesves, Worth Service--*"National" Restored. tee. Rotarian Lyster directed atten- | $e the regular scltiar Effective Sunday, J 4th, Can-|tion to the position of the Kingston . hr + oldie An SPECIAL TO NIGHT price. A nice, cool Vest for ! S S 9 adian National Railways will restore | Club in the district standing. Ro- ! vin & on » daily service between Toronto and |tary called for a live membership 75c. . | the hot weather. Winnip via Capreol and Port Ar- [with 100 per cent. attendance. - thur, The train from Toronto, No. 3,| President Guild announced the Ia three popular colors: , Black, Regular 35¢c. 75-79 Brock Street "The National," will continue to |committees- appointed to handle the Blows, Grey. Regular $1.25 and i +" leave at 10.35 Ram, standard time, | Chautauqua Weak which Promises ta dg freee id 1 and train from Winnipeg will arrive |be the great feature event of e If off your route t pays to walk Toronto 5.15 p.m. These trains will |summer. Many citizens have been h ' carry most modern equipment of [making inquiries about Chautauqua § standard and tourist sleeping cars |and are looking forward to the splen- with compartment-observation-libr- [did programme that always distin- ary cars and dining car service. guishes Chautauqua from everything ; Through standard sleeper, Toron- |else., All are called upon to assist in to-Winnipeg will leave as usual on|making Chautauqua a complete suc- Grand Trunk Railway train at 8.45 | cess. : p.m. daily for North Bay where con- The meeting was enlivened by the . . . nection is made with the famous |singing of Rotary songs under the "Continental Limited" from Mont- |leadership of Harold Singleten and real for Vancouver and Pacific coast | much amusement was caused by the points so that the daily services |ingenuity of the president In detect- 3 Those through Port Arthur or Cochrane of- |ing and fining delinquents. fer a pleasing choice of routes be-|who contributed to the exchequer BROTHERS Limited tween Eastern and western Canada [were J. J. Stewart, Dr. H. E. Day, : "The National Way." Al, Davis, H. Kelly, Charles Anglin CS a------------------ and Rex Snelgrove. Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. KINGSTON PRESBYTERIAL once mec ote comenien| PRINTERS | DAINTY SILKEN GLOVES eld in Napanee. { Chosen for Summer The Kingston Presbyterial conven- Late Potato Hon at Napines Thursday ana Pri HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR There's a certain charm about an exquisitely gloved hand-- " y + Here being | of RKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. only attained when one has a plentiful supply of such Gloves as seventy-seven delegates registered. these. AFTER SUPPER SALES . . NO ORDERS J Laidlaw & Son NO CHARGES BY TELEPHONE | Limited OR APPROVALS SILK HOSE ~~ BROWN © REG. 75c. Fine Silk Hosiery in a range of CASTOR very popular shades. These Stockings for his safety. He was last at | * Men's and Young day on His Bicycle. the Rotary Club was held in the Brit- 7 20 7 30 ish Am - o Archie 'Hollywood, aged fourteen, sh erican hotel on Friday even ° . ing and a new feature inaugurated 9 '9 3 son of Mr. and Mrs, Jens Hollywood. by the president, Leman A. Guild, to to Men's Suits Co er UE Coed i rss 3 I - ' RG his parents are g y dividuai members who will be re- 9.30 9 hf 3 30 | top. Regular value 75¢, Miss Mitchell, Toronto, spoke on BORN @ @ o " . Planting Time ||: ie mts 2 opin cp ra Bees lose of er 1 1 3 dei tr. Pe hy , on apan. Of Lydden, sk, on May v r de b, ag if v The tollowing officers oor eloets Dd en anicy Sndfey, are made by the "KAYSER" factories, which assures satisfaction. ed: President, Miss Hume, Stirling; ' : § 1st vice president, Miss Mowat, DIED, s Gloves 12 or 16 button length. We offer certified stock-- Kingston; 2nd vice president, Mrs. DAR ah Kingston, ob May 38th. . 4 ¢ : Priced from $1.75 to $2.25 . ' : H. J. Sharpe, Belleville; 3rd vi a 67 yea : Irish Cobbler om Green Mountain president, Mrs. J, A. MacLean, ny Funeral from: his late residence. 16 Gloves aro. Navy. Taps Mast Wai J Black. Al burg; 4th vice president, Mrs. Duff, 10 Tn re ga onaY, etary. ale uW. any Made, Ory, Bite a8 3e ' © Good yielders. Grown on sandy loam -- Kingston: 5th vice president, Mrs, B. | Frichis ant atten rope eruily have reinforced finger tips. En invited to" attend. . : : W.Dyde, Kingston; treasurer, Mrs. ' Tr ' IM re, 1 adapted to local dist ict soil. R. J. Diack, Kingston; recording E ET ery er % on secre , Miss M. H. - Y. Emery, and daughter of the late tary 8 M. H. Ross, King Rev. Prof. Burgess, Western Uni- FARMERS requiring change of seed should |J|ston: corresponding secretary, Mrs.| Vevis: Hongo om. : a John E. Gow, Kiagston; mission| GODPWIN--In Kingston, on - May 26t inspect above stock. It pays to plant the band secretary, Mrs. W. H. Jenkins, | 1983, Enoch Godwin, Sr, aged § ' Madoc; asst. mission band secretary, Funpeal (private) from his late reste . "best. Special price on5to 10 bag lot. Mrs. Jackson, Kingston; house help- dence. 25 Pine Street, on Monday at ers secretary, Mrs. G. A. Reid, Belle-| J) B.m- to Cataraqui Cemeter.y LIMI1 TED 3 = | ville; strangers' secretary, Mrs. Har- ; ° 3 8 s A L ry McLean, Pittsburgh; library and CARD OF THANKS. x ; literature secretary, Mrs. Morrice,| Mr. and Mrs. Campbell (Ellice Street) ---------------- Q wish to thank their many trignde ana SE ASA rag Belleville; young women's secretary, * | neighbors 1 grea Mrs. G. Barlow, Trenton; press sec- To hur in a : 5 Bars Comfort Soap retary, Mrs. F. P. Smith, Picton; |}htoush the death ol supply secretary, Mrs. Paul and z 4 Cakes Pure Castile sat Sen in Seg, oamesmen Il (QS TWO SPECIALS FOR Palle se RR | SATURDAY OF INTEREST TO THE UP-TO-DATE DRESSER The new Pat. Sally Sandal--short vamp and round : on _ under : on of | Una : Toe. The new Spanish heel, (lower than the cut) ' ranulated Sugar ...........30c, [fee nd wket was bai JOM NELIUS | A White Canvas Sport Shoe, just as smart as you SR --)