Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1922, p. 11

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Painted Windows STUDIES IN RELIGIOUS PERSONALITY BY A GENTLEMAN WITH A DUSTER insparingly, the chaos of opinion rch, 'exemplified in twelve inti- ious leaders This book reveals brilliantly which exists in the modern « mate and vivid portraits of re! NA General Bramwell Booth Dr. W. E. Orchard Bishop William Temple Principal W. B. Selbie Archbishop Randall Davidson Bishop Gore Dean Tuge Principal L. P. Jack Bishop Hensley Henson Miss Maud Royden Canon E. W. Barnes FOR SALE R. Uglow & Co. THE DA KC. STUDENTS ~~ ARE GOOD ATHLETES [Their Prowess Shown in An- nual Field Sports on i Friday. | -- | The annual field sports of the Kingston Collegiate Institute were staged in the George Richardson Sta- {dium on Friday morning and after- Loon, before a large crowd of pupils, teachers, parents and friends of the school, Some splendid athletic prow- ©8s was displayed by the contestants 'In the various events, and the work of every jtalent in sports that is in vogue at {this school at the present time. The traditions of K.C.I. during the past | years show some wonderful records | In sport of every variety, and the jexhibition on Friday assured the | Spectators, among whom were many {of the alumni, that this spirit of MOVIES AND | EYES Moving Pictures do not injure the eyesight, but they do cause defective eyes to give discomfort. But with proper Glasses you can enjoy movies with comfort. Consult us about eye- sight. Prize Cups and Trophies Whether it be in Sterling Silver or Plated, we can supply you with a Cup or Shield to suit every occasion. | Let our years of experience hélp in making your selection. STERLING SILVER CUPS $15.00 UP. od, SILVER PLATED CUPS $5.00 UP Registered Optometrist 140 Wellingtor St. Opp. Post Office Now Is The Time to decorate your Lawns and Cemetery lots with our Cement Flower Vases. Three varieties to choose from. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 Princess Street, Kingston Dr. PARLORS 183 PRINCESS ST, KINGSTON I Kingston Cement Products H. F. NORMAN, Manager | OFFICE: 69 Patrick Street Phone 780w. Portuguese is the language of ap- proximately 30,000,000 people. We specialize on Painless Extraction, There are now 1,112 boys enroli- Latest Pyorrhea Treatment and ed in Eton college, England. X-Ray work. aA mn, om ------ Le A SPECIAL SALE OF 21 Piece English China Tea Sets Sportsmanship has not died out. Very keen competition prevailed throughout, and some of the results {were exceptionally close, in many cases requiring an extra "innings," in baseball phraseology. In the sen- ior boys' division, 8. Bailey cleared {5 ft. 5 1-2 in. in the running high {jump, and this was a record to be envied by many older athletes, Rol- jand Hewgill and G, McKelvey, the ! latter, by the way, a brother of *'Red"" McKelvey of Queen's athletic fame, | Were among the leaders in the senior events. Miss Easton, Miss Vince and Miss Bidwell lead in the girl's com- petition; while in the junior boys' division, D. Skelton and A. Johnston | were well up. The officials were: Capt. H. E. Law, director: Principal E. O. Sliter, starter; W. Pp, Hedley, timekeeper: and R. E. McCullough, scorer. A.W, Dean, physical digector of the local Y.M.C.A., also assisted, The results in brief: Senior Boys. | 3 mile--B, Findlay, time 20 min. {15 sec.; R. M. Davis and E. Allen, 1 mile--G. McKelvey, 5 min. 16 sec.; R. Hewgill and Ettinger. 100 yd. dash---R, sec.; Gi. McKelvey and O. Bearance. Running high jump--8§, Bailey, 5 [ft. 5 1-2 in.; R. Hewgill and W. An- derson, Standing broad jump__G. McKel- |Yey and Hewgill, tied at 9 ft. 2 in.; | Bailey and C. Bartels, tied at 8 iH 211 4n.. 3 mile bicycle race--aG. Laturney, 11 min, 39 sec.; O. Bearance and W. Manahan, 440 yard dash--Hewgill, 1 min. 2 sec.; McKelvey and M. Spiezman, 220 yard dash-- Hewgill 25 sec.; McKelvey. Discus throw---Nobes, 79 ft. 7 in.; Mylks and Hewgill, Shot Put--Hewgill, 37 ft. 7 [Leggett and Anderson. | Running broad jump--Hewgill, 17 |ft.-3 in.; McKelvey and Skelton. 1-2 mile--McKelvey, 2 min. 38 sec.; Hewgill and Gardiner. Fat's boy's race--Mills and Col- | Clough. 1-2 in.; Junior Boys. 1 mile--A. Johnston, 6 min. 7 sec. ; {D. Skelton and I. Fraser, | 12 mile--Johnston, 2 min. 55 sec.; {Skelton and B. Simmons. sec.; Johnston and Fraser, 100 yard dash--Skelton, sec.; G. Laturney and Fraser. Running high jump--Johnston, 4 ft. 10 in.; Fraser. Discus throw--Nobes, | Fraser and Skelton, | Shot put--Nobes, 33 ft. 1 1-2 in.; {Skelton and Fraser. 11 1-4 67 ft; Reduced From $6.50 to $4.35 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Robertson's Limited 73 Princess St. ~ MEN'S OXFORDS %495 Gun Metal and Mahogany Oxfords -- per- forated Tips and Vamps. Special value at --$4.95 SHOE STORE 111 Princess Street | Bicycle race--Johnston, Laturney |and L. Keeley, 220 yard dash--Skelton, sec.; Laturney and Johnston, Running broad jump--Skelton, 15 ft. 11 in.; Johnston and Laturney. Standing broad jump--Johnston, 8 ft. 8 1-2 in.; Skelton and Laturney. 23 1-2 Girls, 1-2 mile--J. Meclvor, 3 min. 3) sec.; P. Bidwell and Miss McFadyen. 100 yard dash--R. Skinner, 14 sec.; P. Bidwell and Miss Godfrey. 50 yard dash._E. Murton. 7 3-4 #ec.; T. Reid and B. Easton. Running rizh jump--M. R. Vince, 4 ft; B. Easton and H Mavbee, Running broad jump---B. Easton, 11 ft. 7 in.; P, Bidwel! and M, R, Vince, : Baseball throw---M. Asselstine, B. WEAK. HEART NERVES BADLY SHATTERED Many a woman who should be strong and healthy, full of life and energy is bound hy the shackles of {11-health. Some disease or constitutional dis- turbance has left its mark in the form of a weak heart, shattered nerves, impoverished blood and an exhausted condition of the whole sys- tem. In ,MYLBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS 'they will find a remedy that will sup- ply fcod for the exhausted nerves, one that will strengthen and regulate the weak heart and invigorate the whole system. : Sue a box at all dealers, ar Tect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, to, Ont. boy and girl showed the | 'careful training and development of | Hewgill, 11 1-2 | 440 yard dash__Skelton, 1 min. 7 | Limited, Toron- Baston and V. Anglin. Bicycle race--H. 'Maybee, Patrick and M. Asselstine. | Hop, step and jump--B. Easton, 27 ft, 2 1-2 in.; M. R. Vince and H. | Mavbee. Tug 0' war--1A won.from IC; 2D won from 2B; 3A won from 2A: 2D won from 3C; 3A won from 1A: und 2D won'from 1D. 3A declared best class team. | |THE MAN ON WATCH Everybody's doing it--picking (dandelions. | Miss | | Up goes the cost of cigarettes and | {cigars, but Fielding was real kind {to father and his pipe. ! 8ir Conan Doyle calls the state immediately after death "summer- land."' But the temperature is mo- | | derate, Up at Milton, Ont.' they get in- toxicatéd at dances and surprise is lexpressed. In Kingston and vicinity | we are used to people with a few "horns" in them trying to trip the {light fantastic. | .Canoeists get some shocks whon they skirt the Barriefield shore late at night.' They should mind their own business, however, It is pleasing to know that the list of unemployed who were given {help during the winter has been des- |troyed. That was a record that cer- tainly no one wants to see, for it was a record of hardship. Kingston is reported to be excep- tionally healthy this spring. It might be still more healthy if we gorged ourselves less and lived the | simple life, | - Men who had so many enforced | holidays the past winter do not feel | |llke observing statutory natfonal | days now that they can get work. | {It was good to observe the activity | fon the street work on the 24th of | May. | ---- | | Up west they are having their| troubles over daylight saving. Dowa | here in Kingston the people were | {asked to vote on the question and | {decided for summer time. That was | the proper way to settle the matter. | -- | If we cannot have a baseball lea- gue this summer we can at least have quoits. Arrangements should | be made with Major Barrett to bring | his quoit throwers to the cricket | field for exhibitions and not have all | the proceedings at Kingston Mills. | It is the Earl street bobbed-haired | | girls who hold the early season hon-| jors for harbor swimming, and not | | the University avenue poetical lass-| es. With two large church bodies meeting in Kingston next month, surély we will be able to get a de- cision upon that vital question, | "When is a man really drunk?" -- { We are hearing a good deal from | the pulpit about Sabbath desecra- | tion, and rightly so. But let clergy as well as laity conduct themselves | humbly on the Sabbath day and not | take auto joy rides nor attend social | functions on Sabbath evenings, | --THE TOWN WATCHMAN, CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more common in ehild-| | hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dang- erous disedse: Fully nine-tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion. There is no medicine for little ones to equal Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this trouble. They have proved of bene- fit in thousands of homes. Concern- ing them Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immacu- late Conception, Que, writes: "My baby was a great sufferer from indi- gestion, but the Tablets Soon set her right and now I would not be with- out them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------- The Morton Women's Institute, The regular monthly meeting of the Morton Women's Institute was held on May 16th, at the home of Mrs. A. Brown. Twenty members were present and three visitors, These officers were elected: Mrs. J. Coon, president; Mrs, J. H. Delong, 1st Yicepresident; Mrs, B. Hender. son, 2nd vice-president; Jessie Hi. cock, sec.-treasurer; auditors, Mrs. A. E. Brown, Mrs. B. Gambie; dis- trict director, Mrs. W. A. Sweet; dele- gates to district convention, Mrs. J. H. Delong, Mrs. H. Dean; pianist, Miss Daisy, Sommerville, A special meeting for the purpose of compil- ing the year's programme was also held. The June meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Bweet. Herd Tested; Found Wanting. To have his whole herd of fifteen head of cattle wiped out is the ex- perience of James Couch, a farmer of North Elmsley ip, near Sinith's Falls, who had a government veterinary surgeon test his cattle for listing as an accredited herd. ; All of the cows were found to be more or less affected with tuber- culosis, although all were in good condition otherwise. The federal government will recoup Mr, Couch to the extent of two-thirds of his loss. Smaller losses in the same direction have been experienced by other farm. ers in the same locality, TY BRITISH 'll Dr. H. A. Stewart flered to hold up his 1 WHIG. Ladies' Sport Shoes The following styles have just arrived: -- Ladies' Grey Calf Oxfords--trimmed with darkgrey ........: Ladies' Patent Strap, low heel, shoes trim- med 'with grey buck White Canvas Oxfords, trimmed with brown andblack .... Abernethy's Shoe Store TRUNKS--BAGS---SUIT CASES alee aie, train merry ------rae PUNCTUALITY | is easily obtained by bringing Your WATCH to L. C. HEMSLEY 149 Sydenham St. Just off Princess Watchmaker from R. J. Rodger ee, FE eS DR. H. A. STEWART | Dental Surgeon Wishes to announce that he has resumed is practice, cor. Wel- lington and Princess Streets. Phone 2092. Corner Prince Public Library Bulletin BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Home Radio--Verrill Wonderful Adventures of Nils--Lager- lof. and Wellington | Fairy Tales of All Natfons--Marshall. Oak Tree Fairy Tales--Johnson. English &piry Tales--Jacobs More EngWsh Fairy Tales-- Jacobs. British Fairy Tales--Glover, Otto of the Silver Hand--Pyle, Ramona--Jackson. Mavis of Green Hill --Baldwin. Story of a Donkey--Segur. So-Fat and Mew-Mew--Craik. Five Little Strangers--Schwartz, Tales of Enchantment--Eells. Children's HAIR CUTTING coo. 30e. One of our specialties! Our Motto: 'Cleanliness and Civility," and we try to live up to it im every way, Frank Robb's BARBER PARLOR | 185 WELLINGTON STREET | (Next to Bank of Nova Scotia) | | | | I I Renfrew Councillor Defeats Hold-up Man ---- -- p- [(@ Renfrew, May 27.--Reeve Mec- Ewen while returning from csuncil halt a block from his own home, wae stopped by a man who appear- ed from behind the hedge, and or- { hands. The ootpad was armed with a heavy plece of lead. He was too quick for the highwayman, and struck him a Leavy blow between the eyes, fol- lowing up his attack with v'gorous kicks. The footpad dropped his bil- ly and disappeared in the neighbor- ing ravine. The case is now in the hands of the police, but there Is no clug, as the man was a stranger 10 Mr \McEwen, who was unable to get | a good view of him. This is the first incident of the kind that has been reported in Renfrew for years. mn -- Carrie Stapley, wife of Joseph | Pratt, died in the Belleville Hospital, on May 23rd, in her thirty-ninth year, ed on F bua "Stone i Kidney MRS. BROWN USED DODD'S . KIDNEY PILLS ; New Brunswick Lady Tells What Re- lef Sufferers From Chronic Kid- ney Disease Can Find in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Anagance, N.B., May 26-- (Spe- |: cial)--That even chronic . sufferers from kidney trouble find relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills is shown by the | experience of Mrs. Harry L. Brown. well-known and highly respected here. "I have had kidney trouble ail my life," Mrs. Brown states, "and two years ago this coming June | had to be operated on for stone in the blad- der and one in the kidney. "After that I took a number of boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I be- lieve if 1 had taken thése pills ten years ago I would never have had this trouble. "They have helped me wonderful- ly. I never have backache now, I hope others will try them." : It your trouble comes from the | kidneys ask your neighbors about * Dodd's Kidney Pills, Featuring New Designs --In OILCLOTHS, LINOT.EUMS, and CONGOLEUM SQUARES -- latest designs. SIZES--2x3 238 Princess Street - sauna EL TT TT TTT Tr x at the Lowest Prices BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY SQUARES =~VERY 7% x9--VERY 3x3 ---VERY 3x3% --VERY --3x4 ALSO KEEP KOOL PORCH SHADES, IN ALL SIZES James Reid, PHONE 147 FOR SERVIC : N MASOUD'S | ELECTRIC BAKERY Our modern Electric Bakery not only insures even baking of our pastry, but it gives it a flavor and crisp- ness that has met with favorable comment and liking on every hand. ree eee Sm ---- } SPECIAL RHUBARB PIES Baked the Electric Way. Just the thing for dessert at the dinner table to-morrow. ee Geo. Masoud Phone 980. J THE LINDSAY PLAYER PIANG Even though the summer sunshine is calling us out of doors, and the fascination of the road, fields and lake is overwhelming in its , there are always moments of relaxation after a strenuous day Which are most soothingly catered to by the Player Piano. The Lindsay Player Piano is supreme in its exact- ness of reproduction and can be purchased as low as -- Ta EASY TERMS ARRANGED

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