© WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1922, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. DRAW, WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON. Pormemgf Johnson and Wellington | Phone 363 FOR CHOICE MEATS and WHAT CAUSES HEADACHES 7 "Fraft-a-tves" Prevents Auto-intexication Auto-intoxieation means self-poison- ing. Many people suffer from pertial Constipation 'or insufficient action of the bowels. Waste matter which should | pass out of the body every day, FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY | remains and peisons the blood. As)a result, there is Headaches, | Indigestion, disturbed Stomach, Pain | inthe Back, Rheumatism and Eczema and other skin diseases. B. V. McGeein 283 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 ----------r For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. | hone 377. Evenings 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh ; Dentist | 106 Wellington St. Phone 256 | PHONE 291 For Farniture or Bag rifts with motor truck o vehicles. Motor Cary Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses a speciality. Fre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. '120 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont, oe AIT NINNi | WATTS | People's | Florist 177 Wellington street, reals Noners wa Boiged bouquets to order. Phone 1763, Res, 1187, | At dealers or sent W. R McRae & Co Choicest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind | gold by us, BOOTH & 00. Grove Inn Yard Phone 183 " FOR SALE A beaiitiful island in Lough. boro Lake .ii.... ive $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON 80 Brock Stregt ' Phone 434 Lat Ly DID YOU EVER TRY | ht 75 so have a fis iine ot a es Tumble Makes Of ararma. "Fruivatives" will always relieve | Anto-intexication asthese tablets, made from fruit juices, act gently on the bowels, kidneys and skin and keep the blood pure and righ. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. . PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning and Repairing. Also Organ Work. All work guaranteed. VPETER D. BROWN 12 Markiand St. Phone 2307m. BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phowe 1670. \ ONE - SI, R013 ney ogy neEoies Ank Fel BUT ae Ae iLL HIS 0 ad ; RJ. D.KELLOGG" THMA 77 al muscles Whether they come from bruises or over- work, sore muscles will quickly yield to the soothing effect of ec Absorbine, Jr. Rub briskly into the mus- cles a few drops of Absor- bine, Jr, and the inflam- mation which caused the pain will Sulaly os pear--and with it a bottle on hand and be prepared for emer- genclea. 3 atin at most druggists' W. F. YOUNG, Ine. « £52 Absorbine J NOWDOMY WORK WITH EASE Because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Re-: stored My Health Hornell, N. Y.~ "I was but there didn't seem i il ws - fi i tH i ii =} } g $ £ i § i : F ; tun ! § E &F fi A £ is.a 'cleanser, deodorant and disinfectant. It prevents blood polsonipg and the spread of contagious diseases; also valu able in relieving skin diseases, prickly heat, pimples, rash, etc. Full directions on each pack- "ac. PACKAGE Sold by: | Kingston and Vicinity | Damaged Corn. 'B0c per bag. Bring your own bags. Foot of Princess street. James Rich- ardson & Sons, Limited. Attended Banquet, A number of officers from militia units in outside centres of the dis- trict came into the city on Tuesday to attend the farewell banquet to General King. Given a Coat of Paint.% This is the season for cleaning and painting up. The motor fire truck {has been given a coat of paint and |is looking fine and dandy as a re- | sult. Teaching at Cressy. Mr. Wholton, who has been in at- endance at Queen's University, dur- ing the term, is engaged in Cressy school to compléte the term until summer holidays, | Liquor Consumption. Out of 532,661 liquor prescrip- | tions issued in Ontario last year, 20,- 069 were issued in Kingstén. The [total number of gallons sold in On- {tarfo was 183,246. ------ Concrete Base Completed. The concrete base for the street jcar tracks has been completed, and | the final touches put on at the corner {of King and William streéts, Fire Crackers Galore. The {young folks of Kingston had |a& great timé today letting off their firecrackers and while they were hav- ing their fun, it recalled to the older folk the days of real gport. | Staged A Band Concert. The bands of the P.W.O.R. staged {a band concert at the cricket field on {Monday evening in connection with '|the training of the battalion. A large {crowd was attracted to the field on | thi t. ee, his accoun ge \ The Season's Best, Our made-to-measure suitings for men are of the best of English cloth. Our range of blue and black serges, blue stripes, plain greys and colored worsted are of the best material that money can buy, Prices from $39 to $45 a suit, Prevost, Brock street. "Kiddies" Had Holiday. Today (May 24th) was observed as a holiday in the Collegiate Institute and the public schools, In the old days, May 24th, was the biggest holi- day of the year, both for the children and the older folk. Guarding Milk Bottles, As a result of the article in the Whig stating that Kingston dogs were stealing the milk from the bot- tles left on the door steps, citizens who have suffered in this respect, are taking extra precautions to see that they do not suffer. Working in Library, Harold Shillington, the London, Ont., young man, recently sentenced to the Portsmouth- penitentiary for six years, for the theft of bonds from & trust company there, has been given a job In the prison library, A number of his friends have taken steps for an appeal to the justice de- partment to get him a pardon. -- ---- Died in the Far West. John H. VanHorn, aged seventy- uine year, died at Tacoma, Wash., on May 1st. Mr. VanHorn at one time was the owner of a soap business in Picton, and alsp conducted a grocery business for some years. His wife, Maggie Hadden was a sister of the late Richard Hadden and the late Mrs. James C. North. 'Settled Out of Court. The "Do Drop Inn" on Princess street had a case entered against the commandant of the Army and | Navy Association for a sum of mon- jey to cover the expenses of meals provided for soldiers. The case was to have come before the division court on Tuesday, but the case was settled out of court, Wrist Watch for Retiring Principal. | At Sherbtooke, on May 17th, the {students of Bishop's College, present- (ed Rev. Dr. Bedford-Jones With a | gota wrist watch as a token oftheir respect and regard for the late prin- [cipal of the university. Mrs. Bed- j Lora-Zomes was made the recipient of a silver mesh bag, and a bouquet of | fowers, gifts from the women stu- * | dents of the university, To Hold Mectings. Meetings of the Women's Institutes in Prince Edward County have been |thus arranged: Consecon, May 23rd; | Hillier, May 25th; Wellington, May 126th; Glenora, May 29th; Cherry | Valley, May 30th; Milford, May 31st: | Waupoos, June 1st; Greenbush, June |2nd; Gilbert's Mills, June 5th; De- {morestville, June 6th; Mountain | View, June 7th: Rednersville, June 8th. Change Your Ideas. Everybody is doing it. People are developing fearlessness, assurance, confidence. With this change is com- ing success, new business, universal prosperity, Advertising is doing a great part in the rapid advancement and the chap who clings to his old ideas and methods, who is afraid to change and doesn't especially believe in anything--not even in advertising --will be left so far behind that our grandchildren won't be able to find him, Sentenced to Prison. For steadfastly refusing to suppor. his wife and four children, a Smith's Falls man has been eentenced by Magistrate Sparham to six months at Burwash prison farm together with the forfeiture of a bond of $300 upon which he was released on sus- pended sentence last February on a similar charge. For some time past the man's family have been living with relatives at|Crow Lake. ---- To Change Boundaries, There is a movement on foot to change the geographical boundaries of the Methodist circuit in at least part of the Napanee district. The con- Bregationg affected will be Wilton, Odessa, Uniop, Bagh Mosven, Violet, Camden East and Newburgh. The new plan will not only render ser- vice more convenient, but will re- lieve the sustentation fund of over $1,000. The plan awaits the action of conference for its approval or otherwise, A Card From Germany. . F. J. Wilson, general secretary of the local Y.M.C.A. received a card from Hamburg, Germany, on Tues day morning, setting forth the "hos- sociation in that city styled the "World's Alliance of Y.M.C.A.'s." The writer claims to give "assistanca to immigrants and travellers coming to Europe, members and non-mem- bers alike, and in this way to serve pitality service" conducted by an as- | all." Evidently the Germns are trys | ing to establish relations with the | Canadian and Américan associaions, and it is well-known ghat the soldiers | were very envious of the Y.M.C.A. | service to our troops during the re- | cent war. r { -- ee James Garfield Gillespie Dead. ! Afterian {liness of twelve days fol- | lowing an operation for appendicitis, | the death of James Garfield Gillespie, | only son of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. F. Gil- | lespie, Picton, occurred at Kamloops Hospital, B.C., on May 12th. Gar- field Gillespie was born in Picton ana educated in the Picton public and high schools. In 1902 he began his | banking career. He was manager of | Kamloops. In 1916 he was married to Miss McMorrine, Kamloops, who survives him, also a little daughter, | Dorothy, three years old. Beside his ! parents, two sisters, Miss Helen 'and | Miss Kathleen Gillespie also survive. | --_---- Died at Picton. After six or seven weeks' illness, | Mrs. Harry Stoneburg died at her jresidence in Noxon avenue, Picton, {in her forty-fifth year. The late Mrs. | Stoneberg was a native of Prince Bd- | |ward county, a daughter of Abraham |Chase, Consecon. Her home was at | {Consecon until her marriage. The | |interment was in Wellington ceme- | |tery, Mrs. Stoneberg was a member | of the Methodist church. There sur- | {vive her husband, and two daughters, | | Flossie and Evelyn. Her father, Ab- |raham Chase and brother William | | still reside at Consecon. 2 ---- Meeting in Napanee. The. thirty-sixth annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese | of Ontario opened in the Parish Hall of St. Mary Magdalene's church, Nap- anee, on Tuesday evening with a ses- sion on the work of the junior auxil- fary. Rev. C. E. S. Radcliffe, Deser- | onto, was in the chair and a cleverly | acted missionary play, "The Overseas | Pageant," put on by the Napanee | Juniors. Miss Robbins, a returned | missionary from China gave an in- | teresting address with lantern slides, | "The Story of a Little Chinese Girl | Redeemed from Slavery." There was a large atténdance, many delegates being present, GIRLS! BLEACH SKIN ' | WHITE WITH LEMON, syueeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of Orchard White, which any drug store will supply for a few cents, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands "each day, then shortly note the beauty and white- ness of your skin, Famous stage beauties use this lemon. lotion to bleach and bring that soft, clear, rosy-white complexion, al- 80 as a freckle, sunburn, and tan bleach because it doesn't irritate. CALLOUSES Hard, Sore, Tender, Touchy Callouses that ache and sting and burn, may be quickly softened and peeled right off after using Geero ormwood Balm. And the very first application brings quick and joyful relief! No rags, no pads, no walting--Just rub it in--and Presto! all the pain and Soreness promptly goes away. And oh!/ how cool and fine your feet will feel. | One treetment will convince you. Any good druggist can supply you with} hb Geer Wormwood Balm and you can| have your money back if you're not' Copyrigh: 1922 Associated Editors THE PLAY MAN'S GAMES LEECH uth By E. D. ANGELL satisfied. | Hiuserated by C. H.. Winner ! SILOS Are you planning to build a Silo this sea- son? If so, consult us before buying. ~~ We can supply Staves, Doors, Roofs, 'Loops and everything required and our prices are right. : ; S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wetitngtos + Btrects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 68. Factory Phone 1415. ~ BE PREPARED! Now is the time to buy your Canvas Outing Shoes and get your choice before the rush comes. We have a full and varied stock of" canvas and Tennis Shoes at moderate prices. If you prefer Oxfords see our lines | at............... $5.00, $6.50 and $7.5 JACK JOHNSTON'S: SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street FURS INSURED AND STORED ourdier's BROCK STREET; [74 Suits for Boys "Made To Wear Where Others Tear™ TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. ) (One door below Randolph Hotel)' Ginghams FOR SUMMER DRESSES the popular Block and Check patterns that are being used so much this sea- . son. We have them in all the new col- ors in the best Canadian, English and Scotch makes--27" and 32" wide, at 25¢., 35¢. and 45c¢. a yard. NEW TISSUE. GINGHAMS Very fine in pretty patterns--32 inches wide,at...............55¢cayard 'W. N. Linton & Co. Li At Belleville bread has gone back to its old price of eighteen cents per loaf after the momentary flutter of excitement by the drop of sixteen cents, i ly Phone 191, The Waldron Store. Dee mn ff EE ---- 8 5