WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1029, +f AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say Abou Coming Attractions ---- i "Smilin' Through." Norma Talmadge's latest First Na ional starring' vehicle, "Smilin Through," is coming to the Allen Theatre tomorrow for an engage- Mr. Swaine, piano ment of three days, received at 10¢ Clergy is iz | Phone 564w. Advance reports state that this is : Ibe most ambitious production yet | Thursday is Ascension Day ang 1s made by Norma Talmadge, It ig |Temembered fn Roman Catholie ta adaption of Allen Langdon Mar. | 2nd Anglican churches, Un's atage hit of the same name, in| A little black dog of a friendly which Jane Cowl appeared on the disposition was brought into the po- speaking stage. jlice station this morning to await an | owner, | } tuner, orders street w. wd 0s apposite Misa Talmadge A committee of citizens has the re- ® two leading men, Wyndham Btanding and Harrison Ford, ang a |Blmental band of the Brockville splendid supporting cast, including | Rifles in hand and will help it to Alec B. Francis, exist with efficiency, . The schools and the government and civic offices were closed Wednes- day owing to it being Vietoria Day, but the remainder of the people worked as usual, The police have had a very duiet time this week.- No serioud com- plaints have been made and up till Wednesday there had not been a ses sion of the police court, You can put in the bank the cagh saved on an advertised Plece of goods --and if you do your cording to the ads, you'll have a fat account almost before you realize it. On her retirement after sixty years work in the Presbyterian Sunday schools of Belleville, Miss Martha Holland was tendered a banquet in St. Andrew's church on Monday night, ---------- GRADUATING NURSES. At the St. Joseph's Training Sch Hotel Dieu, The following are to receive their diplomas at the graduation exercises of St. Joseph Training school for nurses, Hote! Dieu: Miss Adeline A. andria. Miss M. Rosamo boro. Miss Nellie Morris, Portland. Miss Mary Tobin, Westport, Miss Irene Cassidy, Kingston. Miss Amy Berrigan, Kingston, Miss Kathleen McGarry, Perth, Miss Eileen M, Cooper, Kingston. Miss Elleen ford. Miss M. Litifan McCann, Doura. -- At The Strand, "Turn to the Right" will finish its engagement at the Strand Thea- tre tonight and on Thursday "Three Live Ghosts" wil} be turned loose on the screen at this popular theatre. They have returned to give citizens of Kingston three days of real hearty laughter, Never before has g picture been sent from England that hag en- Joyed the Popularity of "Three Live Ghosts." This includes 'sAlf's But. ton" and "the Better 'Ole. Both of these pictures were well received in Canada put neither of them enjoy- the great popularity of the " on return engagements, In I "Three Live Ghosts" play- weeks at one of the large theatres of the Famous Players can- : adian Corporation Ltd., in Toronto Pantages packed their ho Weeks after which the p into the Strand theatre and drew yery large crowds. In all the neigh. borheood. houses "The Ghosts" went over big, Theatre manager after theatre manager has called for re- turn dates on this British ture. It has done better many cases b ool, McKinnon, Alex- nd O'Kyefe, Petor- ment to make Ghosts" 'through a in London staff and homies in t but it is true, in a British produ nd through. Was taken » Englaad, by Paramount's actors, who make thir hat great city, ction re in an advis- Ing. When you Ghosts" at the ursday, Friday ang Sat- OY many hard and will be glad you are alive and in Kingston this week. Ory capacity in direct, 888 "Three Live Strand on Th Mary Magdalen, plomas are Sister Jane Brennan. Gold medal for Miss Kathleen M Gold medal for second standing-- Miss Adeline McKinnon, Alexandria, Silver medal for genera! --Miss Kathleen McGarry, Medal for general ss Kathleen McGarry, Parth, °, Prige in eye, ear, nogé and throat ~----Miss Adeline dria. Surgical technique Brennon. Tire drill prize-- Migs Rosamond O'Keefe, Peterboro, eGarry, Parth. nursing Perth, IN MARINE CiRoLES J The steamer down this morning 'grain-laden from the head of the lakes to Montreal, The Steamer Busfe Chipman wij; lay up below the bridge until it re- celvey more work. The steamer. Jeska cleared last night for Oswego to load coal, APPRLLATE COURT view. It Varied (h aH, e Decision of a Lower Prize in anaethesilies-- -Miss Lor- ourt, {Taine Ahearn, Kingston. Re H. B. Rathbun Estate p 7. jm ' Harding, Kc. por appellants. oC. CITY'S HEALTH .I8 GOOD . | gh ar T. Corporation, | s .00nes for those entitled § eo 3 Sate A Nuisance Caused by Cows on Uni. versity Pasture Ground, of intestacy. p. W. Harcourt, K.C, At a meeting of the Board of for infants, Appeal b Powel Health. Tuesday afternoon, it was "| reported that the health of the city Was excellent. At present only one house is placarded and that is for scarlet fever. ° Milk Inspector G, W. Bell reported that during April he examined 221 cows, made 44 dirt tests and issued 110 permits to vendors, The medical health officer report. ed that complaints had been recetv- ed regarding a nuisance caused from cows pasturing on ground owned by Queen's University on College street, It was in the nature of a fly nuisance. The board decided to ask the untver- sity authorities to fence in its land 80 as to-effect a remedy. There was som® discussion on the appointment of a venereal nurse. This matter is to be taken up with the provincial health department at Toronto by W. F. Nigkle, M.P, In attendance at the meeting were Ald. W, Marcelis (chairman), May- or Corbett, Mrs. D. A. Volume, Ald. F. J. O'Connor, and Dr, A, R. BR Williamson. } Seven Mdnths in Jail For Farmer Who Had Stil Michael Mabo, of South Canonto, Abpeared before Justice of the Peace Allison on Tuesday afternoon, and pleaded guilty to a charge of having a still on his premises, contrary to the Inland Revenne Act. He was fined '$200 and costs and one month, and in'default of Payment six months additional. As he had not the where- Withal: to pay the fine Mabo went to jail for seven months. ' in a Race. On Tu . clock, eleven passed | nrg prize --Sister Intermedinta elas: prize in obstet- rics--Miss Agnes Moonee Paken- ,» the fund ig the surviving issite, alike, ana refusing t Over to G. M. Fren for at present, Judgment: Judgment below varied by striking oyt Paragraph 3 and sub- stituting therefor: "And this court doth declare and order that, aceord- oitate held by t Corporation, of, and in which the sald Louise Rath- bun Powell ig Interested, is, upon her death, divisible among her syr- viving children, share and share } » and that if one child survives the said Louise Rathbun Powell, the Whole of the trust estate shall be held by the T. G. T. Corporation in trust for the child 80 surviving the Said L. R. Powell, but that if no chfiq shall sugvive he said L. R. Powell, then the T, G. T. Corporation shall stand of the said trust estate in trust, to divide the same, share and share alike, among the ~ 8randchildren of the said L. R. Pow. ell, who shall survive her." Costs of all parties, those of 'executor as bhe- tween solicitor and cHent, out of the corpus of said estate, ------ Kingston Club, This week's meeting of the King- 8ton Rotary Club is to be held on Friday evening, at 6 o'clock, at (he British-Ameriaen hotel, and follow- ing the dinner the monthly business + and members of the ub will be called upon for 'two-min- Teports on what they found most Ateresting and instructive jn the chester congention report. The ed- onal committee will give a five. i talk on 'The, Ethics ang ning of Rotary," Men and women o y Inclination looking for Up" --or happen I8\why the mere the advertisemen be "pleked-up" at of new wort i¥e to offer. All 8dd a day keeps the wolf away, t today haven't | to ants tell yoy ts of the & special rate-- hwhile things they the membe; elab went to Water- of the re ---- shopping ac- N. Collins, Campbell- Three Sisters to receive their di- Sister Katherine Taggart and Sister highest slanding-- highest proficiency McKinnon, Alexan- 1 | : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | SPORTING NEWS The Gymkhana To-day The gymkhana and ,assault-at. arms by the R.M.C. cadets, the great. est spectacular athletic event ever held in the city of Kingston, opened at the Harty Arena, Queen's Univer sity, at 2 p.m., and the arena was crowded by citizens of all classes, The performance was truly marvelous and the audience was held in a comn- stant state of expectancy so rapid and startling were the features. The R. C. H. A. band was in attend- ance and one of the fmpor- tant items on . the. programme was the inspection of the High School Cadet Battalion by Brig.-Gen. King, C.M.G., gemerdl officer commanding M. D. No. 3. The proceeds are in ald of the Kiwanis Club Charity Fund. This assault-at-armg ferent from that given All our Shoes are in the very latest styles, having been bought during the last three months, and we are merely clearing out cer- tain lines and odd sizes in order to make room for more stock, and also keep from is quite dit- overstocking, last year in pair of each line will he dis- have in stock, ke your choice A sample played with the sizes we which will enable you to ma easily. The following are merely a few of the hundreds of lines we have at these special prices, the Armouries for one of the most | notable displays ig shown in the mounted sports and contests carried r the direction of Captain riding master of the college, No person should miss - seeing the thrilling feats on horseback for the horsemanship is unsurpassed by that of any big circus, The horses and riders have been trained to the point of perfection and their wonderful Work constitutes ga show in jtgelf, The audience show- ed its appreciation by hearty ap. plause, and if the Success of the af- ternoon performance is any indica- tion of the Popularity of the event, the Arena will be taxed to capacity to-night, Sunday School Baseball, Ladies' Vici Kid Pumps, 3 buckles, Baby Louis Heel. All Sizes, To $2.95 clearat..,., Kid Pumps, | strap, Vici Kid military heel. Sizes 4 to & . $2.85 Kid Pumps, Cuban Heel. All sizes. To $2.85 --2 buckles: To clear o clear at __.. buckle. To clear at "see. Ladies Brown Kid Flapper Ladies' White Tennis -- 1 strap. Rubber heel and sole. ae Ladies' White see ae; Also other Hose at .. $1.39 Misses' | or 2 Strap Shoes-- black or brock. Sizes 1 to 2. Toclear $2. 49 at Men's Oxfords -- black or brown Calf. Regular price Canvas -.. | price $6 to $8. $2.95 To clear at ... $4.79 $3.75 TREE 2 elie - $2.15 ee) clear at & meetin held on Tuesday even- finitely decided that leagues will be run in connection with the association dyp- ing the summer months. There will be a junior, senior and girly' league. The followin, Patent Pumps, Cuban Heeb, To clase cd $2.85 at, ... =a | clear at wn . Calf: Sally . A number of Ladies' Shoes in patent and Black Kid. To Men's Work Boots--guaran- teed solid leather. To clear $1.95 » Bt. Luke's, Princess street Methodist, Queen Street Methodist and Cooke's. . The Junior entrieg wefe Sydenham street Methodist, St. Andrew's, St. Lukes', Princess Street Methodist, Queen street Methoaist and Cooke's. Three schools, namely Ladies' Bro Sandal, regularly sold for clearat, . Ladies" Brown Calf Flapper | White. AR uckle. $3.75 $1.50. At, $7.00. To : $3.95 To clear at , bh teams representing St. James' church will ba entered in the Jeague before the schedules are drawn up, A committee composed of Messrs. Connolly, Was convenor of the sports commis. | tee, asked to be relieved of the duties and the executive accepted his resig- - Telephone 486. nation with regret. : . The senior games will be played : re ee] on Tuesday and Thursday of each | Se week; junior games on Monday and LAKEVIEWS : WIN : OPENER peau ss, H. Bird 2b, B. Watts cf, § ---- Friday, and the girls' Eames taka Purviss 1b, D. Briceland ¢, J. Mere- place on Wednesday. The games wij] dith 3b, J, Blomley "rtf, Miller ef, consist of nina Innings, commencing x Serimmager p. at 6.30 p.m, In the Inter-Ocunty Baseball Parham--, A committee was appointed to L ue----Défeat Parham " | Howes c, W. draw up the Schedules. The first ny 8 to 3. G. Wagar ss, G. Sandwith game will be played on Thursday Clow rt, R. Butterell If. evening," Ju 1st, ERR Umpire, Fraser Smith, er ane | . » Syae hats The Inter-County basebail opener Pp , Tuesday evening at the Cricket fleld regultéd in the score of 8 to. 3 for Lakeviews. The contest was fair but thére was very little team-play. clash. All games are to be played at the amond, which hag been built on Scrimmager in the pitcher's box for the locals went six innings. His op- KiO.L Field Day, potent, Lee, of Parham, was knock- Victoria park. K.CL fleld day is to be held in ed out of the box in the third. It '| was rather a see-saw affair but the Lakeview boys seemed to have bet- ter flelding support. Zimmerman pitched a great game and was the cause of the Lakeviews winning. He was steady himself and also steadied the rest of' the team. He is a newcomer to the game hers as far as is known, but he should make ' good this summer. McCul- lough in lett field grabbed off every. thitig that came his way, and played a good game all through, while Pur- vis also played well. For Parham, J. good and Lee p, E. Barr 1b, J, Lee cf, R. Bender Lb, 2b, H. ATHENS HIGH SOHOOL ALUMNI TO CONVENE On Thursday Evening and Form an Association in Kingston, ---- In October last the 'High School at Athens, Ont., was destroyed by.-fire. It had for years been one of the foremost educational institutions of Eastern Ontario, and its graduates were to be found in high positions in every province of Canada and in every state of the union. One doubts if any school of its nature turned out a larger number of successful and prominent men than the old High School at Athens. Since the fire a number of letters of sympathy . {nd offers of agsistance have been 180 in the | received by the school officials, It, limelight. E. Barr replaced J Lee | occurred to the secretary, 8, Curzon in the box in the third inning and | A. Lamb, that the formation of an Allowed but four hi's whiln he struck | Alumni Association would be the out four also. His pitshing was very | means of recalling many happy days 800d but the support was not up to [Pent in the Leeds county village. much at tim \ The idea has now been carried into effect, and within the past few. days ietters have heen sent out ¥ ex-puplls 'soliciting m, port and co-operation. theis-school year, ete., are asked for. These will later be incorporated in a book. Annual ; fee is sum of 50e. 2 fixed at the small Toronto an Athens Old Boys' Assi ation hag been formed under the presidency of rioudy and Sas Uates of the: echool Kingston'ihave called a ng to Be held fn the Y.M.C. ---- on Thursday a pyramid Was built up on the K.C.I. campus, in Which thirty boys took part. The pyramid attracted the atten- tion of ga large numper of specta- tors and a Photograph was taken, The events for the field day include both senior and Junior three mile, one mile, halt mile, 440 yards, 220 yards, 100 yard dash, putting the shot, discus throw, rubning high Jump, running 'broad jump, standing Jump, five mile bieycle race. Girl events. One dash, 50 yarg dash, race, hop-step and Jum running high jump, running broaq Jump, throwing basebal). E. 0. Sliter wil} be in charge and Captain Law wil have personal di- rection of the ovents. * A baseball game between K.0.1. and Gananoque is to be Played in the cricket fleld this afternoon, I ---- P, bieycle rage, (first x Buffalo 6, Rochester 1 (second Same). Reading 4, Newark 3. Baltimore 5, Jersey City o, - -- : ii Hl ER i oe ete + Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Black, Navy, egularly sold at perypair...... The R. & R. SHOE SHOES OF BETTER VALUE EEN STREET CHtRCH a A few real Leather Club Bags, leather lined: regularly sold for $15. $9.50 Brown and oclear at... STORE Corner Princess and Clergy Streets, 89c¢ Np pointed out that the mem stands at 634, and that the church proper had gjven $1,289 for rls sions. The total connexional tun reached $3,614. The total raised during 'the year reached the handsome figure 9 $10,616, The society" r gath- | then elected, and the Annual Meeting Tuesday Eve- ning--A Year of Progress Is Reported. -- The annual congregational ering of Queen aireet that capacity: 'James Armstrong, Ww. church was held in the church hail H. Wormwith J Rankin, A. M Al on Tuesday evening, with a splendid : ga te 1A te " len, Dr. R, E. Sparks, George A, attendance. The opening exercises : . Were conducted by the pastor, Rav, Smith, C. E, Ferguson end Fred 1, - 8. Lennon, and reports were then Paynter. The ladies of the church, read and adopted from the various under the charge of Mrs. John organizations with the church, Evans, president of the Ladies Aldy showing a year of Progress. served refreshments whije the hale The Sunday school report was [198 Were being counted. read by, F. T. Paynter, who remark- L h, od that the roll now numbered 415 | 1°" MOMENts, while a resolution . | appreciation of the services of th members, and the average a'tend n, movad by following wityf pastor, Dr. W, 8. Lenng ante 5. oStiou) hag So AH. r. Nash, and secondeq ly Mrs, John for supplies, and $102 for Chris planse gifts, making a total of $848. The . Epworth League report, also pre. sented by Mr. Paynter, showed sub- |, scriptions of $56 td missiony, and total of $107 raised. Mrs. W. S. Lennon presented the report of the Ladies' adult bible class | bua and the Ladies' Aid, which chromicl- May 24.--A washout ed a very successful year. The treas® the dam at Marble Rock within urer's statement, presented by Mrs. past few days but is being repai T. R. Carnovsky, showed a total of without causing any shutdown of the $878 raised, of which $300 went 10 factories here the anniversary fund, and $125 to A ---------- GANANOQUE | took place at the. Any [stated that the ¥ urider the leadership' | the church had been buil Judge H. 8, Mott. Crossbars are being placed on the rebuilding fund. Poles between here and Kingston Mrs. H. Jones read the report of that connettions may be mad the Women's Missionary. Society, and [supply the farmers with el society had accomp- Dower, 5 lished some really wonderful work | Meg, Alexander McDonald has re u the retiring turned from the funeral of t, Mrs. G. Valleau. A total of father in Athens. § raised for mission work. Miss Margaret Edwards is ho | Robert Crawford, treasurer of the [from Toronto for the summer rebuliding committee, stated that | days, t under try-| Mrs Joseph MoMaster, but. finished with |g visiting her parents Mr an 8 clean sheet. He was very happy 12 [James Bevane, King street, . report that owing to the generosity Mr. and Mrs. E. Grue and Mr of the Ladies' Aid in donating $135 | Mrg, Willlam Brown spent rd the fund was now closed with a bal- ingston. ' &nce of $38. The total cost of Te-| Mrs: Alice Dempster and 1 buflding had been $32,007.11, of da ter have returned after sg Which $22,737.57 had heen fnsur- Jj the past two weeks with er ance. The report did not take spe- | ter, Mrs, W, Dafoe, in Oshawa. cial cognizance of $1,000 held by the J. Edwin, Harlem, wag in trustees from the "Young Ladies' yesterday on business. -------------- Guild of the church. Following this report, a resolu- His A enquiry at the General H ing circumstances, pl tion of appreciation Tor the of Capt. Crawford The i » Upon amount entatives wery Methodist | *it at the quarterly official board in Judge Lavell took the chuir al tas Evans, was carried witli: hearty "ps 4 nd