' 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WITH THE UNEMPL OYED SOLDIERS ON THE MARCH TO OTTAWA. MADE IN GUELPN, $c 5 7 : Gv Baan 2 Fix ' Aap : Eater i ; CANADA % ; hy HRT es NE TERE SA hp aa Pure, unbleached, red, palm oil and vegetable oils--the greatest of all skin beautifiers -- are used in the; making of Lifebuoy Soap. The odour vanishes quickly after use Er aa | ER FLAPPERISM NOT DISEASE BUT JUST A DIVERSION Illinois Pastor Says Bobbed- |- Haired Girls Will Make Fine Women. a Chicago, May 23.---- The modern flapper was defended by thé Rev. A. Pennewell, pastor of the Covenant Church at Evanston, Ill, Sunday, in a sermon in which he approved short skirts, bobbed halr and knickerbock- ers. b "Flapperism is not a disease but @ diversion," he said. "'Bobbed hair, short skirts and knickerboeck- ers are not signs of sin, but 4 dec PENCILS se . a IR ; nd Bag > $ : laration of independence. The sivls 4 . -- are a jolly Jot and they will give us | v AIRED Above are shown some halting places in the"advance of Ontario's workless veteran ar- the finest generation uf woe... (..| my, who are marching the high road to Ottawa to demand justice and employment. Tha [world has ever known. y "We are passigg from the man We are equipped to make ie , hg - Q te : by --y ved Pe picture on the left shows Mrs. Humphreys, a good hearted Scotch woman, pouring hot age, a rough age, and emerging ine . ' S coffee at Bowmanville, while at the right the veterans-are seen at the Bowmanville fair [iy the age of culture, the women's We carry a supply of parts. grounds. Below is a snapshot of the column marching into Bowmanville. age. That is why the flapper ex-| Prompt service. ----------_ . Amman ists to-day. The new age will ~be STARTING REFORM OF one not ruled 3 yomer but one jo i Nurs Dobbe & Co. || AMERICAN COMMANDER HONORS CANADA'S DEAD FASHIONS IN PARIS Shi (15, tues vil be fut | WE WANT YOURS -------- HittI& birds in cages of husky beasts Our Kingston plant should be ready for operations about The Catholic Women's Gon-|of burden. the First day ot; April: Call and see our manager at 24 JOHN, 3 Vs - ei, N » Ny gress Decides'to Ban Am All Omens Are Good SON 2 RRES, ES. va Belleville office, erican Dances. | Tod ta 'ou i For Alberta Crop BELLEVILLE CREAMERIES, Limited, Box 86, Belleville, Ost. | ROAR RY : Paris, May 23.--The Intérnationa a SHARBOT LAKE CREAMERY, td THIS! , \ & TRA Se RN det Congress of Women's Catholic Lea-| Calgary, May 23.--The Herald in Limiteq, Sharbot Lake, Ont. ; ] F % %, ¢ gues, presided over by Cardinal|its third 1922 ¢rop report for Alber- -- a Merry del Val, has been busily dis- (ta, says. cussing the vexed question of the, Seeuing of wheat in Alberta is influence on public morality of fash-| Practically completed in all parts of "And After the Thea Let's lons, motion pictures, theatres and |the Province. In 'many parts of the .EO y ' . po Tg dancing. Recognizing the utter im- Province early graih is showing Dr op in at the Roy » LE NARD FRE ae b i ; p possibility of condemning dancing al- [above ground and fs in a remarkably After an evening at the theatre, the movies of the cone OIL : ny S88 | | together, the Congress has finally healthy condition. Taking the Proy- cert, a visit to the Royal will bring your evening's pleasure to ! 3 : decided to ban American dances and. ince as a whole, an inciease in wheat a happy climax. recommend a return to classical and acreage over last year is indicated. Motorists, too, enjoy a late-hour snack after a joyous ride national forms, ~ Moisture conditions are excellent. In over cool country roads. With fegard to theatres and mo-|the south the soil is still extremely From early dawn to the witching hour, the Royal hap tion pictures, failing the establish- wet. pily serves the best of things to eat and drink. ment of censorship it was suggest- | Obey that impulse and coige! ed that the best means to fight im-| Portage La Prairie Election. Pp orality and doubtful production| Portage la Priirie, Man. May 23. -- ROYAL CAFE Princess pote, A by organizing rb ie Charles D. McPherson, minister 157 St. The fashions of the women's attire | of piblic works In the Norris Shab] Prem nO --_---- were lengthily disbussed, the neces-|ment, was last night no nated as 8ity of a reaction against the wear-| Liberal standard-bearer the Port. Ing of dresses which the Songres AEE Ia Paairie Hing in the Jorthe ' > 2 considers indecent was urged. It was| Coming election. His opponent in the Wh I S I . oo. LY, finally decided that as Paris is the| Conservative ranks will be Major F. i t abes oa ---- lon by world's fashion centre . it was ca-|G. Taylor, K.Q. Austin's Drug Store, Mahosd's | sential to commence the campaign The Hecla Pipeless Furnace has Drug Bors, Bargent's Drug here. Therefére it was decided io . all the big features of the famous ot good dru, form in Paris a committee of mem- . - 3 ' ] Hecla F bers drawn from the highest society. . loc a Furnace. This committee wil} be instructed to : ! hb. It has the STREL-RIBBED Firepot. closely watch the evolution of fashe|" p I invefition gives Hecls times A | . 'he radiating pA of the ordinary furnace, more fons, modifying them accord!ng to N Za Catholic morals and esthetics, and ( pe t means heat--lass fuel. At least : transmit instructions to the various . oie ton saved out of s¢ven. ! a branches of the league throughout | : FEN the . You I ts ro pI the world in order that Concerted TO-MORROW MAY BE : + FON MSHoy may be taken whenever ne- NEE 4 T00 LATE : Vancouver Olubs to Pay You Are in perfect health toe } y ; License Fee of $800 day. To-morrow accident or ill- Vancouver, May 23. Effective ess MAY lower your vitality to --_ an Ee that no Insurance June 3th, all Vancouver clubs will be would accept you as & : called upon to pay an annual license / I Owners poapay would you ith certain. " yA > R fee of $500 and the manager of each 3 y THESE sam tO} Sanslgecsble; 26. to. 80 a 1y save money by prompt action, ; i : ¢lub will be licensed and must keep your economy good for the rest of your lifetime. Sings during every year of your k 3 % : ) KF & stock book according to the provis- o g i --a-------- life the. cost of life insurance in- 3 gc \ ; we : 5 tons of a bylaw adopted by the city ' Patented FUSED JOINTS make nN of creases. I i. try Socgomy . to - -- - ---- ---- councillors today which will come up J ; this system proof against leaks fuss. Ne Fr Ay 18 aie Bhese are N the ion of his teceat| fone came heme. with greater layrels_ | [Or final reading Thursday. : 3 Only & small visit to Montreal to-receive a than those American nprsgeratives SR -------- i ---- surdnece compel iis to take action id McGill University | § : A TO-DAY. e trol C niversity, | from north of the 4th . According to Attorney-General W. Ond General John ershing, Command- [do not wish to draw npr. E. Raney thers is little prospect of \ f Let Us Give You an Estimate er-in-Chief 2} the United States | sons, but out of those 4 Army, paid graceful tribute to Can- | dians who went overseas to fi t for |!he Legislature concluding ite work S. Roughton ada"s lier gave their lives in | liberty and justice about half were |Within the next three weeks. LEMMON & SONS the Great War. At the end of the | casualties. No army his a better re- | hmm anna a - AGENTS City Manes ane Mutua fay, as he went to hie iv . cord than that, and it is soniething of 4 : e* Windsor Street CPR. Station, | which nadians and Americans are . 187 PRINCESS STRE - - " Phone 610, 00 Uroek St. Kingstey General Pershing took occasion to justly proud--for we are all Ameri- ; Lf | : : ir v. RINonoN pay a visit to the bronze group erect- | cans in a broad sense." i ed to the memory of eleven hundred| As the 'a ched the & ' o ad ads. C.P.R. Saployees who died in the | statue he stood 16 Attention and sale : i a 4 rele el TAN WRN Wo service of King and country. ¢d, and later on, with the greatest of | 2 a. | | - - : EE ma en SR tu SN So AAA. At a Canadian Club luncheon dur | good nature, agreed to pose in front AT Sr 5 Hh EE x = ets BR FOOTWEAR 2 ing the eral Pershi Eh | saan NEW HAVEN {| uf wim serves o€ Lographarn: Gengral Pershing is oc. | (Ens [ff The Year before the war this || world 'war suftersd moro" the rah. and RAISE Mill hin? ' a | F INE people Who olight 10 know Pre Miitok, ro gy pire eed the Burlington Agricultural Soctety will YO | oy od ALL THE SMART SPRING STYLES Ing around 32. Jt ls bea goad. || C044i80%; none were more gulant ually rehMpilitated and with the T * y Improvement in general b dict 80 for it within a short time, offer good. prizes for the best dande- faye i : § y A lion wine at thefr coming exhibition, + a2 3 1 ial , i j ST. PAUL | Ries; 'leit coming exhibition | ; | in Ladies l or 2 Strap Pumps | casions--just the type of Shoe for oThie Hock sold at 117 before ; c Milton, aiutriet are busy, eahorig : Ht with high or low heels, in Black | well-dr , women, : t War. t 1 d IB ; 4 N » Ee - . : * Grain rogu Ox- Th rans Gt 34 ro recent ; | [and the quantity harvested. will be| ° : il Kidor Brown Calf. oe an B : 3 i ly Peported traffic $% Heavier 7, rn endrinous. Home of the wine may ve if druggist - yd A ; aie t last and p nn EY y o: | 9 - ; § Jur a Jast an prospects # \ ry ue neal A08_yer cent. o it = i WellV'made Ladies Oxfords in 'Men's Brown or Black Calf 3 : ke | E TIRE, % \ : iI good taste for all out-of-door oc- | Oxfords, A McKINNON & C0 |, Bun Yat Sen's southern army fs] sta n 7 " i : A : | jdriving northward into the provines| © . Cor. King and Brock Streets : i Khangs! and the troops of the gni- : + ¥ : ARE i wh |Iitary "governor, Chen Kuang-Y § | Weare Gofrespondents of ; fe reported to be flosing in teorder. : : Bryant Bros. Limited 4 Hon. Robert Franklin, Sui nd, i --UalEY | justice in the Supreme Court of On. 8 © MONTREAL NY ) , died at the Toronto general ! Tuesday afternoon, He was i Newmarket Ont, in 1889 1 ao 4