WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1922, | THE DAILY BRITISH Markets Reports | 135 1-4c to 36 1-2¢. Flax, No. 1, $2.74 {to $2.76. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Tronto, { Toronto, May 23, __ Manitoba | wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.49 3-4; | No. 2, Manitoba, $1.46 3-4; No. 2,| Toronto. northern, $1.39 1-2; No. 4 wheat, mot | Toronto, May 23.-- Heavy steers, quoted. . | choice, $8.25 to $8.50; butcher steers Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W., 6013¢c; [choice, $8.25 to $8.50; _do., gooa, No. 3 C.W., 67 1-2¢; No. 1 feed, 55 [$7.25 to $7.507 do. common, $6.25 to 1-de. 186.75; butcher heifers choice, $7.75 Manitoba barley---No, 3 C.W., no- [to $8.25; do. medium, $7.00 ww minal; No, 4, C.W., nominal, $7.25, do. common, $5.00 to $6.20; All above on track, Toronto, baby beeves, $7.00 to $9.50; butch- # American ¢orn--No. 2 yellow, 78 | er bulls, good, $4.50 to $5.50; do. 1-2¢; No. 6, 77 1-2¢, on track, Toron- | medium, $2.50 to $3.00; butcher to. cows, $4.50 to $6.50; canpers and Rye-- No. 2, 95¢ nominal cutters, $2.00 to $3.00; feeding Buckwheat--No. 2, §1 nominal. |steers, good, $6.50 to $6.75; do. fair Optario wheat--Car lots, No. 1, [$5.50 to $6.50; calves, choice, $9.vv commercial, $1.50, delivered, bid. [to $10.00; do, medium, $7.00 to Quotations purely nominal. $5.00; do. common, $4.00 to $5.00; . Ontario parley: No. 8 test of 47 |springers choice, $50.00 to $60.00; bic Mos., 60c to 65¢ nominal, milch cows, $50.00 to $100.00; Manitoba flout--Unoffjeial--N6, 1 (sheep, choles, $7.00 to $8.00; do. patent, $8.60; second patent, $8. heavy, $8.00 to $5.00; lambs, $14.00 Ontario flour--$6.40 f.0.b., Toron- (to $15.00; do Mght, $3.00 to $6.00 "to, second-hand jute bags. western lambs, $6.00 to $8.00; hogs, Millfeed Bran, $28 to $30 per |fo.b., $12.75; do. fed and watered, ton; shorts, $30 to $32 per ton; feed | bid, $18.60; do to farmers bid, $13.- flour, per bag, $1.70 to $1.80. 50; cgrn-fed hogs, $1.60 to $2 less. --. Hay-----Baled, No. 2 track, Toronto, . $22 to $23 per ton; No. 3, $18 to Chicago, ' $19; mixed, $18; straw car lots, §12 Chicago, May 23.--Cattle--Top to $13; loose hay, per ton, No. 1, [beef steers, $9.05, weight about 1,- AS ' $25 300 pounds; best yearlings, $9.00: bulk beef steers, $7.76 to $8.50; : New York. bulk bologna bulls, $4.50 to $4.65; . : New York, May 28.--Flour spring | bulk beet bulls, $5.25 to $5.50: bulk patents, $8.25 to $8.75; spring clears | butcher she stock, $5.75 to $7.25; os : . ' A .00 to $6.75; soft winter straights, |bulk canners an cutters, $3.75 0 3 50 - 3 herd winter straights | $4.75; bulk vealers to packers, $8.50 $7.40 to $1.76. to $9.00; bulk stockers, $6.75 to s a] $7.50. Rye Flour--Fair to good, $6.50 to ; : $6.75; choice to fancy, $6.50 to $6.-| Hogs--Top, $10.75; bulk, $10.25 26. rey gh big. marist 25: low. are the tests that DOMINION TIRES have to stand, right here LIVE STOCK MARKETS. es lo hiv oT ise Iie tay Tov sows, mostly $9.25 to $9.50; ship- > E A not steady 'No. 4 west. | Pers took about 8,000 head; hold- in Canada. ern, $1.21 3-4 f.0.b. New York and |°Ver liberal. . ; » Sheep--Medium to choice Call- $1.30 14 edt. export, fornia, $14.50 to $15.50; feeders, From the peaks of the Rockies to sea levels on the Atlantic coast Barley---Malting 77c to 81e¢ c.i.t, $12.25; best native springs, $14.75; Wheat No. 3 red and No. 2 hard [10D O¥es. $7.00. --when spring thaws make the roads hub-deep in mud--on blistering $1.47; No. 1 Manitoba, $1.56 1-2 and Buffalo, . . . No. 3 mized durum, 3148 34 eit. |. fu, May" 38. Cutio--sip- asphalt when July days register 100 in the shade--on the icy roads of w York, ri eo ping steers, $7.50 to $8.65: butch- Como. 3 yellow ad Xo, 3 er 47.85 1 88.30; searings, 350 January with the thermometer on the toboggan-- DOMINION TIRES White, -8C an . ' 0 .00; heifers, . o a5: . . . eo, Y pie cor ov Torti al" cows $5.00 fo $6.50; bul, 34.00 to are right up against real Canadian conditions. white, 50¢, to $7.00; fresh cows and springers, - -- LL They are made for Canada, by Canadians, who know Canadian 2 red, $1.40 3-4; No. 3 bard, $1.30 lo |p ioks Hew. $1115 mixed and conditions. sir ERE i to 82] 5,100 pips, h1Las) resis. 19.00 : 1-2c; No. 3 yellow, 63 1-26 to 62 |" Shusp and Taree Series' sabe, They have been tried out on every size and make of car, from the Oute--No.'s white, 39 1.4¢ to 40 | bracag 10,317.00: yourlings, 35.00 to every-day business car to the big stately limousines, 1-4¢; No. 3 white, 40¢ to 42c, ewes, $2.00 to $7.00; mixed sheep Rye--No, 1, $1.09, $7.00 to $7.50. Ei ; & Barjey~Nominal. : SEIDRG DOMINION TIRES give such mileage and service Timothy seed--3$4.50 to $6.00. Montreal \ ' ay Olover seed--3$11.00 to $22.00. Montreal, May 23.--Cattle--But- 4 AED S% that, nowadays, when motorists talk tires, the -- cher steers choice, $8.75; good $8 to Montreal, $8.50; medium, $7.50 to $8.00: . © Montreal, Mdy 23.--Oats--Canad- (common, $6.75 to $7.25. Butcher natural question is, How do they measure up to fan western, No. 2, 87 1-2¢ to 68¢; [cows, choice, $6.00 to $7.00; med- yan i, » &£ . «© Canadian western, No. 3, 63 1-3¢ to |ium, $4.50 to $5.50; canners, $2.00: ¥ DOMINION TIRES - the tires by which all G4c. Flour--Man:,. spring wheat pat- |cutters, $2.50 to $3.50. Butcher bulls ans 28 . : . 4 ents, firsts, $8.50. Rolled oats_Bag, (800d, $6.00 to $6.50; common, $4.30 : iY Lo tires are judged. 90 Ibs, $3. Bran---§$28.26. Shorts-- [to $5.50. $32.25. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car | Hogs -- Off car weights, selects, lots, $29 to $30. $14.25 to $14.50; heavies, $12.50 to ' $13; sows, $10.25 to $1060. - 7 -- 'Winnipeg. s Winnipeg, May 28. ----Wheat-- GEERAL TRADE, No. 1 hard, $1.43 1-4; No, 1 north- Sor ree ern, $1.42 7-8; No. 2 northern, $1.- ; Toronto. 38 5-8; No. 3 northern $1.30 7-3; | Toronto, May 23.--Butter, dairy, No. 4, $1.18 7-8; No. 5, $1.08 3-8¢, | 35 to 40¢; do. creamery, 42 to 50e: No. 6 93 7-8¢; feed, 82 3-8¢; track, | °689, fresh, doz, 30 to 36¢; cheese, $1.40 3-8. . tae ~2¢; A ey ey OW. be 1 No. ducklings, 1b., 30 to 40c¢; turkeys, hls : ! 1b, 60 to 56¢c; geese 1b; 32 to 35. 5-8¢c; No. 1 teed, 49 1-2¢; No. 2 feed, i & & 47 1-2¢; rejected, 44 7-8¢; track, 53 Montreal, > : 1 - 7-8e. Montreal, May 23.--Butter -- ] i ge : , Barley--No, 8 C.W., 68¢c; No, 4 Creamery 'solids, 33c per 1b.; prints J » ES id io) : : C.W., 65 3-4c; rejected, 62 1-40; |g4c per Ib. cooking butter, 27¢c; ole- e ) io] a] 5 5 S : hed, 60 2407 Ns "oe omargarine, 20c¢ per Ib, 3 . J & i oY : te . Flax--No, WC, . -4; Bggs--ew laid, No. 1, $3¢; extras - oe d fo Ge r & < ; No. 3 &W., $2.40 1-4; No. 3 C.W., : ; or A ; a ' ; Ib., new, 25 to33¢c; chickens, spring Ib. 35 to 40c; fowl, 1b. 80 to 35¢; go J J 36e. $2.24 3-4; rejected, $2.24 3-4; track | Ham--Large size 20c; small size, : = --- $2.44 1-2, 33c; cooked, 48¢ to 49¢ per 1b. " A -------- Rye--No, 2 C.W., $1.08, Bacon--Windsor boneless, 40¢ - - : - . EE ---------- mt Sm . -- per 1b; breakfast, 30c to 34c per . n -- - _---- " {1b. Minneapofis, Dressed poultry--~Milkfed chick- Minneapolis, May 23, _Flour--Un- ens, 30c to 42¢ 1b.; selected chick- changed to le lower; family patents ens, 34c to 37¢; fowls, 24¢ to 33: $5.25 to $8.60; shipments 45,859. |,00i. 9g, to 28e; turkeys, 46¢ to Bran--$21 to $32. Wheat--OCash No. | 5, ducks, 33c to 85¢; green ducks, 1 northern, $1.52 5-8 to $1.58 5-8; 42¢ per Ib. May, $1.61 1-8; July, $1.40 5-8; Dressed hogs--¥Fresh killed, abat- Sept., $1.26. Corn--No. § yellow, 54 [oir stock, $21 per 100 lbs. 1-4c to 55 $-4c Oats--No. $8 white, Hay--Baled per ton, in car lots, DOMINION TIRE DEALERS 206 WELLINGTON ST. a a : 3 Timothy, $29 to $30; No. § : ; ; Er a2! to 814; clover mized, 1} Some of the attractive features of a BE TR Vire F Briscoe Light-Weight Touri 2004 a la E 7 have : jt 1st rec eive d . ~ which we are now offering: -- - || . We 23 carload of Wire {| A strongly built Car with seven inch frame. ' Fencing, Lawn Fencing and Gates of all | A quiet-running motor, { : 2 . Low Gas consumption, sizes and styles. Get ices before buy- | Non glare | ud Ou prices | fore ay ig Sto Slare ens art pleasing body lines. ing, & = - Easy viding and comfort due 1o long springs. od EL : A price several hundred dollars its actual ; : : ue in the autgmobile market, Guely Beverley : ; 1 ove letter, a snapshot, a knife, 'scissors, key and diary as shown above | hs are the only clues to work upon. i