THE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG. « | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM germ {Letters to the Editor Wants Matter Righted. | | Kingston, May 20.--(To the Edi- | itor) Some four years ago the {Board of Works decided to re-con- | © CONDENSED ADVERTISI NG RATES: Fiist Irseriion, lc & word. Zach con- secutive insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum chafge for one insertion, ®2bc; three irsevtions, cents. Sn rates are for cash only when charged they aré double HELP WANTED. BAKER WANTED, APPLY NEW ENG- land Bakery, WOMAN COOK WANTED Apply at Queen's Hotel AT ONCE. JRY WORK. AP- General Hospital MAIDS FOR LAU ply Kingston GIRL FOR DINING ROOM WORK, AP- ply Royal Hotel. 242 Princess St TO Ler. | tere ett seston | ED APARTMENT, APPLY AT Clarence Stree Garage. Phone 1994. | FOUND SUNDAY AFTERNOON, FOLDER containing set of motor cycle tools. 'Owner may secure same by calling at Whig of- FACING CITY PARK, KE & Smyihe, 71-73 Clar- Street. BRICK HOU five . PARCEL, CONTAINING CANDY ! left in t} 1 f the post 'ostmaster TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ON BATH-| room flat, with or without board Apply 0 Queen siree 4 - rez id : EVERSHARP PENCIL, ON KING Street, near Gore Owner phone 231J : LADIES' BLACK SILK BAG ON Division stree: Owner may have same at 301 Johnson St. FOUND ARTICLES ADVKR. TISED y¥REE, Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- GARAGES; RENT REASONABLE. AP- ply Kingston Apartments, Ltd, 69 Brock Street. Phone 2 atte | ROOM HOUSE, HARDW 00D | floors. hot water heating Posses- sion June 1st Phone 147 | GOOD PASTURE FOR A LIMATED number of horses Apply CO R y AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant Apply Mrs Hemming George Street -------- ete eee en CARETAKER FOR PRINCESS STRE Methodist church Apply W Connolly, 21 Nelson sireet WANTED, GIRLS, MUST BE OV ER 18 Years of age. Apply Dominion Tex- tile Cp., Cataraqul 8 Faremizionn GENER vant; no washing: small Wages $35 a month Apply 19, Whig Office, SER- family Box | ¥ OR SIXTEEN YEARS, to help with general work and look after child 23% years ences. Apply Mrs. Sm corner Colborne and Ba NEY AT ROME, $15 (0 800 MAKE NovEY. for your spare time writing show cards for us. No can- vassing We dnstruct and supply You with work. West-A gus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid, To- ronto eee eet eee Nj a RELIABLR SALES | fag Pre oe each uurepresanted coun- ty or territory. Exclusive selling Habis, good pay to energetic rep- resentatives. Our agency is valu. | able. Write Velham Nursery Co. Toronto. Ont WANTED GENERAL A GOOD, COMFORTABLE ROOM, WITH _ board, in private family Apply Box G-19, Whig Office ES MEN'S HAIR CUT, 20c.; ¥ cut 16c.; Shaving, 10 Curzon, 23 Brock Street GET IT REPAIRED--LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired; saws filed: knives and scissors ground Drop a card to G. W. Bateman, 27 Upper William street. f LAWN MOWERS GROUND PROPER ly, carpet sweepers repaired 1 call at your home.- W, Kelly, King street West, formerly 47 lerbeck Street Phone 2047w. * HAIR Ww HOUSE, Prin- loca - Apply WANTED TO PURCHASE A single or double; south side Ccesg street; ive description; tion and low#st cash price Box H-22, Whig. r CUSTOMERS FOR SHOE REPAIRING, work done quickly and neat] Rubber Heels put on while you | wait Your patronage solicited Workmanship guaranfeed A Goodwin, Charles Street, Montreal Street. near POSITION WANTED. tse en, im beinns OSITION WANTE BY CERTIFIED r drug clerk. Apply Box ¥-19, Whig | Office. v | LEGAL NINGHAM & SMITH, | ters and solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- ham, K.C; Cyr'l M. Smith AMBROSK SHEA, dA. BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock over Royal Bank. Money to, loan Phone 1999. CIVIL ENGINEERING. PLANS SURVEY S--ESTIMATES | 8. Scott, BA, BSc. Mem. Eng | 134 'Earl Street. Phone 647. 'ou BARRIS. | Inst. | CARPENTERING | WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER | See James Selby. Contractor, 213 University Avena. Phone 1898w. | AUTO PAINTING. ! AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND FIN. ishing a specialty. Also Plano and Furniture Polishing. Shop Queen Street, rear of Abernethy's Shoe Store, or drop a card to 89 Barrack Street. Be ee : AUTO AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. | ---------- -------------------- en AUTO AND CARRIAGE FINISHING, Jenkins & Davies, corner York and R Road. Telephone 483M. equipment. Satisfac- ded. Business or plea- Prices moderate, new guaran sure cars, PERSONAL ! MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, Crowd marks. skin cancers, scars, etc. re. moved permanently, Satisfactor: glasses ftted and furnished after OLhsrs have falled. Uoltre removed. 36 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. LaKe, Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat, Skin. 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301. 5 CHIROPRACTIC 'WM. A. MARCELIsS, D.C, Ph. C. Core r Princess and Barrie Streets. 3nd Soor, Barrie St. entrance, Kingston, t; Consultation free. Telephone 832J. Hours 9 to 12 am. ito § p.m ks ODD LOTS Do you need a half or quarter ton of Coal to put you through the season? A good chance to give us a trial. es Swift & Co, I Foot of Johnson st. Jam STOVES 'While they iast, you may have ics 48, thas. 1s my . TURK Phone 705 4 33 Brock Street tisement wiil be p this column free of ch 3 "Found articles" does not 1n- clude lost dogs, cattle, horsen, etc. These, If lost. may be ad- , vertised for ia the "Lost column ---------- ted in » FOR LIGHT e €very convenience » central. Apply 168 Division St LODGE ROOMS ON KING STRE 0 | ormerly ceeupled by the 1.0.0.F Apply to Cunningham and Smith -- ---- ee | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; . all improvemeuis; centrally locat-| ed. Apply 243 University Ave. -- { A FURNISHED HOUSE, 318 EARL ST. | will rent for sumn nths, or for year Apply phone F | { en --------" re} LOST. LADY'S 'GOLD WRIST WATCH, ON | Brock or Clergy streets. Reward if returned to 438 Brock Street ONE PAIR oF SHELL-RIMMED | Glasses, with shell ear pieces. Find- | er please leave at Dr. Ryan's office, | Rockwood Hospital, { HOUSE 71 particulars Grocery, 194 Barrie )54. * 4 i apply at Gil- | Street | ¥IVE DOLLAR BILL, DROPPED ON | ? Princess street, or in some of the stores, on Wednesday afternoon Reward for return at Whig Office oN o N ROOM | . gas; Ap- Wa H FOB ON BLACK bearing name Mitchell Wil- liams, No. 835497 Finder return t¢ Sydenham Hospital Ward, or 335 ock Street SILVER i 3 | ribbon | FOUR ROOMED conveniences; hot to White's ON JUNE Int, A ! apartment; alj water heating Insurance Agency Apply FOR SALE. LOWER HUNDRED ACRES 0F Goor t land fq miles from eity James Hogan, Kingston RR b Telephone 1105 1 ONE pastira i ADDI APPLY 82 UNION R. No | | | UNFURNISHED | SMAI LY 1 MARK- | suitable! land street or phone 2397m electric | ar. J ONE MAHOGANY RE ne ----cs ing suite Almost new RONT BEDROOM AND S Montreal street, evenings. i room with private famil Brprputin ae si Le------ | 1 suitable for two gentlemen or | ONE CHEVROLET TOURING CAR, married couple; good locality. Tele-| newly overhauled; good reason for phon gE . | Main FURNISHED rooms and OR FOUR 1S, on bath room flat; ligh housekeeping: light .and phone, Phone DIN- | 174 "COLONIAL" Apply selling Apply 42 street USED CHREVOLET ¢ AR, NEWLY varnished and in first class run-| ning order. For particulars enquire | At 174 Princess or 58 Lower. Bagot, | COMPUTING slightly 118 Col- ROOMS, TWO BED. kitchenette, on bath room floor; hot and cold water; gag| for cooking No children, Apply | 396 Princess St; | y yy | SECOND-HAND DAYTON Co STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | scale, 30 Ib. 'capacity; dry. airy rooms and spaces; your used. Price reasunable. own jock and key. Frost's City | borne Street, Kingston, Storage, 299-305 Queen St. PON | eee ar 526. Res. 989w. | PRINCESS STREET, NEAR ALFRED, - Ee 6 roomed brick .veneered dwelling, RENT AT 68 QUEEN STREE a CEN electric lights, gas and toilet, $2 near Harkness Butcher Shop, aj 000. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, | number of single garages Rent | 56 Brock Street ¢'Teasonable. Apply 183 Queen St.| em oon. ee ee or phone 988w. | BROWN HORSE, HAS MARK OF 2.1615 | as trotter; buggy; harness; cutter. Will sell or exchange for second- hand automobile, Cheap. Apply 197 William Street. ---------- PARTIES WANTING ROUGH ber and shingles will do call at the new lumber yard on Concession street before buying W. H. Talbot, 8 St. Catherine St. | | | } t | | TO AIRY, COMFORTABLE, STONE HOUSE eight large rooms, fireplaces, back yérandah, trees, grounds back and front, furnace, gas, three piece! bathroom. Apply 38 Clarence St. | -- Nl eee AN APARTMENT OF FIVE ROOMS, hardwood floors, electric light, gas | range, refrigerator, fireplace, tiled | bathroom Apply Kingston Apart- | we. et ee te ments Ltd, 69 Brock Street, Phone GOING TO BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN, Motor-Bieycle outfit; new model ee Briggs-Stratton Maton Wheels new Double Bar Indian Bieye ©, guaran- AGENTS WANTED teed first class shape. Treadgoid's. PROFITABLE of | MATTRESSES FOR SALE, OR MADE property owner to your order, any size, any quan- nine tity, lowest factory prices. Also renovating Frontenac - Mattress Company, 3 King Street. Phone 1961J. | LUM- well to | | | { AGENTS--GET IN A all year commission business your awn. Every needs some of oup varieties of and plants. Cecmplete e tion free. les, Montreal. capital ulpmen: and instru, - rite Dominion Nurser. ------ PURE BRED BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching, $1.00 for 13; White Rocks, $2.00 for 13; 3 settings for $5.00. Leave orders at Gilbert's Grocery, 194 Barrie Street. Phone 254. BIG PROFIT ARE BEING MADE selling Aladdin Portable Movie ma- chines to lumber camps, churches, schools, Y.MCA's, lodges and homes. Buy at dealers' prices. Make money from demonstrations and take the orders too Write Aladdin Cinema Co., Ltd, 335 Craig West, Montreal, AN ENERG CORDWOOD, $12 PER CORD; STOVE- wood, split, $5.00 per cord; not split, $4.50; all measured and de- livered. Phone 1611m. Yard in rear of 244 University. W. C. Brus ton, 261 University. --------e ee SUMMER COTTAGE ON WOLFE IS. land, 7 rooms and with cellar. Good well, large verandah, one acre of land, good fishing. Price $1200. Apply J. K. Carrol] Agency, 56 Brock Street. GRAND AND 10Y DOUBLE-SIDED quartered oak flat desk. Size of top 60x48 inches; height 30 inches. Price one year ago $125.00. Will take $65.00 cash. R. J. Rodger, 151 Earl Street. Phone 435. Wi HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS oF 800d seconl-hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and turnitare to dispose of, we wil) Puy highest prices. J, Thompson, 333 Priucess Street. Phone 1§00w. COLLINGWOOD STREET, NEAR Union, a seven roomed brick ven-~ eered dwelling, hot air furnace, electric lights and gas, large ver- andah. Price $4400. Apply J. K. Carroll Agency, 568 Brock Street, -- eee ee, MOTORCYCLES, ONE TWIN INDIAN, $125; one Indian with side car, $150; one Indian Power Plys Side Car, Ja2%i ons piieYeland Light, $150; also For ruck, $135. Georg Muller, 371-373 King street. . 8 OR SALE OR TO LET ON WOLFE Island, near Spoor's dock landing, two summer cottages of five rooms each. One for $500, the other $1,- 000, or will rent for $150 each for season, Apply J K Carroll Agency, 66 Brock Street, -- mires t---- gS RELIABLE, RE- sponsible" preferably with large acquaintance, both business and social, to handle an old estab. lished product, in continual use by over 50% of the population Steady income and good profits, A quick seller to both the retall stores ang fonsumer. Address: Mr. West, 16 Pearl Street, Toronto. MEDICAL. OC. K. ROBINSON, M.D. 365 BARRIER Street. Hours 10.30-12 am. 2-4 p.m. 7-830 p.m. Phone 1646 H.C. MABEE. M.D. . M., ~liam street. Oftice hours am, 2-4 pm, 7-830 p.m. 2886. 7 WIL. 11-12 Phone DENTAL. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST. OFFICE 268 Princess Streei. Phone 652w. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock. DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Princess Street. Phune 1560. Open evenings by appointment. 2 DR. AYKROYD, DENTIST, HAS LT Is Phone sumed practice at 92 Princes. over Bank of Nova Scotia. 18027. Emme ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING JAMES HARRIS, ELECTRICAL CON- tractor, 4 Couper St. Phone 1673w. ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREV tects, Merchants Bank corner of Brock and Welll A FEW USED © 1918 model; ARS--FORD TOURING Ford Touring, 1919, model, with starter; Ford Touring, 1921 model, no rier; Ford Coupe, 1918 model, no starter; Gray Dont, 1921 model; all cars painted, me- chanicaliy 800d; tires in first class sha Prices right. Can be pur- on easy payment plan --Van Bros, Foot of Princess St. BATEMAN'S KEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. $3.500-DOUBLE FRAME, ¢ ROOMS each; B. an in one and electric ligh utbulilding. ARCHI- hambers. h ngton chased Luven : d C.; gas t in one o $3,400--FRAME; § ROOMS, BARN and C.; elecirie light Li S$; easy terms. SEVERAL FARMS FOR SALE $L,700-FRAME BUNGALOW; 5 ROOMS, nearly new. -- $600--FOR A PAIR OF 7 - ed frame houses; contr ROOM. -- S1250--FRAME; 4 ROOMS; LARGE garden; north end. » Limited BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 ROOM: HW, floors iRroughout; built ~ book cases and mirrors, £2 and electric light, stationary tubs and hot wa. ter in cellar, large lot, fruit trees and shrubs; a perfect home at a bargain. J HOUSES TO RENT ROOMING HOUSE, 18 ROOMS; ALL IM. provements; central. BATEMAN'S REAL 150 Wellington § Air castles are generally built 'without a pantry, TATE | -- | ONE MeLAUGH {struct Montreal street from James! |street to the G.T.R. subway, against | the wishes of the then already over- burdened taxpayers along this street. It was pointed out jplece which the chairman of works |and City Engineer said would last} | FOR SALR E. W. MULLIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 330w. SEE DISrLAY AD. ON PAGE TWO. AIREDALE Dog, UPRIGHT PIANO, dition. Apply | | i | PHONE 1371w.... ------------ Lr ag i EXCELLENT CON. |LleD Years, has failed to stand the test 82 Lower Union St, after. four years. Now, sir, a trip Or phone 339w. {over this expensive piece of speed- McLAUGHLIN LIGHT SIX TOURING way would do your heart good. It car in first class condition; cheap.! jg ik ; ad to Dub- Apply 653 Princess Street. i$ more [ike the Rocky Ro 4 to ---- {lin than one of the principal en- QUANTITY OFT trances to the city, brick. street. | is oO Phone § | This to no great extent is caused | by speeding autos, an occasional five GRANT SIX CAR, IN FIRST CLASS Op, : ; condition; recently overhauled. Ap-, ton sand truck, county wagons work- ing on the highway, sand wagons Ply 295 Collingwood Street. I A CA FO eT galore, and an occasional circus, The county good roads work has be- HAVE YOU A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE gun, and their wagons are at present to trade for a good 8% investment? Write Box A-29, Whig Office. terete terete at bre ei seanss. WE ARE WRECKING A FORD TOUR. hauling gravel from the quarry to | where they are working, and while making the descent of the hill ep- hg car and have many used parts 'or sale, Palmer, corner Bago: and Queen. ag ins rma | M ist ¢ ' MILITARY TavFs, mhii A%G MAR. | Posite the lethodist chapel, (which quees; also new -camp cots and] by the way is so slippery that it is Sas, Apply I. Cohen & Co, 275 as much as a horse can do to. stamd Jniario Street. -- |on his feet, let alone to" hotd thede COTTAGE, AT EASTVIEW PARK;| heavy wagons back which are not nearly new; double lot; boathouse " Price 31.600.00. Appir Do) Cays, | fitted with brakes as they should be), 7 Brock Sireet. OF HARD AND § Apply 143 Nelson 18 or phone 1391J. 57 I~ | the road, between .the sidewalk and the curb from a point opposite the Fire Alarm Box and continuing un- | til opposite the Hamer Estate, The CAR, [street is in such a shape now that it new Is a disgrace. 1 told the drivers to | Keep on the road portion,' but I see HOUSE, CHATHAM that in order to save their horses ood lot suitable for|from being killed (I have already LIGHT sIX, perfect runs ng order; good: car Apply 62 Victoria street, between Mack and Brock Streets ov ERLAND FIVE PASSENGER in first class condition; tires. For salé cheap Apply Victoria street Phohe 2319J SMALL FRAME Street. with g then that this" | thé drivers are taking to the left of | Colleen Moore COME To-day ON BY RUPERT HUGHES A-L-L-E-N ~ ALICE TERRIS JACK MULHA AND ALL STAR SUPPORT 443 Times in New York 309 Times inCHicaGo. COV 298% REX INGRAM NGA PLL Ih TT) "THE CONQUERING Power" garden. Price Apply" J. Brock Tee. tot ROWI "to foo ST CHANCE, EGGS FOR HATCHING | @ the foo! of the. hill by iis from thoroughbred white leghorns; Mate) they have taken the right bred from laying rain; deo per hand side on the street railway ties B. ieor 'orn 627 5 Pribasy wrorge rhe lus. _ 927 now. in order to save the horses $9650.00. Easy terms | Seen a beautiful bay horse killed op- Agency, 56 | Iam writing you this letter in or- der that the chairmapof the Board of Works and City Engineer will |take a look over this expensive piece of work, and find some means of {putting matters right. Also an oec- 'easional trip of the Humane Soc iety's agent will convince any one that | something must be quickly done :0 | remedy this state of affairs. Yours respectfully, THOS. HOGAN, 728 Montreal St, DESIRABLE MOTOR BOAT For sale, able and s one of the most comfort- afe Motor Boats, V bot- tom, 21 ft. x 5 ft. 6"; new Universal 4 cylinder, 4 cycle motor with rear starter and reverse clutch, automo- bile top, life preserver cushions, Seats six or more: Everything In good condition. Send for photo. Price $500.00 F. G, LOCKETT, 24 Stuart Street | tt et-- mere THREE BEST KINDS EVERBEARING strawberry plants--Americus, Pro- gressive and Suberb--plant them NOW. $3.00 per 100. 'Apply 8S. Mc- Cormack, §¢ Collingwood Street, Kingston -- TENTS, 9 FT. ¢* BY MOVING AHEAD NICELY. The Work Progressing on Street Car Line, T. ¢ 12 FT. BY 7 FT; 2 SIL aris 8 oz. plate with The 'cit yengineer expects 0 a sla 'i King- - ston, © $33 bess lal with iDg-|t}e concrete base for tho street car Frank Ww, Cooke, 219 Bagot street, | tracks on the right hand side of King In on. he ve ngston One 436. {and Ontario and William streets pe J " > ' TTAGE, cowpLETELY|S°/D8 towards the City Park will be furnished, large verandah, partly | completed on Monday afternoon. On enclosed, -fire-place, garage and Monday the eme v - wharf. Everything in g00d repair ls ¥ i cement mixer was work One of the best locations in Dead!'N8 on William street While a gang Man's Bay, Apply E. A. Rees, 244]0f men were busy mixing some cem- k- al- Bagot street. ent by hand to finish the trac 5 of King ani a lowance at the corner N ¢ 9 $4000 down, 36 eows, bull, Brock streets. The track gang em- . 16 Young stock, all 'kinds|ployed by the Street railway com- wools, maple sugar outfit,' 700 buck- pany fs right on the heels of the Once the track al- 260 acres, 200,000 hardwoods; lowance is completed the men will 'that SUMMER co ERFUL FARM BARG 2,500, 50,000 timber. Fine set bullding | Cement mixer. b rns; would Lost $10,000. No. 585 | a. - 8. In free catalo ue, Ver-| mont, 'New Ham RE Maine, [COMmence the work af filling in the lass farms Jianib Plain & Burn- | space between the ties and also the ne, 2 ashington Street, Boston, Largest ug agency in| road allowance on the right hand New England States, |§ide with concrete. The work was BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, BTC. {rather slow last week on account {of the damp weather, Canvas awnings, cheap. | i -------------- a GIRL GUIDES THA NKFUL Flower Pots, be. each, | Coal Oil Lanterns, 35c. each, Sideboards, $s, $7, $9. Bicycle, $10. To Those Wha Assisted At Their Fine Concert. The posters. for the Girl Guides' concert which have been so much ad- mired during the past week were sketched and prepared by Miss Ed- wards, art teacher on the tsaff of the Collegiate Institute. The Guides ap- preciate very much Miss Edwards' kindness. They have collected the posters and intend to keep them as treasures to be used in decorating their quarters. The Guides are very much indebt. ed to Miss Goldie Bartels, Miss Jean Douglas, Miss Christie Diack, Mar- jorie Richmond and Helen Saunders for two very excellent orchestral selections given by these young Kingston musicians, Player pi rolls, $35.00 y 4-burner Oi} Stove, $15.00. ano attachment with wiry] | { We buy all kinds of Furniture. LESSE'S ANTIQUE sHOP Phone 1045w, 507 Princess Street MILLINERY, MRS. McLAUGHLIN, illiam Street, will take orders for making, trimming and remode)- Ing hats. Terms moderate ee, CARPET CLEANING, H, MILNE, ELECTR} Carpet C Laying and Sew- ing; Hyslop and Cleveland Bi- cycles. Phone 542, 272 Bagot St. FINANCIAL ERS, H, s. CRUMLEY, WIRE, AUTO. mobile and Casualty Insurance. 430 Ear] street. Phone 1762M. STRANGE & STRANGE, Sgents; established Ip the most reliable companies re] sented. Office 35 Clarence st Pposite the post office. FRONTENAC LoAN AND INVEST. ment Society, I orporateq 1861 Pres! x Niexle. K.C.: vice Cunningham. oney issued on cit; and {arm Bropetties. municipa flebentus : t 112 LOWER | | { ------ C VACUUM, AND -- WATER CRAFT PLENTIFUL. The Harbor Dotted With All Kinds of Crafts. Every variety of water-éraft im- aginable came into use on Sunday af- ternoon and evening, and the har- bor was doted with motor-boats, canees, dinghies, and skiffs, all filled with boating enthusiasts. All of the new dinghies purchased by the King- ston Yacht Club, have arrived and many of these were tried out over the week-end. They are splendid craft and should be a real stimulant for sailing among the younger mem- bers of the club. Death by Tuberculosis, Ottawa, May 22.--Deaths from tuberculosis in Canada (exclusive of Quebec), for the year 1921, totalled 4,773, according to figures issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Of 'this total, tuberculosis of the lungs was responsible for 3.897, or 82 per cent. By provinces, Ontario tands/ first, with 2,083 deaths, of Which 1,731 were pulmonary, ro ---------------- In trying to get up in the world Some men use their friends as lad- der rungs. Mr. Sinns, Iroquois, has rented the Stewart House, Lansdowne. MARRIAGE LICENSES CHARLES ¥F. CATARAQUP Ont, iss if icen: unt, uer of marriage Phone 2367 r 12. A hn , FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. coll, 33 John Street, | INSURANCE; | 1860; onl, pre- reet, and : mortgages purchase t bonds for sale; deposits and interest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. UFHOLSTEKING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot St, FOR YOUR yp. general repairing. drop a card to i F. W. HAROLD bolstering and ve orders at or 104 Clergy street COVERED BUTTONS MADE TO OR- Urhelstering® uay shapes and sizes. . 0 ring n Tr rin, one. ED ridge, 244 U vd 44 ersity Avenue. Phone 1833J. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ron PAINTIN G ' n, Wal Papar) ' Jhonth; work Ss. Phone sisans. ne BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER; PAPER han and painting done at rea- ; all work guaran) H. owley, 3% Bay Ann PAPERHANG- ; complete line of Special prices this guaranteed. rie Street. " teed satisfactory. Phone 1361W or call at 1 Street, PAPERHANGING, hard PAINTING, rating, DRIS. | ing a few days at his home here. daughters, who have been v | posite my gates and others dragged |" Ii il Millions on thi | | nent have seen the play | + || ==critics say the film is| | K.C.1 ANNUAL FIELD DAY FRIDAY, MAY 26th Commencing at 9 sym. fe Concert and Presentation Gymn of Prizes In Grant Hall in evening at NS p.m, TICKETS FOR CONCERT Public cordially invited. Inter County League BASEBALE GAME PARHAM vs. LAKEVIEWS CRICKET FIELD TUESDAY, MAY 23rd 6 p.m. CREDIT SALE rmentioned property will he blie Auction at the residence IAM TROTTER, Lot 21, 5th mile east of Joyceville, of WILL Concession, 14 on TUESDAY, MAY 23rd At one o'clock 11 two-year-old Helfers (milking). 1 cow, 1 two-year-old b TERMS: One year's cred on approve ed endorsed notes, bearing interest at 6 per mt. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of the Hryant, late of the in the County of Y ceased, NOTICE is hereb the Revised Statutes o Chap. 121, Sec. 56, that others having claims a of Edward Hryant, who died on about the nineteent are required to prepaid, on or of June, 1922, to ' of Toronto, » Retired. De- f Ontarlo, gainst the estate or before the fifteenth day the undersigned solicit- ors for the Executor of the last Will and' Testament of the sald deceased their names and addresses and a full description of all claims and the nature of seourities (if any) held by ceed to distribute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only for the claims of which they shall then have received notice. And the sald Executor shall not be liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them prior to the said fifteenth day of June, 1922 DATED at Kingston, Ont, this 15th 2 day of May, 1922 NICKLE. FARRELL & DAY, 194 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ont, Solicitors for the Executor. | yd GANANOQUE _ | May 22.--The Yennek commenced the season's trips on the Gananoque- Clayton ferry to-day under the direec- tion of Capt. D. J. Kenney. Gerald Keyes, Queen's University, spent yesterday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keyes, Orch. d View. J. W. Groves, Hamilton, is spend- * - Mrs. Alfred McDonald was taken to the Brockville General Hospital on Saturday for treatment. Dr. Mabee has returned from the Ontario Dental convention in Toron- to. "Teddy" White, Kingston, spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pecor, King street. Miss Margaret Taylor, Kingston, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Martin, King- ston, spent yesterday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Battams. Dr. L. G. Fraser has also returned from the Ontario Dental convention. Bruce Mabee, University of Toron- to, is home for the holidays. Mrs. da Low has returned to To- | MON., TUES. WED. | 25e. y given pursuant to] h day of April, 1922, | deliver or send by post | MUNDAY, MAY 22, 1922, TENDERS f properties as be received hy 1 and including v all offers wilf 'ted not later than irchase wil up to h, An or pted or rejec d next PROPERTIES No. 1.22 phen brick veneered dwelling i No No Ste Street 1 Millers Lane 2 Millers Lane No. 3 Mille No. 40 ang | dwelling No. 42 Main stree t frame dwelling Hd 103 Chatham Stree(, frame dwell. Also 2 separ | situated | streefs : i | Phoaé ois frame dwelling frame dwelling frame dwelling York frame Lane 42 Street, | | | | ate cement clad dwellings corner of Mack and Toronto J +» DRIVER, TRUSTEE, 332 King Street Nar nn REMEMBER 1% 04 want call on us, but jf decorating, then painting and business dobing done, don't You want first-class telephone 2090J for decorating Is our { { | | | | | | W. H. FR ANCIS 35 SIXTH st. Phone 20004. NEN, | Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock and King Streets. Phone 701 or 13871. = General Insuramce Agency : Writing: -- Automobile, Fire, Acoldent, Sickness, Piate Glass Burglary, ete. Hepresenting Only Reliable Comopanies. Ai PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING, REPAIRING * and PLAYER PIANO ADJusTING NORMAN H. BUTCHER 37 PINE STREET - PHONE 1519w P G HIGH CLASS RINTIN MAY WE HELP you WITH YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS? Ring 243 NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE Our Prices are Right + a -------- British Whig Publishing Co. 306-8-10 King St. E. a -- { so | v | | 1 | When in Kingston stop at HOTEL RANDOLPH THE POPULAR HOTEL Central location. Rooms with hot and cold running walter. Special attention to Transients. ~~ FRESH FRUITS ) are good for everybody at any time ~--for children and adults, for heal- thysand sick--eats for any of them | | ----a We also keep the very best in sea- son We also carry a variety. of boxes and bulk This Is the best week for Plueapples. AND FRUIT 68 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 273 D t 1 Taxi who stomach trouble, no doctor bil wholesomé home-made candy in Th CANDY € STORE | | Service PHONE 116 24 Hour Day Service The most wonderful of all machines, needs constant inspection and ad- Justment to keep in fine condition and add to its life, OSTEOPATHY s from impinge- relaxes the con- nd muscies and life-giving blood every part of the body, thus we get "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" DRS. ROBERT and EDNA ASHCROFT 204 King St. between Earl & Gere Phone 447 for appointment, Cor. King & Princess Sts. 24 Hour Service. VERSHAI | REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils, We carry a supply of parts; Prompt service, Tonto after a visit in twwn. Migs Violet Britton is visiting her | si ter, Mrs. Harry'Barnes, Ottawa, | M:s-W. B. Mudie ard young | isiting | her sister in Buffalo, has returned; home, J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. An inventor has discoversg dovice to send pictures by radig,