SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1029. |, ¥ BUSINESS ACTIVITIES | Dectased Was a ldfe-Long Resident | no x r= = | It was with surprise and regret | | ! i Phone 603. | | uation, Ald, Isaac Cohen, proprietor | Ms. John Morrow, Amherst Island. IL 2 | stated that there is now every indi- : | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. . | | . Yi FUR STORAGE | I enamnseess ll June Magazines Now on Sale Jt ; | Deceased was born on the island, 'on J SUMMER PRICES lis ney of 8 revival of activity. This |40d had spent all her lite thers. In can Magazine, Pictorial Review, Motion Picture, Picture Play, on ttt ------ ry -------- -------- DEATH OF MRS, JORN MORNOW. | meme : SS ------ IN CITY OF KINGSTON} | Of Wolle Island. Discussing the local industrial sit- of the Monarch Batteries 'Compaay, | twenty-fifth of January, 1841, 2 Good Housekeeping, Woman's Home Companion, Ameri- |18 not imaginary by any means, but the year 1860, she became wife of mang |i real, There is fapid progress being John Morrow, when she went to the Breezy, Bon Ton, ete. { homestead at the head of the island, : ade in the United States toward re- REMAKING, - cers. ae Vato 8tate Canadian | Where she lived till the date of her Saturday Music Sale RELINING Citlas are reflecting the movement, | death, Her husband died eleven years : . i Speaking of his own business, Mr. Be Mose ag'not Deen alive : All Latest Sheet Music ; Cohen slated that he began making h OW . ha ? MAKING 0.D FURS LICE NEW. «(iis Ber oe ear ews of ten wre] RADIO FOR EVERYBODY . . . Ww as Wat. Moreover, 'he as . : Fresh stocks of prime, selected Fur Skins. | uuro ondeze than he can fll, and pro- | (HAL she was unable to some to the By the Managing Editor of Scientific American B tiful Silk d Sati teed lin; {duction is behind. Gradually he is [1!VINg-room and bestow upon he : . : ; eautiful Silk and Satin guaranteed linings. spending up tho production of Mon- |f8mily, with her that smile and those Get a copy of this book before the present stock is sold out, -} x . arch batteries, Some firms are equip- | XInd words which were always ready. { Consult with us to-day. Expert advice and ping 'heir _octput of motors with [et Soodem ot art ni dind, { : . fou i ba e i 0 ne information free. EE ry pA THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE ; iin a posMion to slack th - | There was always "welcome" at her J [nai Fownias Lo piasken 5 a Kine. door, even to the smallest. She was PHONE 919, OPEN NIGHTS > $e (ston. smiusiry, started in a small way, |2 member of the Anglican church, JO : cKA imited but provided suitable factory space ,and was able at her death-bed to re- . ' Is swoural Jt is destined to grow to | ceive Holy Communion with a num-s {ter of her family. They all mourn Manufacturing Furriers w-- | her departure, yet there is no call Advertising A Science. {for grief in such a death as she has 149-157 Brock Street - - Kingston, Ont. | "'8lgn boards for erection at points |bad one long, pure, perfect reign. {of the highways enfering the city aro| Deceased is survived by nine chil- SE -- being printed, but having examined (dren, four daughters, Mrs. A. Tyron, (them, I am satisfied that the wrong Kingston; Mrs. H. Morrow, Amherst EE -------------- {course is being followed," 'said a (Island; Mrs. J. D. Caswell, King: jcitizen today. "The impression the |ston, and Miss Neldé at home, and A NEW DEPARTURE ; {casual visitor gets is that we are a {five sons, Samuel, William and Tho- {village and if we are to erect signs |[mas, Amherst Island: Charlie, Mc- a - ' {1t would surely be worth while to lot |Intyre's Corners, and Christopher, | { : For Afternoon Teas, Parties, efc. we - {the visitors know that they are en. | Bath. | | tering a city that is an ideal place to The funeral services was conducted | have manufactured an entirely lve. That we want industries and [by Rev. J.'C. Dixon, Stella, at her| new line of {can give ideal sites with railway and [home at 1 o'clock, Friday. "Mr Drew | AT "THE HOME OF DIGNIFIED ECONOMY" . water transportation, and ampie [made mention of the virtues of her {power at reasonable rates. We havo |character and also mentioned the {the best shipping facilities to bo [point that the world would be better re int. Contorors I COCOANUT MACAROONS {found in Ontario. The signs should [off today if it possessed more such Polly Anna Chintz and Print Aprons $28,000) 2 for $ 00 e contain the following facts: mothers who would hring up their . ' . poe . : The delicious liele conte have no mtn rename Or a 0 popu | IH ilo Wo hers. Children's Cotton Drawers-- sizes 6 to 14--3 pairs $1.00 mending them. { lation. The remains were placed in the . " . the leading groceries, and we | "Ideal climate and pleasant place |family plot at Pentleton - cemetery, Children's Fast Black Cotton Hose . ... "+4 pairs $1.00 : They are just a little different from the average line of to live. where she lies between her mother Macaroons and we know that you will be delighted with them. laege properties. | "Educational facilities. and grandmother. The pall bearers Ladies' Summer Vests--all styles isi a nian 4 for $1.00 "Want more industries. Free fac. |were her five sons and one son-in- . . [tory sites. law, Herbert Morrow of the island. Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose--Bla ck, Navy, Brown, White-- | '"Best shipping facilities by rail . iand water, » stra velo ranasirnaanary vanes ies +o pairs $1.00 | "Cheap power. Apply Dr. w. w. Popular Auctioneer oi : 1 : Sa Indu) sommiloner. Opens Sales Rooms Ladies' Fine Silk Gloves--all colors ..... ......$1.00 | rie ; : jcentre of summer tourist traffic to H. L. Bedford, popular auctioneer, . reets--sizes 19 to 30 1.00 Established 1869, hing ot aia Ddlord, popular auetioneer, Pink or White Corsets ss $ "Two of these signs, 20 x 10 feet, sales rooms are now open on Mont- : . . ' : should be placed at the G.T.R. junc. | 138 90ms ate Dow oben oa Mont Light Colored Prints--extra special . . . . .5 yards $1.00 tion, one at Barriefleld and one on ' , : »|tess. Mr. Bedford has secured the : the York Road atthe Bith Roar (icon. WP Bediord Bas secured the 34 inch Grey Cotton . ..... . 7 yards $1.00 1 block- and will B i ' -- F OR SALE {| MEOLA PIPELESS FURNACE | umny learsis Bove tor 6 only, Axminster Door Mats «.....31.00 each i | kinds of new and second-hand goods . . : . . . NEW COTTAGE --Sions barn, hen house and one acre of lasd: | POPULAR HEREABOUTS |" ° Te od basis, Sales will 12 pairs Scrim Curtains with hemstitching and Lace -- two miles from the city. Price $1,600 [H ee be run from time to titne, and thé I Whit i * BRICK HOUBE--7 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, [I Lemmon & Sons Report | rooms wii always be open for the vory or ite . seen furnace, hardwood floors, nice verandah, good lot. Price ....34,600 [ill Bumper Sales of This Qreat |sale of antiques, knick-knacks, and PRICES CLIPPED CLOSE. AT ROUGH CAST HOUSE--6 rooms, Upper York. all kinds of household goods private- . Pe TE. ries .. 31.550 | Home Heater. ly. Mr. Bedford is to be congratu- i % | ' ---- M P TRU UR i That the Hecla Plpeless furnace 1ated on departure, 'AVES A eo fl 18 more and more assiiming the pos- 237 Begot Street = | i f 1 ; time .C.H.A. f 5 Phones 704 or d46iw tion of a sure winner every time in R.C.H.A. for Petawawa Camp Made in Kingston by \ et ------------------ BRA th -- ---- | | this city and the district around it is The advance party of the R.C.H A. ~ M(shown by the ' number of these (and Heavy Company, R.C.G.A,, com- == | 8reat heaters sold and installed by posing 16 N.C.O.'s and men, will : i | Lemmon & Bons, the well-known | leave for Petawawa Camp on. Tues- a ll firm of plumbers, tinsmiths and day, May 2rd, to prepare the way es ll | steam-fitters ,whose store is at 187 [for the main body of the artillery, | Princess street, a. few doors below | which' will probably leave the city on || Montreal street. May 26th. It fs understood that the THE ALW AYS BUSY STORE Grocer AT THE RIGHT PRICE ll | the Hecla Pipeless came on the lo-|tion, as the usual militia training, Belleville Creamery . Si market and, in the last year, ang range-practice for the non- }| Lemmon & Sons have sold and in- permanent batteries will be carried --~------ Granulated Suara > "ee. Il!stalled in the neighborhood of sev-|out. ' * ; ---- Islasd Roll Butter .. {| enty-five of them in all kinds of.resi- ---------------- It is only a short time ago since camp will be 'of three months' durd- J) * ll | dences, ! Salads, black or green 3 16s. $1.00 Il Many satisfied usérs of the Hecla Ottawa Quenn's Alamai. ! MILLINERY ' Large Week-end Opages ...38¢e. [fn Kingston and tne district about| J. J. Madphail was elected presid- | || Latest ine of SUmmartime Hats, NELioN 8T. Choice Juley Prunes ..2 lbs. 9c. h @ d «(ent of Queen's - University Alumni trim nd re-modelled. . J . Hien Seon heard expressing their de Bi SOA{TACE Gud Fen | Detached brick dwelling. - 6 rooms. - Tile bath room. Assorted Mix Chkes ...2 Iba. 85e. Jill light with it and thelr appreciation [Association of Ottawa at its annual Parisian Sho Strawberry and Apple Jam > li{ of the manner in which it fulfills all [Meeting in Ottawa Ladies' Colleg» 333 Hoc street | Gas. Eleetrie lights. Lot 66 x 132. Garage, henhouse. | Furnished Houses Flats 4(4a.) ll that 1 claimed for it and a little|Thursday night. Dr. Atstin, profes. : Ans : ll to let, June oo ani ; "are, fifi more. In houses already oustruct-|sor of clinieal surgery. at Queen's Barn 14 x 32 iron roof finished with Beaver Board. oy i hey for Savacially suitable as Dalvorany, uve. 4 os uiovabis ' Newly painted. Hot air furnace. Good cellar divided in . Victory Bonds bought and sold. les -- Strawberries mmon- ns can install one in ress on "Quacks a uackery." | F \ " } Pineapples he [any home In one day, with no_fuss Mr. Austin is a most interesting pub- IN MARINE CIRCLES i three rooms. Stationary tubs. Hardwood ffoors up and or dirt, no cutting up of walls, and {lic speaker and his humorous re- down stairs. Fireplace. House newly decorated. Fin- Es 11. 9 ll | oni' 'small cellar needed. Patent. | marks were much enjoyed, says the | += . So 1 : : oo en S ed fused joints make the Hedla|Ottawa Journal, The steamer Royalite arrived up ished in Cyprus. Beautiful garden with fruit trees and The McCann Agency Proof against escape of gas or dust ------e te trom Montreal last night. rr hes. S 1 cash payment, alance arranged. ; CASH AND CARRY and it is more and more being recog-| Want to lease a boat. Ses the clas- | The steamer Brockville arrived berry bushe mal payment, b 5 Tanged _ Phones 320-508. 80 Breck St. ALFRED and PRINCESS 878. {ll| nized as the furnave of furnaces. = |sified ads. yesterday afternoon with a cargo of $6,700. Be ~~ Lemmon & Sons are, also agents | Sse on - Se tanned good from Bay of Quinte for Peerless Peninsular Stoves and @ | ports. ALFRED BT. ; ranges, besides operating a complete The steamer City of Dresden ar- Te Te z ; Rardware store. E . [| rived yesterday, light trom Belleville Semi-detached brick dwelling. 10 rooms. Bath and , The steamer Susie Chipman eels. toilet. Gas. New hot air Turnace. Good cellar. Fire Thinks Well of the Town, . anierday SH0% Toledo and ls "11 place. House in first-class state of repair. Right of way Wineba ni RIAL on in Monte The steamer Jeska arrived from || and good yard. Possession at once, eT real but has a business in Kingston, 3 Oswego with codl for Sowards. paid a friendly call to the Times on ' 1 . The schooner Granger is loading ; Tuesday ovening. During the couse SURE. \ ff umber. and will ioave this atternoon E. W. MULLIN & SON of the conversation, Mr. Taylor took { a | ll| tor Wolte Island. ; : , occasion to remark on the bustling ? The steamer Midland King, on the EXCLUSIVE AGENTS town pb' h . Way to Fort Willlain, was in collis- : : thviting Roi 1a well tented yt 4 ts 7M lon with another vessel in Lake Sup- Corner Johnson and Division Streets . - Phoues sow and 589J. Blreets and stores. He said that he \ : erior last Thursday night, The dam- ! : " Was agreeably surprised and made a RS, / \ age is not stated. 2 most flattering comparison between ail Wingham and other towns of its aise Ei ---- in the province. occupied with | Gi ii at trouble is, do not do a thir il youcometous. It will cost you nothing for consulta- tion, and it is your duty to your eyes. Su Fn iT so