THE DAILY BRITIS WHIG. THURSDAY, MAY 18, 19292, er -- -- ee -- FUR STORAGE Phone 603, Ft ee SUMMER PRIC REMAKING RELINING MAKING OLD FURS LIKE NEW. Fresh stocks of prime, selected Fur Skins. Beautiful Silk and Satin guaranteed linings. Consult with us to-day. Expert advice and : information free, : "JOHN McKAY, Limited Manufacturing Furriers 149-167 Brock Street - Kingston, Ont. ---- >A GASOLINE PUMP FAILED | 10 GIVE FULL MEASURE /And a Local Business Man | | Is Fined in Police: Court. When Inspector Hart, of the Belle- { | ville divigion of the department of | weights and measures, made an in- | | spection of the gasoline pump of | a Montreal street resident, on| May 3rd, he found that the pump was one pint-short in every five gal- lons. The inspector made an inves- tigation and he found that a small plece of iron and wire had been plac- { ed on the pump in such a manner as Lo prevent the full discharge of the pump and thus prevent the pump from giving its full measure As a result of Inspector Hart's in- spection, he had the owner sum- mongd before Police Magistrate Far- rell on Thursday morning, charged {with using a false measure in his (gasoline pump, and was fined $25] [so costs. - > "I am guilty," said defendant, jue added that he was innocent of | any wrong doing, stating that he had | not fixed the pump so that it would | not give the correct measure. He! further declared that he knew noth- J ---- A NEW DEPARTURE - For Afternoon Teas, Parties, etc. we "have manufactured an entirel ly new line of COCOANUT MACAROONS have no hesitation in recom- mending them. The delicious little confec- tions are now on sale at nll the leading groceries, and wo They are just a little different from the average line of Macaroons and ye know that you will be delighted with them. Made in Kingston by CROTHERS Established 1869, A ( NEW COTTAGE--Stone barn, hen houge and oit§ acre of land: two miles from the city. Price $1,600 BRICK HOUSE--7 rooms, electric lights, gas, 3 piece bath, furnace, hardwood floors, nice verandah, good lot. Price .. + $4,600 ROUGH CAST HOUSE--6 rooms, Upper York. Price ..$1,650 $5,500--Frontenac street N. ==Deétached brick; 7 rooms; electric light, gas, hardwood figors, hot air furnace. Lot 88 || x 65. r $4,500 Bagot Street East -- [I brick vencered with frame ex- . tension; 6 rooms and tollet. : Furnished Houses and Flats to let, June 1st to Sept. 15th. Victory Bonds bought and sold. RH. Waddell The McCann Agency | Phones 326-890. 86 Droex St srsmesaerea Cullen's | It is the confidence that people of all ages, in all walks of life can-place in this unique optical establishment which commends our service so strongly for the prescribing, making and fitting of "Quality Beyond Question" Shur-On glasses, 'whenever necessary. . : And the proof that is confidence is well placed finds expression in the thousands of satisfied persons who have already benefited by our conscientious and painstaking efforts, Consult; J. S. ine, D.0.S . A stine, D.0.5. = REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST : : 342 KING STREET "PHONE 1019. ing whatever about anything being | fixed to stop the proper discharge of | |the pump. | | The magistrate. asked Inspector | |Mart it he thought the blocking of | {the pump might have .been an acci- dent. : - "No," said the inspector, "It was mechanically fixed, and my test shows that the pump was short one | pint on every five gdllons." Magistrate Farrell drew attention {to the fact that he was called upon [to impose a fine of $10 and costs on | {people who indulged in a little i- | | quor, and he felt that the fine he was | | imposing in this case was little |enough for such an offence. BiG GYMKANA FOR CHARITY Programme of Royal Military College Sports in Harty Arena, May 24th. | | | The programme of the big gym- khana and assault-at-arms to be put on by the Royal Military College ca- dets at the Harty Arena on Victoria Day--the afterrioon performance at 2 o'clock sharp and the evening at 8 | o'clock--has now been completed and the result is that the affair will be one of the biggest entertainments that have ever been seen in Kingston | Re -------- "Paint up, clean up, keep it up." Lieut.-Col. Gillespie is to inspect the Napanee cadets on Friday. John Taylor, reeve of Storrington towaship, was in the city on Wed- nesday, Mr. Swaine, plano tuner, orders received at 100 Clergy street w. Phone 564w. The rain on Thursday was much needed and will do a lot of good. Farmers have been asking for rain. The woman who applied at the po- lice station for shelter on Tuesday night has been placed in a local in- stitution. : Rev. R. C. Tfit, Morven, Ont, hag been Invited to North Battlefo . Sask., Methodist church, and Rev. Ww. H. Tanton, North Battleford, will come east to Trinity church, Napa- nee. : Fraser Reid, son of James Reid, Earl street, who is mining engineer and general manager of Coniagas mine, Cobalt, will have charge of new operatigns in developing the Newray mine which the Coniagas owners have secured. "The Pirates' Cove" is a myster- ious place. Find out about it in to- day's Junior British Whig. Capt. Alan Cockeran, treasurer of the = 21st Battalion memorial committee, received' a secretary- By AUSTIN PHONE 919. Here's the book you accurate book on Ra amateur. 352 pages, to set up, how to operate and how to "listen Price $1.50. By Mail $1.75. THE COLLEGE Radio For Everybody C. LESCARBOURA, Managing Editor. of have been waiting for. The first complete, dio Telephones specially written for the 125 illustrations. Tells what to buy, how in." BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS ---- number of telegrams from ex-mem- bers in distant places sending greet- ings on the occasion of the big ban- quet. e The Wednesday evening gathering of the. Kingston Methodist District meeting took the form of a concert held in the Sunday school hall of Sydenham street Methodist church. Prof. McFayden, Queen's University, Bdvo a very interesting talk on mis- sion work" in India. ets PROF. MORISON RESIGNS FROM STAFF OF QUEEN'S Accepts Position on Staff of Newcastle University-on- the=Tyne, England. J. L. Morison, profeseor of history in Queel's university, 'announces that he has tendered his resignation to the trustee board of the univer- sity. Prof. Morison, when speaking i | tact that at both the entertainments mounted and the dismounted sports lito be put on by the cadets is as folv Hl ing. play. || Exercises. and is sure to be generously patron- |t0 the Whig, stated that it was with ized, it being for the benefit Bf the |YETY Breat regret that he had for Charity Fund of the Kiwanis Club. |Personal reasons been forced to sev- The events will consist of mounted er his connection at Queen's. He as well as dismounted, sports and it|has accepted a position on the staff will be 'a rare opportunity for the|Of Newcastle Unlversity-in-the-Tyne, people of the city of Kingston to-see | England. The principal of. the New- the cadets of this finé institution in [castle university is Slr Theodore action. Morison. $ In addition, in the afternoon. the| Prof. Morison was appointed to Public School Cadet Battalion will [the teaching staff at Queen's in 1907 be inspected. and this of course will [and during the past fourteen years 'prove an added attraction while the [he has done most brilliant work, His removal is a great loss to the uni- versity and city. Prof. Morrison intends to carry on the Queen's school of research at Ottawa during the months of July and August, and has informed the the R.C.H.A. band will give free con- certs will add to the gayety and plea- sure of the occasion. The complete programme of the university officials that if it is their wish he will come to Canada next summer for two months and again Infantry Arm Drill. a on this school at the capital. Cavalry Display by Riding Estab- During the period of the' war, lishment, (introducing tent pegging.)'| Prof. Morison served as an officer in Lance Exercise (dismounted). Egypt, Palestine and France, hav- Mounted event, Individual jump- [ing enlisted with the 38th battalion, C.E.F., and later transferred to the Imperial Expeditionary Force. { lows: March Past and Royal Salute. Riding, Vaulting and Jumping dis= Sword swinging. Brain Stimulating Exercises. Awkward Squad, Parallel Bars. Army Style Wrestling. Physical Training and Marching "The Hat Store" | MILLINERY Bae. A. SALE = REDUCED PRICES ON ALL TRIMMED HATS TO-MOR- ROW AND SATURDAY Bayonet Fencing Vaulting Horses, Tableau. (2 teams), » ---- Turned Down Jobs Offered, Two men, out of work for some months apparently, were offered a FURNISHINGS TO INTEREST ~. THE JUNE BRIDE THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE SHE AND HE--who ate preparing ¢o-ems bark upon the matrimonial sea, will be in terested in dainty furnishings for the new home. READ ! +~FOR THE FLOORS-- All the best makes in Rugs, including "Wil. ton, Axminster, Brussels, Tapestry, Bal moral, Brusselette or Congoleum --beauti« ful colorings in all sizes, STAIR CARPETS in Axminster, Wilton and Tapestry. STAIR OILCLOTHS, pretty patterns in all widths. PASSAGE LINOLEUM--Floor Ofleloth and Linoleum--the largest stock in East- ern Ontario. wc -- --FOR THE WINDOWS =--Curtain Materials by the yard, \ ~+-Ready-made Curtains, + ~S8ide Draperies. 7--Window Blinds and Curtain Rods to fit any window. ~ PRICES AWAY DOWN, & Shaw MILLINERY hase of summertime Hats, Sport specialty, Haty re-trimmed and re-modelled. Parisian Shop 332 Brock Street IN MARINE CIRCLES i A survey of the damage to the steamer Aragon, which is now in the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company's drydock, opened today. Several ex- perts are on hand for the.investiga- tion. It is understood that if the to- tal cost of salvage service and the cost of repairs to the vessel, includ- amounts to approximately $76,000. Job at fair wages to assist in unload- Ing one .of the steamers just arrived The steamer City of Hamilton ar- rived from Hamilton and Toronto at one of the local wharves Thursday morning. To the siirprise of the of- ficial offering the work, the would-be jo! ors turned the offer down Ljmost disdainfully, and for feasons thereof, stated that the gangplank was too high and slippery for them to work on it, The official in ques- tion now believes that some men may be looking for work, but at the same time they are praying that they won't find 1t. EE : District Moeting. Rev. Dr. Lennon presided at the opening session of the Methodist dis- trict meeting held in Sydenham Street church on Thursday forenoon. 'business for the most part was of a routine nature. Trimmed Hats. Cut prices will therefore prevail during the next few days, which will mean a big saving on the prite of a lot of beautiful Hats. We are also making a special showing of % Hats For $5.00 in semi-trimmed and taflared | I | : g F i fH i i ! EPEES 1 Es 5 : g 5 sk i 5 : 8 this morning. The steamer City of Ottawa arriv- ed up from Montreal last night. The steamer Glencadam passed down last night. to Montreal. 'The steamer Joyland will be sold today, this being the closing date for tenders. r The steamer Brockville arrived down this morning with package from Bay of Quinte ports. The steamer Buena Vista returned to Seeley's Bay yesterday, and will probably lay over for some time. Very little freighting is being done along this route. 5 2 . Ambrose Shea, representing Dr. W. J. Geddes, Verona, has eatered an action for slander and libel against Rev. Dr. James Lawson of the Ver- ona Methodist circuit. The action 1 be tried at the sitting of the! Eupreme court in September, before judge and jury. : Fell From Wagon. Mr. Rathbun, of Kinnear & D'Es- Queen street, he lost his and fell off. His ankle was ing the, replacement of all equipment | < "Corner Johnson and Division Streets = = Phoues 530w and 530J. YORK STREET Double brick, 6 rooms, toilets, good yards. 'Houses in-good state of repair. Monthly rev- enue $40.00 «cocoon crm cieir cine me $3,800 RAGLAN ROAD-- Double frame, electric lights, bath and toilet. 6 rooms each. Yards. Stone founda- tion. Monthly revenue $40.00 ie inne - $3,500 CHATHAM STREET--- Double frame d elling and corner Iot, 6 rooms and toilet; both in good state of repair, Monthly reyenue $30.00 winiotalommtinieas $25 700 E. W. MULLIN & SON EXCLUSIVE AGENTS A FOR GROWING GIRLS Tue mart $3.50 All Sizes (1)--Brown Calf, wide, One Strap Pump, with Buckle, full wide toes, military heels, effect on vamp and = perforated tips. All sizes 234 to 7, in these new Shoes. _ (2)--Black Calf, Wide One Strap Pumps, with buckle on strap, full wide toes, sewn leather soles and the new flat flapper heels. These Shoes are made with heavy sewn leather soles, perforated tips and toe caps. S. J. : bY 180 PRINCESS STREET = + + PHONE amie