3 EH ~~ THE DAILY BRITISH. WHIG. . Sa FRIDAY, May friends, will be greatly missed, as {his genial countenance nearly ai- RDAY 72 greeted the audience at the door. The roles which he was call- | "i ed upon to fil} were a credit to Him. ING [go or "Doc," as he is Known ea} FOUNDED 1847. tie Sree Presenting "The House of | Last, but not least, we did not al - ys have the the pleasure of seeing | Lies" at Grand For Week= Charles Hannah, but when we did | - End. we were delighted. | One of the drawing features in | A SALE OF SMART SPRING 0ATS The Grand Opera House was | connection with the plays of the Rex | a R : | crowded on Thursday evening to [Stock Company was"the excellent | witness "The House of Lies," which | scenery and electrical eftéets; no | Is the last production which the poD- | money was spared in staging the TO-MORROW 'MORNING AT 10 O'CLOCK {ular Rex Stock Company will offer | productions, {tor the approval of Kingston audl- | , Most of the members of the com- } . : ences this season. When it Was pany will spend their vacation far | bo . ' : = {learned last week "that the Rex |away,. but Tumor has jt that D, p, oe | players would finish their engage- | Branigan's "'figh stories" have at- | ment in Kingston on May 13th, their | tracted our friend "Rex" to such an | ; ALL THE NEWER S I YLES * 79 : {many patrons made sure that they extent that he has decided to re- : ny ROR Cy . 3 {had no other engagements for one | main around: here to see if he has . . ' Te | of the last three days of this week. Fanything fn the line-of bait which This is indeed a decided . | "The House of Lies" is an alto-| will attract the Frontenac county FO MERLY reduction in Spring Coats, AV] _ | FORMERL TOMORROW | gether different play to any which | fish, However, whether he spends Arong this lot are many The Values We Are Showing in | the company has staged in the city | his holiday "here" or "there" we wil} pretty models tailored . = : | during its engagement. It is a story] be delighted t. welcome him back in . | : } from Velour and Polo | i fot the "underworld" in-a large Am- | the fall, as: "Rex" has indeed provan : Cloth. Thé season's most I iv 7 erican city, and the best way to ap-| himself to be a "King" during his : E Fopaler materiale, Jaunty i x ) preclate this production is to witness stay in the Linussione City. : . . [It as it is impossible to describe it| "The Ho se of Lies" will be pro- styles for either sports or . if - rN | adequately. The play brings home to | duced again Friday evening and Sat. | dress occasions, and in | { the, audiénce how necessary it is at urday matinee and night. | such suitable colors as } Taupe and Tan, / . . : 'J | this time to do all possible to pro- -- 'are very attractive--Suits that have a [tect young womanhood as the THE STOCK MARKET smartness that you will surely like. | are ever at work, 'Reported by McKinnon & Co., 327 ee | Florence Winters, William Seymour NEW YORK STOCKS place between "Rex" and "Billy" [Atchison .. .... .. -e ee +99 > y The Golfer--all Young Men's Models. [| °F the cast was exceptionally good. |Lack. Steel ... wi... "7 4% peared and gave a delightful num- 12% ed. New Haven . ee 29% The leading roles are played by King Street, Market Square, x, ; : g . e- : ford--The Whip -- The Nash -- The and William Yule. The second act is May 12th, 2 p.m. pee when Rex rescues two | Baldwin TCO, usvities ns 1161 During the Antermission William |C.P.R. rs ee wml mes 140 1 u : bér, and were loudly. applauded. . 3 121 | , . ; v ' The Park Kiddies who are always a ] sr ems ses ew 631 | | O , welcome addition to the perform. Gulf States Steel .. ypu uw. 86 ° : ances, rendered a song and dance Beth, Steel ... ... ... see 32 : $ : Between the second and third |Nomthern Pac, .. cee 16% a | acts, Rex Snelgrove, the popular Reading ivedihan nds TTY : | manager of the company, took oc-|Southern Pac. ... ... ..,.. 90% ® {casion to thank those present for Studebaker .., , 117% agents of the White Slave traffic The Varsity--The Mecca -- The Ox- | "Rex" Snelgrove, Zana Vaughn, ; very exciting, when a fight takes | Amer, om, .. 0.5. een 1 114 4 London >-- The York -- The Brock -- girls. The acting of all the members |B, & Orton savin. wv 46% Seymour apd Hazel Williams ap-|C.M. & St. P, ,., - mes 25% number which were warmly receiy- |N.Y. Central ... ... ..... 89% their patronage, not only for Thurs-| Union Pacific .., ... ... .. 136% day night's "presence, but for their |U.8. Steel sevtaas wie 4... 98H attendance during their long en- » Le -- pt : SER gagement in the city. "Rex" said CANADIAN STOCKS, that it was a "perfectly wonderful" a ili . 2 p.m. . ; season for himself and fhe members | Braz an see nus) tention to our values at . . .. .. $25.00 [of the company. They have all had | Can. Steamships .. .. ."." THis" fot 'to. éoiwposad' ci ; & good time socially, and business i Tol «ov vom tremmrins ) the better Coats in stock : has been so good that he is coming MONLY ...'.., .. ..4'. ,. 7 | --chosen with a keen WwW back again early next fall. Mr. Snel- | FORMERLY edge for the heat quality TOMORRO and expert tailoring. The I. ® @ 9 s grove said that he would rather be TRIAL AT JUNE SESSIONS. - - vin a on 3 In Kingston than any place, as he ---- Tor yric uf these wea J has made so many rfiends, and will Young Men Accused of Assaulting a 7? EE yo dro to. clesr 3 We particularly wish to draw your at- miss them during his absence, . Queen's Student, at this very special reduc- \ . lon. These Coats are 75-79 Brock Street r. Snelgrove took occasion. to "A young man who has been con- Sartore ye Pol Cloth sa RK IK" id Bos Lh, WARES of Sued to he Sounts jail for some and ay sll voll Tweed. ' e W, the | days without trial on the charge of n colors Grey, Tan, Fawn, "If off your route it pays to wa ushers, and all the staff for the assaulting a Queen's student In Blue. The styles are all ' courtesy shown him during the time Macdonald Park about two weeks : new and decidedly attrac. that he has been among them. "Rex" | ago; was released on bail on Thurs- #ve, sald that it is ay dyes. that | day, 'When the man, who was taken ; A& company can get along so well |, the. county Jail, was unable to ~~~ | with a manager. In closing, he did obtain the $500 ball, which 'was de- not forget to say some nice things: manded by the erown attorney, he about the treatment which he had|asked to b¥™ried before Judge La- received from the Kingston press, vell, in chambers, When he appear- LS ' y . 3 The Rex Stock Company 'has es- ed, he elected to be tried, and the |I]} i | . tablished a record which is a credit Judge was arranging for a date of HOMESPUN y : to any theatrical Organization, that |trial when the bail which was de- of playing in a city of 25,000 people manded, was secured, and the man . 3 , y for nine months, ana then b . 3 SUITS J 4 fie ee. mmr] eing able | was allowed his freedom, The five to come back again for the next young men will now appear at the ! BR T RS Ii . d season. There were those who re. sitting of the county court before | : 1mite marked when it was announced that Judge Madden, on June 13th, Four I the smarter styles:--- 4 JJ there was going to be a stock com-|of the men were released on bail af- ; n yes: a. y pany play in Kingston for one full | ter the police court proceedings, 1 Phones 458--459. Wholesale 1767. : season. "Oh, they will only stay ia | J i Jade, Briar, Raspberry, . 3 f ? ew weeks." But they reckoned with- | ,, Strawberries and Pine Apples, 3 wn - out "Rex" and his players. The We have big stock for Saturda 5 Pekin, Fa ' Grey. Popularity of this company has in-| but to be sure of the ripest and b t 7 - 10 creased to sulh an extent during its | we advise buying early, at Carnoy- Homespun 'Suits--the Season's new- Open a.m. to P.m., Stay In this- city, that people from sky's. est phase in Suit fashions. The fine : y far and near come to Kingston for a tailoring is clearly shown. and is alone Join the hundreds who trade at the lar ger the purpose of witnessing their pro-| Infants' Home, Tag day, Saturday. a decided distinction' to these ductions, APE Sani ee : Suits. Tailored with medium long up-town market. Good values. Rex Snelgrove was only in King- Coat, and pockets. placed in a jaunty : . { ston a very short time, until he v fashion--many are neatly belted -- : ; showed an Interest in other things : {besides "feathering his own nest HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR well fitting Collars with long notched Y : He joined the Rotary Club, and im- lapels--and bits of embroidery here mediately became an active member, | MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. } and there lend a pleasing touch, : During the winter months Mr. Snél-|- . DIED. a . J P : . grove showed "an interest {n the - ; . 5001be Beet Heme sp [| nn re Ee eg Wore ers, by len : Ma, 500 lbs. Beef Hearts as a ae ante un .Se¢. 1b. assistance in obtaining Honey ar Kington Jiapesiors. Srmarly. of 3 . 1:0001be. Beef Roasts ... :. ... 12c. Ib, [|i ot snd rhoo usa 'meacs ao Funettl ail, tak pitcs trom tie outer Rotary Club. There ooo : § 000 Ibs. Beef Stew Cuts ...... Ge, Ib, [Jam soisren in nezon sy Ter Dial on Sucardas, 405 ~ < rrr res . an] eX Snelgrove for the pair of . . 2 h 2001be. Shoulder Steak . . ... . 18¢. Ip, Jf |mans Rex Snete 1 'schoat, me aro | AN br nt, Sa To RS | & $C now able to atte William Adelbert Taylor, Latimer. . Eg i ; - 2 nd school, Th 1- _ 300 Ibs. Hamburg Steak . . . .. .3 Ibs. 25c. 1} ters who are receiving traatmont 1 | pup i SHEA 10 eng ---- 1 : / -- . p]| the Sydenham an Oowat hospitals time, Saturday, May 1 rom : : fhe Sracmian Si "i BE LIMITED yy . : are grate 0 "Rex" and his com- r s SP RING LAMB CUT TO ORDER pany for entertaining them, gm Fria mer M ure pecially MEET > CHOICE VEAL SOrry to hear that invited to attend the service. : . city for a while, = CARD OF THANKS. Stewing Cuts 5c. Ib. Rack Roasts . . . 10, ls fortunate indeed wie family of the late Mra. is life partner, Zana | k their relatives, friends - 0 3 : : everybody admires and | 8nd neighbors for the sympathy shown Fronts "sees .5c¢. Ib. Loins Roasts ..12%¢. . vey or, and we hie - , nat Castes Bra oa and for the| > ¢ ; mself, that witn-| many thanks to the Railroad Brother: 500 Ibs: Veal Chops--per Ib. .... 12%ec. . ot bis charming. opposite' " the | B03 ANd aM of 'the GUTH. Fallrond. s in s Special thanks are due the Ladies' - os a; 1d not béen > 's Church, also the PORK ROASTS --per Ib. ...... hat they ware "oo Sue doe 437 HL hn he PORK CHOPS--perlb. .:...... . ogc. a iem Sermon and Hae wit stn & Parne ana_tanily ls lbs. Granulated SUGAR .,.... 3c [[[Sh mms, mr sre" sists] Paice | gamma --Silver Satin Brocade Hck To my Ped She only [end SA BT Rent on ppsiack White and Brown COOKED, ROAST and JELLIED nN s shown by Ss = rivers seni] ci Sating Meats--Dainty Pickles, Sauces, Relishes William B Sa - KEYES : : ty White Kid 250 Dozen Spanish Sweet ORANGES. |] Sion a a ing Patio ees se. {1 + r= White v Per dozen . . ..35c., 3 dozen for $1.00 Maem, ee JOHN CORNELIUS = NE - --Patents Don't fail to visit our Outside Fruit and iidren. "The Sa 24 Pima bre. 1} : : Vegetable Market. Splendid assortment = [fst ! : soo. fl --Greys and Black Suede special values. ER 5 - 300 Pecks POT. TOES--mealy cookers. AAI rah rae ir hie - +24 per peck 1