hot THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 1022. A e DRAW. WINNETT THE HORRORS OF i ess INDIGESTION Corner of Johnson and Wellington Phone 363 | Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" the Fruit Medicine land Wednesdays. Indigestion, Weak Digestion or | partial digestion of food, is one of the most serious of present-day street, com plain ts--because it is responsible. | Gill University, Montreal, a siplosss | Kingston and Vicinity | ! What May Possesses. C., D. R. Harrison, Tamworth; B. of to reap full benefit from the naviga- May has five Mondays, Tuesdays | Com., W. D. Frederic, Campbeliford; tion season now opening. G. F. James, Maitland; F. R. L. Laz- | 5 -- | jer, Belleville: B.A., R. Hall, Corn-| Back on the Farm, { {'wall. B. Sc., H. E. Taber, Carleton H. M. Williams will spend the] | summer on his farm near Picton, | ree m---- Ont, He has moved to the old home No Celebration in Perth. !with Mrs. Willams and his mother. | It has been decided by the Perth- [He asked to be relieved of his post-| | Building Materials Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Brick, Cement, Asphalt Roofing, Windows, Doors, Interior finish, etc. 8S. ANGLIN & CO. To Teach in Nuring Schools. } Miss Grace R. Martin, Clergy Place; H. O, D. Wilkins, Norwood. has been graduated at Mec-| FOR CHOICE MEATS and FIRST QUALITY WESTERN BEEF TRY | B. V. McGeein PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1182 282 Indigestion for many serious troubles. Those who suffer with Indigestion, almost invanably are troubled with Rheumatiem, Palpitation of the Heart, iessmess and excessive Nervemsness, "'Fruit-a tives" will always relieve becawse these tablets strengthen the stomach muscles, increase the flow of the digestive juices and correct Constipation, which usually accompanies Indigestion. 50c a box, § for $2.50, trial size 25¢, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A mmr For moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS and CARTAGE OF. EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co., PIANO TUNING Fiano Tuning and Repairing. - 12 Markland St. Also Organ Work, All work guaranteed, PETER D. BROWN Phone 2397Tm, Phone 377. Evenings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Waugh Dentist 106 Wellington Bt. Phone 256 PHONE 291 Furniture or Haggage Transfer. | ol with motor truck or horse drawing | vehicles. Motor Cars and Livery of any kind in connection. Saddle Horses | a specialty. Fre-war prices, FINKLE & CO. 120 Clarence Street. Kingston, Ont, ( WATTS | People's Florist 177 Wellington street. Fresh flowers and plants daily Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Res,, 1187, | E 0. +2 Mato-Streets BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by Aykroyd & Son Feet that are tired and sore from long hours ef standing soon become rested and re- freshed by gently rub- bing them with Ab- sorbine, Jr. , A bo. foot-bath containing a few drops of Abserbine, Jr. will have a delightfully soothing effect on weary feet at the close of a strenuous day. 41.25 = bottle at mest druggists' W. F. YOUNG, Ine. eg 344 St. Paul St., Mantreal Zz Absorbine J Phove 1070: |of teaching in schools of nursing. | A Shower for Men. Pifty raincoats only in this special { purctrase, light and dark tweed, fawn | mixtures, all new styles at about halt |last eeason's price. Come and see {them. Y¥Prevost, Brock street. | ------------------ | Moving Along Nicely. The Ferguson -& Findlay drive is getting along nicely and is further ahead than ever for the time of year. {The drive is abont the same size as last year. The Madawaska is .the highest in forty years. Girls! Girls! What do you want to do this sum- {mer? Just hang around? It isn't being done these days. There is many a good job listed in our classified ad- vertisements, and if you can not find the sort of work you want, run an ad of your own--get a job of your own--and earn your own money, Trimming Park Trees. A number of the trees in the var- ious city parks are being trimmed up by a gang of workmen, and the sur- plus branches drawn away. With the early bulbs beginning to bloom, and the trees looking green once more, the parks have a decided summer appearance. Civil Service Readjustments. it is provided that civil service salaries of $1,200 or under, and in |salaries of $1,800 or under, adjust- | ments be made so that in no case |8hull a eivil servant with a lower sal- {ary plus bonus receive more on com- | pensation than a civil servant with [& higher salary plus reduced bonus. | Will Be Assistant Purser. | Arthur G. 8. Wartman, Aberdeen [street, has returned to the city after {spending a few days in Ottawa. Mr. | Wartman is a third year Arts student |of Queen's, and he expects to leave | within a week or so, to resume his i position, held last summer, as assist- jou purser on the steamer Kingston. Ball Playing Popular. Practically every park, back alley, land open lot in the cify, boasts of a squad of yBungsters and youngmen |playing ball during the evenings, since the warm weather has started. |Some young enthusiasts even prac- tise during the noon-hour in the lit- tle park next to the post-office. Belleville's 'Mystery Man' The unknwon Russian who was picked up by the police of Bellevills, in the railway yards there a few days ago, and brought to Rockwoood Hos- pital, has been identified as belong- ing to Oshawa, and inquiry is being made there about him. When picked up he was unable to give his name or tell anything about himself. Thirty Years in Business, W. W. Taber has compleied thirty years ag. one of Carleton Place's busi- ness fen. It is really thirty-one years since he first started in busi- ness but for one year of that time he was out of active business owing to Illness. He is celebrating the an- nivereary. Graduates from McGill. Among the graduates of McGilll University just announced is: D.D. 8., J. V. Broderick, Cornwall; M.S. | upon-Tay branch of the G.W.V.A,. to 'tion with the Canadian National [not hold a demonstration there on |hailways, but was give: three | May 24th. The nearest to Perth months' leave of absence, the oficlals celebrations will be held at Westport of the Canadian National hoping and Merrickville. {that he could arrange his personal : Z & {afairs In thgt time so as to resume Consider Relief Fund. {th2 position ne has held for ten| The executive of the Prince Ed-|¥2ars with neadyvartes at Chicago. | ward County Prohibition Alliance | TITRE i met at Wellington to consider an ap- To 1 Dairy School Tenders. Prof. Zufelt, superintendent of the | peal to help raise money for the| special relief fund of over $15,000 Kingston Dairy School, when asked | to wipe out the 1920 deficit of the by the Whig when the erection of Ontario branch of the Dominion Al-|the new building would be commenc- | ed, stated that the plans were almost liance. i - ready and the architect was busy Would Sell Drill Hall, making the specifications. It is ful- Major J. B. Dunbar, senior engin- {ly expected that the tenders will be] eer officer, Military District No. 3, is [called for in a couple of weeks at offering, on behalf of the department the latest, When the plans and spe- of militia and defence, to sell the Cifications are ready, they will have | drill hall at Lansdowne to the town- t0 be approved by the minister of | ship of Front of Leeds and Lans- |agriculture, Hon. Manning Doherty. | | downe for the sum of $300, provided | ememmemm-- | the township furnished. two rooms Curling Club Scheme. { for military purposes. The special committee appointed ! -- by the Kingston curling club to ar-| The Late Alice Williminea Kilfoyle, [range for the plans for the building | After a long struggle against an- of the new rink has made out is re- | aemia, Miss Alice Williminea Kil- port which will be presented at al |foyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |meeting of the members of the club | James Kilfoyle of Smith's Falls, died to be héld on Thursday evening { Thursday morning. For about a |next.y The committee feels quite sat-| |year she resided in Toronto. In ad-|isfied with the response to the ad-| |dition to the parents there survive ol tisement which was placed in the six brothers--Howard, Hilliard, Ad- [local "daily papers"asking for offers | dison and Harry, Smith's Falls and |for land suitable as a site for the] Edward and Delmar, Toronto, inew rink. Quite a nymber of suit-| -- . able sites have been offered. The annual meeting of the Cana- Celebration on July 1st. dian Fraternal Association will be| Dominion day, July 1st, will be | held in London on Thursday and Fri- {the occasion for a celebration in day of this week, and" Will be attend- | Kingston, if the plans of the local ed by representative officersvof 'all G Ww. V.A. and exécutive of Camp | the organizations in Canada that are Vimy, Watertown command, 'British | under the fraternal association. | war Veterans, are successful. | To Go To London. , | An | James M. Farrell will attend as the | gyourgion will be held to this city | representative of the Oddfellows'|asq the party will be welcomed vy | Rellet Association. {the R.C.H.A., unless this unit has | | left for Petawawa camp, when some | {other organization will be obtained for the occasion. A programme of entertainment is now being drawn Judgment For Plaintiff, | up by the local association. | | | In Frood vs. Williams, an action to recover $1,000 for timber alleged to have be®n cut and removed by de-| fendant and for damages for tres- pass, heard at the non-jury sittings] 'of the supreme court of Ontario in Not Often "At Sea." | Brockville, Justice Middleton has The Christian Guardian in its re-| | handed down judgment of $450 and port of the convocation of Wesley | costs, on the county court scale,.for College, Montreal, has this paragraph | the plaintiff. The parties to the ac-{The degree of doctor of divinity was tion reside in Elizabethtown, {conferred on Rev. W, 8. Lennon, Kingston, amid great applause. Dr. |Rose, in presenting Mr. 'Lennon, said humorously, that on the way to the Ecumenical Conference last summer, the candidate for the degree had not proved himself a good sailor; where- upon Principal Smyth remarked that if that were so, it must be stat- ed that Mr. Lennon was not often "at sea." The Officers Chosen. The Smith's Falls Women's Cana- dian Club has chosen these officers for the ensuing year: President--Mrs. D. Wark. 1st Vice Pres.--Mrs. H. F. Shear- er. 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs, T. G. Mec- Glaughlin. Hon. Sec.--Miss Keith. Hon. Treas.--Mrs. J. M. Connerty. Councillors--Mrs, G. G. Graham, Mrs. J. O'Keefe, Mrs R. Hawkins, Mrs. T. DeMuy. . Street Will Be Oiled. Gananoque council has decided to apply 'oil on King street from the bridge to Charles street, and at the same time not to sprinkle other | streets unless residents of any par- | ticlar section express their desire in | terms of payment in advance, This | action was decided upon by council | as apparently the only way to ensure | the town against loss, and quite ser-| fous loss at that, the arrearages for| this work at present amounting to / Accounts Show Paring Results. Over the week-end there was issued the annual financial statement of the Canada Steamship Lines, Limited, bearing the signature of the new president of the company, W. H. Coverdale, New York and Kingston. The statement indicates the result of the "paring-down operations of the past few months, and with the com- pletion of the new financing, the company should be in sound position approximately $700. Owing to a re- duction in price of material, the cost! of oiling will be somewhat less than | last year. | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. SE sai BE PREPARED! Now is the time to buy your Canvas Outing Shoes and get your choice before the rush comes. We have a full and varied stock of canvas and Tennis Shoes at moderate prices, If you prefer Oxfords see our lines Bt. ..... vidi teivinie oe ine; $3.00, $6.30 and $7.50 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231Jc = 70 Brock Street FURS INSURED AND STORED Gourdier's BROCK STREET] =. pe KLOTHKLA Suits for Boys SEEmrm-- "Made To Wear Where Others Tear" r | A Wide-Spread War Memorial | Cholcest quality of Scranton Coal. No other kind sold by us. TWEDDELL'S R | 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) BOOTH & CO. Grove Inn Yard Phone 133 ~\/aseline= ' CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY HEU | ) NS VERY efficieng antiseptic when used as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches, bruises, in- sect bites, etc. Keep a tube in the house Try LINENS 10} i CHESERROUGH MFG. COMPANY i FOR THE BRIDE TO BE, En | Bay. Beautiful Pure Irish Linens, Imported NN FOR SALE A beautiful island in Lough boro Lake .......... $75.00 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock Street Phone 424 DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi's Glager Marmalade. Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade. Wagstaf®s Bramble Jelly. We also have a full line of other relalble makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale Shem BON MARCHE GROCERY Cot, King and Karl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phome 1544. From the Best Makers and at Reasonable Prices. Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Lunch _ Cloths, Serviettes, Towels, Towel- lings, Tray Cloths, Runners, Hand Worked and Lace pieces in all sizes -and many other' useful articles that make up the young housekeeper's out- fit. REAL VALUE IN SOAPS Cream Olive Soap is an excel- lent Soap that we are offering to our customers this week for 8 cakes for ....28¢,, 6 cakes for ....4B5c. 1 dozen pakes , .85c. t {fl We have a window full of this Soap. Try a dozen cakes at this 'special price. M. R: McColl PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Cor. Clergy and Princess Sts. Phone 82, e i New and Second Hand Lumber; Iron Siding and Roof- ing, suitable for barns and gar- ages; several toilets, white enamel basins, electric light shades and second-hand Gas , - Stoves at bargain prices. Apply:-- L Cohen & Co. 273 Ontario St. Phones 836, 837 ; i I W. N. Linton & Co. The Waidron Store. | You'll find almost everything you iwant listed In our classified ads. | | Chicks, pups, acd radio outfits, / ! . ' uo Phone 191,